
SP * Save Picture SP * Save Picture A tool to extract a picture from the dump file created by WHDload. Installation SP is contained only in the DEV archive, not in the USR archive copy it to C: or a similar place Usage First a dump file must be created. Start the program from which the picture is to be ripped. It must run with the option Snoop/S enabled. Also Expert/S and DebugKey/K/N must be set. If the picture you like to rip appears press the DebugKey. WHDLoad will now write the dump file. Enter the directory using a Shell where the dump file is located. Now invoke SP with filename of the to save as argument. SP will load the dump file and try to save the picture. Options OutputFile/A,Cop/K,CS=CopStop/K,Width/K,Height/K,con0/K,mod1/K,mod2/K,pt1/K,pt2/K,pt3/K,pt4/K,NoCopLst/S OutputFile/A the filename of the picture to save Cop/K sets the start address of the first copperlist to interpret, if you like to overwrite the address contained in the dump file CS=CopStop/K this options specifies the address to stop interpreting the copperlist. It must be used if the screen is built up of more than one picture Width/K specifies the width of the picture to save, it will not affect the modulo values! Height/K specifies the height of the picture to save con0/K overwrites the bplcon0 register contained in the dump file mod1/K,mod2/K overwrites the bplmod1/bplmod2 register contained in the dump file pt1/K,pt2/K,pt3/K,pt4/K   overwrites the bplpt1,2,3,4 register contained in the dump file NoCopLst/S disables dumping the copperlist


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