Rudhyar and the Secret Elvis

Perhaps you ve heard about the secret Elvis, that there was a deeply spiritual side
to this seemingly unlikely candidate for chelaship. At the
website, [unfortunately, the site no longer exists] Larry Geller - Elvis' longtime friend and
guide in the metaphysical world - provides an authentic view on Elvis.
In addition to offering audio cassettes of the "Secret Diary" Elvis authorized Larry to
produce, the website includes an annotated list of Elvis' favorite books, including the large
collection of metaphysical, theosophical and inspirational books he carried with him
wherever he traveled. But even more fascinating is the astrological chart Rudhyar drew and
worked from in writing the astrological report Elvis requested in 1965.
According to the website, "this is the only astrological chart Elvis ever requested . . .
Elvis' horoscope, accompanied by a 23-page in-depth interpretation, includes charts of his
mother and father, as well as Priscilla Presley, all of which Elvis requested."
Extraordinary measures seem to have been taken to determine Elvis' correct birthtime.
"To properly chart Elvis' horoscope," the website explains, "Rudhyar required information
about the time, place and date of Elvis birth, as well as other vital statistics in his life. One
afternoon at Graceland, Elvis, his father Vernon Presley and Larry sat in the meditation
garden. Responding to Rudhyar's list of questions, Elvis carefully directed his fathers
memory to recall the details of the night Elvis was born, along with his stillborn brother
Jesse Aaron.
"Over the following years, Elvis would periodically refer to Rudhyars astrological
interpretation of his chart. Here are a few highlights from that provocative document:
"'The over-all planetary structure of your chart is quite complex. It belongs to . . . the
Splash Type . . . This shows versatility and in some cases the ability literally to make a
splash in the world . . .
'. . Jupiter is, however, aspecting most harmoniously the Sun in your Second House
(which deals with money, possessions, gains, etc.) and Neptune in your Tenth House. As
Neptune refers to music, motion pictures, collective human vibrations and mass
enthusiasms, its position in the House representing your public, professional life is certainly
most pertinent. This Jupiter . . . in your Twelfth House . . . suggest that you are open to
inspiration and inner guidance, and a channel for the fulfillment of a social human need. I
would hardly know how to define clearly what this need is, but it may some day extend
beyond what you at present bring to people.'"
Two of Rudhyar s books, New Mansions for New Men and Fire Out of Stone, are
included in a long list of Elvis favorite books, which reads like the holdings of a theosophical
library. Other titles include H. P. Blavatsky s Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine. The
Dream Productions website states, "Elvis was intrigued by Madame Blavatsky s striking
physical resemblance to his beloved mother Gladys." Remarkably, under the entry for David
Anrias' Through the Eyes of the Masters, we find the annotation: "Elvis got the ideas for
the high-collared jumpsuits he wore as show costumes from this provocative book, replete
with pictures of spiritual masters."
Thanks goes to Larry Geller for providing a lesson in the need to look beyond
appearances. Larry's out-of-print book, If I Can Dream, details the significant and
beneficial impression Rudhyar's astrological report had on Elvis.


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