system 32

system 32


In many countries Physical Culture is a subject of scicntinc interest, whereas in scientific circles in Dtnmark it is a tetra incognila. And yet there is matter in it for no end oi theses and treatises, which would haia-, irito tłui bargain, a clrance of proting considerahly morę generally useful than. for example. “ The Eye of tlie Cod ' or " I he Wgetation of Madeira."*

For Office Workers

" Surely you do not want to saddle us with still morę work . we sit and toil all day as it is and have barely time to eat To this objection I would reply : Listen 1 When towards eeening you are feeling tired and stiff from stooping, is it not a great relief for a moment (take care though tliat the chief does not see !) to throw yourself back in yotir cliair and stretch out your arms and legs Vet it is a verv considerable tnuscular exertion, you can positively hear your joints crack- The quarter of an hour s extra work. which I have the audacity to try and impose on you, is of a similar naturę, and has a sinnlar, but a thousand times greater effect. The town office type is often a sad phenomenon. Prematurely bent, witli shoulders and hips awry from his dislocating position on the Office stool, pale, with pimply face and pomatumed liead, thin neck protruding from a collar tkat an ordinary man could use as a euff, and swaggering dress in the latest fashion flapping round the sticks that take the place of arms and legs ! At a morę advanced age the spectacle is still morę pitiable ; the fashion in dress can be followed no longer, because a family must be fed : the eyes are duli, and the generał appearancc is eitlier still morę sunken and shm-elled. or else fat, fiabby, and palliil, and eneeloped in an odour of old paper, putrefied skin-grease, and bad breath. But things need not be so !

There is no necessity for work to leave so unpleasant a inark on a man. I was in an office for scvcnteen years myself, Only spend one poor little tifteen minutes a day in the way I have advised, and life will have much real pleasure to offer you, too !

And then you must try to make your principal understand that if he requires you to sit and inkale bad air all day. from ignorance, or to save the expense of eentilation. it is his fault if you get ill, now that you yourself are doing all you can in your spare time to improve your liealth !

What applies to people in offtces applies likewise to those engaged in literary or other writing work, or in sitting or standing employment indoors.

For those devoted to Athletic Sports

Everyone who is acąuainted with the newest and best methods of rowing, swimming, putting the shot. throwing the hammer, the disc, or the 56-lb. weight, knows quite well that the greatest tests of streugth in such exercises can only be succcssfully met by allowing the chief work to fali on the muscles of the legs and trunk, whereas the man who, by dint of practising with heavy iron wcights, or through Sandows system, has acquired abnormally thick and knotty arm muscles. ignominiously fails. I have myself been an adept in all these athletics. so can speak from experience.

Perhaps it is not so well known that it is also in the highest degree

41 lu.tlly ‘uhmitted l«y • andi<łjt«r> fc«r tti<- tjt-gretr ni l»ori*,.r of MtMlicinr m D^nmnrk.


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