By Hida Jiremi
Class Skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration
Fallen Knight
(Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle
The order of the cyber-knights is an elite
Animal (Cha), Knowledge (religion) (Int),
one, dedicated to right and good in a world
Profession (Wis), Treat Injury (Wis), Ride
gone terribly wrong. They act as champions
(Dex), Wilderness Lore (Wis)
of light and beacons of hope in a land
Skill Points: 2 + Int modifier
otherwise dark and horrible. To counter the
influence of the cyber-knights, the forces of
evil that they oppose form their own legions
Class Features
of the damned, those called fallen knights or
knights of the fall. Not all fallen knights are
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Fallen
former cyber-knights, despite the
knights are proficient with all simple and
suggestiveness of the name, but enough
martial archaic weapons, as well as with
have come from that august legion to be a
personal firearms and energy weapons.
force to be feared.
They are also proficient in the use of light,
The fallen knight epitomizes evil, nothing
medium, and heavy armor.
less than a mortal fiend. The typical fallen
knight carries with his a villainous reputation
Knightly Conversion: A cyber-knight that
that is not just well deserved but almost
falls to the path of darkness is more
certainly understated. Serving dark deities,
powerful than those who actively seek it as
evil outsiders, demon lords, and nightmares
the cyber-knight adage goes, none are
from before time, the fallen knight is warped
more faithful than the converted, and none
and twisted by his power, though all the
hate harder than they that once loved. A
more horrible for his still mortal-seeming
cyber-knight who falls to evil and chooses to
become a fallen knight may ignore the feat
Fallen knights often carve out kingdoms in
and skill requirements of this prestige class.
the name of their true masters, conquering
A cyber-knight of higher level also gets to
swaths of peaceful and helpless territory
keep more of his powers the forces of
with ease. Peasants and villagers barely
darkness want their servants strong and
eking out a living rarely match the power at
things once used for good to be turned to
their disposal, and even the champions that
such villages sometimes possess are little
more than temporary obstacles to the truly
Dark Fate (Ex): A fallen knight is clever in
dedicated fallen knight. Human monsters
the ways of the world and prideful in his own
such as this are why the cyber-knights were
abilities. This intense pride and strong
first formed, making it all the more ironic
sense of self manifests as a darkly powerful
when one of their number falls to the
aura of fate or luck. A fallen knight applies
temptation of easy power and quick gain.
his Charisma modifier (if positive) as a
bonus to all saving throws.
Hit Die: d10
Poison Use (Ex): Fallen knights quickly
become skilled in the use of poison to
To qualify to become a fallen knight, a
dispatch their foes. At second level, fallen
character must fulfill all the following criteria.
knights gain the poison use ability and never
Alignment: Any evil
risk accidentally poisoning themselves when
Base Attack Bonus: +6
applying poison to a blade.
Knowledge (religion): 2 ranks
Feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Sunder
Detect Good (Sp): At will, the fallen
Special: The fallen knight must have
knight can detect good as a spell-like ability.
made peaceful contact with an evil outsider
who was summoned by him or someone
Smite Good (Su): Once a day, a fallen
else to contract the taint of true evil.
knight of 2nd level or higher may attempt to
smite good with one normal melee attack.
He adds his Charisma modifier (if positive)
to his attack roll and deals 1 extra point of gains the supernatural to command and
damage per class level. If the fallen knight rebuke undead. He commands undead at
accidentally smites a creature that is not three levels lower than his fallen knight class
good, the smite has no effect but it is still level. At 8th level, the fallen knight can
used up for that day. extend this power to evil outsiders.
Aura of Despair (Su): Beginning at 3rd Fiendish Servant: Upon or after reaching
level, the fallen knight radiates an aura of 5th level, a fallen knight can call a fiendish
supernatural evil that causes enemies within bat, cat, dire rat, horse, pony, or raven to
10 feet of him to suffer a -2 morale penalty serve him. This creature may be used as a
on all saving throws. guardian, a helper, or a mount, but none of
that disguises what the creature really is a
Sneak Attack (Ex): If a fallen knight can spy for the fallen knight s dark masters,
catch an opponent when he is unable to keeping tabs on him even as it serves him.
defend himself effectively from the fallen The fallen knight s servant further gains HD
knight s attack, he can strike a vital spot for and special abilities based on the fallen
extra damage. This ability is precisely as knight s character level.
the rogue ability of the same name. A fallen A fallen knight may only have one fiendish
knight can sneak attack a foe for an extra servant at a time. Should the fallen knight s
+1d6 starting at 3rd level, increasing to +2d6 servant die, he may call for another after
at 7th level and +3d6 at 10th. one day with no penalty. The new fiendish
servant has all the accumulated abilities due
Command Undead and Outsiders (Su): a servant of the fallen knight s level.
When a fallen knight reaches 4th level, he
Table 1-1: The Fallen Knight
Level Base Fortitude Reflex Will Defense
Attack Bonus Save Save Save Bonus Special
1 +1 +2 +0 +0 +2 Knightly conversion; dark fate
2 +2 +3 +0 +0 +2 Poison use; detect good; smite good
3 +3 +3 +1 +1 +3 Aura of despair; sneak attack +1d6
4 +4 +4 +1 +1 +3 Command undead
5 +5 +4 +1 +1 +3 Fiendish servant
6+6 +5+2 +2 +4
7 +7 +5 +2 +2 +4 Sneak attack +2d6
8 +8 +6 +2 +2 +4 Command outsiders
9+9 +6+3 +3 +5
10 +10 +7 +3 +3 +5 Sneak attack +2d6
Table 1-2: Fiendish Servants
CharacterBonus Natural Str. Int Special
Level HD Armor Adj.
12 or less +2 HD +1 +1 6 Improved evasion, empathic link, share saves
13-15 +4 HD +3 +2 7 Speak with fallen knight; share spells/powers
16-18 +6 HD +5 +3 8 Blood bond
19-20 +8 HD +7 +4 9 Spell resistance
Character Level: The character level of the servant s base attack bonus and base
the fallen knight. saving throws as normal.
Bonus Hit Dice: These are extra d8 Hit Natural Armor: This is a bonus to the
Dice, each of which gains a Constitution servant s natural armor rating.
modifier as normal. Extra Hit Dice improve
Str. Adj.: Add this figure to the servant s Blood Bond (Ex): The servant gains a +2
Strength score. bonus to all attacks, skill and ability checks,
Int: The servant s Intelligence score. and saving throws if it witnesses the fallen
Improved Evasion (Ex): If the servant is knight threatened or harmed. This bonus
subjected to an attack that normally allows a lasts as long as the threat is immediate and
Reflex saving throw for half damage, it takes apparent.
no damage on a successful saving throw Spell Resistance: The spell resistance
and only half damage on a failed saving equals the fallen knight s character level + 5.
throw. To affect the servant with a spell, a
Empathic Link (Su): The fallen knight has spellcaster must make a caster level check
an empathic link with the servant out to a (1d20 + caster level) at least equal to the
distance of up to one mile. The fallen knight servant s spell resistance.
cannot see through the servant s eyes, but
they can communicate telepathically. Even
intelligent servants see the world differently
from humans, so misunderstanding is Table 1-3: Fallen Cyber-Knight Abilities
always possible. Because of the empathic Cyber-Knight Extra
link between the servant and the fallen Levels Ability
knight, the fallen knight has the same 1-2 Smite good once per day. This is in
connection to a place or item that the addition to the smite good ability gained by all
servant does. fallen knights at 2nd level, so that a fallen knight
Share Saving Throws (Ex): The servant of 2nd level or above can smite good a total of
uses its own base save of the fallen knight s, twice per day.
whichever is higher. 3-4 Restored confidence: The fallen knight
Speak With Fallen Knight (Su): The has enough conviction in himself and his own
fallen knight and servant can communicate abilities, removing the penalties he is suffering to
verbally as if they were using a common the use of his psionic abilities. A fallen knight
language. Other creatures do not who was a cyber-knight of this level also
understand the communication without receives continued manifestation progression at
magical help. each level.
Share Spells or Powers (Su): At the 5-6 Sneak attack damage increased by
fallen knight s option, he may have any spell +1d6.
he casts on himself or any psionic power he 7-8 Armor Bonding: The fallen cyber-
manifests on himself also affect his servant. knight has the penalties to his cyber-armor class
The servant must be within 5 feet. If the ability removed as the dark powers he now
spell has a duration other than serves enhance them in the place of the order of
instantaneous, the spell stops affecting the cyber-knights. The fallen knight s cyber-armor
servant if it moves farther away than 5 feet abilities are judged by his cyber-knight level plus
and will not affect the servant again even if his fallen knight level.
the servant returns to the fallen knight 9-10 Psi-sword recovery: The fallen cyber-
before the duration expires. Additionally, the knight s will and faith in the dark powers have
fallen knight may cast a spell or manifest an grown enough by this point to increase his psi-
ability with a target of You on his servant sword damage and enhancement bonuses to full
(as a touch range spell) instead of on strength. The progression of psi-sword abilities
himself. The fallen knight and his servant continues while taking fallen knight levels as the
can share spells and powers even if the character s cyber-knight level plus his fallen
spell or power does not normally affect knight level.
creatures of the servant s type.
(Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis),
Spot (Wis), Wilderness Lore (Wis)
The headhunter is a paid warrior, but no
Skill Points: 4 + Int modifier
mere soldier. Capitalizing on the vendettas
of others, the headhunter tracks down
fugitives whether for their enemies, their
Class Features
masters, or simply for justice. The best
headhunters stay emotionally detached from
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The
both their employers and their quarry,
headhunter gains proficiency in personal
though headhunters who hate their prey
firearms, energy weapons, and light,
often make more spectacular kills.
medium, and heavy armor.
Not all headhunters kill their targets either.
Some employers reserve that pleasure for
Target Bonus: Due to extensive study,
themselves, or plan to give the quarry a
the headhunter gains a +1 competence
more or less fair trial. Also, some
bonus on attack rolls against a chosen
headhunters have reservations about taking
victim, usually a contracted target. He gains
lives unnecessarily, clinging to a moral or
the same bonus on Bluff, Listen, Search,
ethical code in the face of their grim
Sense Motive, and Spot checks when using
occupation. Regardless of the headhunter s
these skills against or when tracking this
methods, he still has to produce the quarry
specific target. The competence bonus
in some fashion in order to receive payment.
increases by 1 at every odd-numbered level.
Overkill is generally not a good idea.
The target bonus normally applies only to
Headhunters might not particularly respect
a single individual. The player of the
others in their profession, but they at least
headhunter character must announce the
respect the profession itself. They do not
target before the game session begins.
take kindly to those of their ilk who make
Generally, this target should be someone
other headhunters look bad. A headhunter
the headhunter has taken a contract to track
who kills innocents indiscriminately, or
down. The headhunter can also name a
betrays and employer, is likely to wind up
small group as his target (a number of
with a bounty on his own head. Conversely,
specific individuals equal to or less than his
a particularly successful headhunter who
class level), or a large group or species
draws high-paying contracts away from the
(such as Coalition soldiers or dog boys). In
rest might discover that other bounty hunters
such cases, the target bonus is one-half or
will go out of their way to sabotage his
one-third normal, respectively (round
jobs or even to kill him.
fractions down).
In any event, few headhunters die of
either boredom or old age.
Sneak Attack: Beginning at 2nd level, if a
headhunter faces an opponent who is
Hit Die: d10
unable to effectively defend himself from
attack, the headhunter can strike a vital spot
for extra damage. Basically, any time the
headhunter s opponent would be denied his
Base Attack Bonus: +6
Dexterity bonus to Defense (whether he
Skills: Gather Information 5 ranks,
actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or
Intimidate 5 ranks, Move Silently 5 ranks
when the headhunter flanks the target, the
Feats: Track
headhunter s attack deals extra damage.
The extra damage is +1d6 at 2nd level and
an additional 1d6 at each even-numbered
Class Skills: Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), level thereafter. Ranged attacks only count
Demolitions (Int), Disguise (Cha), Forgery
as sneak attacks if the target is within 30
(Int), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex),
feet; the headhunter cannot strike with
Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge
deadly accuracy beyond that range.
(current events, local, streetwise) (Int),
A headhunter can only sneak attack
Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession
creatures with discernible anatomies.
Additionally, any creature that is immune to
critical hits is also invulnerable to sneak headhunter cannot sneak attack while
attacks. The headhunter must be able to striking a creature with concealment or
see the target well enough to pick out a vital striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals
spot and must be able to reach it. The are beyond reach.
Table 1-4: The Headhunter
Level Base Fortitude Reflex Will Defense
Attack Bonus Save Save Save Bonus Special
1 +1 +1 +1 +0 +2 Target bonus +1
2 +2 +2 +2 +0 +2 Sneak attack +1d6
3 +3 +2 +2 +1 +3 Target bonus +2
4 +4 +2 +2 +1 +3 Sneak attack +2d6
5 +5 +3 +3 +1 +4 Target bonus +3
6 +6 +3 +3 +2 +4 Sneak attack +3d6
7 +7 +4 +4 +2 +5 Target bonus +4
8 +8 +4 +4 +2 +5 Sneak attack +4d6
9 +9 +4 +4 +3 +6 Target bonus +5
10 +10 +5 +5 +3 +6 Sneak attack +5d6
A burster has learned the simple truth that Power Points: Bursters gain power points
a little power goes long way if you are as shown on the table below. These power
interested only in fire. A burster finds both points are added to the character s previous
beauty and utility in the chaotic shape of total. Bursters gain bonus power points
flame, its spectrum of fuel-dependent colors, based on the key ability score for their
its warming heat, and its never-ending primary ability. If the character could not
hunger. The pyrokinetic fury of this class previously gain bonus power points for high
has earned it the name burster. ability scores, he now chooses a primary
Those who become bursters like fire. A Discipline and can gain bonus power points
lot. Any character with some psionic ability based on the related ability score.
is a possible candidate for this prestige
class. Mind melters often consider it Powers Discovered: Bursters gain
acceptable to give up power acquisition in powers as shown on the table below. The
other areas if they have a passion for flame. powers are added to the character s
A few psions also enjoy the raw heat of the previous total powers known. New powers
burster s powers. are chosen from the mind melter list.
Bursters are not especially common Bursters gain the benefit of power chains, as
among psionics, because most societies they now possess a primary Discipline (if
frown on those whose primary pursuit in life they did not before).
is to burn it all. Thus, bursters are rarely
found in large communities (unless Manifester Level: Each level of this
employed as secret enforcers). Instead, prestige class adds +1 to the character s
they are more likely to be found on the manifester level.
fringes of society, as hermits in the barren
wastes where the temptations to burn are Psionic Combat: Psionic attack and
reduced. defense modes are learned as though the
character were a psion of the same level as
the prestige class.
Hit Die: d6
0-Level Powers: Levels of this prestige
Requirements class count toward levels of the base class
for determining the number of free 0-level
Alignment: Any non-lawful manifestations per day.
Powers: Control flames
Base Power Points/Day: 10+ Touch Aflame (Su): The burster s mere
Skills: Knowledge (psionics) 1 rank, Craft touch sets object or foes on fire the round
(chemical) 1 rank following the touch, if you desire. Unless the
Special: Must have set fire to a structure character s unarmed attacks are treated as
of any size just to watch it burn armed attacks, this innocent-looking touch
draws an attack of opportunity. The flame
deals 1d6 points of fire damage, then dies
out, though flammable materials may begin
Class Skills: Concentration (Con), Craft
to burn in their own right. This power may
(Int), Demolitions (Int), Knowledge (psionics)
be used as long as the burster s power point
(Int), Psicraft (Int)
reserve remains at 1 or more.
Skill Points: 2 + Int modifier
Fire Adaptation (Ex): The primary power
a burster gains from his newfound insight is
Class Features
his resistance to fire. The burster gains a
+10 bonus on all saving throws against fire
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies:
and heat damage. Additionally, the burster
Bursters gain no additional proficiency in
gains fire resistance 5, and he takes the first
any weapons or armor.
1d6 points of damage after this resistance
as subdual damage. This extraordinary
ability functions as long as the burster s Nimbus (Sp): At 6th level, the burster
power point reserve is 5 or more. gains the ability to cover his body in an aura
of flames that harm neither him nor his
Hand Afire (Sp): At 2nd level, the burster possessions. Activating the nimbus is a
can activate this spell-like ability as a move- move-equivalent action. While aflame, the
equivalent action. One of the burster s character s Charisma modifier (not score)
hands is licked by flames that do him no increases by +2, he can make melee touch
harm, causing his unarmed attacks to be attacks as with the hand afire ability, and he
treated as armed. Such attacks deal 1d6 gains damage reduction 10/+1. The burster
points of fire damage in addition to any other must pay 9 power points per minute he uses
damage from the unarmed attack. A burster the nimbus ability.
can use the hand afire ability at will as long
as his power point reserve is 9 or more. Firefly (Sp): The burster gains the ability
to slowly fly through the air at 7th level. He
Chain Smoker (Ex): A burster with this may move at his normal speed in all
ability need never fear second-hand smoke directions, including vertically, but cannot
again. He gains the extraordinary ability to move more than double his base speed in a
breathe smoke and heat-caused fumes as round. He leaves behind contrails of flames
easily as clean air. This ability functions as that disperse after 2 rounds, but these tracks
long as the burster s power point reserve is deal no damage. The burster must pay 1
7 or more. power point per 10 feet traveled in this
Bolt of Fire (Sp): At 3rd level, the burster
can launch a bolt of psionically manifested Fear No Fire (Su): At 8th level, the burster
fire up to 60 feet at any target in line of sight. becomes almost impervious to flame. The
This bolt is treated as a ranged touch attack saving throw bonus increases to +15 against
and deals 3d6 points of fire damage. The heat and flame, and the fire resistance
burster can use bolt of fire at will, but must increases to 30. Even if he takes fire or heat
pay 3 power points per use. damage, the first 2d6 points are treated as
subdual damage. This power continually
Weapon Afire (Sp): This ability requires a protects the character as long as his power
move-equivalent action to activate. Once point reserve is 19 or more.
activated, one weapon the burster holds
(including a stone, bullet, arrow, or bolt) is Heat Death (Sp): A burster who reaches
licked by flames that harm neither him nor 9th level can use this ability to raise the
the weapon. The weapon deals 1d6 points internal temperature of one living creature
of fire damage, in addition to its normal within 30 feet to lethal levels. The target
damage, and stops flaming the round after must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 17) or
the last activation. A burster can use the die horribly as its internal fluids boil. Even
weapon afire ability at will as long as his on a successful save, the target sustains
power point reserve is 9 or more. 2d8 points of heat damage. The burster
must pay 13 power points each time he uses
Breath of the Dragon (Sp): At 5th level, this ability.
the burster automatically learns the breath of
the dragon power. Level-dependent effects Fire Lord (Su): Once per day, a 10th level
are determined by total character level, burster can transform into a fire elemental of
rather than by class level or manifester level. his own size. He gains all of the elemental s
A burster can manifest this power even if special abilities when he does so. In all
normally too low in level to do so, but must other respects, this resembles the power
pay the full power point cost normally. polymorph self as manifested by a 12th-level
Table 1-5: The Burster
Level Base Fortitude Reflex Will Defense
Attack Bonus Save Save Save Bonus Special
1 +0 +1 +1 +0 +2 Touch aflame; fire adaptation
2 +1 +2 +2 +0 +2 Hand afire; chain smoker
3 +2 +2 +2 +1 +3 Bolt of fire
4 +3 +2 +2 +1 +3 Weapon afire
5 +3 +3 +3 +1 +3 Breath of the dragon
6 +4 +3 +3 +2 +4 Nimbus
7 +5 +4 +4 +2 +4 Firefly
8 +6 +4 +4 +2 +4 Fear no fire
9 +6 +4 +4 +3 +5 Heat death
10 +7 +5 +5 +3 +5 Fire lord
Level Power Points Powers Discovered
Per Day 0 1 2 3
1+3 - - - -
2+5 - - - -
3+5 - - - -
4+5 1 - - -
5+7 2 - - -
6+7 2 1 - -
7+7 2 2 - -
8+9 3 2 1-
9+9 3 2 2-
10 +9 3 3 2 1
necessary to make the intuitive leap from
magic and science to technomancy.
Sorcerers and line walkers both share a
mastery of the arcane forces of nature that
Hit Die: d6
baffle the uninitiated, often frightening and
confusing those without access to the power
of magic. They cast spells, drawing on the
primal forces of the universe with seeming
Skills: Craft (chemical) 4 ranks, Craft
impunity. Few people could ever
(electronics) 6 ranks, Craft (mechanics) 6
understand the sacrifices that sorcerers and
ranks, Disable Device 2 ranks, Knowledge
line walkers make for their art, and fewer still
(arcana) 4 ranks, Spellcraft 4 ranks
would care to do so. Then there are the few
Feats: Technowizardry, Craft
sorcerers and fewer line walkers that make
Technomagic Device
even the others of their occupation scratch
Spellcasting: Ability to cast arcane spells
their heads.
of at least 3rd level
The techno-wizard is an unconventional
user of magic to say the least. Techno-
wizards represent the tiny portion of
Class Skills: Appraise (Int), Computer Use
spellcasters who have managed to combine
(Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int),
magic and technology into a barely unified
Disable Device (Int), Drive (Dex),
whole, creating items that draw upon the
Knowledge (all skills, taken individually)
power of both sorcery and science to
(Int), Pilot (Dex), Profession (Wis), Research
produce their effects. Although the techno-
(Int), Treat Injury (Wis).
wizard can cast spells and use scrolls just
Skill Points: 2 + Int modifier
like other magic-users, the focus of their
talents is in the creation of technomagical
Class Features
While these devices emulate the powers
of existing magic items, they offer several
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies:
advantages over traditional magic items.
Techno-wizards gain proficiency in energy
First and foremost, they can be used by
weapons but no further proficiency with
anyone possessing spellcasting ability or
other weapons or armor.
psionic powers, not just those classes with
the associated power on their spell list.
Spellcasting: Techno-wizards are, as
Another major benefit is the fact that TW
their name indicates, spellcasters.
devices are rechargeable by people with the
However, their dedication to technomancy
appropriate powers. Finally, since the
rather than traditional sorcery diminishes
powers of the TW devices are only partly
their understanding of the wider breadth of
magical in nature, powers and abilities that
magic. Techno-wizards gain increased spell
detect magic (such as the spell detect magic
level progression at each even class level.
or the line walker ability of spellsight) only
Additionally, techno-wizards can learn any
detect TW devices as magical while they are
spell with the Technomagic descriptor as
in operation. To most people, when a TW
though it were a spell from their Talent list,
device is inactive it is little more than
though it gains no benefit from abilities that
random wires and machine parts.
aid Talents (such as Spell Focus).
The path of the techno-wizard is a time-
demanding one, requiring early training and
Techno-Wizard Device: Techno-wizards
continuing devotion. Mechanically speaking,
have the ability to craft technomagical items,
this means that a character wishing to be a
devices that combine the properties of
techno-wizard must take the
technology and magic. In addition to being
Technowizardry feat at first level and their
able to make normal objects run off of
first level must be a spellcasting class.
magical energy, a techno-wizard can create
Otherwise, the character simply does not
weapons and spell items that work for both
have the dedication or initial training
spellcasters and psionics, and are even
Techno-wizard (TW) devices are typically has 5 hit points per cubic foot of volume and
arcane-looking and unwieldy, covered in hardness 10. A device can be made out of
crystals and wires. By default, all techno- special materials to increase its hardness
wizard devices other than weapons require and hit points, as usual; treat each cubic foot
two items slots: the regular one the item of the device as a longsword for determining
would take up, plus either the belt or the modifier to the base price. Special
cloak slot. It is possible for techno-wizards materials do not apply the cost of the item
to make their devices more streamlined and for purposes of being rebuilt or scrapped.
fluid, but they cost twice as much to build. As a final note, as the device is the source
A techno-wizard can build devices that of the power and not the user, any spell or
duplicate the effects of any spell he knows, power which requires the caster to be
actually making the spells more effective present or concentrate instead requires the
with the creation of devices. device to be present or the user to
All TW devices have charges, concentrate on the device. For example,
representing the magical energy that powers detect magic has a duration of
them and its gradual reduction from use. concentration, up to one minute per level.
After a certain number of uses, the device While utilizing a device that can detect
becomes inert until it is recharged, by magic, the user must focus his attention on
expending one spell slot per charge (per the device while using it; if he fails to do so,
level of the power) into the item. The the device shuts down precisely as the spell
individual recharging the item must have would. Similarly, as alarm wards an area,
access to the spell that the item power is the point in space that the emanation is
based on, or be a techno-wizard. centered on is the device. If the device is
Making TW devices requires an moved during the duration, the power is
expenditure of time, resources, and disrupted just as the spell would be if the
experience points, as would the crafting of a point were no longer a legitimate target.
normal magic item. To determine the cost of When determining a techno-wizard s
a TW device, multiply the level of the power caster level for his device powers, he is
times the casting level of the techno-wizard considered to have a maximum caster level
times 1000 credits. Multiply the entire cost of his base class level plus all levels of this
by two for the item to occupy only one item prestige class (rather than the standard
slot. The device also requires an XP spellcasting progression of +1 caster level at
expenditure equal to 1/25 the base cost of each even level for normal spellcasting).
the item to enchant. The techno-wizard can For example, a 5th-level sorcerer/4th-level
set the casting level at any level less than techno-wizard would be considered a 7th-
his own but not lower than the level needed level caster for damage, duration, and other
to cast the device power he is using in the factors of his normally cast spells. When
creation. A TW device requires one day per building a TW device, however, he could set
1000 credits to build. A techno-wizard can the caster level anywhere from the minimum
also create items with less than 50 level required for that power up to 9th caster
maximum charges (the base number), to as level.
few as 5 maximum charges, reducing the As mentioned above, any spellcaster or
cost proportionally. A 0-level power counts psionic character can use a TW device.
as half the value of a 1st-level power for However, non-supernatural characters
determining the cost of the device. Techno- cannot use TW devices at all, except with a
wizards follow the standard magic item Use Magic Device or Use Psionic Device
creation rules for determining the cost of a check as per normal. (See below for
device with multiple functions. possible results of failure of this check.)
TW devices are large and bulky. Multiply
the level of the device power (with 0-level Appraise TW Device: Powers and
powers counting as ½ level) by 1 cubic foot abilities that detect magic can normally only
and 5 pounds to determine the total volume determine that a TW device is magical when
and weight of the device. Devices with it is active. A techno-wizard can determine
multiple powers add together the individual the magical nature of a TW device through
weights of each set of powers to determine such abilities normally, even when the
the overall size of the device. A TW device device is inactive.
charges (round down) as a similar costing
Bonus Item: At 2nd level, the techno- TW device.
wizard gains a single-function 50-charge
item of any device power he knows. The Prototype: A techno-wizard that has
techno-wizard is assumed to have been mastered his craft gains the ability to make
working on the device in his spare time and devices utilizing spells that he does not
need spend neither XP nor credits to acquire know at the cost of safety. Any spell from
it. The techno-wizard gains another such any Talent may be incorporated into a
bonus item at levels five and eight. prototype device in this fashion. Prototype
items cost double the normal base amount
Skill Focus: At 4th level, the techno- and are unreliable. Every time a techno-
wizard gains the Skill Focus feat in one of wizard uses an ability of a prototype device,
the skills that is required to attain this he must make a caster level check equal to
prestige class (provided that the techno- 15 + the power s level. Any other person
wizard does not already have Skill Focus for attempting to activate the prototype device
that skill). must make a character level check of 25 +
the power s level. Failure indicates a
Salvage: A techno-wizard of at least 6th mishap (see the TW prototype device
level gains the ability to build or rebuild mishap table below). If a mishap occurs, the
techno-wizard devices out of the scraps of charge for that attempted use is expended,
others. A techno-wizard of this level can regardless of the mishap s outcome.
repair broken TW devices by expending half
the amount of credits, XP, and time that was
required to build the device in the first place, Techno-Wizard Device Mishaps
provided that the techno-wizard knows the A device malfunctions when a mishap
power the device uses. Additionally, a occurs, usually in a reversed or harmful
techno-wizard can scrap an already-existing manner. The GM determines what sort of
TW device to build a new one. This reduces mishap occurs, with the malfunction causing
the base price of the new device (and all 1d6 points of damage per power level to the
associated costs, like XP and time) by ½ the wielder as a default.
base price of the device being dismantled.
" If the device power is a ranged effect, it
strikes the user or an ally instead of the
Independent Item: At 7th level, a techno-
intended target, or a random target
wizard learns a lesson in efficiency. After
nearby if the wielder was the intended
this point, a techno-wizard with permanent
target. Alternately for ranged effects,
item crafting feats (other the Craft
the power takes effect at some random
Technomagic Arms and Armor) may
location within range.
incorporate his TW spells into items created
" Device causes 1d6 points of damage
with those feats by the normal TW device
per power level to the user.
rules, rather than creating items that require
" Device damages user as above and
personal item slots. For example, a techno-
expends 1d10 additional charges.
wizard with Craft Wands would become able
" Device damages user as above and
to make technomagical wands that
ceases to function until rebuilt, costing
functioned as TW devices. Craft
1/10 the base price.
Technomagical Arms and Armor already has
" Device activates 1d4 rounds later than
its own rules for the incorporation of TW
intended, selecting a random target if a
functions, and the rules for that feat are
ranged device.
used when that feat is used.
" Device activates 1d4 hours later than
Independent items are less powerful than
intended, selecting a random target if a
either the bulky TW devices that they
ranged device.
emulate or the traditional magical items off
" Device does not function and ceases to
of which they are based. An independent
function for 1d6 rounds.
item has only half as many maximum
" Device does not function and ceases to
function for 1d6 hours.
Table 1-6: The Techno-Wizard
Level Base Fortitude Reflex Will Defense
Attack Bonus Save Save Save Bonus Special
1 +0 +0 +0 +1 +1 TW device, appraise TW device
2 +1 +0 +0 +2 +2 Bonus item
3+1 +1+1 +2 +2
4 +2 +1 +1 +2 +2 Skill Focus
5 +2 +1 +1 +3 +3 Bonus item
6 +3 +2 +2 +3 +3 Salvage
7 +3 +2 +2 +4 +4 Independent item
8 +4 +2 +2 +4 +4 Bonus item
9+4 +3+3 +4 +4
10 +5 +3 +3 +5 +5 Prototype
paranoid. It is the decisions of those few in
Coalition Officer
positions of great power that influence the
Even the best-trained troops need
lives of many troops in a negative fashion,
someone to make decisions and provide
sending them blindly against greater forces
direction. The officers of the Coalition
to die, or enforcing the wartime acts to
military fill that role, but it is also up to them
lengthen a soldier s term of service past the
to take responsibility if the troops fail in their
mandatory four years. The lower- and
appointed duties. Coalition officers rarely
middle-ranked officers have thus far been a
suffer the disrespect of subordinates the
mitigating influence on the worst excesses
armies of the CS are too well trained to
of the higher echelons, but how much longer
permit that sort of laxness but officers are
that continues to be true is anyone s guess.
often the target of enemy fire, seeing an
their uniform as an opportunity to cut off the
Hit Die: d8
snake s head, as it were. Despite the near-
perfect obedience of Coalition grunts, few
officers ever earn the universal respect of
their troops and superiors. To a very few,
Base Attack Bonus: +4
those that understand the concepts of
Skills: Diplomacy 6 ranks, Knowledge
leadership and valor, that respect often just
(tactics) 4 ranks
comes naturally.
Feats: Leadership
An officer must be comfortable in
Special: Must belong to the Coalition
command, willing to make tough decisions
military and occupy a position of command
when his men need guidance, and
rank. (Note: Other military and paramilitary
occasionally ordering individual soldiers to
organizations may also have officers, and
their deaths so that the unit can survive. A
they can use this prestige class unchanged.)
good officer learns to do so without
hesitation and only agonizes over his
decision when lives are no longer at stake.
Class Skills: Bluff (Cha), Computer Use
The best officers do not let their distaste for
(Int), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather
life-or-death situations paralyze them when
Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha),
their troops are counting on them. Those
Knowledge (current events, local, history,
who cannot find the courage to face such
nobility and royalty, tactics) (Int), Sense
dilemmas rarely stay officers for very long
Motive (Wis), Speak Language
though certainly, a few manage to avoid the
Skill Points: 4 + Int modifier
issue by shifting blame elsewhere.
Officers generally command about a
dozen to two dozen troops, with higher-
Class Features
ranking officers having larger forces, and the
highest ranks commanding other officers.
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies:
The officer is responsible for ensuring that
Coalition officers gain proficiency in energy
his troops have a clear understanding of
weapons, personal firearms, and light and
their objectives, the equipment they need to
medium armor.
accomplish those objectives, and the
leadership necessary to come back alive. In
Commanding Presence: By directing the
time, an officer might even become a
actions of others, an officer can increase
respect tactician, admired by enemies and
their chances of success. This requires a
allies alike.
Diplomacy check (DC 10 + the number of
The Coalition military faces a moderate
allies to be assisted) and a full-round action.
problem with corruption in the ranks the
A success grants a competence bonus on
major difficulty being that most of the corrupt
all affected allies skill checks for 1 minute
officers occupy positions near the top.
(or a single task if it requires more than 1
While many commanders are just,
minute to complete). The bonus granted is
honorable, and heroic, the generals and
equal to the officer s Charisma bonus. All
military cabinets that stand above them are
allies must be within sight and voice range
xenophobic, racist, and increasingly
of the officer, and must be able to rounds equal to 1d4 + the officer s Charisma
understand him. modifier.
As a full-round action, the officer can grant
Requisition Supplies: At 3rd level, a the selected bonus to all of his allies
Coalition officer can requisition supplies for (including himself) within range. In this
individual missions. The maximum value of case, the bonus lasts for rounds equal to the
the supplies assigned to the officer is equal officer s Charisma bonus.
to the officer s class level multiplied by his All allies to be affected must be within
Charisma modifier multiplied by 1000 sight and voice range of the officer, and
credits. In general, the officer should must be able to understand him.
returned requisitioned equipment within a
reasonable time frame; however, no specific Uncanny Survival (Ex): An officer knows
limits are applied other than the GM s when to run and when to fight, and is good
discretion. If any requisitioned equipment is at combining the two using his knowledge of
lost or destroyed unnecessarily, its value battle. Starting at 7th level, the officer can
counts as a permanent penalty to the add his class levels to his Defense for 1
officer s maximum value. round, once per day. He must declare he is
doing this at the beginning of his turn, and
Bonus Feats: At 4th and 8th level, the the Defense bonus lasts until the beginning
officer gains a bonus feat from the following of his next round. This ability is useful either
list, provided that he meets all of the when withdrawing from the field of combat,
prerequisites: Fame, Frightful Presence, ensuring that the officer escapes with his
Persuasive, Sharp-Eyed, Trustworthy. life, or when mounting a final charge against
an enemy position, allowing the officer to
Tactics (Ex): Beginning at 5th level, a stay alive while he rallies his troops.
Coalition officer can use his tactical
knowledge to direct his allies during a battle. Improved Tactics (Ex): At 10th level, the
As a standard action, the officer can grant officer masters his knowledge of small-group
one ally (not himself) within range a tactics and requires less time to direct the
competence bonus on attack rolls or a actions of his allies. He can direct a single
dodge bonus to Defense and Reflex saving ally as a free action or all allies as a
throws. This bonus is equal to the officer s standard action. Even so, the officer may
Intelligence bonus and lasts a number of only use improved tactics once per round.
Table 1-7: The Coalition Officer
Level Base Fortitude Reflex Will Defense
Attack Bonus Save Save Save Bonus Special
1 +0 +1 +0 +1 +1 Commanding presence
2+1 +2+0 +2 +2
3 +2 +2 +1 +2 +2 Requisition supplies
4 +3 +2 +1 +2 +2 Bonus feat
5 +3 +3 +1 +3 +3 Tactics
6+4 +3+2 +3 +3
7 +5 +4 +2 +4 +4 Uncanny survival
8 +6 +4 +2 +4 +4 Bonus feat
9+6 +4+3 +4 +4
10 +7 +5 +3 +5 +5 Improved tactics
Hit Die: d10
Coalition Elite Trooper
The Coalition States of America support a
highly trained military composed of only the
best and brightest that the city-states have
Base Attack Bonus: +6
to offer. However, some soldiers receive
Feats: Dodge, Personal Firearms
training above and beyond the call of duty,
Proficiency, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
their advanced combat training making them
Special: Must belong to the Coalition
significantly better than virtually any other
military. (Note: Other military and
soldier of similar experience. More than a
paramilitary organizations may also have
mere grunt, the elite trooper is capable of
elite troopers, and they can use this prestige
taking on any number of combat-related
class unchanged.)
missions, such as guarding an important
location, assaulting an enemy base, or
participating in a stealthy insertion into
Class Skills: Climb (Str), Computer Use
enemy territory. The elite trooper is a crack
(Int), Demolitions (Int), Hide (Dex),
shot and, though trained in the use of armor,
Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (current
easily operate without it if the situation
events, local, streetwise) (Int), Listen (Wis),
Move Silently (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis),
Elite troopers exist in a variety of roles, but
Spot (Wis), Treat Injury (Wis)
unlike the front-line Dead Boys they rely on
Skill Points: 4 + Int modifier
skill and ingenuity more than sheer force
and blind obedience to the emperor s will.
Thus, the best missions for such troops
Class Features
involve penetrating attacks deep behind
enemy lines, or guerilla warfare conducted
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: In
in enemy-held lands situations where
addition to any previously learned weapon
versatility and sheer determination are the
and armor proficiencies, the Coalition elite
elite trooper s best armaments and armor.
trooper is trained in the use of personal
Elite troopers are frequently recruited from
firearms, energy weapons, and vibro-
the military academies within the Coalition,
weapons, as well as light, medium, and
though a rare few manage to elevate
heavy armor.
themselves to the position through self-
training and battlefield experience. A few
Weapon Focus: At 2nd level, the elite
elite troopers are the result of battlefield
trooper gains the Weapon Focus feat with a
promotion in desperate situations when
weapon of choice.
everything is on the line, some grunts come
into their own. Elite troopers are usually
Uncanny Dodge: Starting at 2nd level, the
organized in their own ranks, but some are
elite trooper gains the extraordinary ability to
put in charge of a group of rookies in the
react to danger before his senses would
hopes that some of the elite trooper s
normally allow him to do so. At 2nd level and
cunning will rub off on them. At the very
above, he retains his Dexterity bonus to
lest, their experience might keep some of
Defense (if any) regardless of being caught
the rookies alive long enough to become
flat-footed or being struck by and invisible
elite troopers or officers themselves.
attacker. He still loses his Dexterity bonus
The life of the elite trooper is highly
to Defense if immobilized.
glorified in the Coalition, even more so that
At 7th level, the elite trooper can no longer
that of the average soldier-hero. Movies
be flanked; he can react to opponents on
and television programs focusing on the
either side of him as easily as he can react
lives of elite troopers (entirely fictional)
to a single attacker. This defense denies a
regularly top the ratings in Chi-Town and CS
city rat the ability to use a flank attack to
Missouri. Even so, everyone recognizes
sneak attack the elite trooper, as well as
that the elite trooper s destiny will no doubt
similar abilities of other classes. The
include a violent end preceded by a
exception to this ability is that a character
lifetime of adrenaline-filled excitement.
with the sneak attack ability at least four
levels higher than the elite can flank him.
attack roll in addition to all normal attack
Weapon Specialization: Upon reaching modifiers. The threat range for a critical hit
5th level, the elite trooper gains the Weapon is doubled (unless it has already been
Specialization feat automatically in a doubled by some means, in which case it is
weapon the elite trooper has already chosen tripled), and the attack deals maximum
to receive the Weapon Focus feat. The damage unless a critical hit is scored. If a
usual benefits and restrictions of Weapon critical hit is scored, the base damage is
Specialization apply. maximized and the additional damage from
the critical hit is rolled normally.
Deadly Strike (Ex): The pinnacle of the For example, an elite trooper uses a laser
elite trooper s training comes at 10th level, pistol for a deadly strike. The threat range
when he gains the ability to execute a for a critical hit increases from 20 to 19-20.
deadly strike. Making a deadly strike If he hits, the laser pistol deals 18 points of
requires a full-round action, meaning that damage (maximum value for 3d6), plus any
the elite trooper can take no other action on bonuses for other feats or special abilities.
the same round as a deadly strike except a On a critical hit, the laser pistol would
5-foot step. On the deadly strike, the elite instead deal 3d6+18, plus any other
trooper gains a +4 competence bonus to the bonuses.
Table 1-8: The Coalition Elite Trooper
Level Base Fortitude Reflex Will Defense
Attack Bonus Save Save Save Bonus Special
1+1 +2+1 +0 +1
2 +2 +3 +2 +0 +1 Weapon Focus
3 +3 +3 +2 +1 +2 Uncanny dodge (Dex bonus)
4+4 +4+2 +1 +2
5 +5 +4 +3 +1 +3 Weapon Specialization
6+6 +5+3 +2 +3
7 +7 +5 +4 +2 +4 Uncanny dodge (can t be flanked)
8+8 +6+4 +2 +4
9+9 +6+4 +3 +5
10 +10 +7 +5 +3 +5 Deadly strike
Elite RPA Pilot
Where grunts are the common foot
Base Attack Bonus: +6
soldiers and tank drivers of the armies of the
Skills: Craft (mechanical) 6 ranks, Craft
world, a select and talented few rise above
(electronic) 6 ranks, Pilot (power armor) 10
the crowd to become elite soldiers. Elite
troopers are promoted out of the ranks of
Feats: Armor Proficiency (power), Vehicle
military specialists and career soldiers, but
Expert, Vehicle Operation (power armor)
the RPA pilots are a breed apart.
Special: Must own or have regular access
Considering themselves more elite than
to a power armor suit or robot vehicle
elite, robot and power armor (RPA)
brigades are based around the use and
maintenance of ancient war machines
Class Skills: Computer Use (Int), Craft (Int),
mecha and giant robot vehicles.
Drive (Dex), Pilot (Dex), Profession (Wis),
Elite pilots feel most alive in the cockpit of
Spot (Wis)
their vehicle or cradled snugly in the form-
Skill Points: 2 + Int modifier
fitting armor they have chosen to don. An
elite soldier might rely upon his ingenuity,
strength, and speed to wreak havoc upon
Class Features
the enemy, but an elite pilot s most valuable
assets are good reflexes and quick wits.
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies:
Strength and manual dexterity are less of a
necessity for an RPA pilot; what the pilot
Power Armor Defense (Ex): From 1st
lacks physically, the mecha can make up
level onward, the elite RPA pilot can add his
for. What cannot be lacking in an elite pilot,
Defense bonus derived from his levels of
however, is spirit. There is a distinct esprit
this prestige class to the Defense of any
de corps, a spirit of unity and strength,
power armor or robot vehicle he is piloting.
among pilots of the same unit, and even a
sense of respect between enemy pilots.
Familiarity (Ex): The elite RPA pilot gains
For many RPA pilots, their training is
a bonus on Pilot checks and Craft checks
informal, serving with a mercenary brigade
when used on a power armor or robot
rather than an official military. Others are
vehicle he designates as familiar. The same
family-trained in the use of an abandoned
bonus is applied to the elite RPA pilot s
suit of power armor that has been in their
attack rolls whenever using the vehicle s
family for generations or centuries. The
weapons. This bonus is +1 at 2nd level and
creation of such items has been lost to all
increases by one every other level
but a very few powerful empires, but those
who own such powerful machines take
To designate a power armor suit or robot
delicate care of them. Many pilots attribute
vehicle as familiar, the elite RPA pilot must
personality characteristics to their vehicle,
have operated it for at least three months.
seeing it as a partner and not a tool.
An elite RPA pilot can only be familiar with
Pilots often take great pleasure in
one suit of power armor or robot vehicle at a
customizing their vehicles either the
components themselves if they own the
vehicle, or the exterior even if they belong to
Power Armor Evasion (Ex): At 5th level,
a military unit. For their part, armies tend to
the elite RPA pilot can make a Pilot check to
allow more leeway in discipline and
lessen the damage dealt by a successful hit
regulations to RPA units. Their tolerance is
against the power armor or robot vehicle he
born from the knowledge that hotshots and
is piloting. If the Pilot check exceeds the
aces can be held up for display as heroes if
attack roll, the damage dealt to the vehicle is
they succeed and to the elite pilots,
halved (round down, minimum 1 point of
freedom is essential for morale.
damage). The elite RPA pilot can make an
evasion check once per round.
Hit Die: d8
Improved Power Armor Evasion (Ex): At check negates all damage from the attack,
9th level, the elite RPA pilot s power armor rather than halving it.
evasion ability improves. A successful Pilot
Table 1-9: The Elite RPA Pilot
Level Base Fortitude Reflex Will Defense
Attack Bonus Save Save Save Bonus Special
1 +1 +1 +2 +0 +1 Power armor defense
2 +2 +2 +3 +0 +2 Familiarity +1
3+3 +2+3 +1 +2
4 +4 +2 +4 +1 +3 Familiarity +2
5 +5 +3 +4 +1 +3 Power armor evasion
6 +6 +3 +5 +2 +4 Familiarity +3
7+7 +4+5 +2 +4
8 +8 +4 +6 +2 +5 Familiarity +4
9 +9 +4 +6 +3 +5 Improved power armor evasion
10 +10 +5 +7 +3 +6 Familiarity +5
mercenary work or other fighting career
Tattooed Warrior
could easily be ahead.
The Splugorth are an interdimensional
The mystic tattoos of the Splugorth are
race of great power and monstrous visage,
created through a process unknown to
the conquerors of nations and worlds. On
almost anyone else in the multiverse. While
Rifts Earth, they have discovered an
a tattooed warrior is granted many tattoos
insurmountable challenge into making
when the process is begun, he only
significant progress past their beachhead,
gradually gains control of their powers, a few
the risen continent of Atlantis. As such, the
at a time. As a tattooed warrior gains levels
ruling Splugorth of Atlantis, an ancient entity
he meditates on his tattoos, directing them
named Splynncryth, has determined that
towards the powers he desires to possess.
Earth is off-limits for invasion, but perfectly
Some tattoos require more experience to
ripe as a recreational world and source of
unlock than others, but all of them are
quality slaves.
As beings of immense personal power and
ability, the Splugorth pride themselves on
Hit Die: d10
their ability to keep powerful slaves and to
control them effectively. Among the most
prized humanoid slaves of the Splugorth are
the tattooed warriors, majestic gladiators
Base Attack Bonus: +5
who are typically selected for their unique
Skills: Intimidate 6 ranks, Perform 4 ranks
appearance or amazing fighting prowess.
Feats: Weapon Focus, two feats from the
Though slaves and members of lesser
grunt bonus feat list.
races such as humans, ogres, and elves,
Special: Must have been a warrior slave
the tattooed warriors are given special
of the Splugorth at one time and escaped
privileges above and beyond their station.
captivity after they imprinted the magical
Many even become trusted servants and
bodyguards of their masters instead of mere
When fighting in the gladiatorial arenas,
Class Skills: Balance (Dex), Climb (Str),
tattooed warriors go mostly or entirely
Craft (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate
naked, the better to show off and gain
(Cha), Jump (Str), Perform (Cha),
access to their mystical tattoos. Their finely
Profession (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex)
muscled frames are typically oiled and
Skill Points: 2 + Int modifier
shined for maximum effect. Though the
pomp and circumstance surrounding a
tattooed warrior s matches are great they
Class Features
realize that the battles they fight are no less
deadly than any other fighter s.
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: As
Tattooed warriors are also more likely to
gladiators or former gladiators, tattooed
go rogue than any other slaves of the
warriors gain proficiency in all archaic
Splugorth, with their already high sense of
martial weapons but no ability to use armor.
self-worth and martial training. Those that
do wind up wandering across North America
Tattoos (Su): Tattooed warriors gain their
or Europe, among peoples whom they are
powers from the magic tattoos that cover
related to but typically know nothing about,
their bodies, gradually activating them as
having been raised their whole lives in
they gain in knowledge and experience. A
captivity. A few tattooed warriors are former
1st-level tattooed warrior has gained control
free people who became Splugorth slaves
over one tattoo and gains another tattoo
and then managed to escape with their
every two levels, to a maximum of five
newfound power. Despite the incredible
tattoos chosen. The tattooed warrior also
pain of the tattooing process, the heady
gains certain specific tattoos as he goes up
feeling of freedom is too much for many
in level that do not count against the number
escaped slaves, and they become
of allowed tattoos (though they still count as
careless and quickly recaptured. For the
tattoos for determining the duration, effects,
careful former slave, a lucrative life of
and so on of other tattoos). They are
explained in greater depth in their own possesses. The damage reduction is
sections below. negated by a weapon with a magical
The tattooed warrior can choose his enhancement bonus equal to or better than
tattoos from the following list. Note that the tattooed warrior s Constitution bonus (if
some tattoos have minimum level any), by magical attacks, or by energy
requirements. Unless the effect of a tattoo attacks.
is continuous, activating a tattoo is a move- Blue Rose: The tattooed warrior is
equivalent action that can be combined with immune to detect thoughts, discern lies, and
a regular move and does not provoke an any attempt to magically detect his
attack of opportunity. The tattoos must be alignment. He gains a +10 bonus on all
touched to be activated, however, so a Bluff checks. Minimum Level: 3rd.
bound or immobilized tattooed warrior may Broken Chain: Once per day per tattoo he
not activate any tattoos. Tattooed warriors possesses, the tattooed warrior can add the
in armor heavier than medium also cannot number of tattoos he possesses as an
access their tattoos; heavy armor and power enhancement bonus to his Strength. This
armor cover the entire body. ability lasts for 1 round per level.
Any reference in a tattoo description to Butterfly: Once per day per tattoo he
level refers to tattooed warrior class levels. possesses, the tattooed warrior can add the
Armored Knight: Once per day per tattoo number of tattoos he possesses as an
he possesses, the warrior can gain a enhancement bonus to his Wisdom. This
mystical suit of body armor. This suit ability lasts for 1 round per level.
manifests as a slight glow around the Celestial Animal: Once per day per tattoo
tattooed warrior and grants an equipment he possesses, the tattooed warrior may cast
bonus to his Defense equal to the number of summon monster I, though he is only able to
tattoos possessed. The armor is incorporeal summon animals or celestial animals. The
to the tattooed warrior s own touch and does specific animal that the tattoo summons
not interfere with his mystic tattoos. The must be determined when the tattoo is
mystical armor lasts for 1 minute per level. selected. A tattooed warrior with an evil
Bamboo: Once per day per tattoo he alignment may not select this tattoo.
possesses, the tattooed warrior can add the Chameleon: Once per day per tattoo he
number of tattoos he possesses as an possesses, the tattooed warrior can use
enhancement bonus to his Constitution. alter self to take on the appearance of any
This ability lasts for 1 round per level. other humanoid he has encountered. The
Bat: Once per day per tattoo he duration of this ability is 1 hour per level.
possesses, the tattooed warrior can add the Dolphin: The tattooed warrior has a knack
number of tattoos he possesses as an for being in the water. He gains a swim
enhancement bonus to his Dexterity. This speed of 30 feet and a +5 competence
ability lasts for 1 round per level. bonus on all Swim checks.
Black Diamond: The tattooed warrior gains Dragon: Once per day per tattoo he
spell resistance equal to 15 + class level. In possesses, the tattooed warrior can breathe
order to affect the tattooed warrior with a fire. The flame targets one creature within
spell, a spellcaster must roll the warrior s 15 feet as a standard action, and he must
spell resistance or higher on 1d20 + the succeed at a ranged touch attack to affect
spellcaster s level. As per normal, the the target. If successful, the target takes
tattooed warrior can choose to be affected 1d8 points of damage per two levels the
by spells if he wishes. Minimum Level: 7th. tattooed warrior possesses (round down).
Bloodstained Rose: The tattooed warrior The warrior may do this for one round per
can heal wounds in another character by class level.
touch. Each day he can cure a total number Dragonfly: Once per day per tattoo he
of hit points equal to his Wisdom bonus possesses, the tattooed warrior gains a
times his level. The tattooed warrior cannot dodge bonus to his Defense equal to the
heal himself, but he may divide the curing number of tattoos he possesses. This effect
among multiple recipients, and he does not lasts for 1 round per level.
have to use it all at once. Falcon: The tattooed warrior is immune to
Blue Diamond: The tattooed warrior gains fear (magical or otherwise). Allies within 10
damage reduction equal to 2 per tattoo he feet of the warrior gain a morale bonus to
saving throws against fear effects equal to Scorpion: Once per day per tattoo he
the warrior s Charisma bonus (if any) plus possesses, the tattooed warrior can force an
the number of tattoos he possesses. opponent attacking him to use his lowest
Fiendish Animal: Once per day per tattoo ability score modifier instead of his Strength
he possesses, the tattooed warrior may cast or Dexterity score modifier when making an
summon monster I, though he is only able to attack roll.
summon animals or fiendish animals. The Snake: The tattooed warrior s touch (or
specific animal that the tattoo summons unarmed attack) delivers a contact poison.
must be determined when the tattoo is The poison s save DC is equal to 10 + the
selected. A tattooed warrior with a good tattooed warrior s class level + his
alignment may not select this tattoo. Constitution modifier. The poison s initial
Flaming Dice: The tattooed warrior gains and secondary damage is 1 point of
the power of good fortune, which is usable temporary Constitution damage. The
once per day per tattoo he possesses. This warrior can suppress this poison for 1 hour
ability allows the tattooed warrior to reroll by concentrating for a full round and making
one roll that he has just made. The a successful Will save (DC 20). Minimum
character must take the results of the reroll, Level: 3rd.
even if it is worse than the original roll. Spider: The tattooed warrior gains a climb
Full Moon: Once per night per tattoo he speed of 30 feet and a +5 competence
possesses, the tattooed warrior can gain a bonus on all Climb checks.
+2 luck bonus on a single attack roll, saving Sun: Once per day per tattoo he
throw, or skill or ability check. This ability possesses, the tattooed warrior can gain a
cannot be used during daylight hours. +2 luck bonus on a single attack roll, saving
Holy Symbol: By activating this tattoo, the throw, or skill or ability check. This ability
warrior can turn undead as an acolyte of his can only be used during daylight hours.
class level. This tattoo may be activated a Three Eyes: The tattooed warrior gains
number of times per day equal to the darkvision to a range of 20 feet per tattoo he
tattooed warrior s Charisma modifier. A possesses. Additionally, one per day the
tattooed warrior with an evil alignment may tattooed warrior can use the spell see
not select this tattoo. invisibility.
Lion: Once per day per tattoo he Tiger: Once per day per tattoo he
possesses, the tattooed warrior can smite a possesses, the tattooed warrior can fight
foe, gaining a +4 bonus to the attack roll and unarmed with a bonus of +1 on all attack
a damage bonus equal to his level on a rolls and dealing an extra +1d6 points of
single melee attack. The tattooed warrior damage with a successful attack. This burst
must declare the smite before making the of martial ferocity lasts for 1 round per level,
attack. during which time the tattooed warrior s
Monkey: The tattooed warrior gains a +1 unarmed attacks count as armed attacks (if
competence bonus per tattoo he possesses they did not already).
on all Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Thorns: The tattooed warrior gains a
Jump, Move Silently, Open Lock, Pick gradual immunity to bodily decay. When the
Pocket, and Tumble checks. warrior first gains this tattoo, he becomes
Ocean: The warrior with this tattoo need immune to all nonmagical diseases. When
never eat, sleep, or drink. Minimum Level: he gains his next tattoo (whatever it may
9th. be), he acquires immunity to poisons as
Pine: The tattooed warrior gains the well. When he gains his next tattoo, he no
benefits of the feats Endurance and Remain longer suffers ability penalties for aging and
Conscious. cannot be magically aged. Any aging
Raven: This tattoo permits the tattooed penalties he may have already suffered
warrior to speak and understand all remain. Bonuses still accrue and the warrior
languages, as per the tongues spell. still dies of old age when his time is up.
Minimum Level: 7th. Minimum Level: 5th.
Red Rose: The tattooed warrior can cure Tortoise: Once per day per tattoo he
his own wounds. He can cure up to twice possesses, the tattooed warrior can use his
his level in hit points each day and can level as the number of ranks in a skill he
spread this healing out among several uses. does not possess for the purposes of one
skill check, even a skill that is exclusive for on himself. His class level is considered to
another class. be the casting level for purposes of duration.
Wasp: Once per day per tattoo he
possesses, the tattooed warrior can use
haste on himself. This effect lasts for 1 Weapon Tattoo (Su): At 2nd level, the
round per level. tattooed warrior s body gains a tattoo of a
Weapon Tattoo: Once per day, the weapon of his choice, though it must be one
tattooed warrior may use this tattoo to for which the warrior has selected the
summon forth a normal archaic weapon of Weapon Focus feat. Once per day, the
the type depicted, which remains in tattooed warrior may use this tattoo to
existence for 1 hour per level. The tattooed summon forth a normal archaic weapon of
warrior can do what he likes with this the type depicted, which remains in
weapon, even giving it away or breaking it, existence for 1 hour per level. The tattooed
but at the end of the duration it disappears warrior can do what he likes with this
only to reappear as it was before the next weapon, even giving it away or breaking it,
time it is summoned. This weapon may be but at the end of the duration it disappears
the same as the one gained at 2nd level or it only to reappear as it was before the next
may be different. Minimum Level: 3rd. time it is summoned.
White Rose: Once per day per tattoo he
possesses, the tattooed warrior can add the Greater Weapon Tattoo (Su): At 6th level,
number of tattoos he possesses as an weapon tattoo gained at 2nd level becomes
enhancement bonus to his Charisma. This more ornate, permitting him to summon forth
ability lasts for 1 round per level. a magic weapon of the sort shown. The
Winged Heart: Once per day per tattoo weapon has an effective enhancement
possessed, the warrior can double his bonus of +1 per level above 5th. The
normal base speed, lasting 1 minute per tattooed warrior decides what weapon
level. enchantments (if any) to place on it at the
Winged Skull: By activating this tattoo, the appropriate levels, though once chosen they
warrior can rebuke undead as a cleric of his cannot be changed. A tattooed warrior may
class level. This tattoo may be activated a choose to not immediately select a weapon
number of times per day equal to the enchantment upon gaining his bonus for
tattooed warrior s Charisma modifier. A increasing a level, but no benefit is gained
tattooed warrior with a good alignment may from that bonus until an enchantment is
not select this tattoo. selected. The weapon may still only be
Wings: Once per day per tattoo he summoned once per day, remaining for 1
possesses, the tattooed warrior may cast fly hour per level.
Table 1-10: The Tattooed Warrior
Level Base Fortitude Reflex Will Defense
Attack Bonus Save Save Save Bonus Special
1 +1 +2 +0 +0 +2 Tattoo
2 +2 +3 +0 +0 +2 Weapon Tattoo
3 +3 +3 +1 +1 +3 Tattoo
4+4 +4+1 +1 +3
5 +5 +4 +1 +1 +3 Tattoo
6 +6 +5 +2 +2 +4 Greater Weapon Tattoo
7 +7 +5 +2 +2 +4 Tattoo
8+8 +6+2 +2 +4
9 +9 +6 +3 +3 +5 Tattoo
10 +10 +7 +3 +3 +5
Class Skills: Bluff (Cha), Escape Artist
(Dex), Gamble (Wis), Gather Information
In the dangerous lands of the New West, a
(Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Listen (Wis), Move
type of occupation has risen from the myths
Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Spot (Wis),
and legends of the ancient west, the time of
Tumble (Dex), Wilderness Lore (Wis)
cowboys and Indians, hundreds of years
Skill Points: 4 + Int modifier
before the Rifts came. Some of these men
and women are heroes and some are
villains, but none can deny the skill and
Class Features
power of the new gunslingers. Trained with
energy weapons as well as firearms, most
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies:
gunslingers are romantics and traditionalists
Gunslingers gain no additional proficiency in
who disdain beamers in favor of cold iron
weapons or armor.
and cordite.
Where a grunt focuses on the mercenary
Close Combat Shot: A 1st level
or soldiering life, the gunslinger has
gunslinger learns to use his weapon of
answered to a higher call the way of the
choice in all possible circumstances, even in
gun. To a gunslinger the gun is not just a
melee with an armed opponent. The
tool or weapon, it is an instrument of death,
gunslinger may make an attack with a
an artist s brush, with which the greatest
Medium-size or smaller firearm while in a
gunslingers inspire compositions of lead.
threatened area without provoking an attack
They seek not just to use their abilities to
of opportunity.
gain money or power, though that is a
secondary motivation of many gunslingers,
Weapon Focus: At 2nd level, the
but to perfect their craft.
gunslinger gains the Weapon Focus feat
Heroic gunslingers often manage the
with a specific personal firearm.
increase of their skill by hunting down evil
gunslingers and dueling them to the death.
Bonus Feats: At 3rd, 6th, and 9th level, the
Evil gunslingers do much the same, except
gunslinger gets a bonus feat. The feat must
that they will challenge anyone they believe
be selected from the following list, and the
to have a level of skill that they could hone
gunslinger must meet all the prerequisites of
themselves against. Despite their alignment
the feat to select it: Advanced Firearms
differences, both heroic and villainous
Proficiency (Burst Fire, Strafe),
gunslingers try to abide by the Code of the
Ambidexterity, Point Blank Shot (Far Shot,
West, a loose set of rules about proper
Dead Eye, Precise Shot, Double Tap, Shot
conduct in a formal duel, including never
on the Run, Skip Shot), Two-Weapon
backshooting a opponent, never calling in
Fighting (Advanced Two-Weapon Fighting,
help in a duel, and other fair play rules. A
Greater Two-Weapon Fighting).
few of the worst gunslingers give up the
Code to do as they please, but it s rarely
Defensive Position: Starting at 4th level,
long before someone comes along to put
a gunslinger gains the ability to use cover to
down the dirty snake.
maximum advantage. While under any
cover less than total, the gunslinger gains an
Hit Die: d10
additional +2 cover bonus to Defense and
an additional +2 cover bonus to Reflex
Base Attack Bonus: +5
Lightning Shot: A gunslinger of 5th level
Skills: Sleight of Hand 6 ranks, Tumble 6
and higher can make a flurry of ranged
attacks with a personal firearm at the
Feats: Personal Firearms Proficiency,
expense of accuracy. With lightning shot,
Rapid Reload, Quick Draw
the gunslinger may make one extra ranged
attack with a personal firearm in a round at
his highest base attack bonus. This attack
and all other attacks made in the round take
a -2 penalty. Using lightning shot requires 2nd level. This bonus stacks with the earlier
the use of the full attack action, meaning bonus.
that the gunslinger cannot take more than a
5-foot step and use lightning shot in the Bullseye: A gunslinger of 10th level
same round. becomes dramatically deadlier, capable of
placing a bullet exactly where it needs to be
Sharp-Shooting: At 7th level, the to inflict the most harm. While using the
gunslinger gains the Sharp-Shooting feat. firearm to which he has applied Greater
Weapon Focus, his attacks with that weapon
Greater Weapon Focus: At 8th level, the deal an extra die of damage. For example,
gunslinger gains a +1 competence bonus on a firearm that normally does 2d6 would deal
attack rolls made with the firearm selected 3d6 in the hands of a 10th-level gunslinger.
for the Weapon Focus feat that he gained at
Table 1-11: The Gunslinger
Level Base Fortitude Reflex Will Defense
Attack Bonus Save Save Save Bonus Special
1 +1 +0 +2 +0 +1 Close combat shot
2 +2 +0 +3 +0 +1 Weapon Focus
3 +3 +1 +3 +1 +2 Bonus feat
4 +4 +1 +4 +1 +2 Defensive position
5 +5 +1 +4 +1 +3 Lightning shot
6 +6 +2 +5 +2 +3 Bonus feat
7 +7 +2 +5 +2 +4 Sharp-Shooting
8 +8 +2 +6 +2 +4 Greater Weapon Focus
9 +9 +3 +6 +3 +5 Bonus feat
10 +10 +3 +7 +3 +5 Bullseye
Body Fixer
Medical Specialist: The body fixer
In a world with no hospitals, advanced
receives a competence bonus to Treat Injury
healing procedures are one of the most
checks. At 1st level, this bonus is +2; it
valuable marketable services possible. The
increases to +4 at 5th level and +6 at 10th.
body fixer is a clinical doctor not just a
nomadic healer or herbalist, but a battlefield
Expert Healer: From 2nd level forward, the
surgeon and disaster relief worker. The
body fixer s ability to restore hit points with a
body fixer is a medical miracle worker,
medical kit or surgery kit and a successful
saving lives with puissance and dignity.
use of the Treat Injury skill improves. In
As a member of any team, a body fixer is
addition to the normal recovery rate
an invaluable addition. As the more
associated with such objects, the body fixer
sardonic members of the profession point
adds 1 hit point to the total recovery for each
out, Everyone gets hurt sometimes. The
level in the body fixer class.
body fixer has the talent and skill to provide
excellent health care in even the most trying
Medical Mastery: When making a Treat
of circumstances. With a medical kit, basic
Injury check, a body fixer of 4th level and
surgical equipment, and a little time, the
higher may take 10 even if stress and
body fixer can perform the impossible or at
distractions would normally prevent him from
least he ll do his best when no other help is
doing so.
Not all body fixers are altruistic or even
Minor Medical Miracle: At 7th level or
friendly. Many are vivisectionists or
higher, a body fixer can utilize the cutting-
profiteers of the worst sort, trading vital and
edge technology of medical science to save
lifesaving medical care for base credits. By
a character reduced to below 10 hit points.
the same token, many body fixers are
If the body fixer is able to administer aid
natural caregivers and protectors, learning
within 3 rounds of the character s death, he
the skills of the adventurer to not just save
can make a Treat Injury check (DC 30) to
the lives of their patients but to then defend
restore the character to life; the body fixer
cannot take 10 or take 20 on this check. If
the check succeeds, the character can make
a Fortitude save (DC 15) to stabilize and be
Hit Die: d8
restored to 0 hit points.
If the body fixer fails the skill check or the
patient fails the Fortitude save, the dead
character cannot be recovered.
Base Attack Bonus: +2
Skills: Treat Injury 6 ranks, Spot 6 ranks
Medical Miracle: At 10th level or higher, a
Feat: Surgery
body fixer can utilize the cutting-edge
technology of medical science and a large
amount of intuition to save a character
Class Skills: Computer Use (Int),
reduced to below 10 hit points. If the body
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy
fixer is able to administer aid within 3
(Cha), Knowledge (all skill, taken
minutes of the character s death, he can
individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession
make a Treat Injury check (DC 40) to restore
(Wis), Speak Language, Spot (Wis), Treat
the character to life; the body fixer cannot
Injury (Wis)
take 10 or take 20 on this check. If the
Skill Points: 4 + Int modifier
check succeeds, the character can make a
Fortitude save (DC 20) to stabilize and be
restored to 1d6 hit points.
Class Features
If the body fixer fails the skill check or the
patient fails the Fortitude save, the dead
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Body
character cannot be recovered.
fixers gain no additional proficiency in
weapons or armor.
Table 1-12: The Body Fixer
Level Base Fortitude Reflex Will Defense
Attack Bonus Save Save Save Bonus Special
1 +0 +1 +0 +2 +1 Medical specialist +2
2 +1 +2 +0 +3 +1 Expert healer
3+1 +2+1 +3 +2
4 +2 +2 +1 +4 +2 Medical mastery
5 +2 +3 +1 +4 +3 Medical specialist +4
6+3 +3+2 +5 +3
7 +3 +4 +2 +5 +4 Minor medical miracle
8 +4 +4 +2 +6 +4 Medical specialist +6
9+4 +4+3 +6 +5
10 +5 +5 +3 +7 +5 Medical miracle
Class Features
For some, service to a higher power is the
greatest reward for which one could ask,
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies:
finding joy and contentment in joining with
Acolytes gain proficiency in the preferred
something better than themselves. For
weapon of their chosen deity. If the deity
others, worship of a greater force is a simple
chosen has no preferred weapon, the
means to an end as the worshipper and his
acolyte gains no additional proficiencies.
patron mutually use one another. The thing
worshipped could be a god of old, an alien
Spells: An acolyte gains continued
deity, a demon from hell, or an alien
spellcasting progression at each level of this
intelligence, but the power to grant
prestige class. Acolytes also gain a special
knowledge and abilities to their followers
spell list. The spells on this list are gained
cannot be denied.
by every acolyte once they reach a level
Acolytes channel the power of their
sufficient to cast them without
deities, accepting the transformation of their
overextending, and they are always
arcane magic into divine. They gain the
considered to be within the acolyte s Talents
ability to draw positive or negative energy
(though not any specific Talent, for purposes
from their deific patron and use it to repulse
of Spell Focus and other feats). Spells on
or control the undead. The knowledge and
this list with alignment descriptors are only
wisdom that acolytes are granted by the
gained by the acolyte if of the proper
gods is not necessarily greater than that of
other beings, but it is different. To many, the
mandate of the divine automatically grants
Turn or Rebuke Undead: An acolyte of
greater authority to any situation.
good alignment has the supernatural ability
Walking the land, healing or harming in
to turn away with the undead, forcing these
the name of their gods, acolytes are the
unholy abominations to recoil from the
missionaries of their respective faiths. In a
channeled power of the deity the acolyte
world of despair and doubt, acolytes
worships. Evil acolytes can rebuke such
increase the power and worship of their god
creatures. Neutral acolytes can do one or
by spreading his world to the hopeless and
the other (player s choice), depending on his
downtrodden, to the rich and powerful, to
chosen deity s principles and whether he is
whoever is best predisposed to listen and to
more adept at channeling positive or
those who have reason to be actively
negative energy. Once the player makes
hostile in short, to anyone and everyone.
this choice, it cannot be reversed. An
An acolyte uses the power of his god to
acolyte may attempt to turn or rebuke
makes that god s will manifest and if an
undead a number of times per day equal to
acolyte uses his god s power to improve his
three plus his Charisma modifier.
own lot, that s to be expected too.
At 8th level, the acolyte gains the ability to
apply this power to creatures with the
Hit Die: d8
outsider type as well as undead. When
attempting to turn or rebuke outsiders, they
may not be destroyed through the use of this
power. Intelligent outsiders (Int score 3+)
Skills: Knowledge (religion) 7 ranks,
may not be commanded, only turned or
Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks
Spellcasting: Ability to cast arcane or
divine spells
Divine Will: Also at 1st level, an acolyte s
Special: Must be accepted as a member
spells cease to be arcane in origin and
of the clergy by a faith
become empowered by divine energy. The
acolyte s spells change from arcane to
divine in type. If the acolyte takes any
Class Skills: further levels of his base spellcasting class,
Skill Points: 2 + Int modifier
those spells are also considered to be
divine, though if another arcane spellcasting
class is selected those spells are still Community: You can cast calm emotions
arcane. The acolyte now prays to recover once per day, and gain a +2 bonus on
spell slots, rather than meditating after rest, Diplomacy checks.
and as usual armor check penalties do not Death: Once per day you may make a
apply to divinely cast spells. death touch. Your death touch is a spell-like
An acolyte who violates the tenets of his ability that counts as a death effect. You
faith loses access to all class abilities and all must succeed at a melee touch attack
spellcasting until atonement can be made. If against a living creature. When you touch,
atonement is impossible or the acolyte roll 1d6 per your caster level. If the total at
leaves his faith behind, all class abilities are least equals the creature s hit points, it dies.
permanently gone and all spellcasting Otherwise, there is no effect.
abilities are permanently gone as well. The Destruction: You gain the supernatural
acolyte also loses access to any feat that ability to inflict a smite attack. Once per day,
requires spellcasting ability. before making a melee attack roll, you may
declare the smite to gain a +4 attack bonus
Extra Turning: An acolyte gains access and a damage bonus equal to your caster
to the special feat Extra Turning. This feat level (if you hit).
allows the acolyte to turn or rebuke undead Earth: Turn or destroy creatures with the
four more times per day than normal. An air subtype as a good acolyte turns or
acolyte can take this feat multiple times, destroys undead. Rebuke or command
gaining four more turning attempts each creatures with the earth subtype as an evil
time. Extra Turning counts as a spellcasting acolyte rebukes undead. These abilities can
feat for an acolyte. be used a total number of times per day
equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.
Bonus Spellcasting Feat: At every 3rd Evil: You cast spells with the evil
level, the acolyte gains a bonus spellcasting descriptor at +1 caster level.
feat of his choice. The acolyte must meet all Fire: Turn or destroy creatures with the
of the normal requirements for a selected water subtype as a good acolyte turns or
feat. destroys undead. Rebuke or command
creatures with the fire subtype as an evil
Domain Power: At 5th and 10th level, the acolyte rebukes undead. These abilities can
acolyte gains a special power based on the be used a total number of times per day
nature of his chosen deity. This power must equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.
be chosen from one of the domains the deity Good: You cast spells with the good
can grant and once chosen cannot be descriptor at +1 caster level.
changed. You can only select an alignment Healing: You cast healing spells at +1
domain (such as Good) for your character if caster level.
his alignment matches that domain. The Knowledge: All Knowledge skills are class
available domains are listed below. GMs skills for you, and you cast divinations at +1
are encouraged to create their own deities caster level.
for acolytes to follow and determine which Law: You cast spells with the law
deities have which domains. descriptor at +1 caster level.
Air: Turn or destroy creatures with the Luck: You gain the power of good fortune,
earth subtype as a good acolyte turns or which is usable once per day. This
destroys undead. Rebuke or command extraordinary ability allows you to reroll one
creatures with the air subtype as an evil roll that you have just made. You must take
acolyte rebukes undead. These abilities can the result of the reroll, even if it is worse
be used a total number of times per day than the original roll.
equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. Madness: You gain a Madness rating
Animal: You can cast animal friendship equal to half your spellcaster level. If your
once a day, and Knowledge (nature) is a base spellcasting class was shifter, this is in
class skill for you. addition to your normal Madness score.
Chaos: You cast spells with the chaos Once per day, you can see and act with the
descriptor at +1 caster level. clarity of true madness. Use your Madness
score as a bonus on a single roll involving
Wisdom, such as a Listen check or a Will
saving throw. You must choose to use this normal turning or rebuking attempt. The
power before the roll is made. greater turning is like a normal turning or
Mysticism: You apply your Charisma rebuking attempt except that the undead
modifier (if positive) as a bonus on all saving creatures that would be turned or rebuked
throws. If you already have this ability (for are instead destroyed.
example, because you are a mystic), you Travel: For a total time per day of 1 round
add +1 to the existing bonus. per acolyte class level, you can act normally
Plant: Rebuke or command plant regardless of magical effects that impede
creatures as an evil acolyte rebukes movement. This effect occurs automatically
undead. These abilities can be used a total as soon as it applies, lasts until it runs out or
number of times per day equal to 3 + your is no longer needed, and can operate
Charisma modifier. multiple times per day (up to the total daily
Protection: You can generate a protective limit of rounds). This is a supernatural
ward, a spell-like ability to grant someone ability.
you touch a resistance bonus equal to your Trickery: Bluff, Disguise, and Hide are
class level on the next saving throw that class skills for you.
person makes. Activating this power is a War: You gain the Weapon Focus feat for
standard action. The protective ward is an your deity s favored weapon.
abjuration effect with a duration of 1 hour Water: Turn or destroy creatures with the
that is usable once per day. fire subtype as a good acolyte turns or
Strength: You can perform a feat of destroys undead. Rebuke or command
strength. Once per day, as a free action, creatures with the water subtype as an evil
you can gain an enhancement bonus to your acolyte rebukes undead. These abilities can
Strength equal to your class level. This be used a total number of times per day
enhancement bonus lasts for 1 round. equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.
Sun: Once per day, you can perform a
greater turning against undead in place of a
Table 1-13: The Acolyte
Level Base Fortitude Reflex Will Defense
Attack Bonus Save Save Save Bonus Special
1 +0 +0 +0 +2 +2 Turn or rebuke undead; divine will
2+1 +0+0 +3 +2
3 +2 +1 +1 +3 +3 Bonus spellcasting feat
4+3 +1+1 +4 +3
5 +3 +1 +1 +4 +3 Domain power
6 +4 +2 +2 +5 +4 Bonus spellcasting feat
7+5 +2+2 +5 +4
8 +6 +2 +2 +6 +4 Turn or rebuke outsiders
9 +6 +3 +3 +6 +5 Bonus spellcasting feat
10 +7 +3 +3 +7 +5 Domain power
Acolyte Spells
0-level guidance, purify food and drink, virtue
1st-level bane, bless, bless water, curse water, divine favor, doom, sanctuary, shield of faith
2nd-level aid, augury, consecrate, desecrate, spiritual weapon
3rd-level prayer, speak with dead
4th-level divination, divine power
5th-level atonement, commune, hallow, righteous might, unhallow
6th-level forbiddance, heroes feast
7th-level blasphemy, dictum, holy word, word of chaos
8th-level cloak of chaos, holy aura, shield of law, unholy aura
9th-level miracle, storm of vengeance
Feats: Attune Gem
Stone Master
Spellcasting: Ability to cast 3rd level
Stone masters are practitioners of magic
arcane spells; Earth affinity
with a special gift: the talent to mend, shape,
sculpt, transport, and commune with stone
and earth. To a stone master, it is as
Class Skills: Concentration (Con), Craft
though the element of earth were itself a
(Int), Knowledge (all skills, taken
living creature. In their communion with the
individually) (Int), Profession (Wis), Scry
natural element of earth, stone masters can
(Int), Search (Int), Spot (Int), Treat Injury
impel that element to do their bidding in
the case of experienced stone masters,
Skill Points: 2 + Int modifier
even to cause the stone to rise up and
attack their foes or to fly through the air at
great speed.
Class Features
Though the ancient founders of Atlantis
are believed to have created the arts of
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Stone
stone mastery, this particular brand of earth
masters gain no additional proficiency in
magic has spread across the multiverse and
weapons or armor.
is now the sole province of no one race. A
stone master is not just a spellcaster but a
Spells: A stone master gains continued
skilled artisan, taking great pride in his solid
spellcasting progression at each even level
and usually beautiful work. Stone masters
of this prestige class.
are known to build great pyramids to aid
them in their contemplation of the earth s
Stone Abilities: In the text of this prestige
mysteries, to better aid their grasp of
class, whenever a reference is made to
magical energies, or just for the practice in
earth and stone the substances in question
building immense structures.
are raw earth and stone (dirt and rocks) or
Stone masters see the world as a gigantic
hard packed or cut variants thereof
rock garden filled with sculptures and
(including gemstones). Minerals, metals,
crowned with rolling hills and magnificent
processed ore, and so on do not count as
mountains. They typically view themselves
earth or stone for the purposes of this
as privileged sculptors allowed to work on a
prestige class.
grand scale in that garden, reshaping its
contour and adding to its beauty and
Acolyte of Earth: Beginning at 1st level,
stability. Stone masters rarely have any
whenever a stone master casts a spell that
greater loyalty than to protect and promote
possesses only affinity with Earth he gains a
the natural beauty of the landscape, much
special benefit above the usual spell slot
like druids. Unlike druids, stone masters are
reduction. Spells with only the Earth affinity
largely uninterested in the living things that
are cast as though the stone master were
inhabit their private gardens except in that
one casting level higher, precisely as though
they can alter the stone master s work. Evil
the stone master had overextended for one
stone masters often grow out of a desire to
keep their sculptures pure and unchanged,
The stolid and stoic nature of Earth makes
while good stone masters want others to
it more difficult for the stone master to utilize
share in the delight they take in creation.
the chaotic forces of Air, however. Spells
with the Air affinity are cast as though the
stone master were one level lower, and all
Hit Die: d6
overextending difficulties for spells
possessing an Air affinity are increased by
An acolyte of earth who passes within 5
Alignment: Any non-chaotic
feet of a secret or concealed door set in or
Skills: Craft (gemcutting) 5 ranks, Craft
made of stone is entitled to a Search check
(sculpture) 5 ranks, Craft (stonemasonry) 8
to notice it as though he were actively
with only the Earth affinity are decreased by
Earth Weirding (Su): A stone master of 5.
2nd level and higher can impel beings of Air magic becomes increasingly difficult for
earth to obey his commands or be turned the stone master to control, reducing the
aside, much as an acolyte can turn or effective caster level of any spell with the Air
command undead. A stone master of this affinity by two. Additionally, the stone
level can turn creatures with the earth master s spell DCs for spells with the Air
descriptor as a good-aligned acolyte turns affinity are reduced by 2.
undead. If the result would result in the Once per day, a disciple of earth can
earth creature s destruction, the stone summon a large earth elemental do his
master may instead choose to command the bidding, as per the summon monster spell.
creature as an evil-aligned acolyte
commands undead. The stone master may Improved Attune Gem: At 6th level, the
use this ability a number of times per day stone master gains the Magical Artisan feat
equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier. for free. It must be applied toward the
Attune Gem feat, and if the stone master
Mold Stone (Su): As the forces of earth already possesses Magical Artisan (Attune
grant the stone master ever-greater control Gem), then he gains no additional benefit at
over them, even the nature of stone begins this level.
to change. Starting at 3rd level, the stone
master can manipulate stone of any sort Weightless Stone (Su): The properties of
beneath his bare hands as though it were stone become yet more ingrained into the
clay. To anyone else touching a stone work stone master s nature at 7th level, permitting
in progress the stone still feels hard and him to carry and move enormous amounts
solid, even though the stone master can of stone and earth with little to no effort.
mold and shape it at will. The stone master When determining the stone master s weight
gains a +5 competence bonus to Craft limit and weight categories, multiply each
checks made to sculpt, mold, or shape category by his class level for purposes of
stone. Additionally, all forms of stone have carrying and pushing earth and stone.
their hardness reduced by 5 (minimum 0) to
the stone master s bare-handed attacks. Call Stone (Su): The voice of a stone
master can command the inert rocks
Push Stone (Su): Now that stone and themselves to action at 8th level. As a full-
earth act like putty in a stone master s round action, the stone master may order
hands, the logical next step is to be able to the stones of his current location into
dig through stone and earth with amazing motion. From then on, he must concentrate
rapidity. From 4th level onward, the stone on keeping them active (as per the rules on
master can do that very thing. When concentrating on a spell). It is the GM s
burrowing through loose earth, sand, or discretion on how many and what kind of
gravel, the stone master gains a burrow stones will be present in the current
speed of 20 feet. While digging through environment, but the stone master can
hard-packed earth or stone, the stone control no more stones at once than his
master s burrow speed drops to 10 feet. class level; tiny stones count as one-half,
Exceptionally hard stone may (at the GM s large stones as two, and huge stone as four.
discretion) reduce this even further. No stone larger than huge size may be
controlled, and only stones that are
Disciple of Earth: From 5th level forward, unattached to anything else will respond to
the stone master gains ever-increasing the call of the stone master. Stones may
control of the powers of Earth magic. Any attack opponents as animated objects (see
spells with an affinity to Earth and one other the Monster Manual).
element (except Air) are cast as though the
stone master were one casting level higher. Levitate Stone (Su): Attaining control of
Spells with only the Earth affinity are cast as even the manner in which stones attract and
though the stone master were two levels repel one another, a stone master of 9th
higher. Overextending difficulties for spells level can levitate earth and stone, moving it
as though through telekinesis. At will, the
stone master may use the spell telekinesis, Spells with only the Earth affinity are cast as
but only to affect earth and stone. though the stone master were two levels
higher, have their overextending difficulties
Master of Earth: At this level of power, reduced by 5, and have the spell save DCs
the stone master has truly become lord of increased by 2.
the earth element. Any spells with an affinity Once per day, a master of earth may
to Earth and not Air are cast as though the summon a greater earth elemental to do his
stone master were one casting level higher. bidding, as per the summon monster spell.
Table 1-14: The Stone Master
Level Base Fortitude Reflex Will Defense
Attack Bonus Save Save Save Bonus Special
1 +0 +1 +0 +1 +1 Acolyte of Earth
2 +1 +2 +0 +2 +1 Earth weirding
3 +1 +2 +1 +2 +1 Mold stone
4 +2 +2 +1 +2 +2 Push stone
5 +2 +3 +1 +3 +2 Disciple of Earth
6 +3 +3 +2 +3 +2 Improved Attune Gem
7 +3 +4 +2 +4 +3 Weightless stone
8 +4 +4 +2 +4 +3 Call stone
9 +4 +4 +3 +4 +3 Levitate stone
10 +5 +5 +3 +5 +4 Master of Earth
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