HISTORIA - WYKŁAD - 20.10.2011 killed by an arrow (perhaps it was a coincidence that Henry - his brother - was with him). After Williams death. Henry rushed to Westmmster and got crown.

Henry I of England was called the Lion of Justice - he was strict but fair. He established the Charter of Lłbcitłes, in which he promised to nie the country fair.

W hen Robert was back from crusade. he was flung into prison. He died -> once again Normandy and England was joined - under the rule of Henry I.


a)    English civil offices - helped Henry I to govern the country

b)    Exchanger (kasjer walutowy) - financial Office, they w rotę down the Information about money

c)    Kings justice was extended. judicial system

d)    He introduced itinerant judges (travelling jud ges) - people travel from shire to shire and soNe conflicts

e)    He developed idea of com mon law

A tragedy - Henrys only legitimate (prawowity, ślubny) son died while Crossing the English Channel. Henry was left with only a girl - Mathilda. He was married to German Emperor. but when her husband died. she returned to England.

Henry maid his barons swear that when he dies. lords would choose Mathilda as a Oueen of England. Mathilda was married off Geoffrey Plantagenet of Anjou.

But when Henry I died •> things got complicated: Stephen of Blue gained the throne (although it should go to Mathilda). Henry gave lands to Stephen (he was Henry s nephew). when Stephens father died. But it madę Stephen powerful. so that he could gain the throne.

LAW: No baron could built the c as tle m thout kings permisston. Stephen abolished (znieść, zlikwidować) it - it was not wise. barons could become morę powerful and rebel against king one day.

Mathilda decided to invade England and claim the throne •> civil war broke out and lasted for 19 years. It was time of anarchy and chaos. Mathilda entered London (Stephen was flung into pnson). She behaved in very arrogant way -> Londoners didn't like her. Then she fled to France.

When Stephen s only son died. he had no heir. He started negotiation with Mathilda. he wanted to give the throne to her son when he die. Stephen died the following year -> Henry II. new dynasty. France umted with England again.


a)    First - Romans

b)    It changed with Anglo-Saxon bmes. Chnstiamzed Celts were dnven in mountams

C) -lian - site (miejsce ulokowania) of Cełbc monastery

d)    6 century: Arnval of monk Augustine sent by pope to reestablish Christianity. He went to Canterbury in Kent -why? Because Kenfs king had a Chnstian wife Kings got from clergy knowledge a lot.

e)    601 - Augustine - 1* Archbishop of Canterbury

f)    Augustine wanted to make the chunch powerful. so he worked only with the kings. Ordinary people were taught by Celtic monks.


-    Existed where the Celts were dnven

-    Monasteries

• St. Patnck - Bnbsh slave, in 432 he brought Christianity to Ireland

-    St. Cdumba - 563 - Scotland . St. David - Wales

-    They were wandenng. teaching ordinary people

-    Very poor


-    Roman clergy lived at the courts (dwór królewski)

-    Church helped the king to grow in power and vice versa

-    King needed a church. so he gave them pnyileges


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