

2009 had sold 10


0 Przekształć wyraz podany w nawiasie w taki sposób,

aby po jego wstawieniu całe zdanie było poprawne i

logiczne. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz

0,5 punktu.

1    His song-writing is unique and his lyrics contain

political, philosophical and _______

(LITERATURĘ) influences.

2    The Parthenon was_(OFFICE)

calied the Tempie of Athena the Virgin.

3    Death Valley National Monument was

_(CLAIM) in 1933, placing the

area under federal protection.

4    A virus is a microscopic_

(INFECT) agent that can reproduce only inside a host celi.

5    The stone elements survive only in part, but they

are good_(DESCRIBE) of

most of those parts that have been lost.

6    The Pulitzer Prize was named after the American


Joseph Pulitzer.

7    The study found that those people who adhered

most_(CLOSE) to a typical

Mediterranean diet lived relatively longer.

8    The scientists decided to_

(BROAD) the scope of research.

9    Many types of virus have been described in detail, although most of them still remain ____ (DISCOVER).

10    Her compositions have extraordinary _(POETRY) power.

11    The building was_

(ELABORATE) decorated with marble sculptures.

12    The origins of viruses in the_

(EVOLUTION) history of life are unclear.

13    The place we visited in Greece is regarded as one of

the world's great_(CULTURE)


14    The government officials hope that funding and

technical______(ASSIST) will be

provided by the European Union.

15    My father looked at me_

(APPROVE) when he heard that I had received a speeding ticket.

16    The training was very_

(INFORMATION) and gave a good insight into how audits are carried out.

17    A healthy lifestyle can help boost your

fitness levels and your selTesteem as well as ______ (LONG) your life span.

18    The_(CONSUME) of meat

in industrialised countries has been decreasing for years.

19    This national park is visited_

(ANNUAL) by morę than 700,000 tourists.

20    The Parthenon_(PLACE)

an older building that had been destroyed by the Persians.

^ Uzupełnij lukę (1-10) jednym wyrazem,

przekształcając wyraz podany w nawiasie, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 0,5



The Time Traveler’s Wife, published in 2003, is the debut novel of American author Audrey Niffenegger. It is a love story about a man with

a 1_(GENE) disorder that

causes him to time travel2

(PREDICTABLE), and about his wife, an artist, who

has to cope with his freąuent3_

(ABSENT) and dangerous experiences. Niffenegger, frastrated in love when she began the work, wrote the story as a metaphor for her failed

relationships. The tale’s4_

(CENTRE) relationship came to her suddenly and

5 _(SUBSEQUENT) supplied

the novel’s title. The novel, which has been

6 _(CLASS) as both science

fiction and romance, examines issues of love, loss, and free will. In particular, it uses time travel to

explore causes of7_

(COMMUNICATE) and distance in relationships, while also investigating deeper8_

(EXIST) ąuestions. The book became

a9_(SELL) and as of March


2.5 million copies in the United States and the United Kingdom. A film version was released in August 2009.

http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Wikipedia: Today%2 7s_featured_ article/October 2009


Longman Repetytorium Maturalne • poziom rozszerzony • Książka nauczyciela    PHOTOCOPIABLE



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