UP MS General Medianę major - suhjerts uf llie Pre-clinical nmilule - Cottrse descriptions - gradem lic yearof2015/2016

7    Pathogenicity and vimlence Dr. Emódy Levente

8    Endo-and exotoxins Dr. Kocsis Bćla

9    Sterilization

Dr. Batai Istvanne

10    Disinfection

Dr. Batai Istvanne

11    Anti-inicrobial drugs generał introduction Dr. Kocsis Bela

12    Chemolherapy, sulphonamides ąuinolons, nitrofurans Dr. Kocsis Bela

13    Inhibitors of celi wali biosy nthesis; penicillins. ccphalosporins. glycopeplides. caibapenems Dr. Kocsis Bela

14    Inhibitors of protein sy nthesis: aminoglycosides. chloramphenicol. tetracyclines Dr. Kocsis Bela

15    Macrolides. lincomycin. clindamycin. polypeptides. polymy.\ia methronidazol Dr. Kocsis Bela

16    Moleculars mchanisms of antibiotic resistence Dr. Emódy Levente

17    Characterizalion of viruses (basie concepts, structure. Chemical composition. calssification). Multiplication of viruses (modes of icplication. mutants. interaction between vimses)

Dr. Szcrcday Laszló

18    Pathogenesis of virus infections (modes and types of infection. iimnunity)

Dr. Szereday Laszló

19    Prophyla.\is of virus infections. chemotherapy (com entional and new vaccines, antiviral compounds, interferon)

Dr. Jakab Ferenc

20    Adenovims, Parvovirus (Ety throvirus B19)

Dr. Jakab Ferenc

21    Herpesvimses 1 (HSV-1. HSV-2: HHV-6. HHV-7. HHV-8)

Dr. Szereday Laszló

22    Herpes\ iruses II (HSV. VZV. CMV, EBV)

Dr. Szereday Laszló

23    Hepatitis viruses (HAV. HBV. HCV. HDV. HEV. HGV)

Dr. Szereday Laszló

24    Picomaviruses (Polio-, Coxsackie-, Echoviruses, rhinovimses Dr, Jakab Ferenc

25    Orthomyxoviruses (Influenza A, B.C)

Dr. Szereday Laszló

26    Paramyxoviruses (Parainfluenza. mumps, morbilli virus). Pneumovirus (RS virus), Rhinoviruses, Rubivirus (rubella viras).

Dr. Szereday Laszló

27    Rota-. Astro-, Caliciviruses Dr. Jakab Ferenc

28    Papovaviruses(Papillomaviruses (HPV): Polyomaviruses (JC, BK)Poxviruses. slow virus infections, prions Dr. Jakab Ferenc

29    Arenavirusc, Bunyavimses (Hantaviruses) Flaviviruses (tick-bome cnccpahlitis. yellow fever. Dengue). Rhabdoviruses (Lyssa) Dr. Jakab Ferenc

30    Retroviruses (HTLV-I. HTLV-II., HIV and AIDS)

Dr. Barthóne Dr. Szekeres Julia

31    Defence mechanisms on the body surfaces. skin and mucosal immunity. ly mphocyte homing Dr. Barthóne Dr. Szekeres Julia

32    Defence reactions. Ag-Ab interactions, agglutination, phagocytosis, T and B celi responses acute pliase reaction Dr, Barthóne Dr. Szekeres Julia

33    Defence against viruses

Dr. Barthóne Dr. Szekeres Julia

34    Defence against bacteria

Dr. Barthóne Dr. Szekeres Julia



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