Sport and Physical Culture”), scientific editors: Rosiewicz J. Michaluk T. Pezdek R„ Wrocław 2013; „Sport i turystyka. Uwarunkowania historyczne i wyzwania współczesności” („Sport and Tourism. Historical Conditions and Contemporary Challenges”), scientific editors: M. Kazimierczak, J. Rosiewicz. Poznań 2013; „Social Sciences of Sport. Assumption and Perspectives”, scientific editors: J. Rosiewicz, R. Obodyński, Rzeszów 2013.

In spite of that Pror. Dr. Jerzy Rosiewicz has published (as the Editor-in-Chief) 16 issues of the journal “Physical Culture and Sport. Studies Research”.

3. Places of employment, posts and functions

In the years 1973-4 Professor Rosiewicz worked as a PE teacher in the No. 101 Primary School. He conducted there a judo sports class. His pupils - children athletes - won the second place in primary schools judo rivalry in the school year 1973/4. In the years 1974-5 he worked also in the 4,h Complex of Textile Vocational Schools and in several secondary schools in Łódź. That time he was also employed as a judo instructor in the Sports Club “Rezursa” and in the Association of Popularization of Physical Culture “Brzeziny”. In the years 1975-6 he worked as a spa instructor in the sports club “Start” and in the years 1977-8 he was employed as a boxing coach in the lsl league club RTS “Widzew” in Łódź.

In the years 1975-81 he held a post of an assistant lecturer in the Unit of Philosophy of the Medical Academy in Łódź. He was employed there on Professor Wiesław Gromczyński’s recommendation as one of the most promising students of the second year of philosophy at Łódź University. In 1981 he moved, because of family reasons, to Warsaw and he began to work in the Department of Philosophy and Sociology, and then in the Department of Philosophy of the Josef Piłsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw. Currently he works in the Department of Philosophy and Sociology in this University. he is still employ.

He worked also from 1986 to 1990 r. In University of Warsaw. He was a co-founder of the Higher Economical and Technical School in Legionowo, where he held a post of the Dean of the Faculty of Tourism and Recreation in the years 2001-2006. He was also employed as a professor in the Higher School of Physical Culture and Tourism in Pruszków in the years 2001-2002 and in Rzeszów University in the years 2003-6, as well as in the Higher Public Vocational School in Biała Podlaska in the years 2002-2005. He has been employed in the Higher School of Pedagogy and Administration in Poznań sińce 2006. From 1994 till 2007 he cooperated also with the Institute of Physical Education and then with the Extemal Faculty of Physical Education in Biała Podlaska (the University of Physical Education in Warsaw).

In the University of Physical Education, which is his basie workplace, Professor. Rosiewicz holds, among others functions, the posts of the director of the Department of Philosophy (in the years 1993-2012) and the director of the Department of Social Sciences (in the years 1999-2012), and the director of the Department of Philosophy and Sociology (sińce 2012). In the years 1996-2012 he has been the chairman of the Senate Commission called “the Library Council”. He has been also elected as the vice-chairman of the Senate Commission of Sport. He was the founder of the Doctoral Studies and he held the post of its director in the years 1993-1999. He was a member of the Management Board of the Academic Sports Union of the University of Physical Education in Warsaw in the years 1998-2006.

He was the Editor-in-Chief Redakcji of the publishing house named „Studia i Monografie” (studiem and Monographs), and also Editor-in-Chief a także przewodniczącym of the Journal „Roczników Naukowych AWF” (“Scientific Yearbook of Univesity Of Physical Education” in Warsaw. Założył pismo o charakterze międzynarodowym


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