Functional Design
If the IP performs the required funclion, but does not liave quite the right interface connections or timing, we might be able to embed it in
If the IP has almost the required function and the source codę is available to us, we might be able to make minor changes to adapt its functionality to our needs
Alternative for implementing a component may be to use a core generator
Verifying each subsystem can be considered to be a prerequisite for verifying the entire system
Components can then be integrated into the next-level subsystem, which is then yerified. The process is repeated. up to the top level of the system.
At higher levels of the design hierarchy, the functionality of subsystems and the complete system gets much morę complex.
• There are a number of techniques that we can apply
• directed testing: in»olves kfentifying particular test cases to apply to the DUV and checking the output for each test case:
• format yerification: allows complete werification that a component
expressed in a property specihcation language (PSL)). SystemVerilog exten$k>n of Verik>g Includes features similar to those of PSL for expressing properties.