Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla Stahl67( bmp
Stahl67! bmp THE ROLE OF MOBELS IN THEORETICAL BIOLOGY 185 situ. This similarity can be demonstrate
Stahl67 bmp 186 WALTER R. STAHL a very restricted modeling situation. Mannikins are also in use fo
Stahl67# bmp THE BOLE OF MODELS IN THEORETICAL BIOLOGY 187 their simulation on a Computer is provid
Stahl67$ bmp 188 WALTER R. STAHL Reeve and Bailey (1962) developed a rather complex differential eq
Stahl67 bmp THE ROLE OF MODELS IN THEORETICAL BIOLOGY 189 ratios of generation rates, concentratio
Stahl67& bmp 190 WALTER R. STAHL sition of an allele in a genome. No physical constants other than
Stahl67 bmp THE ROLE OF MODELS IN THEORETICAL BIOLOGY 191 physical dimensional variables such as d
Stahl67( bmp 192 WALTER R. STAHL A rather different approach to ecological modeling has been chosen
Stahl67) bmp THE ROLE OF MODELS IN THEORETICAL BIOLOGY 193 VI. Cybernetic Models A large class of m
Stahl670 bmp 194 WALTER R. STAHL a discussion of simulation of biological systems of all types by M
Stahl671 bmp THE ROLE OF MODELS IN THEORETICAL BIOLOGY 195 in the context of biological control are
Stahl672 bmp 196 WALTER R. STAHL Function and regulation in the myocardium are the subject of sever
Stahl673 bmp THE ROLE OF MODELS IN THEORETICAL BIOLOGY 197 results obtained from such models are re
Stahl674 bmp 198 WALTER R. STAHL not all necessary numerical constants are available in vivo to val
Stahl675 bmp THE EOLE OF MODELS IN THEORETICAL BIOLOGY 199 B. Artificial Neeve Networks A long seri
Stahl676 bmp 200 WALTER R. STAHL tempted to explain data in human coordinationdisturbances (Parkins
Stahl677 bmp 201 THE KOLE OF MODELS IN THEORETICAL BIOLOGY human perception and has explored heuris
Stahl678 bmp 202 WALTER R. STAHL A. Turing’s Test and Artificial Intelligence The concept of algori
Stahl679 bmp THE HOLE OF MODELS IN THEORETICAL BIOLOGY 203 (1959, 1962), and Overall and Williams (
Stahl67@ bmp 204 WALTER R. STAHL with the leaming of imitative behavior (Rosenbaum and Tucker, 1961
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