iTNC 530

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September 2005

iTNC 530

New Functions with
NC Software 340 49x-02

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The iTNC 530 from HEIDENHAIN has
proven itself for years as a versatile
contouring control for milling, drilling and
boring machines as well as machining
centers. Along with HEIDENHAIN’s plain-
language conversational programming for
the shop-fl oor, the iTNC 530 is charac-
terized by many useful functions and
innovative features. To name just a few,
they include:

Exact tool guidance with fi ve-axis
Simple tilting of the working plane
Practice-oriented setup functions
Very high contour accuracy for HSC
Extensive fi xed cycles
Useful programming support through
unambiguous function keys, free contour
programming and help graphics
Upwardly compatible part programs
External programming and fast data

The success story of the iTNC 530 also
includes smarT.NC—the new operating
mode from HEIDENHAIN. It represents
another successful step toward a user-
friendly interface for shop-fl oor program-
ming. Well-structured input forms,
straightforward graphic support, and
comprehensive help texts combine with
the easy-to-use pattern generator to form
a compelling programming environment.

New Functions with NC Software 340 49x-02
– the iTNC 530 Makes Setup Even Easier

New Functions for the iTNC 530
Of course there is always potential for new
development, improvement and simplifi -
cation. The NC software 340 49x-02 for the
iTNC includes a series of new functions for
machine manufacturers and users. These
functions make it even easier to work with
the control, and they also make operation
of the machine more safe. The most
important functions are:

Dynamic Collision Monitoring (DCM)
DXF fi le import
Expanded conversational and smarT.NC
3-D line graphics for verifi cation of
programs created offl ine
Point fi lter for programs created offl ine
Virtual tool axis
USB support of peripheral memory

Please note:
The new NC software 340 49x-02 only
supports the BF 150 fl at-panel display, and
only runs on the MC 422 B and MC 420
main computers (on the MC 420 without

Function upgrades:
Separation of error fi xes from
improvements in function
Until now, each NC software update
always contained all new functions along
with the error fi xes. As of NC software
340 49x-02, error fi xes and software
improvements are separated. In the
future, updates of NC-software will
contain only error fi xes.

New functions certainly offer added value
in user-friendliness and operational
reliability. Of course you also have the
opportunity to purchase these new
functions after a software update:
These improvements will be offered as
“feature upgrades,” and are enabled via
the Feature Content Level option.

If, for example, a control is updated from
340 490-01 to 340 490-02, the functions
identifi ed with “FCL 02” in the following
tables are only available if the feature
content level is set to from 01 to 02.

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Important for the Protection of the Machine
– the Dynamic Collision Monitoring Option (DCM)

The complex motions and high traversing
speeds of fi ve-axis machining make axis
movements diffi cult to foresee. This
makes collision monitoring a valuable
function that relieves the machine operator
and protects the machine from damage.

NC programs from CAM systems may
avoid collisions of the tool or tool holder
with the workpiece, but unless you invest
in expensive offl ine machine simulation
software they ignore the machine
components located within the work
envelope. And even then it cannot be
guaranteed that machine conditions, such
as the fi xture position, will be identical to
those of the simulation. In the worst case,
a collision will remain undetected until the
damage is done.

In cases such as these, the machine
operator is supported by the dynamic
collision monitoring feature (DCM) of the
iTNC 530 (only runs on the MC 422 B). The
control interrupts machining whenever a
collision threatens and thereby increases
safety for the machine and its operator.
This helps to prevent machine damage,
which can result in costly downtimes.
Unattended shifts become safer and more

However, DCM works not only in
automatic mode. It is also active in
manual operation. If, for example, during
setup the machine operator takes a
collision course to a component in the
working space, the iTNC 530 detects it,
stops axis movement, and issues an error

If two machine components come too
close to each other, there are three
warning stages:

Advance warning if below 14 mm
Warning if below 8 mm clearance
Error if below 8 mm clearance

Of course the iTNC 530 also shows the
machine operator which machine
components are endangered.

The machine operator can acknowledge
advance warnings and warnings and then
continue with normal axis operation. If an
error message appears, DCM must be
switched off. Only then can the danger of
collision be removed and the axes taken
out of danger.

The machine tool builder takes care of the
required defi nition of machine compo-
The working space and the
collision objects are described using
geometric bodies such as planes, cubes
and cylinders. Complex machine compo-
nents can be modeled with multiple
geometric bodies. The tool is automatically
considered a cylinder of the tool radius
(defi ned in the tool table). For tilting
devices, the machine tool builder can use
the tables for the machine kinematics also
to defi ne the collision objects.

The last step of the confi guration process
is defi ning which machine components
can collide. For example, a tool touch
probe like the HEIDENHAIN TT clamped

on the machine table can never come into
contact with the machine cabin. Because
the machine design in itself prevents
collisions between certain machine
components, they can be ruled out from
the start.

Please note when using the dynamic
collision monitoring:

While DCM can help reduce the danger
of collision, it cannot eliminate it.
Only the machine manufacturer can
defi ne collision objects.
Collisions between machine compo-
nents (such as swivel heads) and the
workpiece cannot be detected.
Handwheel superimposition (M118) is
not possible.
DCM cannot be used during operation in
following error mode (which means
without feedforward).
It is not possible to monitor for collision
before machining.

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New Programming Functions
– the iTNC 530 Understands DXF (Option)

Why program complex contours when
your drawing is already in DXF format
anyway? With NC software 340 49x-02
you can open DXF fi les directly on the
iTNC 530 to extract contours. Not only
does this save time otherwise spent on
programming and testing, but you can also
be sure that the fi nished contour is exactly
according to the designer‘s specifi cations.

The DXF format—particularly the DXF
format supported by the iTNC 530—is very
widespread, and is supported by all
common CAD and graphics programs.

After the DXF fi le has been loaded onto
the iTNC from the network or a USB
stick, you can open the fi le just like an
NC program in the iTNC‘s fi le manager.
Meanwhile the iTNC considers the
operating mode in which you started the
DXF converter and generates either a
contour program for smarT.NC or a
program in conversational format.

As a rule, DXF fi les contain multiple layers,
with which the designer organizes the
drawing. So that as little unnecessary
information as possible appears on the
screen during selection of the contours,
you can hide via mouse click all excessive
contained in the DXF fi le. This
requires the keyboard with touchpad or an
external pointing device. The iTNC can
select a contour train even it has been
saved in different layers.

The iTNC also supports you when defi ning
the workpiece preset.
The datum of the
drawing for a DXF fi le is not always located
in manner that lets you use it directly as
reference point for the workpiece, espe-
cially when the drawing contains multiple
views. Therefore, the iTNC has a function
with which you can shift the drawing
datum to a suitable location simply by
clicking an element.

You can defi ne the following locations as
reference point:

At the beginning, end or mid-point of a
At the beginning, end or center point of a
circular arc
Quadrant transitions or center point of a
Intersection of two lines, regardless of
whether it is located inside or outside
the programmed segments
Intersection of a line and a circular arc
Intersection of a line and a circle

If multiple intersections can result between
two elements (e.g., between a straight line
and a circle), you can select the correct
intersection with a mouse click.

Contour selection is exceptionally user
friendly. You select any element by clicking
it with the mouse. As soon as you select a
second element, the iTNC detects your
desired direction of machining, and starts
the automatic contour detection. The
iTNC automatically selects all clearly
identifi able contour elements until the
contour closes or branches out. There you
click the immediately following contour
element. In this way you can defi ne even
extensive contours with just a few mouse

An immediately runnable contour program
is ready—you need only provide the
technology data, which is easiest in

A powerful zoom function and various
possibilities for settings round out the
functionality of the DXF converter. For
example, you can defi ne the resolution of
the contour program to be output in case
you want to use it on older TNC controls,
or a transition tolerance if occasionally the
elements do not quite adjoin.

Zoom in to details of an imported DXF fi le

Part program on the basis of the imported DXF fi le

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– General New Features

A number of new programming features
support the machinist and open new

Contour pockets: Subcontours can have
different depths (upgrade function)
The powerful contour pocket function is
available for machining complex contours.
In smarT.NC you can defi ne up to 9 sub-
contours (pockets or islands), and in
conversational programming up to 12 sub-
contours, for machining a contour pocket.
These subcontours can contain up to 8192
contour elements. Until now the depth of a
pocket was globally specifi ed. Now you
can assign a separate depth to each
subcontour. If the subcontour is an island,
the iTNC interprets the “depth” entered as
the height of the island.

Separate machining units are now
available in smarT.NC for fi ne roughing,
side fi nishing and fl oor fi nishing, thereby
complementing the machining of a
contour pocket.

Cutting speed v


as alternate entry to

the spindle shaft speed S
When selecting a tool, you can now enter
a cutting speed v


in m/min instead of the

spindle speed S in rpm.

Freely defi nable tables in form view
The iTNC can now show all freely defi nable
tables, meaning all tables of fi le type .TAB,
in a form view. This view is especially
useful for large amounts of data.

Expanded look-ahead
In order to machine contours rapidly, the
control calculates the geometry ahead of
time—previously up to 256 blocks. Usually
this suffi ces completely. Today’s comput-
ing power, however, makes it possible to
calculate further in advance. The machine
manufacturer can now parameterize the
look-ahead function through a machine
parameter. The maximum value is 1024
blocks—for a look-ahead capability
covering four times as many blocks as
before. This will only have an effect in NC
programs with extremely short positioning

Separate depths are defi nable for subcontours

Tables in form view are freely defi nable

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Mid-program startup with graphic
support (upgrade function)
The pattern generator in smarT.NC is a
powerful feature for defi ning machining
positions fl exibly and with graphic support.
The positions are saved blockwise in point
tables for convenient reuse at other
locations for other operations. Now the re-
entry into a machining program has been
adapted to this fl exible function: smarT.NC
detects your entry into a unit in which
machining positions are defi ned, and
symbolically displays the positions in a
preview window. You can now select via
soft key at which position you would like to
begin machining. smarT.NC then auto-
matically inserts the appropriate tool and
traverses to the selected position—of
course only after your approval.

CUT/COPY/PASTE of one or more units
Using the key combinations you are
familiar with from Windows, you can copy
an entire unit or insert it at any other
location in the program. Naturally, the
SELECT BLOCK function you know from
conversational programming is also
available for the copying and pasting of
multiple units.

Feed rate also possible as F






When specifying the feed rate, you can
also enter a revolution feed rate in mm/rev
or a cutting feed rate mm/tooth instead of
in mm/min.

New Programming Functions
– smarT.NC

smarT.NC: mid-program startup

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Tooltips displayed when using the
If you hold the mouse over an entry fi eld or
selection box for more than one second,
the iTNC displays a tooltip. Tooltips contain
information or important notes about the
respective function.

Tool data editable during tool selection
In the pop-up window for tool selection
you can now also change the tool data
shown there. The TNC automatically saves
these changes in the tool table TOOL.T.

Axis keys now position the cursor in
forms as well
Up to now, experienced conversational
dialog programmers have been wanting to
use the orange axis keys in smarT.NC for
contour programming. Now they can. The
orange I key (incremental/absolute
switchover) and P key (polar/rectangular
switchover) can now also be used.

Automatic entry of workpiece blank
into contour program
When you create a new contour program,
smarT.NC automatically takes the work-
piece blank defi ned in the unit program.
This transfer can be updated by soft key at
any time.

Incremental entry of machining
When defi ning the positions directly in the
form for each machining unit, the positions
can now also be entered incrementally.

smarT.NC: Tooltips when using the mouse

smarT.NC: Editing the tool data during tool selection

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New Programming Functions
– Conversational Programming

Point fi lter for smoothing NC programs
created offl ine
With this TNC function you can make
contours smoother that were created on
external programming systems. The fi lter
function creates a copy of the original
program, and then adds any points
required by the parameters that you set.
This smoothes the contour to allow the
program to run more quickly and with
less jerk.

3-D line graphics, for 3-D display of tool
center-point path (upgrade function)
The new line graphics display the pro-
grammed contour in three dimensions.
With the powerful zoom function you
can also see the details. You should
especially use the 3-D line graphics to
inspect programs created offl ine for irregu-
larities before machining, in order to avoid
undesirable traces of the machining
process on the workpiece. In order to
fi nd the error location quickly, the currently
active block of the 3-D line graphics
appears highlighted in the left window.
In addition, the respective programmed
end points can be displayed to show any
concentrations of points.

Manual traverse in the active tool-axis
system (upgrade function)
Use this function in the Manual and
Electronic Handwheel operating modes,
as well as during a program interruption in
the Program Run, Full Sequence operating
mode to move the tool with the external
direction keys or the handwheel in the
direction in which the tool axis is currently
pointed. This function is especially useful
in fi ve-axis programs if you need to retract
the tool and do not have detailed informa-
tion about the tool-axis direction.

More Convenient Preset Table
Now, you access a preset table directly
with the PRESET TABLE soft key in the
Manual operating mode. There are also
new possibilities for saving values in the
preset table:

Use the actual position of the tool or dial
gauge as the new preset
Assign any value to the actual position of
the tool or dial gauge
Incrementally shift a preset already
saved in the table
Directly enter the new preset without
calculation of the kinematics

Conversational: new 3-D line graphics with powerful zoom

Conversational: simple editing of a preset table

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– Programming Station

Since the beginning of this year, the iTNC
programming station has been shipped with
a new keyboard. The new keyboard has a
much leaner housing and includes the new
smarT.NC keys. The following improvements
are available in the programming station
version 340 494-02.

All software options and FCL
functions fully enabled
One special benefi t: the complete array
of soft ware options and FCL functions
available for the control are fully enabled
here. This enables users of the licensed
or free demo versions (down load at to amply
test all functions and then decide
whether an upgrade on the machine is

Virtual keyboard
Especially the users of the demo version
of the programming station can get an
even better idea of how easy it is to
operate the TNC using the keyboard.
Use the iTNC control panel to open a
virtual TNC keyboard on the screen,
providing the control‘s most important
dialog initiation keys. You will need a
screen resolution of at least 1280x1024
to be able to see the control screen and
the virtual key board at the same time.

PLC basic program optionally
When installing the programming station
software, you can now also install the
PLC basic program. This lets you
perform a “dry run” in the Program Run
modes with the programs created on the
programming station, and the position
display runs as well.

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– New Functions with the NC Software 340 49x-02:

Mode of operation


FCL 02



General information

DCM: Dynamic Collision Monitoring (only with MC 422 B)

USB support for peripheral memory devices (memory sticks, hard disks, CD-ROMs)

DHCP (Domain host control protocol) and DNS (domain name server) possible for network settings

Freely defi nable tables visible also in form view

All soft keys revised

Slovenian language

Czech user interface now with native characters

Selection of the active override possible on the HR 420

Smaller pop-up window when HR 420 is active, to improve legibility of axis positions on screen

Look-ahead can be confi gured via machine parameters

Inclined tool machining with noncontrolled axes


Direct saving of DXF fi les as smarT.NC programs

Cycles for coordinate transformation introduced

PLANE function introduced

Contour pocket: Separate depth can be assigned for each subcontour

Mid-program startup with graphic support

Cutting speed as alternate entry to the spindle shaft speed

Feed rate can also be entered as Fz (feed per tooth) or Fu (feed per revolution)

Tool data can be edited in a pop-up window during tool selection

Axis keys now also position the cursor in the forms. The I key (incremental/absolute switchover) and
P key (polar/rectangular switchover) now also function for contour programming.

CUT/COPY/PASTE of one or more units

Automatic entry of workpiece blank into contour program

Incremental entry of machining positions in forms for machining units

Tooltips displayed when using the mouse

Navigation through the forms using the axis keys

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Mode of operation


FCL 02




Direct saving of contours from DXF fi les as conversational programs

Cycle for global setting of touch-probe parameters


fi lter for smoothing NC programs created offl ine

3-D line graphics for verifi cation of programs created offl ine

Manual traverse in the active tool-axis system

Cutting speed as alternate entry to the spindle shaft speed

Simplifi cation when working with the preset table, incremental correction of preset values possible,
correction of the active preset possible

Contour pockets can now contain signifi cantly more contour elements

Consideration of an active basic rotation in manual probe cycles

Measuring log for probing cycles can now also be displayed on the screen during program

FK transformation selectable as structured plain-language or linearized plain-language


PLANE function also in possible in ISO


Virtual keyboard display in new version of the programming station

PLC program provided for optional installation (can be used to move axes)

Access to the PLC with the keyword “PLC”

All options and FCL functions are fully enabled

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Id. Nr.



Additional axis

354 540-01

Additional control loops 1 to 8


353 904-01


353 905-01


367 867-01


367 868-01


370 291-01


370 292-01


370 293-01


Software option 1
(for MC 420)

367 591-01

Machining with a rotary table

Programming of cylindrical contours as if in two axes
Linear feed rate

Coordinate transformation

Tilting the working plane, PLANE function


Circular In 3 axes with tilted working plane


Software option 2
(for MC 420)

367 590-01

3-D machining

Motion control with minimum jerk
3-D tool compensation through surface normal vectors
Using the the electronic handwheel to move the swivel head with during
program run
Position of the tool tip remains unchanged thanks to Tool Center Point
Management (TCPM)
Keeping the tool normal to the contour
Tool radius compensation normal to the direction of the tool


Linear in 5 axes (export permit required)
Spline: execution of splines (3rd degree polynomial)

Block processing time 0.5 ms



526 451-01

Communication with external PC applications over COM components



526 452-01

Dynamic Collision Monitoring (only with MC 422 B)


Additional language

530 184-01

User interface in Slovenian


DXF import

526 450-01

Importing of DXF contours



529 969-01

Feature Content Level

– All Options in the NC Software 340 49x-02


Dr.-Johannes-Heidenhain-Straße 5

83301 Traunreut, Germany

{ +49 (8669) 31-0

| +49 (8669) 5061


For more information
Brochure: iTNC 530

571 500-21 · 20 · 9/2005 · H · Printed in Germany · Subject to change without notice


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