Marine EN LQ

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems
Mechanical Separation
Marine system
technology concepts
and high performance
equipment for
the engine room
Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems
Always on Course
The clever way to separate
Centrifugal separators have been part of
the manufacturing program since the
company's formation in 1893.
New applications have constantly been added
to the production schedule as a result of the con-
tinuous program of research and development,
and the know-how acquired over 110 years.
Application-oriented, innovative solutions in
machine design and process engineering are
available for the mineral oil industry; the dairy,
beverage, food, chemical and pharmaceutical
industries; and for biotechnology and pollution
control. Back in 1907 the centrifuge was first
used for the purification and dewatering of
mineral oil. Since then, thousands of centrifuges
have been used in this application for the
reliable and economic treatment of fuel and lube
oils. Nine decades of experience in this field form
the basis for today's state-of-the-art treatment
plant concepts. The following development
trends show the continuous treatment of fuel oil,
lube oil, sludge and bilgewater.
2 Mineraloil Systems
Westfalia Separator
More quality on board 4
Marine System Solutions 4
Overview engine room concepts 6
High Performance Equipment for the Engine Room 6
Centrifugal systems on board 8
Process Overview 8
Manual cleaning separators 10
Westfalia Separator minimaXx® 10
Self-cleaning separators 12
Westfalia Separator minimaXx® 12
Centripetal Twin Pump 14
Westfalia Separator UNITROL® System  Heavy Fuel Oil 16
Westfalia Separator UNITROL® System  Lube Oil 18
Diesel oil treatment 20
Process Overview 20
Manual Cleaning Solutions 21
Self-Cleaning Solutions 22
Heavy fuel oil treatment 24
Process Overview 24
Plant Concepts with a System 25
Parallel Operation 26
Lube oil treatment 28
Process Overview 28
Plant Concepts for Efficient Operation 29
Control units 30
Automatic Process Control 30
Westfalia Separator minimaXx® Process Control for Every Requirement 31
Flexible systems 32
Custom-Made System Solutions for the Engine Room 32
Separator with Single Components 33
CU Compact Unit  Flexible Modularisation 34
Westfalia Separator CENTRIPACK  Individual Modularisation 35
Sludge treatment 36
Process Overview 36
System Concepts for the Future 37
Economical Advantages  Ecological Merits 38
Bilgewater treatment 40
Self-Cleaning Centrifugal System 40
Technologies to Protect the Sensitive Marine Ecosystem 42
Flexible Compact Unit Design 43
Westfalia Separator minimaXx®  Manual Cleaning Centrifugal System 44
Westfalia Separator minimaXx®  Clean and Compact 46
Hydraulic oil treatment plant 48
Westfalia Separator minimaXx® Sophisticated Technology  Smallest Space 48
Fuel oil conditioning system 50
VBU  Visco Booster Unit 50
Complete System Between Service Tank and Engine 51
Main Components 52
Water desalination system 54
FWG  Fresh Water Generator 54
Process cooling systems 56
PHE  Plate Heat Exchanger 56
Service that counts 58
Mineraloil Systems 3
Westfalia Separator
Marine System Solutions
More quality on board
Fuel oil separation
Lube oil separation
Separation of sludge containing
oil and water
Separation of bilgewater
System engineering
4 Mineraloil Systems
Westfalia Separator
The shipping industry mostly uses diesel Runs like clockwork
engines that burn heavy fuel oil or diesel oil.
By supplying separation systems specifically Normally servicing is necessary only after 8000
designed for continuous operation under to 16,000 operating hours. Surveillance-free
the roughest conditions, Westfalia Separa- operation reduces personnel costs tremendously.
tor Mineraloil Systems provides for optimum
power output and a long service life for The accumulated oil sludge can be processed
these engines while taking into consideration directly on board, thereby reducing the disposal
the high environmental standards. costs considerably. All separation systems are
available as modules. Other ready-to-connect
Self-cleaning separators with Westfalia Separator systems are also available as compact units in
UNITROL® systems automatically monitor the combination with components such as Visco
water level in the oil and the separation of the Booster Units or plate heat exchangers.
solid material  round-the-clock . As a result,
optimum separation efficiency is ensured with
different fuel and lube oils.
Mineraloil Systems 5
Westfalia Separator
High Performance Equipment
for the Engine Room
Overview engine room concepts
Westfalia Separator offers leading technologies
and individual systems for marine use. Be it
system engineering from one source, high
quality of workmanship or the unrivalled world-
wide service - Westfalia Separator provides a
Fuel oil conditioning system
system to rely on.
Product range overview
Fuel oil
service tank
Fuel oil treatment
Fuel oil conditioning system
Lube oil treatment
Sludge treatment
Bilgewater treatment
Central cooling system
Fuel oil treatment
Lube oil cooling system
Fuel oil
sludge tank
Water desalination system
Hydraulic oil treatment plants
Fuel oil
sludge tank
Sludge treatment
Lube oil
sludge tank
6 Mineraloil Systems
Westfalia Separator
Water desalination system HT 
central coolers
Lube oil treatment M.E.
Auxiliaries LT 
central coolers
Charge air
cooler M.E.
Lube oil
Bilgewater treatment
Lube oil treatment A.E.
Mineraloil Systems 7
Westfalia Separator
Process Overview
Centrifugal systems on board
8 Mineraloil Systems
Westfalia Separator
The centrepiece of a fuel or lube oil
treatment plant is the centrifugal separator.
The main duties of these separators are:
Separation of solids
Separation of fresh water
Separation of salt water
Effective treatment ensures that only clean oil
enters the drive unit. The wear on the injection
system and on components such as cylinders,
cylinder liners and the crankshaft of the diesel
engine is minimized.
Two basic types of centrifugal separators are
suitable for these duties:
Manual cleaning separators with
solid-wall disc bowl
Self-cleaning separators with disc bowl
and automatic bowl ejection facility
Mineraloil Systems 9
Westfalia Separator
Westfalia Separator minimaXx®
Manual cleaning separators
Manual cleaning separators with solid-wall
bowl and single centripetal pump are today
used mostly for the treatment of diesel oil
and lube oil on smaller ships. They are
suitable for clarifying or purifying oils with
a low solids content of up to 0.1 percent
by vol.
The clean oil is discharged from the bowl under
pressure by means of a centripetal pump. The
separated solids slide down the underside of the
disc into the solids holding space which must be
emptied by hand periodically.
Suitable for both clarifying and purifying
Highly concentrated solids
Simple construction
Versatility of application
10 Mineraloil Systems
Westfalia Separator
Filling water
Bowl cross-section of a
manual cleaning mineral oil
separator with pressure-discharge of
the clean oil by centripetal pump
Dirty oil feed
Clean oil
Dirty water discharge
Mineraloil Systems 11
Westfalia Separator
Westfalia Separator minimaXx®
Self-cleaning separators
Self-cleaning separators with disc bowl,
single centripetal pump and automatic solids
Bowl cross section of a
ejection are used where the percentage
self-cleaning mineral oil separator
of solids in the oil is too high for manual
with solid wall disc bowl
cleaning. These are used mainly for the
clarification and purification of fuel oils
such as gas oil, diesel oil and lube oil. Self-
cleaning separators discharge solid matter
automatically while the separator is running.
This avoids the need to shut down the
separator for frequent cleaning.
Self-cleaning separators operate continuously.
Total ejections are used with a self-cleaning
effect of the disc stack. Labour-intensive and
costly measures to clean the discs using CIP
systems are not necessary. Optimum separation
efficiency over long operating times is ensured.
Maintenance work is not required until up to
8000 operating hours (i.e. approx. only once a
The clean oil is conveyed to the discharge under
pressure by means of a centripetal pump. The
separated water flows under gravity via a
regulating ring to the discharge.
Automatic operation
Continuous operating mode
Self-cleaning effect of the bowl
without CIP systems
Highly concentrated solids
High separation efficiency
Can be used as clarifier and purifier
Closed discharge of the light phase
under pressure by centripetal pump
Low noise level
Belt drive
12 Mineraloil Systems
Westfalia Separator
Filling and
displacement water
Dirty oil feed
Clean oil
Dirty water discharge
Solids discharge
Operating water discharge
Mineraloil Systems 13
Westfalia Separator
Centripetal Twin Pump
Self-cleaning separators
Self-cleaning separators with disc bowl and
automatic solids ejection are used where the
percentage of solids in the oil is too high for
Automatic operation
manual cleaning. These are used mainly for
Continuous operating mode
the clarification and purification of fuel oils
Self-cleaning effect of the bowl
such as gas oil, diesel oil and lube oil. Self-
without CIP systems
cleaning separators discharge solid matter
Highly concentrated solids
automatically while the separator is running.
High separation efficiency
This avoids the need to shut down the
Can be used as clarifier and purifier
separator for frequent cleaning.
Discharge of light and heavy phase
under pressure by centripetal twin
Self-cleaning separators operate continuously.
Solids ejection occurs either by total or partial
Low noise level
discharges, or a combination of both. In the case
Belt drive
of the total ejection and the combination of total
and partial ejections, there is additional self-
cleaning of the disc stack. Labour-intensive and
costly measures to clean the discs using CIP
systems are not necessary. Optimum separation
efficiency over long operating times is ensured.
Maintenance work is required only after 8000 to
16,000 operating hours.
The clean oil and the separated water are
conveyed to the discharge under pressure by a
centripetal twin pump.
14 Mineraloil Systems
Westfalia Separator
Filling and displacement water
Dirty oil feed
Dirty water discharge
Centripetal twin pump
Clean oil discharge
Solids discharge
Bowl cross-section of a
self-cleaning mineral oil
separator with disc bowl
Mineraloil Systems 15
Westfalia Separator
Westfalia Separator UNITROL® System 
Heavy Fuel Oil WMS/SMS in Single Stage
Self-cleaning separators
Modern fuel oil treatment plants from
Westfalia Separator provide easy handling
and optimum separating efficiency in difficult
situations. The heart of these plants is a
new generation of self-cleaning mineral oil
separators with the Westfalia Separator
UNITROL® system. These separators operate
without regulating rings and can be applied
for a wide range of fuel oils with a specific
density up to 1.01 kg/I.
The essential features of these separators are
both the continuous monitoring of the oil for
Filling and displacement water
water and the continuous monitoring of the
Westfalia Separator
solids holding space for optimum solids filling in
UNITROL system
one stage. Automatic monitoring means that
regulating rings are unnecessary and operating
Dirty oil feed
errors caused through manual adjustment are
The water content of the oil is checked
continuously using the Water Monitoring System
(WMS). The water in the oil is separated out and
Dirty water discharge
discharged. The Sludge Space Monitoring System
(SMS) checks the solids space for separated
foreign matter such as cat fines, sand, abrasives
Clean oil discharge
and rust.
The oil is displaced prior to a bowl ejection.
The precisely defined displacement volume
minimises oil losses. A further innovative feature
of these separators is the bowl s new hydraulic
system (Westfalia Separator HydroStop). Extremely
short ejection times with the maximum outlet
diameter provide for highly concentrated solids.
Further disposal measures are simplified, disposal
costs reduced and environmental considerations
fully taken into account.During total ejections
preferred by Westfalia Separator the disc stack is
also cleaned. Work and cost intensive measures
for cleaning the disc stack by CIP systems are
not necessary; this ensures optimum separating
efficiency over a long period of operation.
Maintenance work is required only after 8000 to
16,000 operating hours.
Just a few basic models are sufficient to cover all
capacity ranges. This makes spare parts storage
and servicing very economical.
Solids discharge
16 Mineraloil Systems
Westfalia Separator
Westfalia Separator UNITROL® system in Automatic bowl ejection
one stage WMS and SMS Highly concentrated solids
Treatment of fuel oils up to 1.01 kg/I Continuous processing
Regulating rings are not required Self-cleaning effect of the bowl and the
High separation efficiency even in disc stack by total ejection
critical situations Versatility of application
Automatic adjustment as clarifier or Safe operation
purifier Belt drive
Low noise level
Mineraloil Systems 17
Westfalia Separator
Westfalia Separator UNITROL® System 
Lube Oil WMS/SMS in Single Stage
Self-cleaning separators
Modern lube oil treatment plants from
Westfalia Separator provide easy handling
and optimum separating efficiency in
difficult situations. The heart of these plants
is a new generation of self-cleaning mineral
oil separators with the Westfalia Separator
UNITROL® system. These separators operate
without regulating rings and can be applied
to a wide range of lube oils.
The essential features of these separators are
both the continuous monitoring of the oil for
water and the continuous monitoring of the
Westfalia Separator
Filling and displacement water
solids holding space for optimum solids filling in
UNITROL system
one stage. Automatic monitoring means that
regulating rings are unnecessary and operating
errors caused through manual adjustment are
Dirty oil feed
eliminated. The oil is checked continuously for
water by the Water Monitoring System (WMS).
The water in the oil is separated out and
discharged. The Sludge Space Monitoring System
(SMS) is to check the solids space for separated
foreign matter. The oil is displaced prior
Dirty water discharge
to a bowl ejection. The precisely defined
displacement volume minimises oil losses.
Clean oil discharge
A further innovative feature of these separators
is the bowl s new hydraulic system (Westfalia
Separator HydroStop). Extremely short ejection
times with the maximum outlet diameter
provide for highly concentrated solids.
Further disposal measures are simplified, disposal
costs reduced and environmental considerations
are fully taken into account. During total
ejections preferred by Westfalia Separator
the disc stack is also cleaned. Work and cost
intensive measures for cleaning the disc stack
by CIP systems are not necessary; this ensures
optimum separating efficiency over a long period
of operation. Maintenance work is required only
after 8000 to 16,000 operating hours.
Just a few basic models are sufficient to cover all
capacity ranges. This makes spare parts storage
and servicing very economical.
Solids discharge
18 Mineraloil Systems
Westfalia Separator
Westfalia Separator UNITROL® system in Automatic bowl ejection
one stage WMS and SMS Highly concentrated solids
Lube oil treatment of 2-stroke cross Continuous processing
head and 4-stroke trunk piston engine Self-cleaning effect of the bowl and
Regulating rings are not required the disc stack by total ejection
High separation efficiency even in Versatility of application
critical situations Safe operation
Automatic adjustment as clarifier or Belt drive
purifier Low noise level
Mineraloil Systems 19
Westfalia Separator
Process Overview
Diesel oil treatment
Centrifuges are essential for the efficient
control and removal of solids and water from
fuel oils in fuel oil safety treatment systems; they
will continue to be so in the future.
Efficient treatment protects the diesel engine
from wear to important components such
as cylinder liners, pistons, piston rings and the
injection system.
20 Mineraloil Systems
Westfalia Separator
Manual Cleaning Solutions
Feed pump
This Pipe Installation Diagram (PID) shows
examples of manual cleaning centrifugal systems
for diesel oil treatment.
Dirty oil
Clean oil
Manual cleaning
Piping and installation
system for marine diesel oil
treatment system with
Dirty water
manual cleaning separator
without heater
Feed pump
Dirty oil
Strainer Preheater
Dirty oil
Manual cleaning Clean oil
separator discharge
Piping and installation system
for marine diesel oil treatment
Dirty water
system with manual cleaning
separator with electric heater
Mineraloil Systems 21
Westfalia Separator
Self-Cleaning Solutions
Diesel oil treatment
This Pipe Installation Diagram (PID) shows
examples of self-cleaning centrifugal systems for
diesel oil treatment.
Feed pump
Dirty oil feed
Dirty oil return
Operating water
Clean oil
Dirty water Operating Solids
discharge water discharge
Piping and installation system
for marine diesel oil treatment
system with self-cleaning
separator without heater
22 Mineraloil Systems
Westfalia Separator
Feed pump
Dirty oil feed
Regulating valve
Steam trap Condensate
Dirty oil return
Operating water
Clean oil discharge
Compact unit CU D2 for Piping and installation system for
marine diesel oil treatment marine diesel oil treatment system
with self-cleaning separator with self-cleaning separator with
Dirty Operating Solids
OSD 2 without heater. water discharge water discharge discharge electric heater
Mineraloil Systems 23
Westfalia Separator
Process Overview
Heavy fuel oil treatment
Centrifuges are essential for the efficient
control and removal of solids and water from
fuel oils in fuel oil safety treatment systems; they
will continue to be so in the future.
Low-grade fuels from different refining
processes such as atmospheric or vacuum
distillation as well as from conversion plants such
as catalytic cracker or Visbreaker process must
be purified efficiently too.
This treatment protects the diesel engine from
wear to important components such as cylinder
liners, pistons, piston rings and the injection
system. The whole plant concept for fuel oil
treatment is rounded off with Visco Booster Units.
24 Mineraloil Systems
Westfalia Separator
Plant Concepts
with a System
Under normal circumstances, Westfalia
Separator recommends single-stage treatment
for heavy fuel oils.
The high efficiency of separation with the
Westfalia Separator UNITROL® system WMS/
SMS in a single stage process ensures low wear
on the engine. The high reliability and long
service intervals ensure low operating costs and
continuous, unattended automatic operation for
months. The stand-by centrifuge can be saved
for occasional use in abnormal conditions  for
example, during increased solids loading in heavy
seas. It can also be used for occasional topping-
up of the diesel oil day tank. An additional
separator for diesel oil treatment is not necessary.
Single-stage treatment plant for
fuel oil with separator with
Westfalia Separator UNITROL system
Dirty oil return
Clean oil
Feed pump
Dirty water Solids
discharge discharge
Dirty oil feed
Condensate Steam trap
Mineraloil Systems 25
Westfalia Separator
Parallel Operation
Condensate Steam
(High Water Content)
Heavy fuel oil treatment
A stand-by centrifuge operating in parallel
This gives the following benefits:
is recommended in emergencies when the
water content in the fuel is greater than 10
Automatic total ejection of both
percent by volume.
centrifuges with optimally filled solids
holding space
The effective throughput of each machine should
Longer intervals between solids ejections
be reduced to 50 percent. Splitting the feed
Low water consumption
across two machines and effectively doubling the
Reduced sludge tank loading
dwell time of the fuel in the centrifuges allows
Lower disposal costs
the machines to remove the excess water
effectively and quickly.
Fuel oil treatment
plant with
Westfalia Separator
UNITROL system
and activated
stand-by separator
for parallel
26 Mineraloil Systems
Westfalia Separator
Clean oil
Dirty oil
Regulating valve Dirty oil feed Operating water
Feed pump
Dirty water Solids
Steam trap
discharge discharge
Regulating valve
Feed pump
Dirty water
Steam trap
Mineraloil Systems 27
Westfalia Separator
Process Overview
Lube oil treatment
Centrifugal separators are the most widespread
method of lube oil treatment. The separator is
located in a by-pass loop within the lube oil
treatment system.
Feed pump
Dirty oil
28 Mineraloil Systems
Westfalia Separator
Plant Concepts for
Efficient Operation
Self-cleaning mineral oil centrifuges are
chiefly used for the purification and dewate-
ring of lube oils, especially when there
is a requirement for 24-hour, unattended
The whole range of centrifuges is available for
efficient and reliable treatment of lube oil. Schematic illustration of a
lube oil treatment plant with
All Westfalia Separator marine separators for the self-cleaning separator.
treatment of fuel and lube oil have identical
design features allowing the use of common
Feed pump
components. This simplifies store management
and maintenance immensely.
Regulating valve
Dirty oil
Schematic illustration of a
lube oil treatment plant with
Steam trap
manual cleaning separator.
Clean oil
Clean oil
Manual cleaning
Dirty water Dirty water Solids
discharge discharge discharge
Mineraloil Systems 29
Westfalia Separator
Automatic Process Control 
More Safety, More Comfort
Control units
For Westfalia Separator UNITROL® system
and centripetal twin pump system
Display with backlighting and 4
Easy handling
by Micro
Memory Card
Keys F1  F4
Soft keypad, screen dependent
which stores
setting and
history data for
Status LEDs
D10 and D20.
Keys 1  0,
Function keypad with fixed allocation
D10 with
text display
Modern control and monitoring systems,
using the latest PLC modules, guarantee a
high degree of operating safety and user
They perform the automatic control of the ejection
cycles and the monitoring of the self-cleaning
separators. The ejection programs are preselectable.
Partial or total ejections are initiated in adjustable,
periodic intervals with prior displacement of the
oil from the bowl.
D20 with graphic
The standard control unit is designed for display and
unattended operation of a separator. Profibus DP
30 Mineraloil Systems
Westfalia Separator
Westfalia Separator
minimaXx®: Process Control
for Every Requirement
Motorstarter box
Motorstarter separator
Motorstarter feed pump
OMB 220
Overflow monitoring box
Water seal broken alarm
3 Control unit MC-1
Motorstarter separator
Motorstarter feed pump
Flow monitoring FAH
4 Control unit CC-1
Motorstarter separator
Motorstarter feed pump
Flow monitoring FAH
Temperature monitoring
Preheater interlocking
Control unit CD-1
Control and monitoring system
for self-cleaning Westfalia
Separator minimaXx®
Motorstarter separator
Motorstarter feed pump
Flow monitoring FAH
Temperature monitoring TAL/TAH
Preheater interlocking
Sludge pump control
Mimic diagram
Mineraloil Systems 31
Westfalia Separator
Custom-Made System Solutions
for the Engine Room
Flexible systems
Design engineers have to be flexible Separators with single components, modular
with the planning of an engine room. compact units or individually installed Westfalia
Westfalia Separator has, therefore, thought Separator CENTRIPACK systems give customers
of everything. flexible systems designed precisely for their
1 2
Separator with single components
No modularisation
CU  Compact Unit
Flexible modularisation
3 CP  Westfalia Separator CENTRIPACK
Individual modularisation
32 Mineraloil Systems
Westfalia Separator
Separator with
Single Components
When planning the detail engineering of
an engine room, design engineers need
to construct plants precisely to meet
customers needs.
Westfalia Separator helps its customers develop
individual systems by making all its constructive
components available separately. This way
systems can be adapted and built to the special
needs that may apply.
Examples of elements that can
be ordered separately
Water pressure
PT 100
Steam trap
Feed pump
Thermostat 3/2-way valve Pre-set valve Strainer Safety valve valve
Mineraloil Systems 33
Westfalia Separator
CU Compact Unit 
Flexible Modularisation
Flexible systems
In addition to the detail engineering of The modular CU compact units offer the
single components there is the need for simple opportunity to use flexible, low cost modules.
block engineering. CU compact units provide All units are mounted on bases that can be
a modular design to meet this need. connected easily, even in a confined area.
Example of a
CU compact unit
34 Mineraloil Systems
Westfalia Separator
Westfalia Separator CENTRIPACK 
Individual Modularisation
The Westfalia Separator CENTRIPACK is a The design makes possible space-saving installa-
compact, self-contained treatment plant tion direct in corners or against walls. It is also
package system, ready for connection. All possible to install several modules side-by-side to
elements necessary for safe and efficient oil form a complete plant. The Westfalia Separator
treatment are mounted ready for connection CENTRIPACK is completely assembled and
in a space-saving arrangement on a sturdy function tested by Westfalia Separator; faulty
foundation frame. These include separators, installation of single operating components on
motors, pumps, pre-strainer, alarm system site is thus eliminated. The unified design also
and a control and monitoring system. saves money and makes maintenance easier.
The discharge pipes for solids and water as well The Westfalia Separator CENTRIPACK is available
as the frame drain pipe are led through the either with self-cleaning separators and control
foundation frame. unit including control and monitoring equipment
for unmanned operation, or with manual
cleaning separators.
The Westfalia Separator CENTRIPACK modules are
available with one to five separators depending
on requirements.
Westfalia Separator
CENTRIPACK  complete
ready-to-connect module
for the treatment of fuel oil
Mineraloil Systems 35
Westfalia Separator
Process Overview
Sludge treatment
The trend towards burning higher viscosity
and higher density fuel oils together with an
increasingly common usage of residuals as the
fuel for medium speed diesels means that the
amount of sludge being created from both fuel
and lube oil systems is increasing.
36 Mineraloil Systems
Westfalia Separator
System Concepts for the Future
The sludge is pumped from the sludge tank heated sedimentation tank where final con-
by an eccentric screw pump and is fed via a centration takes place. Excess water and oil is
heater to the centrifugal separator. allowed to overflow back to the sludge tank.
The sludge components of water, oil and solids The concentrated sludge is pumped from the
are separated in the separator by centrifugal unit automatically by a solids discharge pump
force. The recovered oil and water is discharged controlled by a level switch.
under pressure by centripetal pumps.
A microprocessor-based control cabinet supervises
The concentrated sludge is discharged inter- and controls the complete concentration process.
mittently via the sludge transfer unit into a
Operating water
oil discharge
Dirty oil return
Feed pump
transfer unit
Dirty water
Steam trap
Oily water
Oil sludge feed
Concentrated sludge
Mineraloil Systems 37
Westfalia Separator
Economical Advantages 
Ecological Merits
Sludge treatment
Oil, water and solids can represent 2.5 per-
Filling and displacement water cent of marine fuels. Indeed many port
authorities use this figure when carrying out
ship inspections.
With increasing environmental awareness as well
as strict regulations and controls, most operators
Oily sludge feed
dispose of this sludge by incineration or by
shoreside disposal using contract companies. In
either case sludge disposal is becoming an
expensive problem for ship owners today.
Dirty water discharge
Clean oil discharge
38 Mineraloil Systems
Westfalia Separator
The Westfalia Separator sludge treatment plant Separation results sludge treatment MV Fantasy
incorporating a specially designed centrifugal
separator is capable of reducing the volume
of sludge for disposal by up to 90 percent. In
addition, fuel oil is recovered for re-use and
recovered lube oil can be used as boiler fuel.
40 Oil
Saves up to 90 percent disposal costs
Recovers valuable fuel oil 0
Feed Oil Outlet Water Outlet
Unburdens the bilgewater system
from oil residues
Sample taken from
Protects our sensitive marine ecosystem
Vol. % Vol. % Vol. %
Oil 10.0 99.6 0.5
Water 90.0 0.4 99.5
Treatment system for oily and watery Solids 0.4 0.0 0.01
sludge with self-cleaning centrifugal
separator to reduce the disposal costs
Mineraloil Systems 39
Westfalia Separator
Centrifugal System
Bilgewater treatment
The treatment of bilgewater on board 15 ppm is too much
ships is strictly controlled by national and
international laws. Oily water from ship operation may only be
discharged into the sea if the residual oil
Bilgewater may only be discharged into the sea content in the effluent is below 15 ppm.
after prior de-oiling with specially approved 15 parts of oil to one million parts of water
treatment systems. The maximum oil content seems small but Westfalia Separator believes
must not exceed 15 ppm. The limit has even this is still too high. Moreover, practice has
been reduced to 5 ppm in some areas. shown that this value is not attained in many
conventional plants under practical operation
conditions anyway. The further we can reduce
Our water must stay clean this value, the greater the benefit for our oceans.
Bilgewater is a mixture of the following
Water is the source of all life on earth. The sea constituents:
is the habitat of numerous animals and plants.
Like the rain forest, it harbours a host of living Sea and cooling water leakages
treasures in its depths that we will probably Fuel and lube oil leaks
never get to see. The sea, therefore, needs Drainages from settling and sludge tanks
our special protection. Indeed we have a Effluent from various cleaning processes
responsibility to future generations who have the Soot and dirt particles
same right to a rich nature as we do.
40 Mineraloil Systems
Westfalia Separator
So That Our Water Stays
as Nature Made it  Clean
The product (i.e. oily water), is sucked up from The separated impurities accumulated in the
the oily water tank or engine room bilge and fed sludge space are discharged into the sludge tank
by the feed pump through the filter and pre- periodically.
heater via the feed valve to the separator. During
the start-up or ejection program it is led back The clean water discharge is supervised by an
into the oily water tank. The product flows from oil content meter and discharged into the
above into the centre of the separator bowl. The environment. If the oil content exceeds 15 or
heavy water phase is separated from the finest 5 ppm the water is recirculated into the oily
oil particles and then conveyed under pressure water tank. An intelligent process control adapts
by a centripetal pump to the discharge. the capacity of the system to the changes of the
Dirty bilgewater
Separated oil Dirty bilgewater Clean water
discharge return overboard
Dirty bilgewater Self-cleaning
return separator
Centrifugal bilgewater treatment with
self-cleaning separator in
combination with absorption filter and
Dirty water Solids
discharge discharge demulsifier
Mineraloil Systems 41
Westfalia Separator
Technologies to Protect the Sensitive
Marine Ecosystem
Bilgewater treatment
The bilgewater treatment system is designed
for ships which use high-density residual fuel
oils. The system is supplied as a complete,
self-contained Westfalia Separator CENTRIPACK
incorporating all auxiliaries necessary for
Bilgewater feed
The main components of the system are:
Self-cleaning centrifugal separator
Feed pump
Control panel
Oil content meter for 5/15 ppm bilge
Clean oil
Base frame with small sludge tank
Demulsifier plant
Absorption filter
Features of the centrifuge
High separation efficiency due to large
clarification area
Controlled de-sludging with high solid
content due to the Westfalia Separator
HydroStop system
Gentle treatment due to the Westfalia
Separator SoftStream system
Continuous separation of oil and water
Self-cleaning effect of disc stack due to
total ejection
No impact of the ship's movement on
the separation efficiency
42 Mineraloil Systems
Westfalia Separator
The Flexible Compact Unit Design
is Suitable Both for New Equipment
or Retrofit
Separation results Bilgewater treatment
Oily water treatment system WSD 18
With normal feed conditions, i.e.
solids content: < 0.1 percent
chloride content: < 30,000 ppm
pH: 6  9
and no excessive oil emulsions in the water
phase, the residual oil content in the clean water
discharge is 10  12 ppm. By varying the pump
output, it is possible to even further reduce the
oil content. In the case of high oil and solids
contents, it is prudent to separate the bilgewater
in several stages.
When high emulsion fractions are present or
when conveying residual oil contents below
5 ppm, it is recommended to add emulsion-
breaking chemicals in the feed or to install an
absorption filter in the clean water discharge.
Mineraloil Systems 43
Westfalia Separator
Westfalia Separator minimaXx®:
Manual Cleaning Centrifugal System
Bilgewater treatment
Plant concept All the components are small and lightweight to
make them easy to transport and to fit into the
The bilgewater treatment system will be engine room. The components are installed on a
supplied as a Compact Unit (CU). The CU consists common base frame. The modular concept can
of four main components: be incorporated in an existing system.
Westfalia Separator minimaXx® separator
Absorption filter
Control unit
44 Mineraloil Systems
Westfalia Separator
The clever solution
Safety water Dirty bilgewater Dirty bilgewater Clean water discharge
feed feed return overboard
The new bilgewater treatment system with
the Westfalia Separator MinimaXx® separator
type WTC was specially designed for the rough
conditions on board.
The product is fed by the feed pump into
the centre of the separator bowl. Within the
rotating bowl, the product is separated into
heavy and light phase.
Feed Pump
The heavy water phase is separated from
Oil monitor
the finest oil droplets and dirt particles and
then conveyed under pressure by the centripetal
pump to the discharge. If the oil concentration
on the clean water outlet of the centrifuge
exceeds 15 ppm the water is led through an
absorption filter. The lighter oil phase flows
Pre-filter to the centre of the bowl and is discharged by
The separated sludge is collected in the solids
holding space and must be removed by hand.
An intelligent control and monitoring system
assures problem-free, round-the-clock unmanned
operation. It also ensures that only water with
an oil content lower than 15 ppm is released into
the environment.
Manual cleaning
Waste oil
collection tank
Mineraloil Systems 45
Westfalia Separator
Westfalia Separator minimaXx®:
Clean and Compact
Bilgewater treatment
Clean bilgewater
Clean oil
46 Mineraloil Systems
Westfalia Separator
Separation results
Oily water treatment
With normal feed conditions, i.e.
solids content: < 0.1 percent
chloride content: < 30,000 ppm
pH: 6  9
and no excessive oil emulsions in the water
phase, the residual oil content in the clean
water discharge is 10  12 ppm. By using the
absorption filter in the clean water discharge the
residual oil content can be reduced to below
5 ppm.
High efficiency:
Water outlet less than 5/15 ppm
Easy handling
Low maintenance cost
No preheater
Small dimensions
Low weight
Quick return on investment
Mineraloil Systems 47
Westfalia Separator
Westfalia Separator minimaXx®:
Sophisticated Technology
in Confined Spaces
Hydraulic oil treatment plant
Process overview
The part played by separators in the The new compact units of the Westfalia Separator
shipping industry has changed drastically in minimaXx® class are made in a space-saving
recent years. Not just stand-alone machines, design. Each one is based on a separator of the
but complete systems, even for small Westfalia Separator minimaXx® family. This is
product streams, are required to face the mounted together with all necessary monitoring
increasing demands for high performance equipment in a mobile system.
and low costs. The new generation of
compact units with Westfalia Separator Special fields of application:
minimaXx® separators was developed to Hydraulic oil treatment
fulfill these requirements and features:
High standard of separating
High separation temperature
up to 95° C
High standard of economy
Low space requirement
Low weight
Modular design
Plug & play
No filter aids required
Service intervals up to 16,000 h
Low maintenance
48 Mineraloil Systems
Westfalia Separator
Feed pump
Mobile treatment system
for hydraulic oil.
Dirty oil feed
Clean oil
Manual cleaning
Dirty water
Mineraloil Systems 49
Westfalia Separator
VBU  Visco Booster Unit
Fuel oil conditioning system
Fuel to
day tank
Fuel from
Feeder pump
Efficient operation of ship and power
station diesel engines requires optimum fuel
supply. This key condition is accomplished
by the Visco Booster Units developed by
Westfalia Separator Mineraloil Systems for
fuel conditioning.
This unit consists of a treatment system that HFO
meets the fuel requirements between the clean
oil tank and injection system for the main
and auxiliary engines in terms of the required
injection viscosity and temperature. Supply and
booster pumps are provided for a stable system
pressure. Automatic
The modules are designed for the different
engines as well as to the required injection
Pressure control valve
viscosity (approx. 10  24 cSt) and corresponding
temperature (approx. 135  150°C).
50 Mineraloil Systems
Westfalia Separator
Complete System Between
Service Tank and Engine
With the Visco Booster Units, Westfalia
Separator Mineraloil Systems offers a
complete, compatible system from the
service tank to the engine for safe and
economic fuel oil treatment.
Visco Booster Units are supplied as package
The Visco Booster Units can be delivered as
separate systems or as a complete module for
the main engine and auxiliary engines for heavy
fuel oil and diesel oil.
They are designed for 24-hour unattended
operation and meet the requirements of the
classification societies.
VBU for marine application
Booster pump
Steam or thermal oil
Viscosity sensor
Fuel to engine
Mixing /
Degassing tank
Condensate or thermal oil
Steam trap
Mineraloil Systems 51
Westfalia Separator
Main Components
Fuel oil conditioning system
Screw spindle pumps
for a continuous fuel oil
and pressure delivery.
Mixing tank for
storage, degassing and
mining of fuel oil.
Shell and tube heaters
for a constant fuel oil
viscosity and temperature.
Viscosity measuring system
for an accurate measuring
and heater control.
Main control cabinet for
operation of the complete
Visco Booster Unit.
Automatic backflushing
filter retains remaining particles
in the fuel oil.
52 Mineraloil Systems
Westfalia Separator
VBU  Visco Booster Unit
Low weight
Automatic control system
Vicosity controlled
Automatic filter systems
Ready for connection
Preheated system
Unattended operation
VBU divided module
Mineraloil Systems 53
Westfalia Separator
FWG  Fresh Water Generator
Water desalination system
Shore independent generation of fresh
water on board by single stage evaporation
Sea water is fed through the condenser, where
it absorbs the latent heat of the condensing
vapour. Some sea water is used as feed water for
the evaporator whilst the remaining brine and
non condensable gases are discharged using a
Process overview
combined ejector. In the evaporator the sea water
is heated up to the saturation temperature
corresponding to the vacuum maintained by the
ejector and a proportion is evaporated.
The evaporator generally utilizes the waste heat
from the main diesel engine jacket water,
however, other heating media may also be used
(e.g. steam, thermal oil).
is either led to the distillate tank or, if the
The vapour produced passes through the maximum allowable residual salt content is
demister located in the upper casing to remove exceeded, back to the evaporator.
entrained droplets of water and is led to the
condenser. The distillate is drawn from the All parts in contact with sea water are
condenser by the distillate pump and discharged constructed of corrosion-resistant materials
through the salinity measuring unit. Depending (CuNi, stainless steel). The plates are made of
on the residual salt content of the distillate, it titanium.
54 Mineraloil Systems
Westfalia Separator
Single Stage Evaporating System
Easy to operate, fully automatically
Low weight
Low maintenance costs
Integrated anti-scaling system
Corrosion resistant materials
High performance
Thermal oil /
hot water heated
Jacket water heated
Sea water
Circulation pump
Jacket water
Heating water
Circulation pump
Steam heated
Steam jet liquid pump
Mineraloil Systems 55
Westfalia Separator
PHE  Plate Heat Exchanger
Process cooling systems
PHEs are used for cooling purposes e.g.
mainly for central, lube oil, jacket water
circuits as well as for auxiliaries, charge air,
High heat transmission coefficient
Optimised heat transfer surfaces
Compact construction
A wide range of flexible plate configurations are
Low life cycle costs
offered to cover all heat exchange applications
Simple inspection and maintenance
on board. Suitable materials like titanium,
Low liquid content
different grades of stainless steel, etc. are
Glued and glueless gaskets
Process overview
56 Mineraloil Systems
Westfalia Separator
From main engine
Sea water
HT central
To main engine cooler
Circulation pump
Charge air
cooler M.E.
LT central
Lube oil
To main
Sea water
Circulation pump Sea water pump
Mineraloil Systems 57
Westfalia Separator
Westfalia Separator WESERVE® 
Because Your Engines Must Run
Service that counts
This is the premise that Westfalia Separator improvements and innovative ideas to give
used to develop the comprehensive service you the best after sales service available. You
programme  Westfalia Separator WESERVE®. benefit from knowledge gained by a global
player: Westfalia Separator.
Preventive maintenance using intelligent
Mineraloil-After-Sales-Service (MASS).
Optimum customer support assured
The shipping industry expects Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems, as a service provider, to Your employees learn how to handle Westfalia
have the necessary expertise to carry out Separator equipment safely and effectively in
all maintenance measures in its particular comprehensive training programmes held on
environment. Services have to be provided site or in the modern Westfalia Separator
world-wide, induding all necessary access to training centre.
workshops and spare parts stores, 24 hours
a day, 365 days a year and rightly so. If you need emergency help or if a spare part is
needed at short notice, an immediate response
Service contracts designed to meet your needs is assured by the global network of around
and the availability of genuine spare parts 50 subsidiaries. Westfalia Separator also
ensure economic operation throughout the has service companies and agents in over
entire life cycle of the machines. 60 countries.
Authorised repair workshops guarantee
quality and safety.
Through its global communication platform
and authorised repair workshops, Westfalia
Separator exchanges the latest developments,
58 Mineraloil Systems
Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems 59
Westfalia Separator
Beverage Technology
Dairy Technology
Oils and Fats Processing
Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals
and Biotechnology
Oils and Fats Recovery
Starch Technology and
Industrial Biotechnology
Environmental Technology
Second Hand Machinery
The information contained in this brochure merely
serves as a non-binding description of our products
and is without guarantee.
Binding information, in particular relating to capacity
data and suitability for specific applications, can
only be provided within the framework of concrete Westfalia Separator
inquiries. Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Werner-Habig-Straße 1
Printed on chlorine-free bleached paper 59302 Oelde (Germany)
Phone +49 2522 77-0
9997-1098-010/1105 EN Fax +49 2522 77-1778
Printed in Germany
Subject to modification
Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems
Take the Best  Separate the Rest
A company of GEA Group


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