Special Techniques

Narrow or Wide

Embossing can bc workcd over only .1 tew sntches or ovcr the entire uidth ot thc piece.

Embossing in Stockinette Stitch

Thi> embossing was workcd in stock-inerte srirch ovcr 4. 6. and 8 nnvs. Two ctcamplcs ot cach are shown. Embossing wirh difierenr stripcs i* cven lieelier.

Embossing in Reverse Stockinette Stitch

Embossing worlced in reversc stockinette stitch looks likc litlle rolls oi knitting. The firsr row ot thc cmboss-ing, worlced in rcversc stockinette stitch on thc right side ot the work, always has to be knittcd rnthcr than purled. Orherwise, thc lutrizoncal threndsot the last row ot thc back-ground ci Jor will show.

Embossing with Picots

Whether you work it in I or 2 colors. embossing wirh picots is very striking. For the examples ot narrow emboss-ing over 6 rows, the third row is an openwork row. I or the cxamplcs ot w ule embossing over 10 rows, ir i> the ftfth row. For this row of openwork, you need an odd nurnber ot sdtehes. Alt er thc selvcd.ec stitch, łir»t knit 1 stitch. then altemarely make a yam over and knit 2 stitchcs together. In the next row. on the wrong stde ot the work, purl ail stitches and yam over>. For the 2-color embossing, work ^ rows in the Firsr color (i.c., tncludtng the openwork row) and 5 rows in thc sccond color. On the right side ol the work. the picot edge will >till show in thc First color,

Narrow or

Etnbussmg rn sfocknietre Stach

Embossing in reierse stockinette suich



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