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I downloaded a DivX movie but I cannot jump to parts of it. How can I solve

There are a bunch of doughnuts out there who still put NO keyframes in their DivX
rips. Any movie player (such as Media Player) can only jump to keyframes because
only keyframes hold an entire picture. To jump to any other picture requires reading
EVERY frame to reconstruct the images. In short, the only way to get to any part is to
play it in real time or fast forward mode!!

This problem can be fixed, however using VirtualDub if you want to send a couple of
hours with it, its probably worth it in the long run ;^).

1. Go to Open your Video in VirtualDub. When the browse for file selection box

appears click the extra box called "pop up extended open options" and open it.

2. Up will pop another selection box. Check the box that says "re-derive

Keyframe Flags". Wait until it fixes the file, this could take anything up to 2

3. Select Video > Range. Look at the video frame length (not the hours and mins

length). Take that number and divide it by 8 (ie. Frames

÷ 8 = answer).

Replace the frame length number with this new one.

4. Choose Video > Direct Stream Copy
5. Choose Audio > Direct Stream Copy
6. Save AVI

This should do the trick but don’t save over your original file in case it doesn’t go

I downloaded a DivX movie but just near the end the computer crashed and I
now have a 500MB file I cannot play, is there any way to fix this?

Open the file in VirtualDub . Choose Direct stream copy on both Audio and Video and
choose Save AVI. Save it as another name so you do not delete your original.
Sometimes this works, sometimes not!

I made a File in Mpeg2avi / Flask and when I try to play it Media Player says
there is an error. Why?

This happen sometimes, I’m not sure why but perhaps the audio settings are not
compatible with the AVI? Anyway, usually opening it in VirtualDub and choosing
direct stream copy for both Audio and Video will do the trick.

Flask / Mpeg2avi cannot handle the film at all! Why?

It is very rare for this to happen but when it does happen you must use either Flask or
Mpeg2avi instead. You can also try Mpeg Squeezer (with Avi Plug-in), Graphedit and
the Ligos Filter or any other method that works =).

The Audio is out of Sync why does this happen?

Audio/Video sync can be thrown out in two major ways. Firstly, and most common is
the fact that many video converters especially video capture cards will drop frames! If
there is less frames in a move the video will play for less time than the audio does
and hence you get A/V sync problems.

Mpeg2avi A/V Problems

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Wrong Framerate is often a problem with Mpeg2avi. I rarely have trouble though and
I think perhaps NTSC is worse than PAL as usual?! Apparently unless you choose 30
fps it will not process all the frames in the file! This means the audio will be out if you
grabbed audio correctly!
If you get this a lot choose 30fps instead of the normal framerate when you go to
convert to Mpeg-4. You will need to choose a higher bitrate because the more frames
the less bitrate there is to go around. This is why an NTSC DVD to DivX rip takes
less memory than a PAL one! The less memory is because the bitrate must be
spread out over a larger amount of frames! So encode the film with 1.25 times the
bitrate you would normally use. This means a 1000kbps DivX will now need
1250kbps to fit in the same space!

FlasKMPEG A/V Problems

FlasKMPEG tends to get the other problem more often! Flask handles AC3 and Mp3
format very well. But if you try WMA audio or another format such as ADPCM it
messes up. It’s the sampling rate that is usually to blame. AC3 is 48000Hz so if you
convert to 44100 without using Mp3 or something that Flask "likes" the audio messes
up. I say Flask "likes" because it converts fine in VirtualDub. If you have messed up
any audio just try converting it to 48000Hz instead and the reconverting it to WMA in
VirtualDub or something like that.

Getting audio with Graphedit / Total Recorder or another method

Again the sample rate problem can carry over to any audio grabbing method. The
most reliable method I have seen is to choose either PCM wave at 48000Hz or Mpeg
Layer 3 at 128kbps at 48000Hz. Any of these two formats should always bring
perfect audio without stretching. Then the most reliable way to convert any of these
into 44100Hz for better playback on most Sound Cards is to use VirtualDub. Use:

Video > Direct stream copy.
Audio > Conversion 44100Hz (check Hi Quality checkbox)
Audio > Full Processing Mode.
Audio > Compression (anything you like ie. DivX WMA audio; Mpeg Layer 3 etc.)
Save AVI…

Finally, if you cannot solve this problem by any of the above setting changes when
you rip movies then go to my mpeg2avi tutorial where I explain how to manually fix
A/V syncing with AVIFrate and VirtualDub.

Jerky Playback how can I stop it?

The second biggest gripe people have (after audio sync) is jerky playback. This is
sometimes due to too many keyframes or too high a bitrate for your computer to
playback correctly. These excuses are often unfounded! What the problem usually is,
is that the video on the DVD is stored as progressive and interlaced at the same time!
Watch as Flask converts your movie! You will see it change from progressive to
interlaced on the left hand side of the display. This is usually just a NTSC problem.
To solve this make sure the framerate is 29.97 NTSC and un-check 'Reconstruct
progressive video'. Then enable de-interlace if needed.

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Are the Micro$oft V3 & V4 Mpeg-4 Codecs really better quality than DivX?

The Micro$oft Mpeg-4 codecs are exactly the same as the DivX Codecs. The same
goes for the wma audio codecs! ASF is also virtually the same as DivX. So those
who claim that ASF is better than DivX or those that claim that M$ codecs are better
than DivX don’t know what they are talking about!

The DivX Low Motion codec is actually a rip of the M$ Low-Motion
codec. The DivX High Motion codec is also a rip from the M$ Fast-
Motion codec! The only difference (as far as I know) is the FourCC code. This code,
found at the start of every mpeg or avi file etc., tells Windows Media Player that the
file is a Mpeg-4 format or ASF format or whatever it is! The Microsoft v1 Mpeg-4
codec is very similar to the Low Motion codec in the way it works, but it is a little
outdated for our purposes.

Which is better ASF or DivX?

DivX!! Actually they use basically the same codec Mpeg-4! This means they are
close in picture quality. The ASF format is built mainly for the internet and has also
been crippled by Micro$ofts own usage restrictions. This means it’s not possible to
get quality as good as DivX with ASF.

Which Codec is better, Low Motion or Fast Motion?

In short I’d say the Low Motion is better for most movie conversions! Fast motion only
works well on very small files such as a Single CDs Movies. But even then they often
don’t turn out as good as the Low Motion equivalent. For more information on the
differences check my DivX Quality Check guide.

What’s the difference between Fast and Low Motion Codecs?

BOTH codecs are variable bitrate. This means that the file size cannot be calculated
exactly even with the best programs. When there is not much motion in a part of a
film, such as when people are just talking, the bitrate goes down to save memory.
When a fast motion scene appears the bitrate will shoot up to make sure all the
details are put into the movie. The number you set the DivX bitrate slider represents
the amount of compression you wish to use in your movie. The higher the slider the
less compression it will use and the better quality it should be. It doesn't actually tell
the codec what bitrate you are going to be using as such because it is always
changing! The only REAL difference is the thresholds they have. These can be
described as follows:

Fast motion

Even at 6000kbps will default to a little over 500kbps for low action scenes. And will
rarely reach 1000kbps ever!! This ensures that it will make the film fit into the
smallest space possible. This means quality suffers badly most of the time.

Low Motion

This Codec tries to keeps very close to the actual bitrate you choose. This means if
you set it to 1000kbps you will get 1000 for most scenes and slightly higher in fast

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action scenes and lower in low action scenes. This makes it the uaual choice for DivX
rips unless you are trying to fit a lot on a single CD!

The sound is too quiet what can I do?

Sometimes upping the gain on Ac3Dec will do the trick if you use that audio ripping
method. This is a common problem with any rip method. I find it is best to rip the
audio and then open it in Cool Edit (or any similar sound editing program). Choose:

Transform > Amplitude > Normalize.

This will make the audio as loud as it can go without clipping the audio and as a
result damaging the playback quality. Then save the audio again and re-multiplex it
to the Video using VirtualDub.

If you Flasked the Video then open it in VirtualDub and choose:

File: Save Wav…
Then Open it in Cool Edit and Normalize. After done open your video file in Virtual
Dub again and choose:
Video > Direct stream copy
Audio > Wav.. Audio
Audio > Direct Stream copy
This when done you will have audio almost double the volume you had before. This
can be done to fix downloaded movies too!

The Audio is loud enough but buzzy and dull sounding, how can I fix this?

Because many sound cards cannot handle 48000 Hz very well, you may well find that
any method you use to extract the sound will give a fairly dull sound output.
Converting the AC3 audio to 44100Hz stereo gives a superior playback quality when
converted to Mp3 than a similar 48000Hz Mp3 conversion. Since compression is the
name of the game it is useless to try and keep the superior sound quality of a DVD.
You cannot keep the superior image quality so why try and capture any better quality
than 44100Hz which is CD quality stereo anyway. To do this, open the Video in
VirtualDub and choose:

Video > Direct Stream Copy
Audio > Conversion. Then choose 44100Hz and check the Hi-Quality box.
Audio > Compression. And either recompress with the audio codec it had or choose
DivX Audio to compress super quick. If you are unsure what the audio was originally:
Go to File > File Information.
Audio > Full Processing Mode.

Which is better MP3 or the DivX WMA Codecs? Why do you use Mp3 in your

M$ WMA audio codec is an excellent alternative to Mp3. I'm using it a hell of a lot
these days. The benefits of using this audio codec that came with the DivX 3.11
install is mainly speed. Its like a super fast version of Mp3 files. You may have

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noticed my little mistake in the Mpeg2avi in which I say it should take 10 mins to
convert your wav to mp3! Well I was thinking of the wma codec here! The quality is
very close to mp3 but if you are a quality freak just stick with the mp3 method. Mp3 is
better for Music Videos so bare that in mind.

Why does Everyone say there is a 1GB file limit for AVI files? I have a 10GB
Hard Disk so why can’t I have an AVI larger?

Mpeg-4 Files are limited by 4GB not 1GB. You should always be careful when
dealing with large files in windows anyway though! The Windows 95/8 file system
cannot handle AVI files larger than 4 gigabytes! There has been much confusion
regarding this issue. In short, the old Windows File Allocation Tables (FAT16) cannot
store more than 2 gigabytes per file. Windows 98's FAT32 allows a 4 gigabyte
storage capacity per single file. So where does the 1 and 2 gig storage limit come in?
Most AVI parsers use something called signed arithmetic. This forces a storage limit
of 2 gigabytes for .avi files on Windows 98. But the multimedia system in Windows 95
cannot cope with RIFF files (such as .avi files) bigger than 1 gigabyte! And this is why
people will say there is either a 1, 2 or 4 gigabyte limit on single file storage. This is
why DeCSS, DOD Power Ripper, Vob Merge, Peck Power Join and all other
programs like this are incapable of storing more than 4 gigabytes on most peoples
computer systems! I think this is the chief reason for so many unexplained error
messages when using these programs too!

There is a partial way around this that is used extensively by Virtual Dub that is
similar to OpenDML. These settings can be used to create very large .avi files by
grouping smaller files together so they are forced to play in sequence. This solution
means that the finished files can only be played with Windows Media Player or other
programs that support OpenDML type files.

When I try to convert a movie in Mpeg2avi a black box appears and then closes
and nothing happens! Why is this?

I have had so many people email me telling me that as soon as they press the give
me my audio or video button on AVGUI, the black box flashes up and then
disappears again resulting in no conversions! This is not a problem with the programs
themselves. They are DOS programs and DOS programs usually cannot read the
Windows long filenames. Hence they give a 'cannot find file' error that will close the
program! The solution is to NEVER name your files or folders with names longer than
eight letters! To be safe you should make sure that you only use letters and numbers
in your names and also only in lower case. For example, you can safely rename each
vob file to: file1.vob, file2.vob, file3.vob and so on. You can put them in a folder on
your main drive (usually the C: drive) in a folder called DivX or something like that.
Do not put this folder inside any other folders unless they have eight or less
characters in their names! This should solve all your problems. You could also try
putting your commands in quotation marks " " which supports windows long file

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I tried your Mpeg2avi tutorial but it says it cannot open the files, why?

You probably have the newest version of Mpeg2avi. To get it to work with your .VOB
files you must select the output file in the Mpeg2avi GUI to say only the folder you
wish to store the finished .avi file! Only the folder DO NOT give the output file a
name. For example the output on mine just says C:\divx. Don’t put C:\divx\ either
because it’s very touchy. You will have to delete the *.avi extension on the GUI and
press Enter to accomplish this.

You’ll usually get a message like this if you have this is the problem:

AVIFileOpen ( ) failed!


Lastly, always check that the Vob files play okay AFTER they have been ripped to
your Hard Disk! This is important because if they don’t then you have corrupted files
that won’t convert anyway!

The GUI keeps coming up with error messages and I cannot even start
encoding with Mpeg2avi because of this?

There is an .ini text file on your main hard drive (usually C:) if the GUI messes up its
usually because of some wrong setting inside that. Delete this file so that the GUI will
make a new one. It is called either DD-GUI or DD-GUI2 etc.

At certain parts in the film (always the same bit) the video stops and audio
keeps playing, why?

Sometimes this happens, I think it may be some kind of bug in the compression? If
you open it in VirtualDub and delete the dead frame it usually disappears, but then
again you loose some frames ;^(.

The second option is you can delete or rename the Micro$oft MPG4C32.dll to
something like MPG4C32.dll.data (or the DivX one DIVX_32.dll if you only use M$
codec instead of the Divx). Then make sure the True Colour option is selected on
your display options at 24 or 32, 64 bit etc. Do not use the Direct Show option and it
should play back fine.

I'm using DeCSS but cannot rip any Vob files?

Don't! Use VobDec or cladDVD. If this still happens, try disabling your DVD's DMA
until you have ripped it. You can also try starting the movie playing with a DVD player

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(such as PowerDVD or WinDVD) and ripping while it does. It will authenticate the
drive for you so files can be taken from it.

I can rip the Vob file to my hard drive but when I play it, it looks scrambled?

If you play a Vob file in a software player you can usually just copy a Vob file to the
hard drive while it is playing. But getting it on the hard drive doesn't assure you that it
is decoded correctly. Try using Vobdec instead. DeCSS and Power Ripper do not
support some of the newer CD encryption codes. Then again VobDec doesn't
support other codes that DeCSS and Power Ripper do too, so you just have to use
any ripper that works ;-)

When I want to encode the audio in VirtualDub, it says it cannot initialize the
audio codec to encode the audio stream to MPEG Layer 3?

This sometimes happens if you have ripped the file at 48000Hz and you try to re-
encode straight to Mpeg3 44100Hz codec. Try any 48000Hz Mpeg Layer-3 code and
it should work. Otherwise you can convert the Audio to 44100 in VirtualDub first. To
do thos choose:

Video > Direct stream copy
Audio > Conversion. Then choose 44100Hz and check the Hi-Quality box.
Audio > Full Processing mode
Audio > Compression. Then choose whatever 44100Hz compression you usually

DVD rips only in German / French etc?

This may either be because you have two films with two languages or perhaps you
are not choosing the correct stream. Either extract the tracks with Vobsnoopy or use
ac3dec to get the next track in the list.

I have a a 700MB Divx and want to fit it onto a 650MB CD is there any way this
can be done?

Not as such. Get an 80mins CD to burn it. Otherwise you could re-encode the whole
film again in Virtual Dub choosing a lower bitrate than the original one. But this will
take as long as making a new DVD rip and you will loose image quality! Another
much faster trick (only takes 20 mins) is to re-encode the Audio only. You can use
DivX WMA audio for speed. Often the audio is compressed at 128kbps so if you
encode it again to something like 48kbps you can loose almost 50MB from the file
size. The audio quality is not as nice but acceptable. You could also use VirtualDub
to clip out the end credits; I cut off another 34MB from doing that! You can also save
just the credits as a segmented file and re-encode just these credits at a really low
video and audio bitrates since they are just music and very slow moving text. Then
rejoin the two files together again by opening the original in VirtualDub and then

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selecting append video segment and choosing the newly encoded end credits.
Remember to use the 'same' codec to compress it again as the original codec used
or it will not be able to stitch them together.

What does Cropping and Downsizer do in Mpeg2avi

If you change the cropping size the picture will not actually change size but the edges
will be cut off. This option is used for getting rid of the black bars from above and
below the movie. If you change the downsizer sizes it will change the actual picture
size. So to shrink a picture you must put the same X & Y numbers in both the crop
boxes and the downsizer boxes ;^).

Does cropping really matter for size? I mean, how much memory can pure
black boarders take?

Actually it is not the black bar that takes the memory, a whole screen will only take
about 5kbps bitrate if the movie is just black! It is the line where the picture of the film
meets the black bar that causes the memory increase. The Mpeg-4 codec is
designed to keep sharp lines looking sharp but to blend out gradients with similar
colours. It takes a lot of memory to keep very sharp lines on the screen throughout a
whole movie so making sure that you crop out ALL the black can help with an even
better quality DVD rip ;^). This may involve cropping a few pixels into the actual film
picture. If it crops too far into the image and you decide it’s too much into the original
image and you are nor prepared to loose that much of the image, then don’t bother
cropping it.

I ripped a DVD and the movie plays a few seconds in English, then a few in
French, German etc., how do I solve this one?

Sometimes with Multi-Language DVD's the film has been recorded at least twice!
Some Disney films have been known to do this. If this is the case use FlasKMPEG in
DVD mode, this should decode the correct files then. If it doesn’t work, try the old
fashioned method:

Use the program MpegUtils (or Vstrip) to analyse ALL the VOB's. Use the Check
VOB button and then split by Vob ID. Now look for the VOB files that have about the
same sizes and play a bit of each. These files usually will contain the same part of
the movie but one will be in another language. One is for the English version, one is
for the French, German and so on. Delete all the unwanted language VOB's and
merge the rest in the right order using the program Vobmerge. Remake the DVD
structure thusly:

vts_01_1.vob ; vts_01_2.vob ; vts_01_3.vob etc. Bingo!

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Alternatively use the super slow Mpeg Squeezer method to rip your DVD to DivX by
the .ifo file.

My DVD is multi-angle and keeps replaying the same sections again. How do I
rip it to just one angle?

Interactive DVD's are not too common at the moment but when one such as The
Matrix comes along it presents all kinds of problems. You must treat them as you
would a Multi-Language DVD. The latest edition of FlasKMPEG in DVD mode can
handle these usually. If not, you must use MpegUtils (or Vstrip) to split the VOB files
up and look at each clip to try and figure out where they should go. Once you have
them in the correct order just VobMerge them together and bingo! To do this, you
must open each file individually with MPEGUtils and click "Check File". Then click
"Split VOB". Make sure you set it to Split by VOB ID in the popup window. Then you
can delete your original VOB file. To fix The Matrix just delete the following files
highlighted in Red and you will have a perfect version.

I'm opening a file named vts_01_02.vob in DVD mode and it doesn't turn on.
What am I doing wrong? Besides, green or purple frames appear at the
beginning of the file!?

You're not doing anything wrong. DVD files are dependent between them, and those
green and purple frames appear because the information to decode them is in the
previous file you have not opened. Open the first file in the title and everything will
look OK.

When I open a Vob file in DVD mode DVD mode doesn’t recognise it? Why?

Because you don’t open Vob files in DVD mode you open .ifo files.

I converted vts_01_02.vob Vob file in the list and I get green mess at the start
and/or it looses part of the start why?

This is because the second Vob in the list has the Keyframe to it in the previous file,
this results in a few seconds of garbage and lost images. Either convert them
together with a .lst file on using Flask to do them all together. Alternatively I think you
can split them by Vob ID with MpegUtils and merge them into correct files, but I
haven’t tried enough this yet.

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I downloaded FlasKMPEG but it says the Avi Plugin is not detected, what can I

Apparently this is due to a missing file called mfc42.dll. It could have been replaced
by another application or something. Do an Internet search for it and put it in your
c:\windows\system folder. Then try again.

Flask says, 'Avi Plugin Error: AVIFile Open doesn't work'. Why?

Registry problems are windows biggest trouble so don’t get me started, I hate
windoze but everyone uses it so I’m stuck with it! Sometimes reinstalling the codecs
again and retrying will do the trick. Reinstalling windows may or may not solve the
problem either! If you have Nortons Windoctor it will usually solve this problem. It’s a
registry problem where Flask seems unable to find file that are in fact there!! I don’t
like people using Regedit because it can mess up windows big time! But try going to
the Start button in windows. Select the run option and type in Regedit and press ok.

1. Go to Edit > Find
2. Uncheck the find whole key only box
3. type in Flask and press the find button.
The following folder should appear:

[HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\FlasK Development\FlasKMPEG]

Delete all files relating to FlasKMPEG inside this folder.

Note: if the files are not in a folder called FlasKMPEG in the registry then don’t delete

WARNING! Messing with windows registry can cause serious problems and I will not
be held responsible for any problems caused by your actions. You have been

I get an Something.dll error trying to do such and such?

Looks for it the file on an FTP search engine and try and replace it! If you have
Nortons Windoctor try running that to fix registry problems... although I don’t trust
Nortons completely =^).

Missing codecs or files such as .dll; .ocx; vxd; .ax etc., are another of the serious
problems with Windows. Windows had a good idea to share files so that programs
didn’t need to have their own. This saves a fair bit of space and is also why we can
share codecs such as Mpeg-4 between programs so easily. The problem is that
everything you install on your computer has the potential to totally F*ck everything
else up!! If a new .dll replaces and older one, a program that was designed to use the
old one may not function. If a program with an older .dll replaces the new one the
new programs will not function. If the registry gets messed up programs have no idea
where codecs and files are so they say file missing etc., or in use.

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I could rant on forever about the problems Windows has, but until Microsoft get their
act together nothing will change. For now, smart programmers make totally self-
reliant programs. They do not share files and they do not use windows registry. They
are all 32 bit and do not cause protection errors because of memory levels going out
of range! These are reliable stable programs. But, alas, these kind of programs are
hard to find! Windows has made it very difficult to do anything unless you follow the
windows way.

When I play my DivX I see lines across the screen why?

No idea!? Try reinstalling the DivX codecs again. Go to the website of your graphics
card etc., and make sure you have the latest update. Other than that I do not know!

VobDec will not decode the Video File, why?

To cut a long story short the VobDec method has a search bug were it sometimes
looks at files in the wrong order and in doing so uses the wrong key to decrypt it.

If this happens you need to use VobDec to look for a key on EVERY Vob file
separately! Sometimes VobDec doesn’t do this automatically correct for every movie.
So write down the Keys and try to rip each Vob file individually by entering one Key at
a time. Let’s say, for example, you found a key in:


All VOB files that start with VTS_03_X.VOB will use the same decryption key, so you
can stop searching. If this wasn’t the case then a commercial DVD player couldn’t
play the DVD!

By searching each file for a key you will have a list of Keys to test on each file until it
decrypts correctly. Normally this VobDec problem doesn’t happen but some DVD’s
(like those with a large list of files) still bring this problem out.

A new program called CladDVD can do all this automatically with a nice GUI but its
still a bit buggy! When it works it will always work but when you cant get it going I
haven’t got a clue!?

Flask cannot find any audio on my movie! Why?

Try going to the General tab and increasing the search size this sometimes solves
the problem. Alternatively perhaps you have chosen the wrong audio track in the list
Flask gave you? Choose another!

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If all else fails use GraphEdit or Ac3Dec to get your audio and use VirtualDub to
multiplex them together.

How do you stop interlaced effects in Mpeg2avi?

There is no reliable method to do this. Halving the size of the image will minimise the
effects. Flask, however, has an excellent deinterlace option (slow of course) and will
solve most problems. If it cannot use that, then you can try running your finished
movie through VirtualDub’s deinterlace filter, but it won’t do much good =^(

I’m using Ac3Dec to decode audio to wave but I get pops, clicks and hissing.
Any way to solve this?

Not unless the programmer brings out a better version. The best way to get the
Highest quality audio is to use Grpahedit and the Xing Audio Decoding Filters. The
next best method is to use the WinDVD audio filters. PowerDVD filters offer a nasty
swishy sound so I wouldn’t recommend using it if you can use the others.

Which is better DivX or Navi?

I’ve never tried Navi but I think that both are rips of the Micro$oft Mpeg-4 codec, so
I’d imagine there is not much difference. Try it and see!

Can a DivX movie be played in a stand alone DVD player like VCD's?

No. DVD players can only handle Mpeg-1 and 2 formats.

How can I make a Mpeg-1 VCD from a DVD?


That’s a whole new can of worms. It can be done highest quality with the

Panasonic Mpeg-1 Encoder. Basically you:

1. Rip your DVD with VobDec or CladDVD to your hard drive.
2. Make sure the latest Direct X Media Runtimes are installed (not Direct X! You need
Direct X Media. But you may need a Direct X upgrade too I don’t know about that).
3. The Panasonic Mpeg-1 Encoder
4. You need these files which should be registered:
The Ligos LSX Encoders conversion files which are:

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And the WinDVD audio converter which is:

Use the Freeware Program RegDrop to register them or just use the DOS line
command Regsvr32.exe (ie. regsvr32 "C:\folder\filename.ax").

Once you have the Panasonic Encoder and the above files registered or installed you
can just open the VOB file in the Panasonic Encoder, select VCD and start encoding.
The VCD quality is better any method I’ve seen so far. Its not 100% reliable but when
it works it works real good!

All the above codecs can be obtained at Q-Bert’s site: http://kickme.to/q-bert/


Alternatively the second best method is to get hold of the Panasonic MPEG1

Encoder Plug-In for Adobe Premiere 2.03 it is called:


Rename it to:

Copy it to your FlasKMPEG Folder and convert a movie just like you would a DivX.


Finally a slow but reliable method is to use Mpeg Squeezer. The quality is not the

best but it works.

If any of the files are not fully compliant with VCD whitebook standards you will not be
able to play it on a VCD or DVD player. Try running it through IFilmEdit or MyFliX to
solve this problem should it arise. I am not a VCD expert so don’t email me about
details because I have none.

Where can I download DeCSS?

I’m not telling you! It’s outdated and technically illegal because the source code was
stolen from a DVD player. Use VobDec or CladDVD instead, they are superior
programs anyway =).

How can I turn a 2 CD DivX into a single CD?

It can be done but you will loose a lot of quality. But here is how to do it. Join both CD
files together in VirtualDub (see my joining article for details). Then still in VirtualDub

background image

Video > Compression. Then Select DivX Low Motion. Set it to 650kbps or whatever
bitrate you decide is best for the film you want.
Video > Full Processing mode.
Audio > Compression. DivX 64kbps
Audio > Full Processing mode
Save Avi…

In about 8 hours or more you will have a DivX that will fit on a single CD.

Why don’t you say select all the Vob’s in SubRip?

There is no reason why, you cannot select them all. But is nice to know how to join
them if the need arises and I'm too lazy to update it.

How do I rip non-Roman style text such as Chinese from a DVD?

If Mpeg Squeezer or FlasKMPEG support it you should be able to do this in both
programs. Enable subtitle options in Mpeg Squeezer, or use DVD mode in

How do I rip French, German etc., subtitles from my DVD, I only get English?

In SubRip there is a pull-down menu that allows you to choose another text stream
from your DVD. If the OCR can handle it you can convert any language with Roman
style text.

My DVD Rip gives me the wrong language for the audio, what can I do?

Both Ac3Dec and FlasKMPEG allow you to choose another sound stream. Keep
trying different ones and testing a few mins at a time until you get the correct one.

If you are using GraphEdit to get audio I suggest you use Vstrip or Vobsnoopy to
save the Audio files to separate folders. Listen to each one until you find the English
one (or whatever language you need). Merge all English audio into one file with
FileMerger and delete the ones you don’t need. Then use Graphedit to convert the
audio from your new stream.


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