MAT 223 PHY 202 EGR 202
MATH 233
UW-C Course Tiłle
Calculus & Analytic Geometry III
General Physics
Dynamics 13Total Credits
For this program, you are encouraged to transfer to UWM after three or four semesters at a UWC campus, depending on course offerings. It is possible to be concurrently enrolled at a UWC and at UWM. Concurrent enrollment would allow you to take the required courses for your major at UWM while finishing up other course work at a UWC. Please contact an advisor at the UWC Student Services Office to discuss your options
If you plan to complete the Associate degree or the Bachelor's degree, you need to successfully complete the following generał education requirements not satisfied by the designated course plan.
*You may take a 3 credit course in Humanities, Fine Arts, Natural Science, or Social Science that will satisfy the Ethnic Studies/Cultural Diversity and/or the Interdisciplinary Studies requirement.
UW-Colleges UW-Milwaukee
# credits General Education Designation # credits 6 Humanities 6
Please notę that there are 13 UW Colleges and not all of the UW Colleges offerall of the courses listed. Be surę to work with an academic advisor at the UW College.
You can be guaranteed admission to UW-Milwaukee by participating in the UW Colleges Guaranteed Transfer Program. After fulfilling certain credit and grade point average requirements, you will transfer with the same rights and privileges as those who begin their education at UWM. Please contact an advisor at your UWC for morę information.
For morę detailed information on transferring to UWM, please view the UWM Transfer Student webpage.