Modelowanie matematyczne    dr inż. Zbigniew Tarapata

Wykład nr 5: Modele teorii gier

•    The japanese, who want to minimize the number of days of bombing, pick strategy I, as tliis only gives them a single day of bombing (instead of 3) if the ainericans pick strategy II.

•    The americans, on their hand, want to maximize the number of days of bombing, know that the japanese will pick strategy I, sińce that obviously is the better choice for them, and therefore also pick strategy I sińce that is the best choice given the japanese move.

For the japanese, strategy I is always better than strategy II, and is therefore called a dominating strategy.

Pomimo tego, że japończycy wybrali najlpeszą z możliwych swoich strategii (I) ponieśli bardzo ciężkie straty w czasie bombardowań.

Ale to już nie była „wina” teorii gier...



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