Zeszyły Problemowe ~ Maszyny Elektryczne Nr 86/2010
Abstract: : Article describes projecl of automatic. preheating engine błock system, which enable shortening of duration of fuel injectłon after starting combustion engine. It will cause reduction of air pollution during cata-lyst heating-up pliase. The autoinatic. preheating engine błock system should have electric regnlation of cool-ing water temperaturę, which is realized by electric cooling water pump. Independent control of pump speed and application extra heating-up of cooling w ater makes possible heating cooling w ater when engine is tum off and control engines temperaturę during engine running (admission of increase temperaturę to 110°C).
Badawczy Ośrodek Samochodów Małolitrażowych BOSMAL, Bielsko-Biała
Abstract: : Main goal of article was project of automatic. preheating engine błock system, which enable shortening duration of fuel injection after starting combustion engine. It will cause reduction of air pollution during catalyst heating-up pliase. The automatic. preheating engine błock system should have electric regula-tion of cooling water temperaturę, which is realized by electric cooling water pump. Independent control of pump speed and application cxtra heating-up of cooling water makes possible heating cooling water when engine is tum off and control engines temperaturę during engine running (admission of increase temperaturę to 110°C). Within the framework of this work, there have been done calculations. measurements and researches whose aim was to determine the real parameters of cooling system structure for researched engine Fiat Palio Weekend 1,2 8V. Temperaturę measurements have been done with the help of camera ThennaCam T400 Flir and thermocouples PT 100 w hereas flow ratę measurements have been done with the help of tuibine flow-meter Vision 2008 4F 22 with HalFs converter. Measurements was repeated several times to get reliable re-sults. The carried out measurements allowed us to create thermal maps and flow ratę characteristics of researched engines.
Abstract: : Main goal of article was design. dcvclop and control of Stop&Go system in Mild Hybrid Drive using supercondensator and starter with permanent magnets. Many researches and tests were done to determine real and then representative cycles of drive in Silesian agglomeration in Gliwice and Zabrze. Road researches enabled canying out analysis of fluidity of traffic in cities and setting a percentage shares of move-ment micro stages (selected accelerations, driving with constant speed, braking. stopover)
Researches of usefulness of supcrcondensators' system as an energy source in process of starting an intemal combustion engine were done. Usage of supcrcondensators as an energy source of starting led to iinprovement