
DRC Report File - bloki.bde

.Err {color:'#FF0000';cursor:hand;text-decoration:underline;}
.Warn {color:'#0000FF';cursor:hand;text-decoration:underline;}
.Info {color:'#000000';cursor:hand;text-decoration:underline;}
.Sccss {color:'#009600';cursor:hand;text-decoration:underline;}
.ErrH {color:'#FF0000';cursor:hand;text-decoration:underline;}
.WarnH {color:'#0000FF';cursor:hand;text-decoration:underline;}
.InfoH {color:'#000000';cursor:hand;text-decoration:underline;}
.Err1 {color:'#FF0000';}
.Warn1 {color:'#0000FF';}
.Info1 {color:'#000000';}
.Sccss1 {color:'#009600';}

function RollOn() {
switch(window.event.srcElement.className) {
case 'Err':
window.event.srcElement.className = 'ErrH'; break;
case 'Warn':
window.event.srcElement.className = 'WarnH'; break;
case 'Info':
window.event.srcElement.className = 'InfoH'; break;
function RollOff() {
switch(window.event.srcElement.className) {
case 'ErrH':
window.event.srcElement.className = 'Err'; break;
case 'WarnH':
window.event.srcElement.className = 'Warn'; break;
case 'InfoH':
window.event.srcElement.className = 'Info'; break;
function OnError(sMsg,sUrl,sLine) {
return true;

document.onmouseover = RollOn;
document.onmouseout = RollOff;
window.onerror = OnError;

Function IID_IDispatch
IID_IDispatch = "{00020400-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
End Function

Function CLSID_Executor
CLSID_Executor = "Aldec.ExePlugIn.Generic.7"
End Function

Sub OpenPlugIn (progid, template, document, element, string)

Dim executor, command

Set executor = window.external.aldec.connector.OpenPlugIn(CLSID_Executor, IID_IDispatch)

command = "?Activate[][][][][]"

executor.ExecuteCommand command, ""

End Sub

DRC Report File - bloki.bde
Created on Sun Nov 08 12:03:48 2015

Checking file 'e:\projekty_vhdl\projektswj\proj\src\bloki.bde'.
fub 'Fub1' is empty.
fub 'Fub2' is empty.
fub 'Fub3' is empty.
fub 'Fub4' is empty.
fub 'Fub5' is empty.
fub 'Fub6' is empty.
To settle inconsistencies between symbols and their contents apply the Compare Symbol with Contents command to each of the reported symbols.
Unconnected terminal 'Y0'.
Unconnected terminal 'Y1'.
Unconnected terminal 'Y2'.
Unconnected terminal 'Y3'.
Unconnected terminal 'Y4'.
Unconnected terminal 'Y5'.
Inout terminal(s) and load(s) connected to net 'NET196'.
bloki.bde - 0 error(s), 13 warning(s)
DRC process completed in 1 second(s).

Conversion Functions Log
Generation process begin...
Type conflict on instance 'U1':'Fub1' at pin 'NET196'.

Added conversion function prototype to generated file:
function aldec_stdl2bit (val:std_logic) return bit is
return to_bit(val);
end aldec_stdl2bit;

Generation process end.
Conversion functions added: 1


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