Friday's Treatment of Social Issues

Friday's Treatment of Social Issues

The movie Friday is a comedy, but it also depicts many important

social issues. The story is set in the city of Los Angeles,

California, in what could be called a high class ghetto. The main

theme of the movie is about a young black man who looses his job and

is influenced by his best friend to smoke marijuana. The movie also

shows the relationships of his family and other members of his

neighborhood. With a zany cast of characters and a hilarious script

this movie touches on everything from gang v lence to the use of

drugs, crime, guns, relationships, sex and life in the ghetto. Because

of all these issues, I found this an interesting movie with a wide

variety of topics to address.

Marijuana has been around for a long time. It's use is once again

becoming popular. Although it's not legal, many people use it socially

and for medicinal purposes. The Hollywood elite smoke it. Musicians

such as Dr. Dre and the Black Crows celebra it's use. Television shows

like Saturday Night Live and Kids In the Hall depict it as harmless

fun. Marijuana fashion has grown into a ten million dollar industry,

with the seven branch marijuana leaf showing up on caps, T-shirts,

earrings and tattoos. Studies show that after a decade of declining

drug use, marijuana use has increased sharply among gh school students

and college students in the last two years (Duschbaun 8).

In the movie Friday, rap star Ice Cube plays the character Craig.

Craig has never smoked marijuana. However, his best friend "Smokey"

smokes marijuana everyday. Craig looses his job, leaving him home all

day with nothing to do to occupy his time. H just hangs out in the

neighborhood with his friends. Smokey tries to convince Craig to try

some marijuana. At first Craig doesn't want to. Smokey is persistent.

He points out to Craig that he doesn't have to work and doesn't have

anything better to . Craig and Smokey eventually sit on the front

porch and get stoned. Peer pressure is obviously the only reason Craig

gives in. Actually he had other options, but he chose not to use them.

Common sense and a simple explanation would have worked for aig just

fine (How to Say No and Keep Your Friends 23) Everyday we are faced

with choices. It is up to us to decide what's right and wrong. Craig

decides to try it and things start to happen that he really doesn't


Craig and Smokey get into some trouble with the neighborhood

dealer, Big Worm. Smokey sells pot for him, but can't pay him the

money he owes because he and Craig smoked the pot. Big Worm threatens

them and sends a gang of "hoods" after them with mach e guns. They

just barely escape and are scared shitless. The amount of gang

violence that can be contributed to the use and sale of illegal drugs

has risen dramatically in the past seven years (Gates 67). It's no

wonder that this is happening with th use of marijuana becoming so

popular again. Violence and crime are issues we hear about every day.

We can watch any news broadcast and see the evidence of these

increasingly worrisome problems. In Friday, both of these issues are

very apparent. Debone, the neighborhood thief and "bully" is co tantly

harassing the people in Craig's neighborhood. He breaks into their

homes, steals their possessions, beats people up to take their jewelry

and other items and is just generally a pain in everyones ass. He is

the most violent person in the movie Craig gets into a fight with him

and pulls a gun on Debone. Craig feels confused and not sure what to

do. His father convinces him to give him the gun. He insists that

Craig should fight like a man with his fists. I don't think that was

very good a ice. Debone was twice as big as Craig and probably 100

pounds heavier. They do fight and surprisingly Craig wins. You would

think that most problems can be solved without violent acts. The

reality is that sometimes, under certain circumstances, that ust

doesn't work. Obviously, this was one of those times.

Sexual promiscuity was also depicted in this movie. Craig's

neighbor has an affair with a preacher. His sisters friend sleeps

around to get drugs. Smokey puts the moves on anything in a skirt. To

so blatantly condone this kind of behavior is repulsive. With the

rampant spread of the Aids virus and other sexually transmitted

diseases anyone with common sense would know better than to behave in

this manner. Unwanted pregnancies and the abortion rate or serious

issues that should also be considered. Craig seemed to have a loving

and supportive family. His dad was a real trip. His ideas about how to

handle certain situations were a bit far-fetched, but he meant well.

Because there was no indication of what age the kids in the movie

were, it's ha to comment on how the parents should have advised their

kids. I do know that quite a few of the kids' actions were

questionable, even illegal. For example, if these kids were minors

they would all be considered unruly. Unruliness is an offense that ly

a minor can commit (Fessler 105). All the kids in the movie were

disobedient, smoked pot and acted in ways their parents should have

been responsible to control. Both of Craig's parents worked, which

left the kids unsupervised the majority of the time. Some of the

parents in the movie also set terrible examples for their kids.

Smokey's mom locked him out of the house so she could have sex with

her male friends. She also got high and disregarded her parental

responsibility to her kids. Although the area where Craig and his

friends lived didn't look like what we might picture a ghetto to look

like in our minds, it was still a ghetto. Poverty and other social

issues make it what it is.......a very depressing and frustrating

place to live. Because of all the negative ways of life including

crime, violence, gangs, drugs and all the other things I've referred

to in this paper, I would conclude this would not be the kind of

lifestyle I would choose to live. Unfortunately, many of the people

that live under these conditions don't have a choice. They are most

often born into these situations or faced with dealing with them

because of financial struggle or lack of resources to change their

ways of life. We can consider ourselves fortunat to not have to deal

with these kinds of problems on a daily basis. That is not to say that

ALL people in the ghetto stay there. There are some who work hard and

get the education or training they need to escape this kind of

lifestyle. Where there's will there's a way and depending on how

strongly they want out, it can happen.

All in all this movie was pretty entertaining. I wouldn't suggest

it for kids who might be influenced in a negative way by the things

that happened or who are not mature enough to know the difference

between right and wrong. The movie does portray a t of negative issues

as being acceptable. This could be harmful to young kids who are

influenced by peer pressure and this kind of nonchalant attitude

toward breaking the law. It is up to us to determine what is okay for

our youth. Parents should de rmine if this would be acceptable for

their kids to view.

Friday is an entertaining, yet morally questionable flick. The

social issues it depicts are many. Viewing it also raised a lot of

questions on how the movie industry doesn't care what they produce.

They are interested solely in making money. Their ob is to entertain

us. They have accomplished that with this movie. It made me laugh, but

because of this assignment it made me realize that comedy was not the

important part of seeing this movie. Realizing how people live and

relate to each other is ritical in understanding our society on the

whole. Recognizing this is how we can begin to make positive changes

to things that are wrong and improve our lives in general.


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