26 (738)

26 (738)

2.2.5.    Therapy for the teres major.

Starting Position: P: Supine; knees and hips flexed to stabilize lumbar and thoracic regions and to prevent lumbar spine lordosis; smali, firm cushion may be placed between scapulae to permit maximum shoulder movement; support under head and neck; chin tucked in to protect cervical spine; arm flexed above head. T: Standing at head of couch, facing obliąue to P’s right side.

Grip: Ts left hand grips the medial side of P’s upper arm just above the elbow. T holds P’s arm flexed and laterally rotated at the shoulder. P’s forearm lies along T’s forearm with P’s right hand against the medial side of Ts upper arm. T stabilizes P’s scapula, using right hand to stabilize the lateral border.

Fig. 9 a. Starting Position.


Procedurę: Using this grip. T gradually and fully flexes and laterally rotates at P's shoulder.

Stimulation of Antagonists: T reverses left-hand grip to under P’s arm. T then asks P to move further in the direction of stretching, and resists that movement to stimulate P’s antagonists.

Notę: Not applying traction to P's arm when flexing partly prevents involving the latissimus dorsi and the pectoralis major.

Fig. 9b. Finał Position.



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