Connections II Sprawdziany i Odpowiedzi38

Connections II Sprawdziany i Odpowiedzi38

Listening tests

CO ConnccŁlona 2 TES7S 2P.gxd 5/10/07    10:50 Pago 38


Tests 6A and 6B

1 A b    B C

2 A T B T    CF


1    Hi fm Mci. 1'm really excited! fm taking a crty break this weekend l'm Ry.og ftom London with my twa best fr.ends, le a and Anna. VYe're flying tonięht. and we'fe staying in a fn"e star hote'1 I cant be:ieve it. VYe'rc going ta go shcopir.g tamorrow. and have lunch on the beach.We’te gomg togo sight seeing aswel. - there are lott of great Caudi build ngi to see, and the cathedra!. And I think on Surtday weregang to sunbathc ...

2    Sam Hi. Tm Sam.

Daisy And !'m Daily

Sam We-rc really excited. becauie we're taking a city break not week.

Daisy Yes, were gomg neit Monday. iVc're stayng m a fcoi star hotel with lea vicws’

Sam fm going to go ught seemg every day. becauie l'm really mtereited in the cit/s hiitory.

Daisy And l'm going to go shnpping ecety day and eat lots of seafoodl

Sam But you are going to vrsit the little Mcrmaid itatue with mttaren't you?

Daisy Of courie I am.

Mr Anderson

O Bilton

Mr Anderson CJ Bilton Mr Anderson

O Bilton

El no. no. not at all I didn't see the dog. actually. And I understand itsmissing, now?

Yes it is A veiy serious business Mr Andersen dognapping and jesłecery stealing.

Oh. guite. Chief Inspector. I agree. I hope you catch hsnf Catch who. Mi Anderson? £>p you know it was a man?

El no. of course not Oh dear - I have to go nerw. Tm playing tennaat thtee.

Gpodbye. Mr Anderson And thank you That was eatremefy helpful.

O Bilton Cood afterncon, mydea-. Whatsyour name, please?

Miss Ramsey EiTabitha

Cl Bilton And your sumami; please’

Miss Ramsey Oh, sorry! Ramsey. 1'm Tab tha Ramsey Cl Bilton And is that Mas or Mrs? Miss. l think

Tests 7A and 7B

1    A C B C

2    A F B T C T

f'** Audioscript

Cl Bilton Gcod afterncon. What s your name, pieasc?

Mrs Jones Cl Bilton

Mrs Jones Cl Bilton Mrs Jones

Cl Bilton Mn Jonei Cl Bilton Mrs Jonei

Cl Bilton Mrs Jones

Cl Bilton Mr fenn Cl Bilton

Mr fenn

Cl Bilton Mr fenn Cl Bilton

l'n Mrs Jones Mrs Anna Icocs

Mice to meet you Mrs Jones And what were you doing at midnight last Saturday?

I wasin my beflrooci. Chief Inspector' I wasseeping And did you hear anything mteresting?

WeS it's funny you say that. Chief Inspector. I didrit hear anything, but I saw something.

And what was that. Mrs Jones?

I saw a man a young man. I think it was Mr Anderson Mrrmph. And what was he doing?

It was very strange He was giving some fcod to Mas Stirlingsdog. A big bowlof food. I thought itwas strange to be feeding a dog at midnight Strange.yes, very strange Mrs lones. Tbankyou. That was sety heipful.

Oh. not at all, Inspector

Gcod afternopn. Yoot name. please?

George fenn.

Excel.'ent. Mr fenn. No* what were you doing at midnignt last Saturday?

I was in the srttmg roorr, and I was telesision. There was a sery gcod film about penguins. Im interested in penguins

Er. yes Weil. And did you see or hear anythrng strange’ Yes.One of the penguinsssaseating a banana!

Hrrrmph, Thank you. Mr fenn That's all for now.

Miss Ramsey Oh yes. Chief Inspector,

O Bilton Now. where were you at midnight last Saturday?

Miss Ramsey Iwas in the kitchen.

O Bilton And what were you doing?

Miss Ramsey Iwas .. urn waiting for Mi Anderson. You see, we were havirtg a glass ofwne at about half past eleuen. when sudden.y he said he had to go semewhere Cl Bilton A glass of winę? Andthen he had to go somewhere?

So he wasn't m the kitchen at midnight?

Miss Ramsey No, Chief inspectog he wasnt. He came back at about ten past. and then we finished aur winę.

0    Bilton Aha Thank you, Miss Ramsey. That's very interesting

Tests 8A and 8B

1    A b Ba

2    A T B T C F


Assistant Can I help you?

Tim    Yes. please. Can I try these jeans on, please?

Assistant Yes, of course Thechangmg rooms are over there.

Tim    Thanks. Oh dear. The/re too big Mave you got any smaller

one\ please’

Assistant Mo, fm sorry, Theyte the smallest. Do you want to try these mstead?

Tim    OK.. Great! They fitl How much aie they, please?

Assistant Theyre twenty pounds.

Tim    Hereyouate

Assistant Thar.ks Gcodbyc Tim Bye!

Cl Bilton Gcod afterr.oon. Gan I have your name. please?

Mr Anderson Tm freddy Anderson.

Cl Bilton Vety good, Mr Anderson And sshat were you doing at midnight last Saturday?

Mr Anderson I was talking to Miss Ramsey. She's a veiy interesting girl.

Cl Bilton Hrrmph.yes 1'm suie she is So you were with Miss Ramsey And where were you?

Mr Anderson kYewere in the kitchen We were talking. and havmg a cup of tea.

Cl Bilton And, can I ask. Mr Anderson was Miss Stirimg's dag with you?

Tests 9A and 9B

1    c

2    A F BT CF DT Audioscript

Billic Hi. Kanna' You kiok great.

Karina Thanks And you WhereY Max?

Billic He'sgetting some water. Whcres ftocco?

Karina He's talking to the DJ.

Billic Oh no, he isn't look. He's talking to Mel.

Karina What?

Mel    Rccto daiLngl

Rocco yjhat do you want. Mel?

Mel    Come and dance with me.

Rocco Thanks, hut no thanks., Mel. Karmasmygirlfriend ner* Karina i cant be :eve he's talking to her’

Billic Wait - look - hc'scoming over here.

Rocco Karinal 1'm sorry abaut Mel. I've told her you'te my girlfriend. Karina Good Rocco So are you?

Karina Am Iwhat?

Rocco My .. giilfriend?

Karina Mayte. Dc you wam to damę with your gulfnend?

Rocco Yes. I do.

Karina Ccmc on. then ..


© Oxford University Press


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