Nikon Flash compatibility

Photographic Accessories
Camera / Speedlight
Camera/Speedlight Compatibility
* When connecting via Flash Unit Coupler AS-17. Note: This chart shows the features available when the Speedlight is connected directly to each
Nikon camera, and standard features with an AF Nikkor lens attached.
i-TTL Balanced Fill-Flash Multi-Sensor Balanced Fill-Flash Manual
K i
Flash output level is decided TTL flash control using the TTL The flash output level is manu-
before actual shooting, accord- Multi Sensor. Monitor Pre-flash ally set on the Speedlight.
ing to data from the TTL Multi is not available.
Distance-Priority Manual Flash
Sensor or 1005-pixel RGB sen-
Matrix Balanced Fill-Flash Once the shooting distance
sor, distance information from
Ø Based on the results of Matrix value is set, even changing the
the lens in use and the results
Metering, the flash output level aperture won t alter the flash
of Monitor Pre-flash.
is adjusted for the most well- exposure.
3D Multi-Sensor Balanced balanced exposure between the
Repeating Flash
Fill-Flash main subject and background.
The Speedlight delivers a
The camera s built-in computer
Standard TTL Flash strobe effect, firing the flash
determines which segments of
H The main subject is correctly continuously at selected rates.
TTL Multi Sensor should be
exposed regardless of the back-
used for TTL automatic bal- Red-Eye Reduction
ground brightness.
anced fill-flash operation, Minimizes red-eye effect, for
according to data from the TTL Auto Aperture Flash natural-looking flash portraits.
Multi Sensor, distance informa- The flash output level is auto-
AF-Assist Illuminator
tion from the lens in use and matically controlled by the
Projects LED light on the sub-
the results of Monitor Pre-flash. flash sensor on the Speedlight
ject, making it possible to focus
according to the aperture set-
D-TTL Flash on the subject even in total
T ting on the camera.
TTL auto flash mode for Nikon darkness.
Digital SLRs. The flash output Non-TTL Auto Flash
Automatic power zoom
level is attained before shooting The flash output level is auto-
° The zoom head is automatically
based on Monitor Pre-flash and matically controlled by the
adjusted according to the focal
distance information. flash sensor on the Speedlight
length of the lens in use.
according to the aperture man-
ually set on the Speedlight.
Specifications are subject to change without any notice or obligation on the part of the manufacturer. April 2004
Fuji Bldg., 2-3, Marunouchi 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo 100-8331, Japan


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