CartoonÊkes Þbbie Brown 2

CartoonÊkes Þbbie Brown 2

Colour 60g (2oz) of the modeliing pasie red For the rings on ihe sides of the car. model two liny flatlened circles and press m the centre of them with the bonÄ™ lool lo make indents. Then fili the mdented parts with navy blue. Colour a tmy amount of the modeliing pastÄ™ green and use it for the ovai-shaped sign on the side of the car. Make another sign and put it aside. Stick the car in position on the cake board. witboul the roof.


To make Dick Dastarciy, colour just over a pea-sized amount of the mcdeiling pastÄ™ cream. Put aside a tiny ban From the remamder make his long nose and a teardrop shape (or h.s head Pinch up the point of the teardrop to make his ch;n. curying it up and round. Fiatten the top

Hor* are Ute basie parts aro noadcd to make Dick Dastardty's hond.



Model the top of h=s hat with red mcde'-ling pastÄ™ and stick the head onto the hat. Press a minutÄ™ bali of white pastÄ™ fiat and cut it in half for his eyes. With the remainirtg navy blue. cut a collar and position it

Colour just under 7g ('Aoz) of the modeliing pastÄ™ pale blue. Model iwo tiny white glasses and stick a smali lens onto the centre of each using pale blue pastÄ™. With a litlle red. model a flattened teardrop for his peak and cut eff the point Stick this in place at the base of his hat, resting on his nose. Position Dastardiy in the car. Ieaving room for Muttley. For his moustache. roli a thin sausage of btack and taper each end to a point. Use the damp glue brush to pick it up and stick ii in place.

Um Presente da Mariza

U Colour just over a pea-sized amount of modeliing pastÄ™ dark yellow

using a louch each of golden brown and yellow food colounng oastes. To make Muttley's head. shape a teardrop and bend tne point up. Roli the back of a kmfe aiong the rounded end to mark h;s wice smile and aiso mark a verticai linÄ™ on his muzzie For hair. fiatten a tiny circie and cut V shapes from around the edge and stick this onto the top of his head. Cul mto the fiattened black teardrop shapes to make h;s ears and n model his black nose. Stick Muttley in place next to Oastardly and a tiny modeiied pav/ so jthat it hangs over the edge of the vehcle Make his eyes and two tiny pointed teeth out of white pastÄ™.

Tho mnln chassis, whed arches and lips 1or the Compact Pussycal



Using just under 45g (17.02) of the red mcdeiling pastÄ™ make the car chassis, indenting in the centre to make the seat area. Mark two lines either side for the doors Spht just under 7g (7*02) of the red mto three pieces. Wth one. model a patr of lips for the front of the car. With the other two. model wheel arches and cut the ends off at an angie


Colour just over 7g (’uoz) of the modeliing pastÄ™ yellow. Complete the v/heel arches by curling some of the yellow around at the top and out them aside untit set. Colour 7g (7.02) of the modeliing pastÄ™ deep pink. Using half. roli four smali wheels and stick them in place with a tiny yellow bali as a hubcap in the centre of each.



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