21 03 2007

-- podaj klientów których srednia wartośc zamówienia jest wieksza 21.03.2007

-- niż globalna średnia wartość zamówienia

-- wyliczenie globalnej średniej wartości zamówienia

use northwind2005

-- 1 sposób

create view srednia_glob


select sum(OD.unitprice*OD.quantity)/count(distinct O.orderid) as sr_gl

from [order details] OD join orders O

on OD.orderid = O.orderid

-- 2 sposób

select (select sum(OD.unitprice*OD.quantity) from [order details] OD )


(select count(*) from orders)

-- 3 sposób

select sum(OD.unitprice*OD.quantity) / (select count(*) from orders)

from [order details] OD

select * from srednia_glob

-- srednia wart zam dla kolejnych klientow

select companyname, sum(OD.unitprice*OD.quantity)/count(distinct O.orderid) as sr_gl

from [order details] OD join orders O

on OD.orderid = O.orderid

join customers C

on O.customerid = C.customerid

group by companyname

-- i z końcowym warunkiem

select companyname, sum(OD.unitprice*OD.quantity)/count(distinct O.orderid) as sr_gl

from [order details] OD join orders O

on OD.orderid = O.orderid

join customers C

on O.customerid = C.customerid

group by companyname

having sum(OD.unitprice*OD.quantity)/count(distinct O.orderid) >

(select * from srednia_glob)

order by 2 desc

-- wyświetlić wszystkie zamówienia dla produktu CHAI w których

-- zamówiona ilośc jest większa od sredniej zamawianej ilosci tego produktu

select productname, quantity

from [order details] OD join products P

on OD.productid = P.productid

where productname = 'Chai'

order by 1

select avg(quantity*1.)

from [order details] OD join products P

on OD.productid = P.productid

where productname = 'Chai'

select productname, quantity, orderid

from [order details] OD join products P

on OD.productid = P.productid

where productname = 'Chai' and quantity>

(select avg(quantity*1.)

from [order details] OD join products P

on OD.productid = P.productid

where productname = 'Chai')

order by 1

-- przykład procedury

-- (create)

alter procedure wiosna (@nazwa_produktu varchar(30))



select productname, quantity, orderid

from [order details] OD join products P

on OD.productid = P.productid

where productname = @nazwa_produktu and quantity>

(select avg(quantity*1.)

from [order details] OD join products P

on OD.productid = P.productid

where productname = @nazwa_produktu)

order by 1


-- uruchomienie procedury

exec wiosna 'Chang'

-- usuwanie procedury

drop procedure wiosna

-- którzy klienci nigdy nie kupowali 'Chang'

-- najpierw ci którzy kupowali Chang

select distinct companyname

from customers C join orders O

on C.customerid = O.customerid

join [order details] OD

on O.orderid = OD.orderid

join products P

on Od.productid = P.productid

where productname = 'Chang'

- a teraz odejmowanie

select *

from customers

where companyname not in (

select distinct companyname

from customers C join orders O

on C.customerid = O.customerid

join [order details] OD

on O.orderid = OD.orderid

join products P

on Od.productid = P.productid

where productname = 'Chang')

order by companyname

select distinct * from

(select firstname, city, customerid

from employees E join orders O

on E.employeeid = O.employeeid

where customerid = 'ALFKI') TAB1 join

(select firstname, city, customerid

from employees E join orders O

on E.employeeid = O.employeeid

where customerid = 'WOLZA') Tab2

on Tab1.firstname = tab2.firstname


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