CartoonÊkes Þbbie Brown 7

CartoonÊkes Þbbie Brown 7


With several of the best-loved Looney Tunes characters on a wild, reckless train journey, this fun cake captures some of the typical cartoon madcap humour it's known for.

25cm (lOin) square cake (sco p 11)

3Sx25cm (14 x 10in) oWoikj cake board

50Cg (1lb<2 cups) buttercream

1.7kg {3b67>oz) sugarpaste (rolled fondant)

GokJen brown. black. green. yellcw. brown, pmk. orarsge, b)uo. chestnul brown, mailve and rod food cctouring pustes

Icing (confectłorWs) sugar m a sugar shaker

Sugar glue

390g (12V.oz) modellmg pasto

[OUiPMtm Sharp knifo Templates ($eo p.94)

Largo and sma'l rolling pir.s

Smali brush for g’.ue 2.5cm (1in) $quaro cutter No.4 plam ppmg tubo (tipi

2cm (%in) and 1cm (fcin) circle cutlers

A few cocktail sticks (toothpcks)

Pioces of foam sporne Ruler

Smali, potntcd scissore Fino pamtbrusb


1 Trim the crust from the cake and slice the top I fiat. "o make the engine and two carr-ages. out a I2.5cm (5in) strip from the cake. and then cut as shown in the cutting diagram (see p.94) fo make the hill. position the remaimng stnp on the centre of the cake board and trim off the top edge around the cake. using the tnmmings to cover the cake board further.

2Sandwich the top of the ertgine to the base using buttercream. Iben spread a layer of buttercream over the surface of all the cakes. inciuding the underside of the tram and carriage cakes. to help the sugarpaste stick Put the tram and carnages aside.

3Colour 625g (1V-lb) of the sugarpaste (rolled fondant} goiden brown. To compiete the hill. roli out and cover the cake on the cake board compÅ‚etely, smoothmg around the shape and tnmming excess from around the edge. With the goiden brown tnmmings. model different-sized angular rock shapes and then put them aside for later.


4Co:our 170g (57.oz) of the sugarpaste black To cover the underside of the tram. rcll out lOGg (3%oz) of the black and place the base of the train down onto it and cut around. Cover the top and bottom of each carriage in lhe same way and then put them aside. placed cm a spnnkiing of icing sugar to prevent stccking.

Usc goiden brown sugorposłe lo covor the hill. trimmlng oxcoss from Uw odgo.




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