Giving directions (1)

0x08 graphic
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0x08 graphic
0x08 graphic
0x08 graphic
0x08 graphic
0x08 graphic
0x08 graphic

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0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic

Name: …………………………………….. Date: ……/……/……

Class: ……………. Number: ………..

Mark: ……………… Teacher: …………………..

Mr Mad started teaching in a new school last week. But there is a problem, he can never remember the way from the railway station to the school. So he has to ask. Look at the map and write a dialogue. Use the vocabulary from the box.


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5. Prensa, Hiszpański, Kultura, España en directo
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