The thermoplastic explosive (TE-T7005) was developed as a Gen-
eral Purpose (GP) Insensitive High Explosive (IHE) candidate due to a
number of factors including: low small scale sensitivity characteristics;
low processing cost; theoretical high performance; re-meltability (with
associated economic and environmental bene®ts); and potential
endothermic characteristics during cook-off. Theoretical high perfor-
mance and excellent cook-off characteristics were veri®ed with sub-
sequent large scale tests
. This paper will report on large-scale
fragment impact sensitivity test results for the composition TE-T7005.
Fragment cubes measuring 1.27 cm61.27 cm61.27 cm were ®red at
and impacted two separate test units (loaded with the explosive TE-
T7005) at an average velocity of 8670 ft=s (2643.6 m=s). Each reaction
was judged to be a brief burning that was not sustained. No blast
pressures from the reaction of the test units were detected, indicating
that no signi®cant reaction occurred. The reaction response was
somewhat milder compared with HTPB analogs of TE-T7005
1. Test Description Discussion
TE-T7005 explosive was cast into a split mold ®xture
having an interior diameter comparable to the test unit
interior diameter. The test unit is known as a modi®ed
Naturally Fragmenting Test Unit (NFTU). The NFTU is
manufactured from mild steel and consists of a right circular
cylinder with exterior dimensions of 8 in.616 in.
(20.32 cm640.62 cm) and has a wall thickness of 0.375 in.
(0.95 cm). Additional end con®nement was provided by
bolting steel end plates (with a diameter of 8 in. and
thickness of 0.25 in.) at both ends of the NFTU (Fig. 1).
After the TE-T7005 explosive was loaded into the casting
®xture (which actually had a height of 22 in. (55.88 cm))
and allowed to cool and solidify, the explosive was removed
from the mold. The explosive was then X-rayed through
two mutually perpendicular, transverse axes (0
and 90
) to
verify that voids did not exist over a length of at least 17 in.
Once radiographic inspection veri®ed that no signi®cant
voids existed in the charge, the explosive was placed in a
wooden miter box. The explosive was then manually cut
with a coarse 7 bit=inch hand saw (using the X-ray ®lm as a
guide to insure that cutting excluded any voids) to a length
of 16 in. (40.64 cm). A piece of 20 grit sand paper was
adhered to a 12 in.612 in.60.5 in. (30.5 cm630.5 cm6
1.3 cm) piece of plywood and both of the explosive's ends
were smoothed to ensure that ¯at surfaces would be exposed
to the booster and bottom closure plate. Prior to insertion of
the explosive charge into the NFTU case, a 1=4 in. diameter
hole was drilled into the end of the NFTU and the NFTU
and explosive charge were both weighed. The NFTU was
then coated on the interior with RTV (R-81) to which an
Large-Scale Fragment Impact Sensitivity Test Results of a Melt
Castable, General Purpose, Insensitive High Explosive
Theodore S. Sumrall*
Sverdrup Technology, Inc., Niceville, FL 32578 (USA)
Untersuchungsergebnisse der Emp®ndlichkeit gegen Splitterauf-
schlag im Groûversuch eines schmelzgieûfaÈhigen, allgemein ver-
wendbaren, unemp®ndlichen Hochleistungssprengstoffs
Der thermoplastische Sprengstoff TE-T7005 wurde entwickelt als
moÈglicher allgemein verwendbarer, unemp®ndlicher Hochleistungs-
sprengstoff (IHE) im Hinblick auf zahlreiche Ein¯uûgroÈûen ein-
schlieûlich geringe Emp®ndlichkeit im Kleinmaûstab, niedrige
Herstellungskosten, hohe theoretische Leistung, Umschmelzbarkeit
(verbunden mit oÈkonomischen und unweltfreundlichen Vorteilen) und
potentiell endothermes Verhalten waÈhrend des Cookoff. Hohe theo-
retische Leistung und ausgezeichnete Cookoff-Eigenschaften wurden
bestaÈtigt durch anschlieûende Groûversuche
. In der vorliegenden
Arbeit wird berichtet uÈber Versuchsergebnisse der Emp®ndlichkeit
gegen Splitteraufschlag im Groûversuch bei Composition TE-T7005.
SplitterwuÈrfel wurden abgeschossen in der GroÈûe 1.27 cm6
1.27 cm61.27 cm und beaufschlagten zwei getrennte Versuchsauf-
bauten (beladen mit dem Sprengstoff TE-T7005) bei einer mittleren
Geschwindigkeit von 8670 ft=s (2643,6 m=s). Jeder Versuch wurde
gepruÈft auf ein kurzes Auf¯ackern, das nicht anhielt. Es wurden keine
Druckwellen aus der Reaktion im PruÈfstand nachgewiesen, ein
Beweis, daû keine wesentliche Reaktion stattfand. Die Reaktion-
semp®ndlichkeit war etwas geringer im Vergleich zu HTPB-Analogen
des TE-T7005
ReÂsultats d'eÂtudes de sensibilite aÁ l'impact d'eÂclats lors d'un essai
aÁ grande eÂchelle sur un explosif aÁ haute puissance, insensible,
coulable par fusion, aÁ usage geÂneÂral
L'explosif thermoplastique TE-T7005 a eÂte deÂveloppe en tant
qu'eÂventuel explosif aÁ haute puissance insensible aÁ usage geÂneÂral
(IHE) compte tenu d'un certain nombre de facteurs y compris la faible
sensibilite aÁ petite eÂchelle, les couÃts de fabication reÂduits, la puissance
theÂorique eÂleveÂe, la refusibilite (lieÂe aÁ des avantages eÂconomiques et
eÂcologiques) et le comportement endothermique potentiel pendant
l'eÂchauffement. La puissance theÂorique eÂleveÂe et les proprieÂteÂs
d'eÂchauffement excellentes ont ensuite eÂte con®rmeÂes par des essais aÁ
grande eÂchelle
. La preÂsente eÂtude fait eÂtat de reÂsultats expeÂri-
mentaux concernant la sensibilite aÁ l'impact d'eÂclats lors d'essais aÁ
grande eÂchelle avec la composition TE-T7005. On a tire des eÂclats
cubiques de taille 1,27 cm61,27 cm61,27 cm sur deux montages
expeÂrimentaux seÂpareÂs (chargeÂs de l'explosif TE-T7005) aÁ une vitesse
moyenne de 8670 ft=s (2643.6 m=s). On a aÁ chaque fois constate une
reÂaction caracteÂriseÂe par une breÁve combustion qui ne dure pas. Dans
le stand, on n'a pas deÂtecte d'onde de souf¯e avant la reÂaction, ce qui
prouve qu'aucune reÂaction importante n'a eu lieu. La reÂactivite eÂtait
leÂgeÁrement plus faible que celle de produits HTPB analogues au TE-
* Correspondence author
# WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69451 Weinheim, 1999
0721-3115/99/0306±0030 $17.50:50=0
Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 24, 30±36 (1999)
appropriate amount of Dibutyl Tin Di-Laurate (DBTDL)
was added as a cure agent=catalyst. The explosive charge
was also liberally coated with the same RTV mixture and
then inserted into the NFTU case. The hole previously
drilled into the end of the NFTU permitted air and excess
RTV to escape as there was minimal clearance between the
explosive and NFTU wall. Once the RTV was cured, the
charge was thus ®rmly bonded into the NFTU case and the
excess RTV was trimmed from the exterior of the case and
exposed explosive charge. The exposed end of the explosive
was then covered with aluminium foil, securely taped, and
shipped to the explosive testing facility where the end plates
were attached and the charges were subjected to fragment
sensitivity testing.
Fragment sensitivity tests were conducted in accordance
with MIL-STD-2105B by subjecting the modi®ed NFTUs
to multiple, random impacts of 250 grain steel cubes that were
launched byanexplosive charge. Thelaunchingchargewasan
8-in. by 8-in. by 32-in. block of Comp-B explosive (57 kg) that
was designed to accelerate the cubes to a velocity of at least
8300 ft=s. Figures 2 and 3 illustrate the test con®guration and
photographic coverage for the test.
2. Theory and Procedure
2.1 Theory
The fragment impact test is designed to determine the
sensitivity of an explosive composition to high velocity
impact and assessment of subsequent shock to detonation
transfer (SDT). Traditional PBX development encourages
the use of a ``soft pliable'' binder based upon the theory that
a soft binder will absorb impact shock and help dissipate
energy which might otherwise contribute to the initiation of
the explosive. Earlier work with the experimental explosive
(TE-T7005) resulted in signi®cantly improved sub-scale
sensitivity characteristics
. However, the thermoplastic
binder used to manufacture TE-T7005 is quite hard (similar
to TNT) and is not soft like traditional HTPB based PBX
. Theoretically, therefore, the TE-T7005
should be more sensitive to fragment impact, compared to a
composition manufactured with similar solids but employ-
ing a curable ``soft'' binder such as HTPB.
2.2 Procedure
The fragment impact test requires that a certain minimum
area of explosive be shocked to a certain minimum pressure.
For projectile impact scenarios, this requires a certain
minimum projectile velocity, referred to as the ``critical
impact velocity.'' The larger the area impacted, the lower
the critical impact velocity. Therefore, impactors with the
lowest convexity (¯at faces) are most effective at initiating
detonation by an SDT mechanism. However, ¯at-faced
impacts upon barriers are more likely than edge or corner
impacts to shatter the projectile so that subsequent pene-
tration and shock-energy transfer capabilities may both be
. However, by accelerating the fragments to a
minimum velocity of 8300 ft=s (2529.8 m=s), a maximum
shock transfer is accomplished. When a fragment strikes an
explosive, four responses can result: detonation; explosion;
burning; or no reaction. A detonation is de®ned as a high
order reaction which pierces a 1=2 in. thick mild steel wit-
Figure 1. NFTU assembly for fragment impact test.
Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 24, 30±36 (1999)
Fragment Impact Sensitivity Test Results of IHE 31
ness plate with a hole that is approximately the same dia-
meter as the acceptor charge (the NFTU in this case) and is
classi®ed as an IM ``Class-I Reaction''. An explosion is a
lower order violent high pressure reaction that can damage
the test stand, the case material and explosive, and throws
large fragments of case material or explosive 50 feet
(15.24 m). In an explosion, the witness plate does not sus-
tain damage and is classi®ed as an IM ``Class-II'' or ``Class-
III Reaction''. A sustained burn reaction consists of ener-
getic material ignition and burning until all of the explosive
is consumed. This usually takes a number of minutes
depending on the type of explosive, the mass of the
explosive and level of con®nement. Burning is classi®ed as
an IM Class-IV or Class-V reaction depending on the
severity of the explosion.
Prior to test setup, each unit was X-rayed through two
mutually perpendicular, transverse axes. Each modi®ed test
unit with additional end con®nement was placed on a 1-ft
Figure 2. Fragment impact test setup.
32 Theodore S. Sumrall
Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 24, 30±36 (1999)
by 1-ft by 2-in. steel dent plate that had been placed on a
wooden test stand. The longitudinal axis of the test unit was
oriented vertically and its geometric center was approxi-
mately 51 in. above the ground plane. Two metal banding
straps were used to secure the test unit and the dent plate to
the test stand. One 22-gauge steel witness panel was placed
near the test unit to collect fragment velocity data with high
speed 16 mm cameras. Another 22-gauge steel witness
panel was placed behind the test unit to monitor test unit
debris. A 2-ft by 2-ft by 7=8-in. steel witness panel was
placed at a 2-ft standoff distance from the test unit, and
®berboards were positioned behind the panel to catch it. The
launching charge (125 lb. of Comp-B explosive) was placed
on a test stand at a nominal distance of 16 ft from the test
unit. The launching charge was adjusted to the same ele-
vation as the test unit, and the fragment mat was then
attached to the launching charge. An electrical sensor was
attached to the fragment mat to detect ®rst motion and the
signal from this circuit was recorded on each camera and
data recorder to provide a common data reference. An
electronic velocity screen was placed in front of the test unit
or wrapped around the test unit to collect fragment velocity
data as shown in Figure 2. Figure 4 shows a test unit
arranged on the dent plate and the test stand. Figure 5 shows
a test unit in relation to the test structures, and the launching
charge and fragment mat assembly. Test events were
documented using a VHS video cassette recorder in con-
junction with a color, closed-circuit television system. The
video cassette record was annotated with the date and time
of each test. The launching charge was then detonated using
a J-2 blasting cap and a 1-in. diameter by 1-in. length CH-6
booster pellet. Upon completion of the test, test unit debris
was recovered, and the size and location of each piece of
debris was noted.
Fragment velocity data was collected via high speed
photography. The time base was established by counting the
number of frames between the ®rst light caused by the
initiation of the launching charge and the ®rst light caused
by impact of the fragments on the test unit, and then
adjusting the time base by the length of time required for
the detonation to propagate through the booster and
launching charge to accelerate the fragments. Fragment
velocities were calculated with the following equation
F=R ÿ T
where: V velocity of fragments, D distance between
fragment mat and surface of test unit, F frames on photo-
Figure 3. Camera ®elds of view for fragment impact test.
Figure 4. NFTU arranged on test stand for fragment impact test.
Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 24, 30±36 (1999)
Fragment Impact Sensitivity Test Results of IHE 33
graphic ®lm between time launching charge was initiated
and time fragments impacted test unit, R rate of frames on
photographic ®lm, and T time for detonation to propagate
through booster and launching charge.
The time for the detonation to propagate through the
booster and the propelling charge was established as fol-
Booster Length
Booster Detonation Rate
Launching Charge Length
Launching Charge Detonation Rate
0:0254 m
8550 m=s
0:8128 m
7840 m=s
107 ms
3. Data
Fragment impact tests were conducted on explosive TE-
T7005 in modi®ed NFTUs (S=N 92-16 and S=N 92-17) on
9=16=92. Fragment impact tests were also conducted on
explosive PBXW-124 (S=N 91-25 and S=N 91-29) and
PBXW-126 (S=N 94-3 and 94-4), HTPB analogs of TE-
T7005. As originally formulated, the only difference
between PBX-125 and PBX-126 was the RDX particle
. Data for the PBX compositions are presented for
comparative purposes.
3.1 TE-T7005 Test Results
NFTU S=N 92-16 was impacted by six fragments. The
average velocity of the fragments was 8697 ft=s (Fig. 6).
The reaction was judged to be a brief burning reaction that
was not sustained (Type-V). The test unit ruptured and
approximately 75% of the explosive was scattered about the
test site. Approximately 25% of the explosive remained in
the case debris (Fig. 7). No blast pressure from the reaction
of the test unit was detected at the blast gauge locations.
NFTU S=N 92-17 was impacted by ®ve fragments. The
average velocity of the fragments was 8642 ft=s. The reac-
tion was judged to be a burning reaction. Some of the
explosive that was ejected from the case and some of the
explosive that remained in the case debris burned (Fig. 8). A
large quantity of the explosive that was ejected from the
case did not react (Fig. 9). No blast pressure from the
reaction of the test unit was detected at the blast gauge
3.2 PBXW-124 Test Results
NFTU S=N 91-25 was impacted by four fragments. The
average velocity of the fragments was 8502 ft=s. The reac-
tion was judged to be a burning reaction. The additional
con®nement hardware remained attached to the case of the
NFTU. The case remained as an assembly, but had two
cracks along the impact points. The explosive material was
consumed in the burning reaction. The test unit debris was
found in the immediate test area, within 21 ft. of the pre-test
location. No blast pressure from the reaction of the test unit
was detected at the blast gauge locations.
NFTU S=N 91-29 was impacted by four fragments. The
average velocity of the fragments was 8673 ft=s. Four large
areas of explosive byproducts were found. The case was
split along the impact points and a large amount of liner
material was observed in the case. The test unit debris was
found in the immediate test area, within 55 ft. of the pre-test
location. The case and end plate assembly were found at a
distance of 26 ft. of the test site and the closure plate was
found at a distance of 24 ft. of the test site. No blast pressure
from the reaction of the test unit was detected at the blast
gauge locations.
3.3 PBXW-126 Test Results
NFTU S=N 94-3 was impacted by three fragments. The
average velocity of the fragments was 8579 ft=s. The reac-
Figure 5. Fragment impact test unit in relation to test structure.
Figure 6. Fragment impact test results of explosive TE-T7005 (SN
34 Theodore S. Sumrall
Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 24, 30±36 (1999)
tion was judged to be a burning reaction and was initiated
immediately upon fragment impact. Two additional steel
cubes grazed the case such that their contribution to the
reaction was considered negligible. The case, the end plate,
and the closure plate were found as an assembly (along with
the additional end con®nement hardware) at a distance of
12 ft. from the pre-test location. Explosive burning was
observed for approximately 1.5 minutes and all of the
explosive was consumed in the reaction. No blast pressure
from the reaction of the test unit was detected at the blast
gauge locations.
NFTU S=N 94-4 was impacted by four fragments. The
average velocity of the fragments was 8548 ft=s. The reac-
tion was judged to be a burning. The case and the end plate
were found as an assembly (along with the additional end
con®nement hardware) at a distance of 9 ft. from the pre-test
location. Explosive burning was observed for approxi-
mately 1.2 minutes and all of the explosive was consumed
in the reaction. No blast pressure from the reaction of the
test unit was detected at the blast gauge locations.
A summary of results for fragment impact tests are
summarized in Table 1.
4. Discussion
This research project essentially involved replacing the
traditional HTPB=IPDI cured binder (used to manufacture
PBX-124, PBX-125 and PBX-126) with a proprietary
thermoplastic binder (TTB-531)
. The experimental
explosive tested above (TE-T7005) contained solids which
bracketed the solids loading for PBX-124=125=126, and
therefore, the essential difference between the thermoplastic
composition and the HTPB versions was the binder type.
Table 2 details the composition of the PBX compositions
and the thermoplastic analog, TE-T7005.
While the theory which supported manufacture of PBX
compositions with ``soft and pliable'' binders (such as
HTPB) appears to be logical, test results indicate that the
explosive composition manufactured with the harder binder
(TE-T7005) was actually less sensitive than the composi-
tion manufactured with the softer binder type. Other factors
than physical properties may be entering into the equation
and the following theories are offered as possible explana-
tions for the observations noted.
Figure 7. Fragment impact test results of explosive TE-T7005 (SN
Figure 8. Fragment impact test results of explosive TE-T7005 (SN
Figure 9. Fragment impact test results of explosive TE-T7005 (SN
Table 1. Summary of Results for Fragment Impact Tests
# of Hits
8697 (ft=s)
Burn (V)
8642 (ft=s)
Burn (V)
8502 (ft=s)
Burn (V)
8673 (ft=s)
Burn (V)
8579 (ft=s)
Burn (V)
8548 (ft=s)
Burn (V)
Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 24, 30±36 (1999)
Fragment Impact Sensitivity Test Results of IHE 35
(1) As the binder is thermoplastic in nature, it is possible
that the binder is absorbing impact energy and thermal
energy from the high speed fragments (which is both
kinetic and thermal in nature) by ®rst undergoing a
melting reaction. Energy which might be imparted unto
the energetic solids (such as RDX) could be imparted
®rst unto the binder and the binder would then absorb
some of this energy (in a thermal melting nature) and
only the remaining energy would be transmitted to the
energetic solids.
(2) The end of mix viscosity of the thermoplastic explosive
TE-T7005 was typically less than 2 kP as measured by a
Brook®eld rheometer. This contrasts with end of mix
viscosities as high as 20 kP or greater for the PBX
formulations. The solids are therefore coated much
better by the thermoplastic binder which, by virtue of
its' lower viscosity, is much more able to enter into the
pores of energetic materials and thus eliminate=
decrease sites for hotspot formation.
5. Conclusions
The data demonstrate that TE-T7005 is a highly impact
insensitive explosive composition. Earlier data demonstrate
higher performance characteristics relative to the HTPB
analogs and even superior performance characteristics
relative to a number of highly sensitive high explosives
Additional data reveal very low thermal sensitivity relative
to the HTPB analogs
An analysis of the post-test photographs reveal that while
all reactions were classi®ed as ``burn reactions'', TE-T7005
reacted in a much milder manner (relative to the HTPB
analogs) and much un-reacted explosive was recovered
after fragment impact. It is not surprising that the HTPB
formulations (PBXW-124 and PBXW-126) almost com-
pletely burned when subjected to fragment impact testing
because HTPB was originally designed to be a solid rocket
motor fuel. It is surprising, however, that the TE-T7005
explosive did not burn more violently because earlier
research indicated that the aluminium used to manufacture
TE-T7005 was much more reactive than the aluminium
used to manufacture the PBX analogs such as PBX-109
6. Recommendations
Other PBX compositions (i.e. PBX-109) should be
manufactured with the TTB-531 thermoplastic binder
replacing the conventional HTPB binder and then subjected
to fragment impact testing to determine if the thermoplastic
binder system can reduce the shock sensitivity of much
more sensitive compositions.
7. References
(1) T. S. Sumrall and W. H. Graham, ``Formulation of a Melt Castable
General Purpose Insensitive High Explosive'', Journal of Japan
Explosive Society 58, 2 (1997).
(2) T. S. Sumrall and W. H. Graham, ``Melt Castable PBXW-124=125
Development'', IM Technology Symposium, Williamsburg, VA,
15±18 June, 1992.
(3) U.S. Patent Application, Docket No. 1090.6.13.
(4) T. S. Sumrall, ``Large Scale Thermal Sensitivity Results of a Melt
Castable General Purpose Insensitive High Explosive'', 23rd
International Pyrotechnics Seminar, Tsukuba, Japan, October,
(5) W. P. Burgess, ``Report of Vulnerability and Performance Tests of
ABF Candidate Explosives''. (U); Explosion Dynamics Branch,
NSWC, Dahlgren, VA; July, 1990.
(6) H. R. James, ``TTCP-WAG-11 Bullet=Fragment Protocol'', AWE
(Foulness), UK, 1992.
(7) MIL-STD-2105B, ``Hazard Assessment Tests for Munitions'', 12
January, 1994.
(8) T. S. Sumrall, ``Sub-Scale Ingredient Screening to Predict Burn
Rate and Performance of an Insensitive Aluminized General
Purpose Explosive'', 23rd International Pyrotechnics Seminar,
Tsukuba, Japan, October, 1997.
(9) L. T. Wilson, D. R. Reedal, and B. M. Simpson, ``Comparison of
PBXW-126 and PBXC-129 For Use in Large Fragmentation
Warheads'', Insensitive Munitions and Energetic Materials Tech-
nology Symposium, Tampa, FL, October, 1997.
Gratitude is expressed to Thiokol Corp. and the US Government
who funded research; development; scale-up; and advanced testing,
and who authorized publication of this information in the open lit-
erature. This scale-up effort was conducted at the Huntsville Division
of Thiokol Corp. where the author was employed as the Principal
Investigator until closure of that facility. Testing was conducted at
NSWC=Dahlgren, VA. Photographs courtesy of NSWC
(Received August 28, 1997; revised April 4, 1998; Ms
45=97 rev)
Table 2. Composition of PBX Formulations
Wt.% and
Wt.% and
Wt.% and
Diameter (mm)
Diameter (mm)
Diameter (mm)
4.85 0.05
4.44 0.05
0.46 0.01
0.45 0.01
IDP Lecithin
7.23 0.4
6.65 0.4
Al Powder
Kerr McGee
Holston AAP
36 Theodore S. Sumrall
Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 24, 30±36 (1999)