Big Data Architecture

Windows Azure

i Microsoft

Java OM

HiveQL PigLatin


Tomasz Kopacz - Microsoft Polska: prezentacja Windows Azure, Politechnika Poznańska, czerwiec 2013


R.Wrembel- Politechnika Poznańska, Instytut Informatyki

Data Stores

O NoSQL O Key-value DB

■    data structure collection, represented as a pair:

key and value

■    data have no defined internal structure =f> the interpretation of complex values must be madę by an application Processing the values

■    operations => create, read, update (modify), and delete (remove) individual data - CRUD

■    the operations process only a single data item selected by the value of its key

• Voldemort, Riak, Redis, Scalaris, Tokyo Cabinet, MemcacheDB, DynamoDB

R.Wrembel - Politechnika Poznańska, Instytut Informatyki


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