By Hida Jiremi
and strong. Dog boys closely resemble the
various breeds of canine that they are
Nicknamed dog boys by the Coalition
descended from, and have coloration, hair
States, which bred the first intelligent mutant
length, bone structure, and other physical
animals a century ago, these humanoid
characteristics of those many types. Most
canines have become a widespread and
common, however, are golden retrievers,
easily recognized population on Rifts Earth.
bulldogs, rottweilers, and other attack or
Unfortunately, the largest part of the
help breeds. Toy breeds and lap dogs are
population is a slave race, held in bondage
almost unheard of.
by their cruel masters and treated as mere
Dog boys mature faster than humans and
live shorter lives a mechanism built in for
A few dog boys have managed to escape
slave control by the Coalition. A dog boy
their pain through the last several years, and
reaches full physical maturity at around 5
a number of free dog boys communities do
years of age, and they have average life
exist in the depths of the wilderness, far
spans of about 30 years.
from those that would harm them or enslave
Relations: The bulk of dog boys are slaves
them again.
to the government that created them, and do
A number of dog boys have done more
as they are told. It does not do well to be
than survive and hide, instead becoming
political as a slave. Even free dog boys
adventurers to supplement their racial
appreciate human company, however, and
abilities, or to strike back against the evil
will typically hold themselves as lesser
government that created them.
members of a group or partnership unless
specifically demonstrated otherwise. Dog
Personality: Dog boys are friendly and
boys hate all supernatural beings with a
loyal, befitting their pre-mutation origins as
passion, and that the Coalition encourages
house pets, guard dogs, and similar friends
them to kill such monsters is often reward
to humanity. Dog boys range the gamut
enough for those who remain slaves. Free
from aggressive and angry to docile and
dog boys retain this dislike of the
timid, much like the many breeds of dogs
supernatural, and will never fully trust
from which they are descended. Still, most
sorcerers or others who utilize magical
dog boys are submissive towards humans,
regarding them as the alpha of any pack
Regions: Dog boys can be found most
the dog boy is a part of. Truly ambitious dog
anywhere in North America, and more rarely
boys are rare, usually contenting themselves
in Europe. They have not managed to
with secondary positions in any group, but
spread to other parts of the world in any
left to their own devices they jockey among
great numbers, but the lone far-ranging
themselves for position. Dog boys respect
explorer may be found in such areas. On
strength in all of its forms, but physical
their home continent, dog boys are most
strength most of all.
often found serving the Coalition as brute
Dog boys prefer to follow their instincts
labor and short-lived soldiers. Wild dog
than to think things through, which costs
boys try to put as much space between
many of them their lives in difficult situations,
themselves and the Coalition as possible,
but is a surprisingly effective survival
often fleeing into the Wastelands or the New
mechanism for a sentient race nonetheless.
Physical Description: Despite their
Language: Dog boys have no language of
nickname, their are many dog girls as well
their own, instead sharing the languages of
as boys, but the male proportion of the
the humans they live with. Virtually every
population is undoubtedly the larger of the
dog boy s native language is American, the
two. Male dogs have more aggression, and
language of the Coalition, and thus the
are thus more useful as the shock troops
language of free dog boys ancestors.
and expendable soldiers they were originally
Names: Dog boy names are human names,
bred to be. Dog boys are bipedal, though
often the diminutive or derogatory versions
they sometimes revert to all fours in
of such names (such as Timmy, Callie, or
moments of stress or panic, and stand
Rufus). Dog boys also sometimes receive
between five and six feet tall. Sleek or
old-style pet names (such as Spot, Rover, or
portly, dog boys are inevitably well-muscled
Lassie) as a cruel joke by their masters or a
friendly joke by their traveling companions.
" Sensation Vulnerability: The senses of a
Dog boys do not have family names; slaves
dog boy are keen almost too keen.
do not have the luxury, and wild dog boys
Dog boys suffer a 1 racial penalty to
don t see the need in having more than one
saving throws inflicted by powerful
smells and sounds (including sonic
Adventurers: Dog boys adventure for much
attacks and spells that produce foul
the same reasons that humans do
experience, monetary necessity,
" Automatic Language: American. Bonus
desperation, noble ideals, and so on with
Languages: By region (typically Spanish
the added desire to gain true acceptance
or Draconic).
from their betters. As a created race, the
" Favored Class: Wilderness Scout. A
dog boys have no real niche in the world
multiclass dog boy s wilderness scout
and are trying hard to carve one out, one
class does not count when determining
individual at a time. In recent years, a
whether he suffers an XP penalty for
mutant animal resistance movement has
multiclassing. Dog boys are explorers
begun to attack the Coalition, drawing
and trackers at heart, and spend much
mostly disenfranchised dog boys to its
of their time wandering the wilderness
like the dogs and wolves of old.
Optional Rule: Random Mutation
" +2 Strength, +2 Wisdom, -2 Intelligence,
The mutation process that creates dog boys
-4 Charisma: Dog boys are physically
in large numbers is far from precise, and a
stronger than humans and more in tune
number of unforeseen mutations inevitably
with their natural instincts, but their
appear in any breeding group. At character
intellects are not as well developed as
generation, the GM may allow a dog boy to
humans and they tend to be subservient
select a mutant characteristic from the
and unwilling to take charge.
following list.
" Medium-size: As Medium-size
" Toy Breed: The dog boy is 50% of the
creatures, dog boys have no special
normal size and weight, and ability
bonuses or penalties based on size.
adjustments are changed to the
" Dog boy base speed is 40 feet.
following: -2 Strength, -2 Constitution,
" Low-Light Vision: Dog boys can see +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma. The dog boy
twice as far as a human in conditions of now resembles a miniature or toy breed
dim light or poor illumination. They of dog, such as a pomeranian, poodle,
retain the ability to distinguish limited pekingese, or other lap dog.
amounts of color under these
" Psychic Throwback: Choose two 0-level
or one 1st-level psionic power, which the
" +2 racial bonus to Wilderness Lore and dog boy may manifest once per day
Listen checks: Dog boys have the keen each. These abilities come at the cost
hearing and scent of their non-humanoid of the powerful scenting ability most dog
predecessors. Dog boys can also hear boys manifest; while the senses are still
sounds too high-pitched for human ears. keen, the dog boy must purchase the
scent ability as a feat if he wishes to
" +2 racial bonus to saving throws against
possess it at all. The dog boy s favored
poison and disease: Dog boys are hardy
class is now psion.
and resistant to toxins.
" Combat Breed: Add an additional +2
" A dog boy s sharp teeth deal 1d4 points
Strength and +2 Constitution, but
of damage as a melee attack. Like an
remove the Wisdom bonus and take an
animal s natural weapons, this bite is
additional 2 Intelligence penalty. The
considered an armed attack.
dog boy now resembles a heavy combat
" Scent: Dog boys possess the scent
breed, such as a doberman pincer or a
ability, having the nearly preternatural
pit bull. The dog boy s favored class is
sense of smell that their progenitors
now grunt.
enjoyed. As a feat, dog boys with
" Improved Natural Weapons: The dog
Wisdom of 13 or higher may take the
boy s natural bite attack deals 1d6
psychic scent ability.
points of damage rather than 1d4. Due few lingering hints of his true heritage.
to the enlarged jaw and fangs, the The Charisma penalty is reduced to 2,
speech centers are slightly malformed, but the dog boy has no natural bite
resulting in a 1 penalty to all skill attack. Additionally, the dog boy must
checks involving talking. take the scent ability as a feat if he
wishes to have it, and he may not take
" Near-Human Appearance: The dog boy
the psychic scent ability at all.
looks almost entirely human, with only a
tan to olive-skinned. Having mastered the
art of magical tattoos, Atlanteans are
An ancient and noble race descended
marked at birth with a pair of them,
from humanity, the Atlanteans exemplify all
indicating their identity and heritage.
that is regal, strong, and just in the human
An Atlantean goes through an adulthood
psyche and physique. Though originally
ceremony in his teenage years and they
from the continent of Atlantis on prehistoric
mature as quickly as humans. Having
Rifts Earth, the Atlanteans are now a
eliminated physical infirmity and increased
dimension-spanning race. When they
their longevity, Atlanteans tend to live
accidentally destroyed their homeland with
around 500 years, though with dimensional
experimentation they fled to other lands in
travel and temporal anomalies their
Europe and the Americas, and also to other
apparent age can sometimes be quite a bit
planets and realities. Having lost their true
less than their actual age. Atlanteans grow
homeland, the Atlanteans are most
their entire lives, though slowly, making
commonly itinerants and wanderers, on the
older Atlanteans taller than younger ones.
move singly or in large communities.
Relations: Atlanteans have an excellent
Atlanteans are genetically human, though
reputation with non-evil races that know of
with all of the possible genetic flaws
their existence. They are regarded with awe
corrected and moved towards the direction
and even fear by lesser humans, who see
of ultimate human potential. As such, they
them as even more wise and understanding
are stronger and more intellectually
than they are. Their significant mastery of
developed than normal humans. Masters of
magic and ancient lore makes them valuable
both technology and magic in the distant
scholars and teachers, and their opposition
past, Atlanteans have grown to believe that
to evil makes them powerful and zealous
technology is decadent and corrupt, and that
warriors. Among evil races the Atlanteans
only magic is trustworthy.
are regarded with fear, if not outright terror,
as staunch crusaders for justice and
Personality: Atlanteans are proud in
opponents of corruption. The Atlanteans
bearing and deed. They typically think of
and the Splugorth especially have an
themselves as better than normal humans,
ancient hatred for on another, an
though they try to avoid patronizing the less
abhorrence that is put aside only when there
fortunate. They avoid arrogance by avoiding
is a resurgence of the only creatures that
positions of power and prestige, accepting
both races hate more than each other:
after these thousands of years their role as
wandering counselors and advisers.
Regions: Atlantis is in the hands of the
Though more intelligent and wise than
Splugorth on Rifts Earth, leaving Atlanteans
normal humans, Atlanteans tend to have
who knew of the coming return of their lost
outmoded and strict manners of thought.
homeland disappointed and furious. Until
They often adopt the trappings of ancient
they can depose the vile intelligences,
Greece (the land where their influence was
Atlanteans continue to wander, often
most strongly felt) and are of a philosophical
secretly, in North America, Europe, and
even parts of Africa and Asia. There are
Physical Description: Atlanteans tend
hidden Atlantean enclaves in many places,
toward being very tall, over six feet on
but the Atlanteans avoid drawing attention to
average. Well-muscled and lacking
themselves, both out of a sincere desire for
significant body fat, even the physically
privacy and to avoid endangering the very
weaker Atlanteans seem strong and healthy.
people they protect.
Atlanteans have stern, aquiline faces, light
Language: The Atlantean tongue is the
eyes, and dark hair. Male Atlanteans have
originator of ancient Greek, but bears little
the physique of gymnasts or marathon
resemblance to modern Greek, except in the
runners and keep their hair cropped short.
sound of the language. Most Atlanteans
Female Atlanteans are similarly tall and
also learn to speak ancient Greek, holding
muscled, though they wear their hair long.
up the lessons of Athens as one of their
Atlanteans of both genders lack any
great triumphs. Wanderers usually bother to
significant body hair and are naturally deep
learn the languages of the worlds on which
" The Marks of Heritage: All Atlanteans
they travel making Atlanteans highly
are marked at birth with a pair of magic
tattoos, one on the inside of either wrist,
Names: Atlantean names are superficially
that they are trained to use at puberty.
similar to Greek names. Atlantean children
These are identical to the tattoos
are named at birth by their parents, and they
possessed by the tattooed warrior
carry the same name with them for the
prestige class. On the right wrist is a
duration of their centuries-long lives.
weapon tattoo, the favored weapon of
Atlanteans have both a given name and a
their birth clan. All Atlanteans are
family name; most also carry a clan name,
proficient with their tattoo weapon,
the name of the greater family to which
though not with any mundane version of
their family belongs. Most simply go by their
that weapon if they would not normally
given name, or a native-sounding alias on
be proficient with that weapon. On the
other worlds, when not in formal situations.
left wrist is tattooed a heart pierced by a
Male Names: Ahziree, Alaren, Argo,
stake, the Atlantean version of the holy
Cyprian, Elek, Khester, Maximillian, Momus,
symbol tattoo, allowing all Atlanteans to
Temarkhos, Tyrone, Zotikos
turn undead. If an Atlantean pursues
Female Names: Acantha, Cassandra,
the tattooed warrior prestige class, he
Dione, Helena, Issa, Jina, Malvine, Pyrene,
ignores the normal requirements and
Sophronia, Varvara
instead replaces them with these: Base
Family and Clan Names: Aerihza, Gir
Attack Bonus +5, Knowledge (undead) 6
Song, Obkii, Vinuh; Aerihman, Bagh-Dach,
ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 4 ranks,
Weapon Focus (clan s favored weapon),
Adventurers: Adventurers tend to be the
two feats from the grunt bonus feat list.
rule rather than the exception with
" Tattoo Magic: Unlike any race other
Atlanteans. As a race of wanderers and
than the Splugorth, the Atlanteans seem
nomads, Atlanteans travel from place to
to understand the secrets of creating
place, rarely stopping anywhere for any
magic tattoos and enhancing their
length of time. The Atlantean wanderlust is
abilities. Any Atlantean may gain magic
driven by a desperate desire for a true
tattoos as feats, though after the Marks
home, but most find no place to call their
of Heritage no more than once every
own. Many take the acceptance that they
five full levels. These racial tattoos do
get from doing good deeds and turn it into a
not count against the tattoo limit for the
substitute for a home, while others carry a
tattooed warrior prestige class, though
sense of home in their hearts as long as
they also do not contribute to the
they can find good friends to share their
tattoos possessed by that class for
journeys and troubles.
purposes of determining number
possessed. Racial tattoos count one
another for such purposes, however. A
racial tattoo cannot spontaneously
" +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, +2
generate, as do the tattoos from the
Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma:
tattooed warrior prestige class. An
Atlanteans are the natural (or magical)
Atlantean wishing to gain a racial tattoo
evolution of humans. As such, they are
must seek out an elder of the Atalntean
like humans, only more so.
race to ink it into his skin, a process
" Medium-size: As Medium-size
taking a full day per level of the
creatures, Atlanteans have no special
Atlantean seeking the new tattoo.
bonuses or penalties based on size.
" Sense Vampires: An ancient curse ties
" Atlantean base speed is 30 feet.
the Atlanteans to the undead known as
" Humanity: While they do not receive a
vampires, linking their fates together in
bonus feat or extra skill points as
mutual hatred. Atlanteans can sense
humans do, Atlanteans are of human
the presence of vampires by making an
origin and descent. As such, any
Intuit Direction check (DC 30); the
positive or negative effect that targets
difficulty of this check is reduced by the
humans can target Atlanteans.
total number of Hit Dice of vampires in
the area. The range of this power is 100
ft. + 10 ft./level and does not pinpoint
" Favored Class: Line Walker. Atlanteans
the location of vampires, only their
are inherently magical and approach
presence and relative power.
magic with a studious demeanor.
" Automatic Languages: Atlantean,
" ECL: +3. Atlanteans are significantly
Ancient Greek. Bonus Languages:
more powerful than normal humans and
English/American, Draconic, Elven,
gain experience levels more slowly.
Gobblely, Infernal, Celestial.
a serpent than a lizard. Both males and
females have a short, curving rack of horns
The mysterious cernun, sometimes
above their external ears. Cernun eyes are
referred to as cernun mystics for their
single-colored, with no pupil, iris, or white
propensity towards that profession, are a
visible; the most common color is red,
race of reptilian humanoids with a rack of
though green and blue are not unknown. A
curving horns topping their scaled heads. A
cernun s face is a short muzzle with a slight
newly arrived race now common in the lands
point coming off the nose and chin. A
of England, the cernun may well be
cernun s lower teeth come up out of its
responsible for the legends of the ram-
mouth when closed, like an alligator.
headed serpent god of ancient times called
Cernun young are born live and nurtured
by their parents, reaching maturity in about
As highly insightful creatures of magical
20 years. The average life span of the
origin and background, the cernun tend to
cernun is between 300 and 400 years.
be highly attuned to the world around them.
Relations: Cernun hold the vast majority of
They speak obliquely, making ancient
species in utter disdain. They don t hate
references as modern fact, saying
others that would be a waste of their
seemingly meaningless cryptic phrases that,
energy and effort. Most cernun simply avoid
in the hindsight of listeners, make perfect
dealing with other sentient life by becoming
sense. Despite their attunement to the
hermits or forming small communities of
world and great wisdom, the vast majority of
their own kind. Among other cernun, they
cernun tend towards selfishness and evil.
are boisterous and jovial, losing all pretense
The common attitude of cernun is Me first.
and coldness. Cernun form lasting
Despite their evil nature, cernun are rarely
relationships that can endure over long lives,
cruel; they are simply callous to the point of
even with years of separation. The only
races accepted into cernun communities are
The cernun are in some fashion
giants, with whom cernun always maintain
connected to the giant races, particularly the
cordial relationships. Despite the
type called the gigantes and fomorians.
condescension they frequently show the
They sometimes refer to those hideously
larger beings, giants find cernun soothing
deformed giants as their children, possibly
and understanding, leading many to a
indicating that the cernun shaped their
greater peace with the world.
existence or destiny.
Regions: For the time being, cernun
communities on Earth are found only in the
Personality: Cernun are cold and uncaring,
British Isles, though many wandering cernun
far from the nurturing attitude normally
can be found in Europe and northern Africa.
associated with mystics. They avoid
A very tiny number have migrated to North
harming nature and often aid in the
America, a land which they have thus far
development of natural habitats and areas,
found unpleasant at best with its vast wastes
but to other sentients they have little
and many human supremacist movements.
patience or forbearance. Cernun are not a
Language: Cernun speak their own
cold-blooded species, but are often referred
language, a sibilant and whispering
to as such; this is more a statement of their
language that sounds vaguely like hissing.
attitude than their physiology. Cernun come
The alphabet for Cernun is curved and
across to other humanoids as distant and
looped, the sort of alphabet a clawed race
would carve into wood. Most cernun learn
Physical Description: Cernun have solid
the giant tongue as well, the better to
bodies that end in a dense, powerful tail.
communicate with their only allies.
Their arms are thin and humanlike, though
Names: The real names of cernun tend to
their legs are thickly muscled with large
be unpronounceable to humans and other
clawed feet suitable for climbing. Even with
humanoids with normal-shaped palates.
their hunched appearance, cernun stand
Cernun who travel among such beings will
between five and a half and six and a half
often translate their name into the outsider
feet tall. Their scales are thin and glossy,
language they know best, coming up with a
which gives them a slick look more similar to
name that sounds like a nickname. Cernun
are named at birth with a birth-sound, a well as being able to completely
syllable that begins a name they will add to regenerate lost limbs over a period of
over the course of their long lives. Cernun time. Digits (like fingers and toes) grow
do not possess family names. back in two days, a hand or foot in three
Male and Female Names: Altering the days, an arm in a week, and a leg or the
Future s Course, Deathbringer, Fell, Joking tail in two weeks. Organs and eyes
Prankster Who Brings Gifts, Severs the Tie, cannot be healed in this manner, nor
Walking Between People and Animals does the brain regenerate if there is
Adventurers: Cernun that choose to deal trauma to it.
with other humanoids are regarded as
" Natural Swimmers and Climbers:
somewhat aberrant, but are never shunned
Cernun love to swim and receive a +4
or hated for their choice. Most cernun
racial bonus to Swim checks. They can
wanderers stay in the background, offering
also hold their breath twice as long as
support and wisdom to their companions
normal. A cernun s legs are built to grab
and allies, but rarely becoming close to any
tree trunks as well, granting them a +4
of them. Cernun are brusque when talking;
racial bonus to Climb checks.
combined with their frequent ambiguity of
" Giant Empathy: For reasons unknown,
speech, this leads others to ignore their
cernun seem to have a natural mental
words until it is too late.
link to giants of all sorts. This mental
link allows a cernun to use discern
thoughts against any creature with the
giant type at will as a spell-like ability.
" +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, -2
The saving throw DC is 10 + the
Charisma: Cernun are robust and
cernun s Wisdom modifier + one-half the
intuitive, but come across to other
cernun s level. Cernun also receive a
species and unlikable and cruel.
+6 bonus to Diplomacy checks against
" Medium-size: As Medium-size
creatures with the giant type, who find
creatures, cernun have no special
the presence of the reptilian mystics
bonuses or penalties based on size.
comforting and pleasant.
" Cernun base speed is 30 feet.
" Automatic Languages: Cernun. Bonus
" Darkvision: Cernun can see in the dark
Languages: Draconic, Euro, Giant.
up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and
" Favored Class: Mystic. Cernun mystics
white only, but it is otherwise like normal
can be any alignment, not just good or
sight, and cernun can function just fine
with no light at all.
" ECL: +2. Cernun are slightly more
" Bio-Regeneration: Cernun do not
powerful than normal humans and gain
actually possess the regeneration or fast
experience levels more slowly.
healing attributes, but they do heal more
quickly and more completely than other
races. Cernun add their Constitution
modifier to their daily healing rate, as
felinoid s face can range from more to less
human in appearance, with wide eyes, high-
Like the better known dog boys, felinoids
set ears, and an upturned nose. All felinoids
are mutant animals given humanoid form.
have short whiskers extending from their
Drawn from the stock of domestic cats
cheeks. Felinoid hands are thin and short;
instead of dogs, felinoids were considered a
the fingers have retractable claws. Felinoids
failure by the Coalition for their independent
often appear to be standing on their toes or
nature and the line barely continued.
leaning forward because of their different
Another population of felinoids exists,
center of gravity.
however, relating to pre-Rifts experiments
Felinoids mature as quickly as dog boys,
with mutant animals in South America.
reaching adulthood in about 5 years, but age
These two different communities of
more slowly. Felinoids tend to live about 40
felinoids Coalition-born soldiers or
to 60 years, depending on their environment
escapees, and the survivors of the South
and living conditions.
American experiments are both the results
Relations: Coalition felinoids are reserved
of the same technology, creating two distinct
and untrusting, whether escaped or still
camps of beings with the same heritage and
slaves. Abused and maltreated, they hold
contempt in their hearts for much of the
Coalition felinoids (sometimes referred to
world. Omaguans are friendly and outgoing,
pithily as cat girls ) tend to the same
with a strong sense of irony. All felinoids are
attitudes as dog boys, without the intense
loving and caring with their friends, but
loyalty or desire for acceptance. Felinoids
always on the lookout for betrayal. Mild
escape more often and more successfully,
paranoia seems to be a legacy of their cat
explaining the small number presently kept
heritage, as is a sense of humor that can
in service. Those who serve the Coalition
sometimes be cruel or scathing.
do so for comfort and excitement, in
Regions: Coalition felinoids are found in the
essentially that order, and are most often
same areas that support dog boys. Contrary
lone scouts or tactical aides.
to legend, dog boys and cat girls do not
The felinoids of South America have
inherently hate one another; mixed-race
formed a city for themselves, called
mutant animal communities are common in
Omagua, and for other humanoid cats of
the wilderness. The South American cat folk
various sorts. Serving a trinity of cat gods,
congregate in the hidden city of Omagua,
these felinoids are a proud and religious
somewhere in the jungles of Brazil.
people. They have been free for several
Language: Felinoids are too young a race
centuries, developing their own culture and
to possess their own independent language,
attitudes towards the outside world. These
but they are quick to adapt the language of
attitudes range from curious to disdainful, in
other races to their own needs, frequently
true cat fashion.
creating new slang terms or slurring the
words in fashions more comfortable to their
Personality: Like the cats to which they
own palates. North American felinoids
owe their origins, felinoids are curious and
typically speak American, while South
playful. Their play tends to be rough and
American felinoids usually speak Spanish or
almost cruel, taunting and teasing their
Portuguese. The language of ancient Egypt
playmates even as they roughhouse and
is a common language in Omagua as well,
tussle. Coalition felinoids are hardened and
being the language spoken in temple.
bitter at their lot; even escapees are angry
Names: Coalition felinoids fall prey to the
and feral. Omaguan felinoids are more
naming conventions inherent in a slave
balanced and at peace with the world,
system, often bearing pet names or joke
accepting their place in it with grace and
names. Escapees and free-borns name
themselves in the style of those they live
Physical Description: Felinoids are shorter
among. Most North American felinoids bear
and thinner than humans, rarely standing
no last name. Omaguan felinoids bear
more than five and a half feet tall. They
proud names in the language with which
have a lithe and nimble appearance, with a
they are most familiar, holding family names
short pelt of fur covering their entire body. A
and lineage.
Male Names: Coalition Fluffy, Kit, Spot,
" Felinoid base speed is 30 feet. Though
Stripe, Tom. Omagua Asim, Beb, Jose,
quicker than humans, they are no faster
Pedro, Teremun.
of foot.
Female Names: Coalition Cinnamon,
" Low-Light Vision: Felinoids can see
Cleo, Dot, Kitty, Missy, Tabby. Omagua
twice as far as a human in conditions of
Bennu, Cleo, Cynthia, Maria, Panyah,
dim light or poor illumination. They
Rabiah, Tabia.
retain the ability to distinguish limited
Family Names: Coalition None.
amounts of color under these
Omaguan de la Pena, de Ybarra,
Fernandez, Galvan, Luna, Pueblo, Santiago.
" +2 racial bonus to Hide and Move
Adventurers: A natural curiosity plagues
Silently checks: Felinoids are stealthy
felinoids of all types, as well as wanderlust
and naturally quiet.
and a desire to experience new things. All
" +2 racial bonus to Balance and Tumble
of these tendencies lead Coalition felinoids
checks: A felinoid s tail provides
to frequently throw off their shackles and
excellent gymnastic ability.
escape to freedom, and Omaguan felinoids
" A felinoid s retractable claws deal 1d4
to throw aside their luxuries and comforts for
points of damage as a melee attack.
a chance to explore the world. Jovial and
Like an animal s natural weapons, this
gregarious, felinoids are sociable without
claw swipe is considered an armed
being social they like company, but do not
require it. Felinoids are just as likely to
" Automatic Languages: Coalition
adventure alone as to surround themselves
American. Omaguan Spanish. Bonus
with allies.
Languages: Coalition By region.
Omaguan Draconic, Egyptian,
" Favored Class: City Rat. A multiclass
" +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 Strength:
Felinoids are quick and personable, but felinoid s city rat class does not count
when determining whether he suffers an
they lack the powerful musculature
XP penalty for multiclassing. Felinoids
associated with dog boys.
of both types are beings of urban
" Medium size: As Medium-size
comfort and prefer to fight with stealth.
creatures, felinoids have no special
Many also enjoy the wry humor of being
bonuses or penalties based on size.
street rats or cat burglars if actual
they come across. Simvan caravans are a
strange sight in motion, with the meager
Much like the Mongols of ancient Earth,
possessions of the whole tribe tied onto the
the simvan are a wandering people whose
backs of dozens of different kinds of
livelihood depends upon the condition and
quality of their mounts. Unlike the Golden
Horde, however, the simvan are not human,
Personality: Simvan are wild, loud, and
nor are their mounts anything resembling
devil-may-care about life in general. They
horses. A species from beyond the Rifts,
fight recklessly, love passionately, and hate
the simvan were one of the earliest
with all their might. A simvan away from his
nonhuman races to find and settle Earth
people displays all of these characteristics
after the Cataclysm. They have built no
as much as one in the heart of his tribe.
cities and established no empire in the
Simvan are mistrusting of other races,
centuries they have been present, preferring
seeing them as weak and ineffective, and
their traditional life of nomadic wandering.
this disdain hurts the attempts of lone
Simvan are a bipedal reptilian species,
simvan to make friends and allies. Simvan
looking a good bit like alligators with hair.
settle all major disputes by single combat,
Their society resembles many other
with minor disputes arbitrated by a shaman.
nomadic tribal societies in that the males are
Physical Description: Standing just short
hunters and warriors, while the females are
of six feet tall, the simvan literally bulge with
healers and caregivers. There is typically a
muscles and robust health. Their thick and
male war leader, who is in charge of each
knotted skin is covered with scales and
tribe during times of conflict, and a female
callouses, ranging from deep, vibrant green
shaman, who rules the tribe in times of
through dull greenish-brown. Simvan have
peace. Simvan tribes owe no larger
long, tapered faces like the blunted snout of
allegiance to one another beyond avoiding
an alligator, though their sharp teeth do not
getting in each other s way. A tribe will
protrude from this muzzle. Unlike true
settle in one place for a few weeks or
reptiles, simvan have hair, often a long
months, sometimes as long as a year,
mane of it on their head, though it grows
before moving on when the hunting thins
coarse and dark over much of their bodies.
Simvan females have breasts and produce
Simvan are aggressive and raucous,
milk for their live-born young. Simvan are
though violence between tribemates almost
bipedal, though often crouched or hunched
never draws blood. To one another, they
over, and possess no tail. Simvan lives tend
are cooperative and helpful, though still
to be nasty, brutal, and short, with an
rambunctious, but belligerent and violent
average life span of only about 30 years.
towards other humanoids. Meat eaters with
They mature slightly faster than humans,
a definite tendency towards humanoid flesh,
being considered adults at around 12 years
the simvan consider themselves the only
of age.
true people and all others to be foolish
Relations: Though cannibalistic and violent,
children or herd animals. A humanoid of
simvan do not attack enemies with vastly
another species that can best a simvan
superior numbers or power unless defending
champion in single combat will be given the
their tribes or families. They also do not
opportunity to live among them as a child for
necessarily attack and devour everyone they
one year; if they can assume the
happen across. Though they consider other
responsibilities of an adult at the end of that
races lesser, they recognize their occasional
year, they are treated as true simvan.
usefulness and sometimes trade furs and
The nickname other races know them
hunting services for weapons and supplies.
by the monster riders is due to their
Because of their egalitarian methods of
propensity for adopting any strange and
allowing others to prove their worth, many
monstrous beast that crosses their path and
wilderness scouts have become adopted
training it as a riding mount or pack animal.
members of simvan tribes. Simvan are also
The favored mount of the simvan is the
accepting of psi-stalkers, considering the
dinosaur-like ostrosaurus, but they will use
mutation a blessing from the animal spirits
virtually any hardy and powerful creature
and hunting gods. While not worshiped or alliances with outsiders, as he can gain their
revered, psi-stalkers are considered equals aid on the kill but offer them no share of the
of the simvan. hunt s glory.
Regions: Simvan stalk their prey and make
their camps in the western regions of North
America, the so-called New West. They
" +4 Strength, +2 Constitution, +2
rarely cross the Mississippi or Rio Grande
Wisdom, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma:
rivers, accepting that superior forces (the
Simvan are naturally powerful of build
Coalition and the Vampire Kingdoms,
and intuitive. Their dependence on
respectively) rule those lands. Scattered
nature leads to a lack of creativity and
simvan tribes can also be found in Africa,
logical thought, however. The brutality
southern Europe and western Asia.
of simvan culture also makes them
Language: Simvan speak their own
disturbing to other races.
language, a harsh guttural tongue full of
" Medium-size: As Medium-size
rasps and clicks. They sometimes learn the
creatures, simvan have no special
language of the people that surround them,
bonuses or penalties based on size.
either for trade or simply to scream insults
" Simvan base speed is 30 feet.
and challenges.
" +4 racial bonus on Animal Empathy and
Names: The simvan adulthood ritual grants
Handle Animal checks: Simvan are in
an adult name to its participants. Before
tune with the natural world and have a
then, the child will bear a simple name that
way with animals. Additionally, Animal
indicates their father or mother and order of
Empathy and Handle Animal are always
birth. An adulthood ritual is typically a short
class skills for a simvan.
quest of hunting or venture into battle for
" Born Trainer: Simvan treat beasts as
males, and a lengthy process of learning
animals for purposes of training
and apprenticeship for females. They
difficulties and times, and they can train
receive a name based on their duties or
magical beasts as though they were
deeds in this ritual. Adults are also entitled
to name their tribe as part of their name,
" Psionic Heritage: Simvan are naturally
which children and outcasts are not.
psionic, though they channel most of
Male Names: Climbs-the-Walls, Left-Side
this ability towards their empathy with
Scar, Mountain Shadow, Smoke-Stealer,
animals and beasts. Simvan are
Two Daggers
considered to be psionic for purposes of
Female Names: Caregiver, Helpmate,
taking feats and effects which target
Restores Sight, Vision Speaker,
psionic beings. Simvan are considered
to have 1 reserve power point for
Tribe Names: Arrow, Cloud, Field, Knife,
purposes of feat prerequisites if they
Stone, Sun, Tree
take no levels in any psionic class.
Adventurers: Lone simvan are outcasts,
" Automatic Languages: Simvan. Bonus
iconoclasts, or on a hunt. Outcast simvan
Languages: American, Draconic, Goblin.
often seem terribly lonely, even through their
" Favored Class: Wilderness Scout. A
loud and boisterous exterior. Such
multiclass simvan s wilderness scout
individuals failed their adulthood test without
class does not count when determining
dying, ran away from battle, or some other
whether he suffers an XP penalty for
terrible disgrace. Simvan that begin to
multiclassing. Simvan are natural
doubt their racial beliefs will often willingly
rangers and hunters, loving nothing
exile themselves, though these are
better than traveling through the vast
permitted to return when they wish. They
open spaces outside civilization.
will mingle among other races, trying to
Female simvan frequently take levels of
better understand them. Many of them
mystic or mind melter to expand their
never return, staying among those races for
healing capabilities.
the remainder of their lives. Rarely, a
" ECL: +1. Simvan are slightly more
simvan will take on a hunting challenge so
powerful than humans and gain levels
great that he must leave his people to
more slowly.
complete the task on his own. This last
group will sometimes forge temporary
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