ONZ i WHO pozwane do sądu

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ONZ i WHO pozwane do sądu



Jest za pięć dwunasta...

Austriacka dziennikarka śledcza, Jane Burgermeister złożyła 10 czerwca oficjalny pozew sadowy

przeciwko ONZ i WHO, oskarżając obydwie organizacje o bioterroryzm i zamiar ludobójstwa przy użyciu
sztucznie wyhodowanego wirusa A/H1N1.

Według dziennikarki, śmiertelny wirus został wykryty w partiach szczepionek na zwykła grypę,

których dystrybucję prowadziła firma Baxter. Firma ma swe nowoczesne zakłady pod Mexico City (!!!) i w
Austrii. Burgermeister twierdzi, że firmy farmaceutyczne (wymienia tu głównie Baxter AG i Novartis) i
międzynarodowe agencje rządowe są aktywnie zaangażowane w produkcję, rozwój i dystrybucję
morderczych wirusów w celu wywołania pandemii i doprowadzenia do depopulacji ludzkości. Celem jest
wywołanie pandemii medialnej, dzięki której możliwe będzie przeprowadzenie masowych, obowiązkowych
szczepień, a może raczej wszczepień.

Brzmi to makabrycznie, ale jeśli jest to tylko kolejna teoria spiskowa, to przynajmniej otrzyma ona

szansę na uczciwe zweryfikowanie przed Sądem.

Więcej: Naturalnie z góry wiadomo, że ta Pani nie dożyje procesu. A same dowody zostaną

przypadkowo zagubione. Rasa Panów czuwa nad szczęściem swoich owieczek.

Pełny Alert - Sprawa niecierpiąca zwłoki. - Sprawa szczepień dotyczy nie tylko wszystkich

Polaków, ale całej ludzkości! Polacy jak zwykle trzymani są w niewiedzy przez "nasze" media. W moim
postingu po angielsku poniżej, chodzi o spisek zapięty na ostatni guzik: rozpętać pandemie śmiertelnej
grypy przez przymusowe szczepienia w Ameryce Płn., Europie i Japonii za kilka miesięcy

Szczepionki są wymieszane ze śmiertelnym wirusem, który naukowcy udowodnili, pochodzi nie z

przyrody, lecz z laboratoriów. Jest kombinacja kilku zwierzęcych wirusów, których normalnie człowiek nie
przenosi. Szczepienie zapewnia katastroficzne rozprzestrzenianie się wirusa od człowieka do człowieka.
Kombinacje wirusów? Sformułowano na maksymalna szkodę. Szczepienia rozpoczną prawdziwa pandemie,
bo pierwsza będzie li tylko medialna, jak przekonaliśmy się parę miesięcy temu.

Śmiertelny wirus, co niby "sam" wypłynął w Meksyku, odkryto w partiach szczepionek na zwykła

grypę, przysłanych przez firmę Baxter. Firma posiada nowoczesne zakłady pod Mexico City oraz w Austrii.
Baxter wysłał partie zatrutej szczepionki do Niemiec, Austrii, Czech i Słowenii na próbne szczepienia.
Zwarty blok tych państw mógłby by fałszywie przedstawiony, jako ognisko wyjściowe śmiertelnego wirusa
w Europie. Eksperci stwierdzili, że objętość materiału Baxtera dostarczonego do próbnych szczepień
wystarczyłaby na zabicie ludności globu kilka razy !

Tylko przez sumienność i obowiązek weryfikacji materiału biologicznego pracownik czeskiego

laboratorium wstrzyknął materiał zwierzętom, stwierdzając po czasie ich zgony.

Wszczęto alarm, wszyscy pracownicy czeskiego laboratorium trafili na kwarantannę.

Pracownicy austriaccy - do szpitala w Wiedniu, po czym japoński Panasonic zapobiegawczo

ewakuował swoich pracowników z Europy. Następnie była eksplozja paczki z zatruta szczepionka w
pociągu ekspresowym w Szwajcarii. Paczkę wieziono z Baxtera w Meksyku do laboratorium
szwajcarskiego. Okoliczności wybuchu wskazują na spisek.

"Szczepionka" wskutek wybuchu rozeszła się przez system klimatyzacji po całym pociągu w formie

aerozolu - najbardziej skuteczny sposób skażenia wszystkich pasażerów.

Sprawę wyciszono, ofiar nawet nie poddano obserwacji. W USA gotowe są plany i ustawy stanu

wyjątkowego w przypadku pandemii, ustawy uprawniające rząd i wojsko do przymusowych szczepień
ludności i likwidacji w przypadku oporu, dziesiątki jeśli nie setki miejsc na masowe groby - setki tysięcy


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trumien - obozy dla krnąbrnych itp. Austriacka dziennikarka śledcza Jane Burgermeister zebrała dowody i
zaskarżyła zbrodniczą klikę (iluminaci, przemysł farmaceutyczny, światów Organizację Zdrowia,
prezydenta Obamę itd). Przygotowała również dokumenty do zastosowania w poszczególnych krajach:

Polska jest już ofiarą próbnych szczepionek ostatniego lata, celowo skażonym materiałem z

firmy Novartis.

Jeszcze raz wypłynęła korupcja Polaków, którzy za srebrniki zrobią wszystko dla zbrodniczej

globalnej kliki. Kanada właśnie ogłosiła plany szczepień, jeszcze nieprzymusowych, ale gdy rozpęta się
śmiertelna grypa od pierwszych "szczepień", ludzie będą się pchać pod igłę. Według Burgermeister, masowe
zaskarżanie przez obywateli we wszystkich namierzonych krajach może zapobiec nadchodzącej katastrofie.
Potrzeba pilnie przetłumaczyć na język polski - i działać! Na nic troska o pracę i rodzinę, skoro możemy już
za kilka miesięcy nie żyć. - Jeśli chodzi o działania anty -irańskie nagłaśniane przez media, są to skryte
działania kompleksu jot. Żeby zrozumieć niektóre rzeczy, trzeba przeczytać pozostałe rozdziały. Jeśli trzeba,
podeślę. Niestety, wychodzi ogłupienie Polaków przez media i zaprzątanie ich głów śmieciami jak teczki
czy Bolki, zamiast edukacji ws. życia i śmierci. Jest za pięć dwunasta...

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niebezpiecznych szczepionkach. NOVARTIS, BAXTER

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Blog ten powstał po lekturze sprawy kryminalnej, którą założyła dziennikarka austriacka Jane

Burgermeister m.in. firmom farmaceutycznym i Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia.

Po analizie części tych dokumentów oraz artykułów ukazujących się w prasie internetowej na

zachodzie doszliśmy do wniosku, że może chodzić o sztuczne rozpętanie pandemii grypy tzw. “świńskiej”
lub “ptasiej” przez przymusowe szczepienia na wszystkich kontynentach już za kilka miesięcy. Według
analiz przytoczonych przez Jane Burgermeister, szczepionki są wymieszane ze śmiertelnym wirusem, który
rzekomo pochodzi z laboratoriów. Jest to ponoć kombinacja kilku wirusów grypy zwierzęcej wymieszanych
z wirusem grypy ludzkiej.

Światowa Organizacja Zdrowia chce w tajemnicy dopiąć
swego – masowych przymusowych szczepień ludności świata

Taki mniej wiecej tytuł nosi najnowszy wpis na blogu dziennikarki austriackiej Jane Burgermeister.
Przypomnijmy, że dziennikarka założyła kilka spraw kryminalnych takim organizacjom jak
właśnie WHO, Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych, firmom farmaceutycznym, Prezydentowi
USA itd. Jak podaje Burgermeister, WHO nie zgodziła się na ujawnienie treści spotkania z
grupami doradczymi jakie odbyło się 7 lipca. Te “grupy doradcze” usiane są ekspertami firm
farmaceutycznych Baxter, Novartis and Sanofi - właśnie tymi, które dziennikarka podejrzewa o


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konspirację przeciwko ludzkości. Właśnie po tym spotkaniu WHO wydało oświadczenie odnośnie
konieczności szczepień ludności 194 państw, które są sygnatariuszami porozumień. Zgodnie z
międzynarodowymi ustawami odnośnie zdrowia (International Healh Regulations) zarządzenie
WHO ma charakter wiążący. Czyli po nowej ostrej fali ataku wirusa grypy H1N1, zresztą
skonstruowanego w laboratoriach na bazie wirusa grypy z 1918 roku, na jesieni wszyscy pójdziemy
pod igłę! Co może nam zrobić WHO? Przecież mamy konstytucje, swoje prawa itd. Otóż w
świetle porozumień WHO może te prawa i konstytucje zawiesić na okres pandemii i będziemy
zmuszani, nawet z użyciem broni do przyjęcia szczepionek! Dla opornych kwarantanna albo, jak
w USA w przypadku wprowadzenia stanu wyjątkowego – śmierć na miejscu. Wg. dziennikarki
istnieją niezaprzeczalne dowody, że to właśnie Światowa Organizacja Zdrowia (WHO) przesłała
żywego skonstruowanego sztucznie wirusa grypy do oddziałów firmy Baxter w Austrii, która z
niego wyprodukowała 72 kilogramów szczepionki. Firma Baxter z kolei wysłała ją pod fałszywymi
etykietami do 16 laboratoriów w 4 krajach, przez co o mało, co nie spowodowano epidemii.
Ponieważ firma Baxter jest zobligowana do zachowania odpowiednich środków ostrożności to
działanie to wg. Burgermeister miało charakter kryminalny. Chyba możemy się z tym zgodzić?
Austriacka policja przeprowadza obecnie dochodzenie w tej sprawie.

W.w. organizacje są jednak tylko organami wykonawczymi dużo większej konspiracji, która w
swoim celu zmierza do depopulacji globu. Ale o tym następnym razem.

Szczepionka na świńską grypę zabijała już ludzi…

Fragment artykułu z Dziennika z 29 kwietnia 2009r.

(dziękujemy p. Andrzejowi z Krakowa za podesłanie tego linku)

Nie ma jeszcze szczepionki na świńską grypę. Ale kiedyś już była. W 1976 roku w USA wybuchła
epidemia tej odmiany choroby. Rząd opracował szczepionkę, a miliony ludzi ustawiły się w
kolejkach, by ją dostać. Epidemia pochłonęła życie ponad trzydziestu osób. Tylko jedną zabiła
choroba. Większość najprawdopodobniej umarła od szczepionki (…)



50 milionów Amerykanów dostało zastrzyk

środa 29 kwietnia 2009 17:55

Szczepionka na świńską grypę zabijała ludzi

Nie ma jeszcze szczepionki na świńską grypę. Ale kiedyś już była. W 1976 roku w USA wybuchła
epidemia tej odmiany choroby. Rząd opracował szczepionkę, a miliony ludzi ustawiły się w
kolejkach, by ją dostać. Epidemia pochłonęła życie ponad trzydziestu osób. Tylko jedną zabiła
choroba. Większość najprawdopodobniej umarła od szczepionki.

5 lutego do lekarza w bazie Fort Dix w New Jersey zgłosił się 19-letni żołnierz. Miał typowe
objawy dla grypy. Kiedy umierał dwa tygodnie później, władze już wiedziały, że zachorował na
świńską grypę. Podobnie jak 500 jego kolegów z bazy.

W obliczu epidemii Biały Dom szybko przystąpił do akcji. Rozpoczęto prace nad szczepionką.
Była gotowa po kilku miesiącach. W październiku w całych Stanach zarządzono masowy program


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szczepień. W telewizji pojawiły się reklamy zachęcajace do wizyty u lekarza. Nawet prezydent
Gerald Ford pozował do zdjęć dostając zastrzyk.



Akcja kosztowała ponad 100 milionów dolarów, czyli około pół miliarda przy uwzględnieniu
dzisiejszej wartości pieniądza. Przerwano ją po 10 dniach. 11 października po podaniu
szczepionki w Pittsburghu zmarły trzy osoby. Dopiero później okazało się, że szczepionka nie
spowodowała ich śmierci
, ale grypa na pewno się do niej przyczyniła.

>>>Szczepionka na świńską grypę za 2 miesiące. Ale nie u nas

"Oni mieli problemy z sercem i oddychaniem. Powstało więc podstawowe pytanie: czy starsi ludzie
z problemami kardiologicznymi i z niewydolnością układu oddechowego powinni być zmuszani do
długotrwałego stania w kolejkach? Na jaki stres ich narażono?" - mówi WTAE Channel 4 dr Cyril
Wecht z Pittsburgha.

Od razu zamknięto większość klinik, w których szczepiono ludzi. Ale ludzie nadal umierali.
Okazało się, że u części zaszczepionych rozwinął się zespół Guillain-Barré'a, paraliżujący
niektóre nerwy. W jego wyniku zmarło około 30 osób.

Ostatecznie program szczepień przerwano w połowie grudnia. Do tego momentu zastrzyk mający
chronić przed świńska grypą dostało ponad 50 milionów Amerykanów.

Teraz kolejni obywatele USA zarażają się nowym szczepem grypy. Ale jak na razie jest tylko jedna
ofiara śmiertelna - małe dziecko. Czy masowe szczepienia w 1976 roku mogą mieć z tym związek?

Jak pisze na swoich stronach WTAE Channel 4, amerykańscy lekarze nie mają takiej pewności.
Ale mimo tego, że nowa odmiana choroby jest świeżą mutacją, zaszczepieni przed 33 laty mogą
być na nią bardziej odporni


Polska nie zarezerowowała leku

poniedziałek 27 kwietnia 2009 13:04

Szczepionka za dwa miesiące, ale nie u nas

Opracowanie szczepionki na świńską grypę zajmie minimum osiem tygodni. Co nie znaczy, że po
tym czasie trafi ona do Polski. ”Polska nie będzie miała pierwszeństwa w dostępie do szczepionki”
- mówi Anna Olszewska, rzeczniczka producenta leków GlaxoSmithKline.

Zdaniem specjalistów osiem tygodni to minimalny czas na przygotowanie szczepionki. "Jednak
jej opracowanie nie oznacza zapewnienia jej dostępności w Polsce" - mówi Olszewska.
Pierwszeństwo w dostępie do szczepionki będą miały kraje, które już zarezerwowały szczepionkę
dla obywateli. Polska takiego kontraktu nie podpisała.


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W ocenie Olszewskiej, rozwiązaniem dostępnym bezzwłocznie, które należałoby uwzględnić w
pierwszym rzędzie, jest zastosowanie leków przeciwwirusowych. "Przy czym również w tym
przypadku należy zdawać sobie sprawę, że światowe zapotrzebowanie na leki przeciwwirusowe
może znacznie przewyższyć możliwości produkcyjne firm
farmaceutycznych" - zaznacza

"Jeżeli dojdzie do przeobrażenia się epidemii w pandemię, to będzie to pierwszy raz w historii
ludzkości, kiedy będzie można walczyć z nią całym arsenałem rozwiązań medycznych" - mówi
rzeczniczka GlaxoSmithKline.

W kontekście przygotowań do ewentualnego wybuchu pandemii grypy firma GSK współpracuje ze
Światową Organizacją Zdrowia i światowymi agencjami odpowiedzialnymi za bezpieczeństwo
sanitarne. Produkowany przez GSK lek zanamivir (Relenza) jest jednym z dwóch leków
przeciwwirusowych, aktywnych w stosunku do H1N1
- wirusa zidentyfikowanego jako
przyczyna zakażeń zaobserwowanych w Meksyku.

GSK prowadzi dialog z polskim rządem na temat zabezpieczenia kraju w produkty pandemiczne, w
tym lek zanamivir. Światowe agencje - ECDC, UK Royal Society and the Academy of Medical
Sciences - w związku z możliwością rozwoju lekooporności w stosunku do leków
przeciwwirusowych, zalecają ich dywersyfikację, czyli zgromadzenie zapasów obu produktów:
zanamiviru (Relenza) i oseltamiviru (Tamiflu).

Temat kontrowersyjnych szczepionek z 1976 roku, kiedy to ówczesny Prezydent USA Gerald Ford
dzielnie podwijał rękę aby pokazać Amerykanom, że i on się nie boi, poruszony został 3 lata
później w ogólno amerykańskim programie telewizyjnym sieci CBS “60 Minutes”. Rząd USA już
wtedy zadecydował, że każdy Amerykanin powinien zostać zaszczepiony, 46 milionów
Amerykanów się zdecydowało, a kilka lat później ok. 4 tysiące z nich sądziło się o blisko 3.5
miliarda dolarów z uwagi na szkody poniesione na zdrowiu, a w 300 przypadkach nawet śmierć.

W materiale archiwalnym Ford straszy Amerykanów grypą z 1918 roku. Jako przykład osoby
poszkodowanej w programie występuje Judy Roberts, która została sparaliżowana po

Co ciekawe świńska grypa 1976 śmiertelnie zaatakowała po raz pierwszy w Fort Dix, gdzie

żołnierze już rok wcześniej zostali … zaszczepieni na tę właśnie grypę! (zob:


) już pojawił się


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Poza tym przypadkiem innych potwierdzonych zachorowań nie było. Ludzie, którzy wtedy
pracowali w agencji rządowej, która podjęła decyzję o masowych szczepieniach kilka lat później
pracowali dla prywatnych firm.

Sytuacja wygląda podobnie dzisiaj, z tym, że szczepienia mają dotyczyć całego świata.

Nagranie wideo programu CBS znajduje się pod następującym linkiem:


WHO – wszystkie kraje powinny zaszczepić całą swoją ludność…

Szybkie tłumaczenie fragmentów wpisu blogu Jane Burgermeister z dn 13 lipca 2009 r.

(All countries must give entire population H1N1 jab, orders WHO * Baxter executives sit on
WHO “advisory vaccine board” * Dr Chan does not appear at press briefing as expected

Jak wynika z dokumentów dostarczonych Jane Burgermeister przez rzecznika WHO Aphaluck
Bhatiasevi oficjele z firm farmaceutycznych Baxter, Novartis, GSK i Sanofi Pasteur zasiadają w
grupie doradczej rekomendującej obowiązkowe szczepienia na wirusa H1N1 Światowej
Organizacji Zdrowia (WHO) (


WHO ).

Rzecznik potwierdził też, że Dyrektor Generalny WHO dr Margaret Chan nie wzięła udziału w
poniedziałkowej konferencji prasowej w centrali WHO w Genewie, która miała miejsce o godzinie

Natomiast dr Marie-Paule Kieny oświadczyła, że “szczepionki będą potrzebne we wszystkich

Według WHO toksyczne szczepionki stworzone z m.in. z rozrzedzonych żywych wirusów grypy są
bardzo ważne. Powinny być nimi zaszczepieni m.in. pracownicy służby zdrowia, kobiety ciężarne,
młodzi zdrowi ludzie w wieku od 15 do 49 lat, zdrowe dzieci.

Jak wynika z oświadczenia prasowego zamieszczonego na stronie WHO, grupa doradcza złożona z
przedstawicieli firm farmaceutycznych, którzy mają status “obserwatorów” zarekomendowała
WHO przeprowadzenie następujących kroków:

“Jako pierwszą czynność wszystkie kraje powinny uodpornić pracowników służby zdrowia aby
ochronić jej strukturę. Z uwagi na to, że szczepionki początkowo będą w ograniczonej ilości,
dlatego należy rozsądnie rozdzielać pomiędzy poszczególne grupy. Zaproponowano następujący
podział: kobiety ciężarne, dzieci powyżej 6 miesiąca życia z jedną z chronicznych chorób, zdrowi
dorośli w wieku 15 do 49 lat, zdrowe dzieci, zdrowi dorośli od 50 do 64 roku życia oraz zdrowi
dorośli powyżej 65 roku życia, przy czym podział powinien być dopasowany do specyfiki danego


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Dr Margaret Chan 11 lipca uznała te wskazówki za właściwe i dobrze dostosowane do aktualnego
rozwoju pandemii.

Baxter weźmie udział w operacji “w stylu militarnym”
szczepienia całej populacji Wielkiej Brytanii przeciwko
“świńskiej grypie”

(szybkie tłumaczenie)

Jak podaje na swoim blogu

Case about bird flu

dziennikarka austriacka Jane Burgermeister, firma

Baxter, która jest obecnie podejrzanym o produkcję i dystrybucję 72 kilo szczepionki zawierającej
żywy wirus “ptasiej grypy” w śledztwie austriackiej policji, będzie odgrywać główną rolę w
szczepieniach całej populacji Wielkiej Brytanii. Niesprawdzona szczepionka z wirusem
dostarczonym przez Światową Organizację Zdrowia (WHO, która jest również podejrzanym w
śledztwie, przyp. red.), będzie stosowana przeciwko sztucznie stworzonemu wirusowi H1N1.
Jak podaje CLG (patrz poniżej) operacja w “militarnym stylu” zostanie przeprowadzona na jesieni.

“Szczepionka będzie mogła być stosowana po 5 dniowym okresie prób. Decydenci z Europejskiej
Agencji Medycznej (European Medicines Agency EMEA) twierdzą, że te szybkie procedury są
możliwe dzięki próbom klinicznym na “makiecie” podobnej szczepionki do tej, która zostanie
użyta w największej akcji szczepienia od pokoleń. Szczepionka będzie używana do powszechnych
szczepień, lecz nadal będą prowadzone testy kliniczne. Pierwsi pacjenci w kolejce do szczepień
szczepionką dostarczoną do Wlk Brytanii przez GSK i Baxter Healthcare mogą być, więc
zaniepokojeni, co do efektów ubocznych. W USA w latach 70-tych akcja masowych szczepień
została wstrzymana po tym jak zaszczepieni pacjenci zachorowali na chorobę układu nerwowego,
tzw. zespół Guillain-Barré”.

Baxter involved in “military-style operation” to give entire UK population H1N1 jab
July 12, 2009 by birdflu666
Baxter, the company currently under investigation by the Austrian police for manufacturing and
distributing 72 kilos of vaccine material with live bird flu virus, a virus which was supplied by
WHO, is to play a leading role in the mass vaccination of the entire UK population with an
unproven substance against the artificial H1N1 virus in a “military-style operation” this autumn,
reports CLG.

“H1N1 flu: UK to vaccinate 30 people an hour in ‘military-style operation’ –Swine flu vaccine to
be cleared after five-day trial 12 Jul 2009

When the new vaccine for swine flu arrives in Britain, regulators said this weekend, it could be
approved for use in just five days. Regulators at the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) said the
fast-tracked procedure has involved clinical trials of a “mock-up” vaccine similar to the one that
will be used for the biggest mass vaccination programme in generations. It will be introduced into
the general population while regulators continue to carry out simultaneous clinical trials. The first
patients in the queue for the jab – being supplied to the UK by GSK and Baxter Healthcare – may
understandably be a little nervous at any possible side effects. A mass vaccination campaign
against swine flu in America was halted in the 1970s after some people suffered Guillain-Barré


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syndrome, a disorder of the nervous system.
Swine flu vaccine to be given to entire population –The NHS is preparing to vaccinate the entire
population against swine flu.”



The “unseen hand” moving the chess pieces. Just who is
behind WHO?

July 16, 2009 by birdflu666

Looking at this international organised corporate crime syndicate in action as it moves forward to
impose a forced vaccination agenda across the globe is like looking at a game of chess unfolding
before our very eyes.

In chess, two armies face each other across a black and white board of 64 squares. The chess player
moves his or her pieces forward in a coordinated way to carry out a strategy or a plan. In the same
way, this crime syndicate is clearly moving the various agents and organisations it controls
forwards in a coordinated and synchronised way to carry out a long-term plan of depopulation in
parallel with a deliberate destruction of the world’s economy and that in order to gain the ultimate
strategic prize: total domination of the world. Check mate.

Among the chess figures this corporate crime syndicate control seem to control are WHO, the UN,
various government microbiology labs and vaccine companies as well as governments, health
ministries and the media not to mention their banking and other military assets.

Like an interlocking line of pawns, the corporate media outlets are concealing the line of attack
from the people of the world. The black chess army is bearing down on us, but how many of us
even know it?

Right now the monolithic propaganda apparatus of the corporate media is, however, being
threatened by the internet. No wonder that John Rockefeller — the Rockefeller’s are major funders
of WHO — is rushing through legislation which can be used to close parts of the internet down in
three months or so to coincide with the mass vaccinations to be forced on the world by WHO.

But just who are these chess players behind this genocidal agenda? What are their names?
Whose is the “unseen hand” that moves the black chess figures across the board? Who has
created these these agencies of death to do their work for them and all in the name of
“health”? And what motivates them?

In history, we have seen great evil personified in figures like Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin and Emperor
Nero. There have been many evil political systems, too, such as Fascism and Communism. And yet
today the corporate media that is owned by the same people who control WHO and the vaccine
companies suggests to us that there is no such thing as evil. It is a projection, an invention, a


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figment of our imagination. But even if evil is real, we have a choice about whether we let it into
our psyches.

Even though we find outselves in the middle of a play of forces we do not want, under stress and
pressure, we still have the final choice. We can chose to fight for the good. As individuals working
together, we also have the power to change society.

This international corporate elite, their motives and our choices when confronted with evil are the
themes of Rebecca Campbell’s play THE REVOLT OF THE PAWNS which you can find in tis
entirety on scribd, though the first part is below.


Contact Information:


This play is about someone who meets the core members of the international crime group on their
own home ground, so to speak, and sees their manipulation, lust for power and deceit at first hand.

Alethea Seymour, a communications expert, enjoys all the prestige that comes with a top post at
Homeland Security as well as the friendship of the respected Native American Lieutenant General
Harold Soaring Eagle. But when she is invited to the annual meeting of the inner core of the global
elite held in a Swiss mountain resort, she is compelled to confront evil and also her own choices.

A thank you to Rebecca Campbell in Seattle for sharing with us her insights about who is moving
the chess pieces of the “black army”, what their strategy is and how they think and feel. Know your
enemy, said Sun Tzu. And literature is an excellent way for us to come to understand the workings
of the minds of others, their thoughts, emotions, values and motivations.



Scene 1

A well-known corporate-franchise coffee house in the Georgetown district of Washington, DC,
early one winter morning. Two people are sitting downstage talking: Alethea Seymour and Lt. Gen.
Harold Soaring Eagle.

SOARING EAGLE: I’m glad I had one last chance to talk to you, Alethea, before I leave this
swamp on the Potomac. I’m sick and tired of it and its quicksands. They pull you under if you
make just one false move. This place is another example. Looks innocent enough, don’t you think?
A swank coffee bar like so many others in Georgetown…

ALETHEA: But appearances can deceive….

SOARING EAGLE: Also in your case….

ALETHEA: I know, I know. Most people are shocked to hear I work for Homeland Security.
Homeland Security conjures up the Gestapo. Brown Shirts, thugs in uniform. Yet I would seem to
be the very face of civilized culture. But what happened in this place? You haven’t told me….


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SOARING EAGLE: This is the place where that White House intern was murdered in December.

ALETHEA: Murdered in this place?

SOARING EAGLE: Murdered execution-style with two of her young colleagues. She was a part-
time manager on the evening shift. Conveniently, they never found the killers.

ALETHEA: And to thinkI knew everything that went on here in Washington…

SOARING EAGLE: Who does, whenever the government itself commits the crime? There was no
real investigation.

ALETHEA SEYMOUR: (politely stifling a yawn) Sorry, I’m not yet awake.

SOARING EAGLE: I know. May I buy you some coffee? Smelling the coffee may help you wake
up — to put it backwards.

A: You do have it backwards, Harold – you know I prefer tea. You know I always drink tea in the
morning, and like to look at the tea leaves for the patterns, for signs of the future…

SOARING EAGLE: Do you find them there?

ALETHEA: (smiling mischievously) Yes — just like you and the conspiracy theorists! I see a
deeper meaning in the smallest thing! I want to look at the tea leaves today to see your future, now
that you’re retired from the Air Force. I find it intriguing that, not only are you the military’s
youngest general ever, but also its quickest retired on reaching that rank.

SOARING EAGLE: That’s because I also found it intriguing, shall we say. Too intriguing. I’m a
straightforward foot soldier, not a sniper.

ALETHEA: You are also my oldest friend. You will be missed, at least by me, Harold.

SOARING EAGLE: But I will not miss working as one of the guardians of the American Empire.
It routinely destroys the people of other nations — just as it is about to destroy its own.

ALETHEA SEYMOUR: (playfully) I guess that you have indeed become one of the conspiracy
theorists that we in Homeland Security find so very vexing! I am going to rename you Boring
Eagle instead of Soaring Eagle if you keep it up, Harold!

SOARING EAGLE: (half-smiling) Fine, and I will call you Lethe. Yes — I’ll torture you with the
nickname you hate but which is actually very apt! Lethe — that oh-so-calm river of forgetful denial
that flowed through the Greeks’ underworld.

ALETHEA SEYMOUR: That’s the Geeks’ underworld, Harry — and I thought the river of denial
was in Egypt — not in Hades. Like most Americans, you have no sense of geography!

SOARING EAGLE: Or history. But this has no relevance, Lethe. You forget, I am not an
American. I am a Native American. I will be even less an American when, after my early
separation from the military, I rejoin my tribe.


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I’ll tell you something you didn’t hear in the mainstream media busy keeping us all diverted from
the real news in our world. My tribe just reasserted our sovereignty. We have effectively seceded
from the American Empire. This is what the American people now need to do: secede from a
national government that seceded from them long ago.

This week, the US Congress apologized to native people for past abuses against them. At the same
time this week, government goons were kidnapping and torturing some of our elder clan mothers.
They did this because our elder clan mothers were protecting our lands from illegal government-
sponsored development. The underground river of forgetful denial that presently flows beneath the
white man’s world crests in North America .

ALETHEA SEYMOUR: (drily) If you keep this up, Harold, I will leave without drinking my tea –
and that will be a shame. I will not listen to treason, particularly if it is so minor that the
mainstream media has not seen fit to mention it. You are also selectively sexist in your
condemnation: I am a white woman who actively supports this “white man’s empire” as you call it
as an official of Homeland Security in this supposed evil empire.

SOARING EAGLE: The white man’s patriarchal pyramid scam still rules your world. It uses smart
women like you as its handmaidens. There are many things these money-stopped mainstream
media mouthpieces do not say. News going unreported proves nothing but its possible truth. To
insist on humanity and decency as a standard for union is not treason.

ALETHEA SEYMOUR: What passes for union of any type in this our nation’s capital knows no
standards of any kind — only opportunism. People here will not give you the time of day unless
they want something from you. We live in a world where conscience has become a handicap. But it
is treason still to suggest so extreme a remedy for such commonly accepted conduct as being driven
by desire for power and wealth.

(She pleads winsomely) Let’s change the subject, Harry, before the subject changes us from being
what we have always been — devoted childhood friends. Such rigid righteousness may keep us
from experiencing the better things that life can offer those more flexible in their approach.
Remember — I was once your baby sitter — and may yet be again!

SOARING EAGLE: We are no more children, Alethea. You are no longer my babysitter. Nor will
you be in the future. I will do all that conscience may command, but then no more. If that is
deemed a fault, so be it. Complicity with corruption is to me the greatest fault. And the truest
treason. Even more so, when it infects those who would otherwise do right and makes them do
wrong. Or worse, do nothing.

Yes, what you say is true, Lethe. We have long been friends. But this subject may have already
changed one of us into someone I no longer know. The US government you help to run is the real
axis of evil in the world. The American people in their political passiveness have now become
accessories to global genocide.

The Age of Dinosaurs has never passed. It is said by my people that the cruel, shape-shifting lizard
people from beyond the dark star secretly rule this world. They do so through a small hybrid
planetary elite that controls the financial systems of the world. Corporate-controlled national
governments and their militaries now act as their puppets. They intend to destroy the peoples of this
planet to achieve control of it by any and all means. They long ago destroyed one mighty continent,
and now seek to destroy this one.


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Literally beneath the radar, my air force command on the northern plains just stopped an unmarked
military aircraft. It was carrying nuclear missiles being secretly sent to the Persian Gulf to start a
nuclear war. We have seen unmarked airplanes high up in the skies. They are spreading poisons in
the heavens, upon the earth and upon the people. My people have seen foreign troops on top-secret
maneuvers with American special forces and mercenaries crossing our lands. We have seen
mysterious trains with prison cars going west guarded by black helicopters.

These are planned to eventually transport freedom-loving Americans like cattle to secret
concentration camps. The government department you head, Homeland Security, has
commissioned these to be built. They are where dissenting US citizens are to be penned for the rest
of their lives and possibly slaughtered.

The vast human, natural and financial resources of the American people are being ruthlessly looted
and squandered. This is so that all of us, our children and our animal and plant cousins, will die out
or be in want. This you know, though you pretend you do not. You go and do your work everyday
as if you work in a kindergarten, without ever thinking of the consequences. You talk to me as if I
were your baby brother. Perhaps this is because I am not one of your people, whom your
government would betray.

ALETHEA SEYMOUR: My government, Harold? And should we respect those who live their
truth only in their retirement? I will ignore for the moment your years of military service to the very
government you are now so critical of. And I’ll overlook your betrayal of state secrets liberally
mixed with fantasy. Your status as a native shaman gives you a certain leeway, a poetic license if
you will, Harold; if I were to talk like you, I’d be considered insane, as well as disloyal and suspect.

SOARING EAGLE: No more insane or treacherous than those who secretly rule the world. You are
going to meet many of them this weekend, aren’t you? Going to meet some of the key figures in
this shadow government…

ALETHEA SEYMOUR: I don’t know what you’re saying, Harold, any more than you do. I think I
need to be going or I’ll be late for the hearing…

SOARING EAGLE: You know very well what I am saying, Alethea. No, you don’t need to go.
You may choose to go. You may choose to go away from me and go to them. You may choose to
travel toward the light. You may choose to travel toward the darkness. But it is always your choice.
Please choose to flee this unimaginable evil. Please do so before it consumes you, as it now seeks
to consume the earth.

ALETHEA SEYMOUR: (archly) Heavens, Harold — would you, of the air force high command,
forbid my use of frequent flyer miles and long-accrued vacation time this weekend because of
ancient myths?

SOARING EAGLE: (with equal archness) No Lethe — but I would certainly advise you to avoid
airport security. You would then be subjected to what your own Homeland Security department has
put in place for travelers.

(Shifting to a somber tone) These are obviously not ancient myths, Lethe. They are worldwide
atrocities happening now. You could help to end it, but you actually help the cogs of this death
machine keep turning. We all need to wake up from the evil spell the dark ones have cast over the
earth. Together we need to stand up strong. Together we need to speak truth to power. We as


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citizens of this planet need to be willing to sacrifice our lives — not our principles. Only then can
the power of the spirit descend to save us.

ALETHEA: (swiftly rising and seizing her briefcase) The truth is, I need to stand and go, so as not
to be late for an extremely important congressional hearing that speaks to power — truth or not —
or I will be in trouble. Much is tolerated in Washington but not being late for a congressional
hearing. This in my view would be sufficient sacrifice of burnt offerings to principle, as I would
then be toast!

You might consider visiting one of those free community mental health clinics on the reservation
after you get there, Harold. You might also consider being more circumspect with what you say, to
maintain your physical survival, as well as that of those close to you.

Go with God — although “Great Spirit” may just now be more politically correct.

SOARING EAGLE: (also rising and extending his hand) If not more politically expedient. I see
you have for the moment chosen other company. If you should ever choose to rejoin ours, you and
your lady would be welcome in Indian country. Please give her my regards.

ALETHEA SEYMOUR: (placing two twenty dollar bills in his outstretched hand) I don’t know
what you’re talking about, any more than you do, Harold. Please see that the counter help is paid
generously for their services.

SOARING EAGLE: (raising a palm in refusal and handing the money back) I see you would
substitute money for relationship. This is often done in your world. Keep your money for those
easier tempted, Alethea. I will take care of it. I only wish you would take tips as well as you give
them. Then there would be no hell to pay.

ALETHEA SEYMOUR : If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride — as well as plains-
dwelling Indians whose wishes — like them — no longer fly. (She lifts her teacup in mock toast)
Best wishes for a retirement better grounded in reality, Harold.

SOARING EAGLE: (giving the Nazi salute) Even better wishes for your continued rise to power,
Alethea. May you also eventually return to Mother Earth. There you may find the long-buried
remnants of your own integrity!

(Alethea Seymour hastily exits, followed by Soaring Eagle’s searing gaze.)

Scene 2

A congressional hearing room in the United States Capitol building. A closed hearing of the Joint
US Senate/House Committee on Homeland Security is in session. Senator Joe McRath, Chair,
presides, flanked by Senators Sonorio Djembe, Melanie Bankraft Morton and Pauline McKinley
Dennis, who sits nearest the audience at one table at stage right; four congressmen are also present
on the opposite table at stage left. Alethea Seymour sits at a center table with microphones facing
the audience.

SEN. McRATH: (banging gavel) This closed meeting of the Joint US Senate/House Committee on
Homeland Security will now come to order. Alethea Seymour, Assistant Secretary of the US


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Department of Homeland Security will be our only scheduled witness today. Please proceed with
your testimony, Secretary Seymour.

ALETHEA SEYMOUR : (putting on her spectacles) I wish to thank the chairman and members of
this committee for so readily consenting to hold a closed session today in order to hear this
testimony dealing with grave issues of national security. We would also like to thank you for
keeping these hearings out of the mainstream media and The Congressional Record with the help,
of course, of our widespread, well-organized network of media associates.

I will begin by summarizing what the testimony of the past several days has told us, followed by
vital new information and your questions and comments.

Our American homeland is, as you know, presently being besieged by foreign terrorists. This
became most evident from the events of September 11, 2001 and afterward.

We are also equally endangered by domestic terrorists being targeted by the Domestic Terrorism
Preemption Act being considered by this committee. These domestic terrorists include the anti-
corporate globalization, peace, environmental, impeachment and 9/11 Truth movements which
have spread hate speech and vicious disinformation, particularly on the internet, concerning the
present presidential administration and the present Congress. These grassroots groups are
ideological terrorists who would undermine the security of the United States government and those
who serve it, and they must therefore be more closely controlled or eliminated to maintain America
as we have known it as it fights the war on terror throughout the world.

We have in the bill before you proposed a number of provisions that may facilitate this end. This
includes the establishment of regional commissions with the power to subpoena anyone at any time
concerning reported instances of domestic violent or ideological terrorism. It includes the
establishment of federally-funded regional academic centers for the study of such terrorism, whose
findings can be immediately forwarded to the appropriate federal authorities. This includes the best
practices of security-conscious allied nations.

It includes an expanded definition of ideological domestic terrorism as being any form of
disinformation or hate speech delivered by means of the internet, US mail or alternative media, and
any disruptive political demonstrations and disruptive nonviolent civil disobedience directed
against the executive orders and laws of the federal government, particularly any sitting president
and/or Congress during time of war. This bill also includes, in this expanded interpretation,
enhanced powers given to private internet service providers and telecommunications corporations
for blocking ideological terrorist activities, and immunity for their cooperation with federal
authorities in civilian message surveillance.

As you know, the US House of Representatives has already passed the Domestic Terrorism
Preemption Act by a lop-sided margin of 404-6; this shows the patriotism and statesmanship of this
august body. However, as you also know, the progress of this much-needed legislation in the
Senate is now being impeded by the misguided will of millions of your constituents who,
unfortunately, now know about it, despite our mainstream media blackout, and are presently acting
against their own best interests, in which you and the majority of your congressional colleagues are
attempting to act.

This is due to demagoguery by agents of the aforementioned grassroots domestic terrorist
movements who misinformed and then mobilized their members via the internet to oppose it. I


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would therefore suggest to you that this bill be temporarily buried in the Senate Homeland Security
Committee, so that we can bring it out of that committee onto the Senate floor to be approved at a
more opportune time, accompanied by companion legislation to more tightly control the internet
through progressive privatization of its services.

Such an opportune time will doubtless soon occur, due to the classified material concerning
Continuity of Government that I am about to present to you, with the full approval of the US
Department Homeland Security and the White House:

The United States Government is about to declare bankruptcy accompanied by a bank holiday,
while providing massive bailout monies to large corporations. This will likely be followed by a
national pandemic of highly lethal influenza that may wipe out eighty percent of the US population.

Our efforts to help them in these crises will likely be irrationally resisted by the ill-informed
general public, particularly the domestic terrorist movements that I have just mentioned, including
large, continual, ubiquitous political demonstrations and disruptive nonviolent civil disobedience
that erodes morale in the homeland and makes its defense that much more difficult to successfully

It is therefore likely that the president will be forced to declare martial law, calling upon, not only
US military forces, as allowed under the US Constitution, and state national guards, as now allowed
under the Military Commissions Act, but private security contractors, as allowed by many no-bid
corporate contracts discreetly finalized by Homeland Security, as well as foreign forces provided
under the North American Continental Consolidation Compact secretly signed last month by our
federal government with those of Canada and Mexico.

It is also likely that we will be forced to activate the 800 secret camps with appropriate transport
thereto discreetly contracted by Homeland Security in recent years to contain and control
indefinitely all identified domestic terrorists by all means necessary. This will include, if deemed
necessary by the president, mass executions for treason as ordered.

I, as Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security, want to personally assure you and your
congressional colleagues on behalf of the president and secretary, that you, your families and
designated associates will be immune from these unfortunate though absolutely essential official
actions and will be afforded safe places for you and yours to comfortably reside should the need
arise. You will also continue to receive your congressional salaries and benefits, including
protection of your persons and your personal assets during this period.

We would appreciate your waiting to discuss with your congressional colleagues the information
just presented until we are able to definitely arrange an historic closed joint session of Congress —
only the fourth in American history — with congressional leaders, tentatively scheduled for next

We apologize for any discomfort that this statement may cause, but thought that you would want to
be informed of these measures prior to their possible implementation. Thank you in advance for
your cooperation. I will now entertain any questions or comments you might have.

There is a long, shocked silence, then Senator Pauline McKinley Dennis speaks.

SEN. DENNIS: (defiantly) I for one am feeling some discomfort.


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So let me get this straight: after officials of the executive branch of the federal government commit
treason against the American people and international law by twice in the past decade illegally
engaging in preemptive war based on lies and declaring martial law to eliminate anybody who
objects to this, we of the federal legislative branch will be accommodated, if we accommodate your
treason by secretly passing this faux-patriotic bill supposedly justifying it.

So let me get this straight: This will save our fat assets — our fat assets being, not only massive
campaign contributions from corporate war profiteers, but the current congressional millionaire
majority being able to preserve their quarter-billion dollars in personal investments in military and
homeland security contractors, making war hugely profitable for them if not for most of the
American people at whose expense — both financial and personal — this comes — particularly
people of color: whose children, instead of theirs, will fight and die in yet another illegal, immoral
war against other poor people in other poor lands, bankrupting our country and theirs materially
and morally for many future generations.

So let me get this straight: The current Congress will not pursue impeachment or any other form of
investigation that might reveal their own complicity in the crimes against humanity and nature
perpetrated by the current administration, and in recent times by covert elements of the United
States Government throughout the world.

So let me get this straight: “homeland security”, a term that was not heard in this country before the
current regime, but heard only before in Nazi Germany and its short-lived but ruthless reich, is now
more important than human freedom, as well as truth and human rights that ensure that freedom.

So let me get this straight: Our republic and its constitution are dead, like that of ancient Rome
when it became an empire, and the vision of our founders, however limited it was — and it was
very limited, leaving out the rights of women and minorities, as well as the notion of real grassroots
democracy — though with constructive corrective process in its constitution — this great vision has
been blinded by writing implements in the hands of highly placed psychopaths who also use them
to sign secret executive orders as weapons of mass destruction, endangering the very existence of
our nation and others throughout the planet.

So let me get this straight: Liberty ’s lamp has now been put out in America, no more to be seen as
a light to the world.

SEN. McRATH: (banging his gavel) The senator is out of order!

SEN. DENNIS: What — was there a line? With Homeland Security speaking, I guess there was,
but of what I won’t say! It is entirely appropriate to call this proposed legislation an “act of
Congress”, since it exists to gang-rape the American people! (angrily picking up her papers and
slipping them into a file) I’m not only walking out on this evil scam right now — I’m going to
expose it to my constituents and the world!

SEN. MORTON: Good luck — I don’t think you’ll get the media to cover it, Pauline.

SEN. DENNIS: Probably not, with it so busy covering your fat white assets!

SEN. DJEMBE: (smirking) I object — my “assets” are not white, any more than yours are!


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SEN. DENNIS: They may as well be, when your liver is, Son-OREO! Unlike you all, my assets are
nonexistent, other than my salary, my home and my own integrity.

SEN. McRATH (sharply beating his gavel) You’re out of order, Senator Dennis!

SEN. DENNIS: Is that New World Order, Senator McRath?! Then that’s just where, for the sake of
my soul, I want to be! Goodbye to all you folks — if you choose to remain in so dark a place as this
takes us! (Senator Dennis exits, stage right.)

SEN. MORTON: (calling after her) Are you sure it’s politically correct to use the term “dark”,
Senator? Thanks for flaring!

SEN. DJEMBE: We apologize for her rude behavior, Secretary Seymour.

ALETHEA SEYMOUR : It’s to be expected; I’ve dealt with those of her ilk many times before.
(She yawns and stretches.) Are there any other questions — as opposed to rants?

(There is laughter, then loud silence.)

SEN. McRATH: (quickly banging his gavel) Then this closed meeting of the Joint US
Senate/House Homeland Security Committee is adjourned! Thank you for your attendance!
(McRath quietly approaches Seymour as she snaps her briefcase shut and puts away her spectacles)
I heard that you’re meeting with His Preeminence this evening.

ALETHEA SEYMOUR: You heard right, though you shouldn’t have heard at all.

SEN. McRATH: Congratulations on your upcoming induction this weekend! You need to tell him
about McKinley Dennis’ tantrum here; she could create a lot of trouble for us.

ALETHEA SEYMOUR : He has probably already heard. Fortunately, loose cannons often misfire,
and when they do, misfire loudly. But I’ll make sure this meeting here today does not make the
news. Thank you, Joe — congratulations to you as well. See you this weekend!

Seymour exits, stage left, leaving McRath looking quickly after her, then to his papers and
briefcase on the table.

Scene 3

The penthouse of a five-star hotel in Washington DC . Alethea Seymour is ushered in from stage
right by a male Aide to meet Darwin Rockshield, President Emeritus of the Foundation for
International Association and Trade (FIAT). Rockshield remains sitting at stage left as he greets
her; he does not extend his hand but only nods in her general direction.

ROCKSHIELD: Good evening, Ms. Seymour. Your reputation exceeds you.

ALETHEA SEYMOUR: (wryly) Good evening, Mr. Rockshield — your reputation so far seems

ROCKSHIELD: I am not certain I want to know just what that means, but thank you for coming
here at such short notice. Don’t just stand there — sit down, girl!


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ALETHEA SEYMOUR: (wryly) Yes sir, Mr. Rockshield!

ROCKSHIELD: We of the FIAT Directorate have long noted your outstanding service to the New
World Order, particularly as a brilliant multilingual speechwriter for our political candidates
internationally, your highly effective lobbying and your brilliant public relations and document-
drafting abilities.

Your prescient first drafts of the Telecommunications, PATRIOT, Military Commissions and
Domestic Terrorism Preemption Acts, as well as the NAFTA and the North American Continental
Consolidation Treaties, have anticipated and preempted any attempts by proponents of radical
populism to rein in private enterprise in the international media and political markets, or the plans
of the New World Order for full spectrum dominance globally.

Accordingly, we would like to reward your many years of outstanding service by offering you a
directorship of FIAT, one of the few ever offered to a mere woman, at our upcoming annual
meeting this weekend. I assume you will accept this honor. I also assume that you will be glad to be
assigned as such to work on our Information Control and Population Control Working Groups. The
Population Control Working Group will be meeting this weekend just after the plenary. It is our
most diverse group, both member- and tactics-wise, so I am certain you will find it fascinating.

ALETHEA SEYMOUR: Do I have a choice?

ROCKSHIELD: There is always a choice. You could choose not to accept this honor and its
attendant responsibilities; this might result in your premature exit from power at Homeland
Security; or you could choose to accept it, which might result in your being a full member of the
cabinet of the next American presidential administration we install in DC. Do you know what “DC”
stands for, Ms. Seymour?

ALETHEA SEYMOUR: (wryly) From my experience, it doesn’t stand for anything at all!

ROCKSHIELD: (his thin lips twisting into the semblance of a closed-mouth smile) That’s very true
as well — but I was going to say, “Dykes’ Closet”. I understand that you’ve been living in “DC”
for quite some time now, and want to remain there. So I urge you to accept our generous offer.

ALETHEA SEYMOUR: (visibly struggling to control her discomfort) I accept — but do you?

ROCKSHIELD: I accept without prejudice any tool we can use to maintain our power — even if it
has a hole in it. (He takes an envelope from the side table and hands it to her) Here is a token of our
appreciation, as well as that of your and your girlfriend’s’ separate adjoining condominiums, to
make sure you can continue living in “DC”: a check in the amount of $2 million to retire what you
both still owe without prejudice. Do you accept?

ALETHEA SEYMOUR: I beg to differ, sir: you certainly do have prejudice. And I really do not
have much choice, because I have a secret control file — like you have on most high-level federal
officials. Is this correct?

ROCKSHIELD: You are not only correct, but you are also very wise. You would be even wiser if
you would avoid any further contact with your childhood playmate, outgoing Air Force Lt. Gen.
Harold Soaring Eagle, whom you saw this morning in the coffeehouse before going to so


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authoritatively testify at the joint congressional committee hearing earlier today. You and he can
thereby better extend your lifespans.

Also, please be aware that we are going to box up the supersized buns of Aunt Jemima who acted
out in the committee room today. She’s one of the few in Congress who managed to slip in without
us having a file on her. This is rare, but occasionally happens, even with the best of our many

So, Ms. Seymour, are we on the same page?

ALETHEA SEYMOUR: (drily) I believe so, sir — the one that can be ripped out at any time. What
else will this new “honor” conferred by FIAT involve besides these working groups?

Rockshield’s telephone rings; he picks it up. Rockshield waves her away dismissively, picking up
his phone while remaining seated.

ROCKSHIELD: (his hand over the receiver) Good day, Ms. Seymour — so good of you to come
here this evening. We’ll see you at our convocation this weekend for your installation into FIAT’s
directorate, as well as for fun and games that we’re sure you will enjoy!

Rolling her eyes as she turns away, Alethea Seymour exits stage right gazing at the envelope just
given her, as Rockshield proceeds with his obviously important telephone conversation.

Scene 4

A well-known office/residential complex in the Foggy Bottom section of Washington , DC .
Alethea Seymour is confronted by her irate life partner, Helga Runes, who emerges in her house
robe from the back of her condominium as Alethea is entering as quietly as possible. She rebuffs
Alethea’s attempted embrace.

HELGA: Why do you enter here, Secretary Seymour — you might be outed!

Were you as an important official too busy to call to let me know you’d be late this evening — or
were your phone calls intercepted by domestic terrorists?! This has happened every day this week!
I’m sick and tired of it, Alethea! Not only do we have to live in separate places to perpetuate a lie
about our relationship, you make our relationship a lie by never being here, as well as not even
having the common courtesy to call me when you’ll be late!

I also just heard from a source close to Senator McKinley Dennis what you said in that secret joint
committee meeting today. You called American citizens who speak out against this neo-Nazi
regime on behalf of human and natural rights, and those who want 9/11 to be actually investigated
as “domestic terrorists” — you want to imprison and execute them! You also said that members of
Congress would be spared such a fate if they betray their country and allow this treason against
America to stand!

ALETHEA: Let me explain, Helga — those people are destroying America with their lies!

HELGA: Who are “those people” and who is actually telling the lies?! No one but privileged white
Americans like you — and some others you have brainwashed — believes that “those people” who


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speak out against this American Empire are liars — if you even do yourselves! The rest of the
world knows that they speak the truth and applaud their courage in the face of such tyranny!

Helga gently grabs Alethea by the shoulders, gently shaking her.

HELGA: You are a human being capable of the greatest things, Alethea, with one of the most
brilliant minds, most abundant talents and biggest souls on earth. What manner of person have you
become, that you can no longer see your fellow human beings, but only objects you manipulate for
personal gain?! What manner of person have you become, that I no longer see a human face, but
only see an eery mask of many mirrors?! (Helga extends her arms out.) Do you even see me — or
am I simply an interior decoration?

ALETHEA: (seizing her wrists and drawing Helga to her) You are not simply an interior
decoration, Helga, but my centerpiece!

HELGA: Then please don’t go to that FIAT conference this weekend, Alethea, no matter how they
tempt you! As a Northern European, I know what such a dictatorship once did to our people. As a
translator for your federal government, I have observed with my own eyes and ears evidence of
what they are doing! I have seen a change in you ever since you got involved with this business,
and it has not been for the better! It is the heart of darkness on this earth into which you are going
— please don’t go, or you will break mine! (She begins to weep.)

ALETHEA: (quickly dropping Helga’s wrists, lowering her eyes and turning away) I’m sorry,
Helga, but I will not be here this weekend.

HELGA: (wiping her tears and looking straight through Alethea’s back) Then I will not be here
when you return.

ALETHEA: We all have our priorities.

HELGA: But all of us may not have principles!

ALETHEA: (slowly exiting stage right) Goodnight Helga.

HELGA: (again beginning to weep) Goodbye, Alethea.

Alethea hastily exits out the door, center stage, leaving Helga sobbing on the sofa, alone.


Scene 1

The grand ballroom of a five-star hotel in at the European Great Alpine Ski Resort. Darwin
Rockshield opens the plenary session of the annual convocation of the Foundation for International
Association and Trade (FIAT). Senators Sonorio Djembe, Melanie Bankraft Morton and Joe
McRath, along with Alethea Seymour, an Arab sheikh, a Jewish professional man in a yarmulke
and an Asian man in a business suit sit in chairs at front downstage with their backs to the audience.

ROCKSHIELD: Good morning, token ladies and predominant gentlemen, to the plenary session of
the annual convocation for the Foundation for International Association and Trade, unpopularly


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known as FIAT — where, as the radical populists illegally demonstrating outside with some
justification say, “the elite meet!” (Laughter) We wish to say that we feel welcome at the Great
Alpine Ski Resort: since FIAT long ago went down the proverbial slippery slope, it should be all
downhill from here! (Laughter)

At today’s opening session, we are going to feature our usual warm welcome, an introduction of
new inductees, and a demonstration of a useful new military crowd control technology, followed by
a few announcements.

First, our welcome:

We of the governing council of FIAT thank the luminaries of all nations and peoples in attendance
for so faithfully pursuing in highly disciplined unison for so many years the long-range mission of
this secret society: the selective genetic perfection and control of the human race guided by those
who are its enlightened elite.

This secret society, with ancient origins from elsewhere in the universe, has operated as far back as
the lost empire of Atlantis. It dates back in its current form to the end of the nineteenth century,
when corporations and their more advanced technologies became viable entities through which our
long-planned planetary empire could finally be realized through corporate-controlled national
governments and their technologically centralized economic, information and energy systems.

I would once again remind you of our proud heritage:

We have patiently operated through various empires and their ongoing wars throughout the ages,
which we have used as clinical laboratories to perfect our methods of genetic selection and control.
We have secretly written the history of these great empires through their war-based, hierarchical
cultures we have covertly designed and executed. We have also been behind most of the
revolutions that have apparently opposed our empires, controlling the masses by giving them at
various brief intervals throughout recent centuries the illusion of freedom.

Make no mistake: since the end of the Second World War, we have been engaged in World War III
— a covert guerilla war we are waging on many fronts against the billions of counterinsurgents
opposing the New World Order’s efforts to install a centralized world government. Our goal is a
population reduction of eighty percent by 2025, with the remaining twenty percent of earth’s
population tightly controlled under our enlightened governance.

We would especially like to thank those in the communications and education fields, particularly
the media arts and humanities here today, for shielding throughout the last century our long-term
plans and their quiet implementation from the premature scrutiny of a quickly multiplying, ignorant
populace incapable of understanding such noble endeavors on their behalf.

We are now within reach of finally perfecting the process of human evolution through our secret
control of agencies, both corporate and governmental, their international associations and
corporate- and government-funded institutions of all types.

We point with pride to Nazi Germany as an example of a great experiment in the recent past that
almost succeeded, and will certainly succeed now that it has been transplanted to America, whose
model of spiritually-based freedom for the masses needs to be decimated once and for all to ensure


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the victory of those of us who seek the perfection of the human race under more selective,
scientifically enlightened leadership.

Speaking of which —

(Rockshield beckons toward some in the front row sitting downstage. Senators Sonorio Djembe,
Melanie Bankraft Morton and Joe McRath rise and stand center stage with Rockshield to
enthusiastic applause from the assembly. Rockshield motions salutatively in their direction.)

Your help is needed now more than ever to help elect FIAT-selected neoliberal candidate Senator
Sonorio Djembe as the first black president of the United State . We also commend his worthy
colleague and opponent during the primaries, Senator Melanie Bankraft Morton, to be appointed as
at least a member of his cabinet in return for her services as his primary sparring partner during the
most recent primaries season.

Senator Djembe’s campaign slogan should be, “The politics of hype”, while that of his former
female opponent should be — for all the many she has had while running against Senator Djembe
— Senator Joe McRath and his-yet-to-be-selected vice presidential running mate, who wi”I’m in it
to spin it!” ll be our worthy neoconservative contenders, can run on the slogan “Your pain — our
gain!” (Laughter)

The latest fashion trend this presidential campaign season is to launch a series of endless debates
among a large but steadily narrowing field of candidates being covered by our mainstream media as
an addictive melodrama, lulling the masses into the belief that great leaders can save them, that
voting is their only duty as citizens and that it alone will make a difference.

This should give the American masses the illusion of minorities’ and women’s liberation that they
will require in order to continue funding with their hard-earned, arbitrarily-collected taxes FIAT’s
international efforts toward their elimination as a self-proclaimed free people through the recently
and secretly signed North American Continental Consolidation Compact and the scheduled
financial collapse of their federal government in the near future.

I would now also like to introduce Viscount Down, Managing Director of Tabula Rasa, Inc., the
institutional investment firm that majority-owns all three major American computerized voting
machine manufacturers. Needless to say, he and his firm will also be key players — though
hopefully ones much less public — in this crucial US election. (More laughter. Rockshield motions
for the FIAT-selected candidates and Viscount Down to retake their seats.)

As you know, the newly-signed North American Continental Consolidation Compact —
affectionately known as “3C” — dissolves the sovereignty of the United States, Canada and
Mexico, merging them into one centrally-controlled political and economic entity like that of the
proposed European Union and other confederations like it in the works for all other continents.

Any radical populist opposition to continental consolidation as an essential step toward the
corporate globalization of the New World Order will be swiftly dealt with by forcible measures that
FIAT and its associated institutions have been quietly putting in place throughout North America,
Europe, the Middle East and the rest of the world over the past several decades.

I would now like to introduce several other FIAT inductees, all well-known to you:


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(Sitting in the front row with FIAT’s US presidential candidates, these stand and face both the
implied FIAT and actual theater audience, bowing slightly to applause.)

His Excellency, UN Ambassador Sheikh Faisal Abdullah, as well as the eminent economist and
former Chairman of Israel’s National Economic Commission, the Honorable Dr. Avram Goldstein,
international Asian financier extraordinaire Wi Gung Ho, and finally, Assistant Secretary of US
Homeland Security, overall communications genius and long-time FIAT operative, Alethea

Ms. Seymour is so effective, most of you probably don’t even know who she is; so effective, even
she doesn’t even know who she is! These worthies will be inducted during the closing ceremony on
the last day of our convocation.

(Rockshield beckons for all FIAT inductees to sit down, except Senator McRath, who remains

I would now like to turn the program over to Senator and former Major Joe McRath, whose
military background well suits him to host this portion. (Rockshield takes a seat at stage left facing
the audience, as McRath, wearing an earpiece, takes the lectern.)

SEN. McRATH: Thank you, Mr. Rockshield. For your edification and amusement, I would like to
direct your attention out the large picture window to my right, where radical populist demonstrators
with bullhorns can be seen in the distance attempting to disrupt our meeting. We have provided to
all of you the low-tech option of many sets of binoculars that can be passed around. I am told that
the demonstrators are currently chanting, “This is what democracy looks like!”, and “The people
united will never be defeated!”

(Laughter; McRath looks through a set of binoculars that Rockshield’s aide has handed him.)

You will notice that the humvee approaching the demonstrators on the road is mounted with a small
radar-like device with a protruding spout in the center. This is the nonlethal electromagnetic
weapon called “Active Denial” that our private security service, Fortunes’ Forces, Inc. has covertly
borrowed from the Pentagon for the weekend.

As recently seen on TV, it uses a low-frequency invisible, inaudible but readily tactile scalar beam
that hits the nerves of the skin in such a way as they feel like they are being seared; this creates an
immediate flight reaction in anyone within range. This will be Active Denial’s first use during an
actual demonstration.

I am now going to give the order for it to be activated; watch what happens. (McRath pushes a
button on a small black box on the lectern, then looks out the implied window at stage left through
his binoculars.) Look — they’re screaming and scattering like cockroaches! (Gleeful laughter) As
you can see, this device has great potential for crowd control in the years just ahead as the New
World Order wages its final global campaign.

SEN. DJEMBE: So why is this non-lethal weapon called “Active Denial”, if its existence is now so
publicly revealed to the world?

McRATH: “Active Denial” does not so much refer to the Pentagon’s reticence in revealing this
weapon’s existence, as it does its ability for “active denial” of demonstrators’ presumed


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entitlements to “freedom of assembly” and “freedom of speech”. Obviously, this device will come
in handy when we soon have to disabuse them of this illusion!

(More laughter with applause; Rockshield rises from his seat and retakes the lectern as McRath
retakes his front row seat. Rockshield’s aide approaches from stage right and hands him a note,
which Rockshield pauses to read.)

ROCKSHIELD: This just in: Senator Pauline McKinley Dennis has been found dead, hanging by
the neck in a woodshed outside her family home in Biggersville, Mississippi , an apparent suicide.
(Loud silence)

SEN. DJEMBE: Is this a joke?

ROCKSHIELD: I was deadly serious, though you may not feel so after hearing it, any more than I

SEN. McRATH: This is really good noose — someone finally took her to the woodshed!

SEN. MORTON: (Mockingly) Was it a lynching party? (Laughter)

ROCKSHIELD: Probably; they were likely celebrating as much as we are! (Laughter, applause,
whistling) And I don’t see how else you could get a rope thick enough or a rafter high enough for
her to hang from! Private lynching parties are historically far more easy to swing; those thrown in
public take years of preparation, like some of those we arranged for prominent progressives in the
1960s (More laughter and applause)

SEN. MORTON: Biggersville — Denise came from such an appropriately named hometown!

SEN. McRATH: Rhymes with — (More laughter and applause)

SEN. DJEMBE: Did she leave a note?

ROCKSHIELD: The news report didn’t say, but, being such a noted — not to mention larger-than-
life public figure (Laughter) — she probably did! But whether or not she wrote it is another matter
entirely! (More Laughter)

SEN. McRATH: It now has been duly noted here: thus be it ever to the demagogues of
dumbocracy! (Still more laughter)

ROCKSHIELD: In closing, I wanted to say that I never speak before a more distinguished “sellout
crowd” than when I open these convocations! (More laughter) I actually prefer FIAT’s annual
convocations to its all-male summer solstice gatherings at the Promethean Cove, because this
annual conference features the novelty of women as attendees, rather than in their more familiar
role as attendants! (Still more laughter, but pointedly, not from Melanie Bankraft Morton and
Alethea Seymour, who sit in stony silence)

On this happy note, we will now adjourn for lunch, then move on to meetings of our various
working groups throughout the afternoon into the early evening. Your presence is also strongly


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requested at a gala celebration in the penthouse suite going into the night featuring some special
young guests whose talents will doubtlessly delight you!

May all of you forming the All-Seeing Eye atop the Pyramid of the New World Order have a most
profitable as well as a most pleasurable convocation! (Applause)

Scene 2

A conference room in the Grand Alpine Resort Hotel. Senators Sonorio Djembe, Melanie Bankraft
Morton, Joe McRath, along with Sheikh Abdul Faisal, Dr. Avram Goldman, Wi Gung Ho, Alethea
Seymour, and two other male attendees, sit at two long conference tables facing a lectern in back of
which stands Rev. Mr. Phil Myers, who is wearing his clerical collar.

REV. MYERS: Good afternoon, esteemed colleagues.

This is actually a briefing for inductees rather than a full meeting of the full Population Control
Working Group, which will meet tomorrow morning.

I was asked, as the chairman of the Information Control Working Group, to speak here today, with
your chairman, Viscount Downs, chairing the ICWG in my stead today. They evidently thought
that I — perhaps because of my ministerial background — would make a good novice master.

The material I am going to present today is also an overview of both information and population
control, hence my supposed relevant expertise. Please feel free to interrupt with questions and
comments at any time.

My subject today is Utilizing Electromagnetic Technologies for Elegant Socioenvironmental
Engineering and Population Control . First, a brief history:

Nikola Tesla, the greatest inventor since Leonardo Da Vinci, was a century ago experimenting in
America with advanced electromagnetic technologies that were taken and appropriated by what is
today the beyond top-secret black budget operations section of the Pentagon, with Mr. Tesla dying
in poverty under mysterious circumstances on his way to a meeting with President Roosevelt
during the Second World War.

There have since been independent inventors in this field from many nations, as well as
extraterrestrial visitors to our planet whose lives and technologies have since met the same fate. All
of the above could not be worked with because they were naive enough to believe that most of the
human race could be trusted to wisely use what they wanted to give it — free, limitless,
nonpolluting, decentralized energy that could not be carefully controlled by those of us most
qualified to do so.

However, as Mr. Rockshield mentioned this morning, the US government in its wisdom did, after
World War II, secretly import with our help some of the most advanced Nazi scientists and
engineers, many of whom were well-versed in these technologies, during Operation Paper Clip.

These individuals’ core values were obviously more compatible with our own, with the result that
these weaponized electromagnetic technologies have during the past sixty-some years been more
appropriately perfected and applied, greatly enhancing the work of FIAT in the area of


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socioenvironmental engineering, and its resultant population control. This has resulted in a number
of recent spectacular breakthroughs that I am happily going to recount here today.

Starting with the massacres in the central African nations of Rwanda and Burundi in 1994, we have
been able to quietly eliminate 6-7 million human units of population in Central Africa by funding
and organizing armed guerilla forces to dispose of whole regions of tribes opposed to our
communications corporations mining for precious stones and rare earth materials. It is from these
minerals that personal electromagnetic devices in developed world markets are made.

We consider this collateral damage a loss leader for profits to be made in first world consumer
markets, both financial and eugenic, and I am happy to report that our vigorous population control
measures in Africa have been almost universally blacked out worldwide by our mainstream media
associates, for which we heartily thank them. (Applause)

SEN. McGRATH: You certainly deserve some credit for that, Phil! You’ve been our most effective
public media operative for years — there’s even people here who think you’re a radical populist!
(Laughter with applause)

REV. MYERS: I don’t know about that Joe, but I do know that when I go from here that I will be
keynoting the liberals’ Open Media conference! Every year, they welcome me with open media,
open arms and oblivious minds! (Applause and laughter) Your kind words almost made me forget
my topic!

ALETHEA SEYMOUR: I assume, Rev. Mr. Myers, that one “human unit” indicates an individual
human soul.

REV. MYERS: Yes, insofar as the human herd has individual souls. We are rather inclined to think
that they as such primitive creatures have merely an oversoul, if that. One human unit, therefore, in
the context of collateral damage.

ALETHEA SEYMOUR: (drily) “Collateral” insofar as it guarantees our supremacy — or the
massive karmic debt incurred by the killings we are making? (Laughter)

REV. MR. MYERS: Our obvious supremacy; karma is yet another religious fable for the masses.
There is no God — there are only agendas that we control.

ALETHEA SEYMOUR: (drily) I see. Thanks for clarifying, Reverend Mister Myers. (Laughter)

REV. MR. MYERS: But we digress.

Since 1990, daily personal use of electromagnetic devices such as mobile phones and microwave
ovens has multiplied exponentially throughout the world, particularly among the children and youth
of the masses most susceptible to its extremely damaging biomimetic, DNA-damaging, low-
frequency signals. This promises to be far more effective than nicotine addiction as a population
control device, particularly since it also equally affects those not directly using these inescapable

Residents of metropolitan areas throughout the world are now constantly bathed in physically
imperceptible but highly destructive electromagnetic radiation from personal electromagnetic
devices, antennas and towers, to such an extent, that in the next decade we can hope to see a global


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pandemic of brain and other cancers, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, autism and other
neurological disorders, clinical depression, and other mental disorders, as well as general systemic
toxicity of the physical body unable to deal with such an unabated environmental toxic overload.

This should work to make the public far less resistant to what we have planned for them, as well as
shutting down the subtler psychospiritual centers in the human body from which individual
intuition, innovation, initiative and integrity come.

And the beauty of this is, the US Telecommunications Act has been written in such a way as to
forbid any government environmental or public health investigation, regulation or citizen-generated
lawsuits curbing the siting and use of these extremely dangerous electromagnetic devices.

In addition, all research funding potentially dealing with their negative public health and
environmental effects is now controlled, not by government, but by telecommunications
corporations. For all of this, we can thank our astute legislative architect and lobbyist, as well as
new FIAT director inductee, Alethea Seymour, presently sitting in our midst! (All turn, applauding,
toward Alethea Seymour, who smiles wanly and waves weakly)

Further, cellphones, the most ubiquitous and insidious of electromagnetic technologies now in daily
use, can be easily used as surveillance devices, whether turned on or off. When on, they can not
only be electronically eavesdropped, but used for their GPS tracking signals. When off, they can,
with minor adjustments made for both upgrading and surveillance, be used as microphones to
overhear their users’ conversations 24/7.

You may have heard that we also have in the works universal microchips derived from this
technology whose installation we are working to make mandatory in all animal and human
populations, not only greatly increasing our surveillance and mind control capabilities, but also our
ability to induce epidemics of cancer in all life caused by incessant interior irradiation.

This technology also figures in the ongoing extinction of widely-pollinating bee species that will
further diminish world food supplies and greatly increase levels of malnutrition and starvation for
at least four billion human units. It also figures in toxic exposure for millions of human units in the
Third World , where the radioactive remains of personal electromagnetic devices are recycled
without proper protective equipment, further meeting our goal of an eighty percent population
reduction by 2025.

This morning you saw the capabilities of Active Denial, the supposedly non-lethal mobile
electromagnetic weapon. That small mobile electromagnetic weapon is only “non-lethal” at the
frequency for which they were using it; it has higher frequencies.

The numerous stationary microwave towers and antennas that we have installed throughout the
world are actually far more versatile and lethal. They can be made to broadcast frequencies that can
not only induce mass disorientation and psychosis, but can also be made to target individuals by
suggestion for customized mind control. We are in the process of perfecting devices hooked to
them that can pick up on individual thoughts and counter them, as well as project a subject’s dream
images onscreen.

These ubiquitous electromagnetic towers and antennas can also be networked to broadcast high
electromagnetic frequencies capable of vaporizing whole buildings and their populations, as has


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been demonstrated on a limited basis in America , and some larger versions have been covertly
carried into space by shuttle and installed on our orbiting space stations for future military use.

And I have not even mentioned HAARP. “HAARP” stands for “High-Frequency Active Auroral
Research Project”, located outside Anchorage , Alaska . It is in its top-secret mode a multiuse
scalar weapon consisting of over 100 electromagnetic antennas each standing over 68 feet high that
continuously zap the ionosphere of the planet with powerful waves of electromagnetic energy. Its
range and intensity has been amplified by the infamously elusive “chemtrails” of radioactive
elements and toxic microorganisms being constantly left in the atmosphere by high-speed
unmarked military aircraft in many areas of the world.

This allows us the god-like power to create “designer disasters”: precisely targeted storms and
earthquakes throughout the world, from which we can derive elegantly multilayered benefits,
including fulfilling Christian fundamentalist, indigenous and New Age prophecies about “the last
days” and gaining their political support! (Laughter)

We can also induce seasonal affective disorder and mass situational depression, thus increasing
suicide rates, by keeping constant cloud covers over areas whose populations are particularly
annoying, like the radical populist-infected Pacific Northwest and New England areas of North
America and the Nordic nations of Northern Europe! (Laughter)

Salient examples of our handiwork are the anomalous Northfield and Kobe earthquakes, the
Christmas Tsunami in the Indian Ocean, Hurricane Katrina, as well as the recent catastrophic
cyclone in Burma, the earthquake in China and the huge storms and floods in the American

These disasters have been able to dispose of over 1 million human units in these countries, with
more to come, since much of Burma ’s Rice Bowl and America ’s Bread Basket have thereby just
been obliterated during the present world food shortage, also enhanced by corporate use of food
supplies for biofuels. Food, shelter and medical supplies are also being blocked by our Burmese
puppet military regime, creating further mass deaths from starvation, exposure, drowning and
disease in that country and from hunger throughout Southeast Asia, lessening the likelihood that
their peoples will again revolt against their puppet national governments.

All of these aforementioned designer disasters have also rendered local populations and
governments too feeble to resist our offers of corporate development and profit-based relief, from
which we and our corporate entities have also benefited greatly. All of these government-neglected
disasters also destroy community and create the perceived need for greater security, which in turn
creates more potential profit centers for our allied security corporations.

ALETHEA SEYMOUR: We are by now getting the idea of how this practice of “wreckonomics”
works so elegantly on many levels. The key seems to be media-induced mass hypnosis inducing the
gullible masses to blame themselves as individuals, rather than to look at systemic causes. Is this

REV. MR. MYERS: Exactly. A recent superb example of this is our international campaign to
convince the masses that they were primarily responsible for “global warming” and “earth
changes”, actually caused primarily by natural solar cycles amplified by our secret scalar weapons
technology that they will never discover.


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We have turned this into huge personal profits and acclaim for our primary public operatives in this
project, as well as the creation of new financial markets trading carbon futures, that not only
officially permit ongoing pollution, but make many of us huge profits from this greenwashed shell
game as well, and locks the economy further into fossil fuels.

The masses are so thoroughly programmed that they think that directed energy weapons are mere
“conspiracy theories”, even though they have already seen with their own eyes Active Denial,
recently revealed on national television and framed as some sort of cute military toy. This is to
begin conditioning them to accept ever-greater government control using these supposedly non-
existent directed-energy technologies that we have been using for years to eliminate our opponents
through transportation “crashes” and cardiovascular “accidents”.

I have not even mentioned the ongoing “war on terror” with martial law, camps and mass
executions imminent in Europe, North America, the Middle East and other parts of the world,
communicable designer diseases such as AIDS and SARS, toxic pharmaceutical drugs, mercury
amalgam fillings, genetically modified foods, legal and illegal chemical and radioactive dumping in
earth’s air, soil and water, forced toxic vaccinations and the international banning of natural
prevention-based healthcare, the deliberate dumbing-down of the schools and the making of
secondary education unaffordable without debt, terminator seeds, destruction of private organic
food supplies, manipulation of the international financial systems to bankrupt nations and displace
their peoples, the privatization of nations’ physical infrastructure and food, fuel and water supplies,
along with the UN-approved seed preservation fortress we have just built in the Arctic Circle to
ensure that we will be provided food when others, using only our privatized systems, are not.

Yes, friends, we have had spectacular success with our population control programs over the past
fifteen years. The frogs are broiling ever more rapidly in our microwave ovens, and our feast —
and their famine — will be ready very soon — or at least by 2025!

Thank you very much. (Laughter with applause)

SEN. McRATH: Thank you, Phil! That brought it all together for me!

ALETHEA SEYMOUR : It certainly did for me, too, but perhaps in a different way. I wish to
compliment you as a consummate actor, Reverend Mister Myers. However do you manage to keep
up such a convincing a media image so totally different from what you really are, and still live with

REV. MYERS: I don’t live with myself; I remain singularly multiple. It’s like my TV show: I’ve
learned to live with guests who come and go. (Laughter)

ALETHEA SEYMOUR: Perhaps that is my problem: I am too private a person.

REV. MYERS: I look at it this way: I’m simply engaging in outer theater to use information in
such a way as to guide the ignorant masses of humanity into a global society that will ultimately
work best for them.

ALETHEA SEYMOUR : For them, Reverend Mister Myers — or for us? Please excuse me — I
am not feeling well. I am presently feeling like one of those broiling frogs in your microwave
ovens. I do now so wish that I, Seymour, saw less. Good day to all.


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Alethea Seymour slowly rises from her seat and exits, stage right, leaving the Reverend Mister
Myers and the rest looking on in silence.

Scene 3

Alethea, clad in her bathrobe, sits by night in her hotel room facing stage left with her laptop
computer on a table with a lamp . She is blearily gazing out an implied window, smoking a
cigarette and tossing shots of vodka down from a decanter on a tray with shot glasses also on the
table. The clock on the mantle strikes 1 AM.

ALETHEA: (slightly slurring her words) How can such magnificent white-covered mountains as I
see before me conceal such blackness?! (She pauses to exhale smoke, then continues.)

So I am so effective, that even I don’t even know who I am! (She pauses again to exhale) Life is
like a window: you can’t see through it as long as you are looking at yourself!

Alethea drains the shot glass. She puts out her cigarette, tosses it into the shot glass, then throws her
shot glass against the implied window, smashing it. She takes another shot glass and pours more
liquor. She opens her laptop computer and begins to write an email, speaking the words for the
audience to hear:


My Dearest Helga,

I am sending you this encrypted email from the Grand Alpine Resort Hotel, site of the annual
convocation of FIAT, where the “elite meet”. After hobnobbing with said elite for the past two
days, I feel that your and Harold’s warnings to me concerning them and their agenda were justified,
and I humbly apologize for blindly ignoring your warnings and coming here anyway for this
weekend meeting .

I have thereby forfeited your respect as well as my own, and endangered us both by the
compromises I have made of myself to remain in this powerful, wealthy but unimaginably evil
company. I can only say that I now repent of these compromises, perhaps too late to save myself,
but perhaps not for you and many others, if I dare speak out about how the myriad machinations of
empire form a plot against the people of this planet that needs be exposed before it is too late for all
life upon it.

I am planning on secretly departing from here soon, much before the meeting concludes, and will
call you when I land somewhere stateside. I urge you to vacate our space until then. I feel
somewhat hopeful about our prospects, despite the obvious personal danger to you, me and our
relationship, as well as my secret financial dealings being exposed: it is because we have been
offered sanctuary if we need it. We also have a number of options due to the many cordial
international contacts we have developed over the years.

I beg your forgiveness and ask the same of God, if such a being exists, so that I might be protected
long enough to expiate my sins by exposing them to the many in this world who have been so much
endangered by them.


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Despite everything, I love you, Helga; I love you so much, I don’t see how such love could be
condemned by anyone, no matter what form it may take in a world that knows so little of love so
limitless that it fills the universe, despite the tragic efforts throughout the ages of deeply wounded
beings on this earth to destroy it.

Regardless of whether I ever see you again, I am honored that I knew you, and that we so deeply
shared as one a portion of our two lives.

With all my love,


(Alethea begins to cry. Suddenly, there is a soft knock at the door. Alethea, wiping her tears, asks
who it is. There is no answer. She begins rereading her email to Helga. There is another soft knock
at the door. Alethea rises, goes to the door and opens it. There is no one there. She sits back down,
again rereading her email. There is another soft knock at the door. Alethea goes back and slowly
opens it. Standing there is a little Asian girl clad only in a bloodied sheet, silently sobbing and

LITTLE GIRL: Please help me!

ALETHEA: (beckoning) Come in, little one — I won’t hurt you.

LITTLE GIRL: (Shuddering and shrinking away) That’s what the man with the white hair in the
penthouse told us!

The little girl comes in and Alethea carefully looks up and down the hall before she quietly shuts
the door behind them.

ALETHEA: (motioning to the sofa) Please sit down. (The little girl does so, taking a seat on the
couch.) What is your name?


ALETHEA: Very well, Joan Beth. You look like you have been hurt. (The little girl lowers her
eyes and nods.) May I look?

(The little girl nods; Alethea opens the bloody sheet she wears and looks. She quickly recoils,
shutting the sheet.) My God — who has done this to you?! Your whole body below the waist is a
pool of blood, and you’ve got bloody stripes and bruises all over your upper body! What happened
to you?! (Alethea, shaking with fear and anger, covers the little girl in a blanket and sits on the
couch beside her.)

JOAN BETH: (shuddering and shaking in tears) My name is Joan Beth. I am one of the child
models from that big orphanage in the US . We are often brought to parties of the rich people so
that they can have fun with us.

The man in the penthouse with the white hair said that a pinch of snow and a pinch of snuff adds
life to his parties. He gave orders. They gave me and the other children drinks and drugs. A man
beat me with a whip, cunt-fucked and then butt-fucked me hard! The other men badly beat and took


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turns butt-fucking one of the little boys. They taped his mouth shut, cut his balls and dick off, then
slit his throat as he cried for help while all the people standing there naked watched and laughed.
Some of the men were shooting him with a video camera and cellphones while he died.

ALETHEA: My God — why don’t the other children escape like you have and tell what’s
happening to them?!

JOAN BETH: (sobbing) Most of us are too scared or doped up — and the man with the white hair
said they would sacrifice us — like they did the people in the towers!

ALETHEA: (beginning to sob and bending over at the waist, holding her stomach as if she has
been kicked) Pardon me — I need to run to the bathroom! (Alethea runs offstage, stage left.
Retching sounds and sobs come from the implied bathroom offstage. Alethea reemerges with red-
rimmed eyes, shaking, pale but resolute, wiping her eyes with a kleenex. She sits back down on the
couch and turns to the little girl.)

I’m sorry I asked you such a seemingly insensitive question as that, Joan Beth. But I’m very glad
you were kind enough to answer it. You see, I also had something really horrible like this happen to
me when I was your age. But I never told anyone, and never got help. I am going to see that you
don’t have to wait that long. (Alethea again begins to cry.)

My name is Alethea.

JOAN BETH: That’s a pretty name. What’s it mean?

ALETHEA: (hesitantly) It’s Greek for “One who speaks truth”. I haven’t lived up to it for a very
long time, but I just decided to do so again.

Would you like some hot chocolate — with nothing in it but cocoa and milk? (Joan Beth smiles and
nods.) Then I’ll order you some. Would you like a hug — with nothing in it but love? (Joan Beth
smiles and nods vigorously, as Alethea hugs her for a few moments. This has an evident healing
effect on them both.) You are a clever, as well as a brave and lovely little girl, Joan Beth. How did
you know that you could trust me after you knocked at my door?

JOAN BETH: (smiling through her tears) You didn’t go to the old man’s party!

ALETHEA: I guess you see why I didn’t want to — you shouldn’t have been there either! (Joan
Beth nods solemnly in agreement. Alethea gently touches Joan Beth’s shoulder.) If you could bear
it, Joan Beth, I would greatly appreciate it if you would just keep this bloody sheet on and wrap
yourself in blankets till I get you a houserobe. It is important that we get you to a hospital to be
taken care of, and we need to have evidence of what happened to help you and the other children.

Why don’t you lie here on the couch and get some sleep while I order us some breakfast, and you
some hot chocolate and a robe, and make arrangements to get us out of here as soon as possible.?

JOAN BETH: OK, Alethea — thank you. (She lies down, her head on a cushion and Alethea
covers her with a blanket)

ALETHEA: After we make our escape, would you possibly like to go with me and a close friend of
mine to stay with some Indians?


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JOAN BETH: Wow — cool!

ALETHEA: (tucking Joan Beth in and gently kissing her forehead) Then let me make some calls
while you sleep, and write something to the old man with the white hair!

Alethea begins to write, thinking aloud to herself:

With wounds concealed, we will continue wounding; with wounds revealed we can begin to heal,
not only our own wounds, but the ancient wounds of the world. Small efforts, well-timed and -
aimed, can leverage great power: like little David with the sling, like little Frodo with the ring, I
will help take out the All-Seeing Evil Eye’ s tall tower of terror with its base built of lies.

Scene 4

The Penthouse Suite of the Grand Alpine Resort Hotel. Darwin Rockshield’s momentary reverie by
the fire is interrupted by urgent knock at the door.


(His Aide enters.)

AIDE: Sir, pardon me for troubling you, but when we attempted to reach Secretary Seymour as
instructed, we were told that she had checked out of the hotel several hours ago. She was last seen
entering a taxi with one of our female child models very early this morning. When the hotel
manager entered to check her room per your instructions, he found this small dictaphone CD laying
on her desk addressed to you.

ROCKSHIELD: Put this in the dictaphone then leave me.

AIDE: And one thing more, sir — a transcript of this piece and Ms. Seymour’s letter of resignation
as Assistant Secretary of the US Department of Homeland Security — as well as her weekly blog
discussing a satanic child snuff pornography ring operating in the highest reaches of a heretofore
secret society of a genocidal global elite — has been found in the email boxes of FIAT members
and internet news sites throughout the world.

(Rockshield drops into his chair, visibly shaken. The aide does as instructed and leaves the room.
Rockshield sits and listens intently, as the tape plays Alethea Seymour’s voice declaiming the
following speech that she has this time written for herself, as her image, reading the speech, is
projected on the wall for the audience to see:)


We who would compromise anything to become something will create nothing and destroy
everything. Our calculations will miscalculate, negating all our numbers into nothingness. The
greatest crimes have not been committed in the heat of passion, but in the coldness of none, by
those who to the gods of greed and power would sacrifice humanity.


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This is the purest evil — as sterile and as hollow as a treated corpse — untainted by the good on
which it fed, and dying as its fodder is consumed: we will be rulers of an underworld whose empty
triumph will be filled with darkness, disorder and death — finally our own.

In our dark theater of psychic warfare, I was a puppet in our shadow plays, our planetary power
plays against humanity — the people of the world our captive audience, the slaves, not of their
passions, but their passiveness.

I woke from this grave nightmare of gray numbness, in which great nations sleepwalk to their
doom, while those entrusted with their leadership betray them, this thought dispelling all my well-
taught ignorance: that all of the power and wealth of the world is not worth the price of one human

What this gravely endangered world urgently needs is those who think for themselves, not those
who would think for them; not those who would appear to have all of the right answers, but those
who would ask the right questions, and have the courage to keep on asking the right questions,
including of themselves, until their lives have become the right answer, sacrificing their lives if
necessary, but their principles never.

I have finally chosen to join with those who ask of themselves what they ask of others until the
answers, long present although severely suppressed, are not only spoken but enacted in our daily
lives upon this planet, free from the fear of death that war-based empires have used for many
centuries to enslave the peoples of the earth — so that we, for the first time in human history —
might know real freedom through seeking truth, no matter where it leads us. It is in such a spirit
that I have so abruptly abandoned the corrupted corridors of power that are but hidden tunnels to

To your demand, therefore, that I conceal this vicious plot planned out by corporate-based elites, in
which we would inter the body of the human race, or else join them in death, I give reply:

The cost of living is too great, when, were it paid, it would destroy all quality of life; I would rather
serve in heaven than reign in hell.

(Rockshield, again visibly shaken, removes and smashes the small CD to the floor, then rings for
his aide, who enters.)

ROCKSHIELD: It is a pity that so eloquent a speech as she has made shall go unheard, soon to be
buried with the one who has so rashly written it. We will soon send her to heaven where she can
better serve, and let that wretched waif whom she so hastily adopts be her attendant in the afterlife.

Get me the phone numbers of the CEOs of all major internet service providers.

The glaring torch of truth, when uncontrolled, too readily reveals and then consumes the great work
we have done by night. It must be wrested from the hand of liberty, contained, and finally put out.

AIDE: But harder to put out, sir, if her version of events is the first put out before the public. Still
harder to put out, sir, if finally the people of the earth — the greatest superpower — are finally
aroused, like we so long have been, to conscious, constant and coherent action.

(The Aide exits, leaving Rockshield to ponder the suddenly flaring flames in his fireplace.)


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Scene 1

Several months later. The meeting room of the rustic common house in the Blue Star Ecovillage
with an outside door upstage. Helga sits waiting on a simple wooden chair, her hands folded, her
expression a mixture of anticipation and anxiety. Suddenly, Soaring Eagle and Alethea,
accompanied by Joan Beth walk briskly through the door.

SOARING EAGLE: You have not been waiting in vain; we have come at last!

(Helga rises to greet them.)

HELGA (extending her arms): No waiting is in vain for those you love!

ALETHEA: No love is in vain if one finds someone willing to wait for it! (Alethea embraces Helga
yearningly; they finally part. She smiles wryly as she motions toward Joan Beth.) Helga, I would
like you to meet Joan Beth, whom I met on my recent eventful trip to Europe !

HELGA: How do you do, Joan Beth? (Helga walks over to Joan Beth and warmly extends her
hand; Joan Beth smiles shyly and nods, deferentially looking down at the floor; her own hands
crossed, she does not accept Helga’s.

JOAN BETH (still looking down at the ground): Much better, Ms. Helga, thanks to Alethea! I’m
very hungry now, (looking up) General Soaring Eagle — may I have something to eat?

SOARING EAGLE: I’m very hungry, too, Joan Beth! Since we warriors are men of action, I
propose we do something about it, and leave these two ladies to partake of each other’s company!

ALETHEA: Thank you, Harry — I really appreciate that. Please make sure as a “man of action”
that all of your actions are proper toward this extremely sensitive young lady! Please leave us some
food, Joan Beth! Through you I have seen how growing girls eat! We’ll see you a little later!

JOAN BETH (smiling and lightly touching Alethea’s shoulder): I will, Alethea — thank you!

(Soaring Eagle and Joan Beth exit to the common house kitchen, stage right, leaving Alethea and
Helga sitting to converse privately downstage. Alethea moves her chair next to Helga’s, facing her
and seizing her hands.)

ALETHEA (beginning to weep): I humbly beg your forgiveness, Helga, for compromising my own
integrity, and the integrity of our relationship. I was for so long, so much imprisoned by fear and
greed that nothing could escape from me except destructiveness. I cannot express to you in words
the horrible, secret evil that I have so long seen done to the world, and how much I now regret
having helped do it. I have vowed to spend the rest of my life helping restore the life which I with
mine have so long helped to destroy.

I am very grateful that you stood on your principles, to finally call me on my lack of them; that you
were willing to put an end to our personal partnership if I did not put an end to my wrongdoing. In


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doing so, you may have saved my soul, as well as of some others that my very public defection
from the dark side may have inspired to do the same. You also may have helped many millions
more who did not know of this long-concealed planetary plot against them; now they may, because
one person stood her ground to influence the conduct of one other person to help expose it.

I am afraid that my escape with that viciously abused little girl has now threatened our lives, as
well as our relationship; that we will now need to hide ourselves, even as I have in the past
shamefully hidden our love. I want to say to you that I would now be willing to proclaim our love
before this darkened world, even at the risk to my life, and that my love for you will now endure
until and beyond my death and yours. I hope with all my heart that my past has not destroyed our

(Alethea lays her head on Helga’s shoulder weeping; Helga, now weeping also, caresses her hair.)

I hope that we together might help create a better way of life for all of us, so good that we would be
willing to live for it as well as die for it!

HELGA (playfully): For which do I need to forgive you more, Alethea: your past decision to
cooperate with forces of the evil empire or your recent decision to break with them? Both have
brought much trouble into our lives. I forgive you as much as I love you, Alethea; and, as much as
you have done overall to disrupt our lives one way or the other, that should mean a lot!

ALETHEA (smiling through her tears): It does indeed — thank you, Helga.

HELGA: I would be willing to spend the rest of my life in hiding as long as it could be with you.
And I would not mind staying here in this community, even if it were in secret. The people here
and the lives they lead are what those of the future need to be if the human race is to survive.

ALETHEA: Would you be willing to have Joan Beth stay with us part of the time then? That child
has suffered such horrible abuse, she needs a place of stability and some people really who love

HELGA: That place is with us; we have a second bedroom that I would like to see used often. If, as
seems likely, this village decides they want to collectively raise a child, we have our guest room
back! If we have to disappear, there are many loving, hospitable people in this village who would
care for her. (Alethea lifts her head to look at Helga lovingly. Helga rises and helps her to her feet,
putting her arm around Alethea, tucking her head fondly into the far taller Alethea’s shoulder.)

ALETHEA: I am fortunate that I am now intimately bound to one of them; let us go use the first
bedroom, as I am just now extremely tired, not hungry.

HELGA (winking) : And I am just now extremely hungry, not tired. But I have learned to fast.

ALETHEA (mischievously): I hope that this does not indicate you are a “fast” woman, except
insofar as you are bound! (She kisses Helga’s forehead.)

HELGA: If I am, you are lucky, given what you have put me through!

ALETHEA: I would be luckier still, if I were into such practices!


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HELGA: Given the vicious circles you ran in until recently, I’m amazed that you aren’t!

ALETHEA: And to think I am now instead running from them!

(Alethea and Helga exit laughing, arm in arm.)

Scene 2

The master suite of a luxury hotel in Washington DC . Darwin Rockshield sits magisterially at
stage left. His Aide enters, escorting Sonorio Djembe into his presence.

ROCKSHIELD: Hail to the Thief! Hello President Sonorio Djembe, first FIAT-anointed,
politically correct African-American President of the United States ! Please have a seat! Care for a
contraband Cuban cigar? (Rockshields’ Aide offers Djembe a fancy cigar box; Djembe removes a
cigar, which the Aide lights for him. Rockshield motions for his Aide to exit, which he does, stage
left.) I’m sure you will make better use of it than one of your immediate predecessors!

DJEMBE: I will — I’ll actually inhale, although I would breathe easier if it weren’t from Cuba!
Semper Fidel is!

ROCKSHIELD: True — he has lasted far longer than any US president — in more ways than one!

DJEMBE: We US presidents would do well to emulate him —

ROCKSHIELD: — the better for us through you to screw all of those who would stop our great
work! Speaking of which, we are readying our bioweaponized flu virus ready to unleash on the
unsuspecting common sheep of the world, soon to be extinct.

We will also soon need a provocation for a preemptive nuclear strike on Iran; our previous
American regime failed to smuggle out of the country the nuclear missiles we needed to do so
earlier. That self-righteous now-retired redskin warrior, Soaring Eagle, and his loyal officers were
directly responsible for that.

Speaking of which: after betraying our elite network, Alethea Seymour and the child she kidnapped
from the FIAT meeting have been seen with Soaring Eagle in that utopian community on the
Native American Confederation tribal lands. They — Soaring Eagle, his family, Seymour, her lady
love, the child and all in this particular community — need to be eliminated, and the rest of their
newly sovereign native rebellion put down and put in the secret detention camps up near the
Canadian border for our disposal — and eventually, theirs. We will need a total news blackout from
our media affiliates.

DJEMBE: Why do we need to kill the rest, if we can do a surgical strike on our potentially talkative
targets? Seymour, ironically, ghost-wrote the executive order that could imprison herself and all
other dissidents in America for life or death without a trial before she disappeared.

ROCKSHIELD: The slightest rebellion — violent or nonviolent –against our empire must be
immediately decimated; extreme violence is preferable to inspire the fear we wish to instill by
making this example. We need to engineer another Jonestown, another Ruby Ridge, another Waco ,
another American family-style holocaust for this decade.


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We, who unseen, play the endgame on this global chessboard, who move the kings, the queens, the
bishops, as well as knights to fame as well as ruin, who made the very board of play whose public
squares define these pieces and their parts; we who also play upon their fear, have only one
ourselves: we fear the countless pawns we have so many centuries kept separate, once in
communion with each others’ plights, will turn on us who have so long deceived them and overturn
the very board itself — to find the earth we have portrayed for them is not so flat and limited as
they have thought.

These many weaker pieces might then together move to redesign the game itself to benefit
themselves, not us. We, the grand masters of the global endgame do not fear their single moves, but
singular mass movements; we fear, in short, the revolt of the pawns.

We therefore need a larger holocaust in the Middle East to enact our multiple well-hidden agendas
there, satisfy our valuable allies and keep peak pandemonium throughout the world. We want an
immediate destabilization of Iran , preferably from a preemptive nuclear strike from submarines in
the Persian Gulf .

Then, if, between that and the imminent global economic collapse we have planned, massive
resistance begins in the US, we will have the pretext we need to activate martial law and our secret
network of concentration camps to finalize both our retaking of our North American colonies and
our plans for continent-wide depopulation. Besides, these idiots in America demonstrating against
our wars of empire do not realize that most of the global economy is now based on war, and will all
the sooner collapse without it.

DJEMBE: If I am to seek a preemptive nuclear strike on Iran with all that it implies, I am going to
need access to the sealed above top-secret files on the increasing extraterrestrial presence in
America. I am now getting all too many reports that alien spacecraft have been increasingly
interfering with military activation of our nuclear launch silos, and recent attempted launches of our
above top-secret nuclear and electromagnetic space weapons.

They are now even breaching the security of our network of deep underground military bases that
has seemed till now invulnerable.

I would be willing to carry out what you have asked concerning Seymour, Soaring Eagle the child
and Native American Confederation, but I will need access to these above top-secret files in return
before I do this.

ROCKSHIELD: That is proprietary information now belonging to our aerospace corporations, not
the US government.

DJEMBE: I am fully aware of that, Mr. Rockshield; that is why I am mentioning this to you, who
sit upon the hidden throne — not in my cabinet.

ROCKSHIELD: Or closet. Mr. President, do you know what “DC” stands for?

DJEMBE (chuckling): Last time I heard, “Dominant Corruption”!

ROCKSHIELD: How about “Disputed Citizenship”? We of FIAT have done a “full court press”,
so to speak, with reams of cash for judicial bribes to halt any serious grand jury investigation of


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your allegedly exotic origins. It’s no wonder you’re so interested in an alien presence, whether it’s
in outer space or in the White House!

DJEMBE: Mr. Rockshield, I am going to need full disclosure on this if I am to do what you request
and not be blindsided like some of my predecessors have been.

ROCKSHIELD: I am here to see that this does not happen, Mr. President. Do you know what else
“DC” stands for?

DJEMBE: You obviously think it stands for whatever you wish it to, Mr. Rockshield.

ROCKSHIELD: You are quite correct, Mr. President. This time it stands for “Doing Cocaine”,
“Down-Low Cruising” and the second half of “AC/DC”, as in frequently switching one’s sexual
circuitry between two different polarities as desired. We have already sealed those lips who, with
their opening could, besides having possibly given you much pleasure, have done much harm to
your personal plans and our larger plans through you.

DJEMBE (quickly rising to squarely face Rockshield): Mr. Rockshield, former Assistant DHS
Secretary Seymour was very effective in her public defection from FIAT, connecting all of the dots
and using all of her intelligence connections, both interior and exterior, in the process: we have in
our possession videos and photos of your penthouse party at the Grand Alpine Resort. If released
publicly, they could be the shots heard round the world.

I greatly respect your mastery of current street slang, electrical engineering, US government
acronyms, lip service and blackmail, Mr. Rockshield. I also see that your own definition of “DC”,
is “Dominant Control”. I will take this under advisement and meet with you again next week, if that
would be acceptable to you.

ROCKSHIELD: I will let you know when I again have an opening in my calendar, Mr. President.
Meanwhile, I would strongly suggest that you do as we have requested you to do as soon as
possible. That way you can be more completely assured that you will not be blindsided in any
possible manner like some of your predecessors who did not do so.

DJEMBE (nodding towards Rockshield curtly): I will, again, take this under advisement, Mr.
Rockshield. Far from being blind-sided, I have now have seen from this exchange with you what
clearly lies ahead. Thank you for your valuable time.

(Rockshield picks up the phone on the side table to make a call, as President Djembe turns on his
heel and exits stage right.)

Scene 3

Soaring Eagle, Helga, Alethea and Joan Beth enter the meeting room of the Blue Star Ecovillage
They move to a nearby cart to help themselves to some coffee, tea or cocoa with condiments, then
take a seats around the table downstage facing the audience.

HELGA: This ecovillage uses all of the best features of the cohousing communities I have seen in
Northern Europe, and takes them to perfection.

I see it all here (Helga uses her fingers to list the particulars, like beads of an abacus):


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You have whole systems design in land use and building with sustainable organic agriculture
through permaculture. Your land is held in common and put in a perpetual land trust; this is using
Euroamerican law to support original indigenous custom.

You have alternative money-, barter- and time-based local economic systems; these are flourishing
together with sustainable worker-owned enterprises, including sustainable, small-scale

You have a community-spirited milieu of shared work projects; with cultural events, celebrations,
common meals and friendly everyday interactions. You have consensus-based direct democracy
with good group and interpersonal process. All of this is infused with the nature-based spirituality
of the native peoples, but clearly respects each person’s own spiritual path!

I think it’s beautiful! I am from Europe , but I am also now impressed, believe it or not — by
something American!

JOAN BETH: All of this is so cool — I really enjoy being here — it’s like it’s one big family!

ALETHEA: I third Helga and Joan Beth — you are doing here on the practical plane what many
green types liberally discuss but never do, and it’s magnificent — a combination of both past and
present that shows us how we can all have a positive future!

I have only one question: what’s the village’s energy source? I only see a few scattered solar panels
that don’t seem to me connected to anything; this does not appear to be enough for such a large-
scale green endeavor.

SOARING EAGLE (chuckling while clearing his throat): We foresaw this probing question from
you, Alethea! So I need to fetch someone who can better answer it!

Soaring Eagle walks to the outside door to the community room upstage, sticks his head out and
beckons to someone outside. In walks a slender bald man in white coveralls nearly seven feet tall
with a huge, dome-shaped forehead set with brilliant, sapphire-like blue eyes. He smiles sweetly
and sits down with Soaring Eagle and his party of female visitors at the head of the table. Joan Beth
moves closer to sit down next to him. Soaring Eagle motions in the direction of the visitors.

Heavensent, this is Alethea, Helga and Joan Beth. This, ladies, is Heavensent, our mysterious
village engineer, master machinist and maintenance technician. From his far more elevated
perspective, he can better answer your question.

ALETHEA: I cannot imagine you even having a last name, the first is such a tough act to follow!
You also don’t seem very native!

SOARING EAGLE: That depends upon where. His full adopted tribal name, translated, is Sent-

ALETHEA: You can’t be serious!

HEAVENSENT (smiling sweetly): That’s true; I be Pleiades!

ALETHEA: I don’t even know how to respond to that.


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HEAVENSENT: Then why not respond by listening? I guarantee you, my explanation is out of this
world, and does not sound that much more far-fetched than if you told me what happened at the
FIAT meeting you recently attended. In fact, it will more fully explain what you experienced there.

ALETHEA: I’ve never yet told anyone about that experience. I am, for once in my life, speechless.
All right, Mr. Heavensent, please proceed!

SOARING EAGLE: Good — we have just experienced a cosmic victory already! (Alethea reaches
across the table to playfully bat Soaring Eagle.) You are all about to hear a bit of hidden history; I
must say, however, you are very special guests; this is definitely not part of our regular community

HEAVENSENT: The Blue Star Ecovillage is a pilot field project of the Galactic Federation, whose
great armada of millions of interdimensional starships now orbit Earth during her time of great
transition from many millennia of darkness into an eternity of light.

Earth, the jewel of this particular universe, is also by far its most darkened: half a million years ago,
it was forcibly colonized by a powerfully aggressive space empire from another galaxy, from which
the Lucifer Rebellion myths recorded in your ancient scriptures derive. Its highly-evolved, richly
diverse peoples, seeded from four different star groups like its animals and plants, were enslaved by
being genetically-modified down from twenty-two original strands of DNA to merely two, as you
have now, although these are now in the process of being reconnected back into their original form
and number.

Hybrid descendants of the aggressive space empire and their clones have ever since continued to
rule the earth by keeping its peoples in fear and want through violence, lies, corruption and

manipulation, aided by their evil off-planet allies. This planet has therefore ever since been
quarantined by our federation, to keep her conquerors from making further inroads into surrounding
star systems.

This began to change a little over two thousand years ago, when with our help several of our
greatest representatives physically incarnated on Earth at about the same time to deliver our
message of universal love to this world’s captive peoples. This was so that they could begin again
to find and use the spark of our Creator’s light within themselves to find their way home and bring
others with them as they returned.

The peoples of Earth have ever since been on an upward spiral of consciousness, to the point
where, in the last few centuries they have as a whole come to consciously resist their ancient
captivity by concealed cosmic controllers, particularly since the founding of America as an
experiment in freedom created from all of the world’s peoples.

Our federation has been more active on your planet since your controllers, in great fear of their
losing their global empire, recently recreated nuclear weapons capable of decimating the fabric of
creation, whole planets, and civilizations on your world, as it has been used to do by this evil space
empire in the past.

The annihilation of one of the planets of your solar system — whose remnants are the asteroid belt
between Jupiter and Mars — was an example of this; an advanced civilization on Mars was also
destroyed in the same intergalactic war, which rendered that planet a vast desert now populated


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much less densely underground, despite what your controllers have told you about its supposed
lifelessness. It has also destroyed in the past several prehistoric civilizations on your own world,
including portions of Atlantis and Lemuria.

The Creator of this universe has heard the prayers of Earth’s peoples and has sent the hosts of
heaven — celestial, extraterrestrial and presently embodied — to help them during this long-
prophesied period of unprecedented crisis.

With First Contact, we will bring much that has been deliberately kept from you — especially who
you really are and your hidden history — to light. We will also bring advanced teachings and
technologies that have been deliberately withheld from you in order to help you make informed
decisions about your future during this transition; Blue Star Ecovillage is just the first of these

Since the indigenous peoples of this world have been the most faithful in maintaining stewardship
of the earth and contact with the ancient wisdom and with us who gave it, as well as having
sovereign settlements the most removed from the empire’s population centers and their
temptations, we approached them first as possible partners, and they approved.

Since in the recent past, your concealed cosmic controllers have been able to maintain their tyranny
by destructive, technologically centralized economic, information and energy systems, we intend to
counter that by openly offering completely safe, decentralized alternatives that could quickly
transform life on Earth, starting with energy.

Blue Star Ecovillage, our first pilot project, is completely powered by the same free, zero-point
energy that powers our federation’s spacecraft, far more advanced than any other sustainable power

sources now being presented to you, including solar, geothermal, microhydroelectric, biofuels,
ocean tides and hydrogen.

That is why we right now need to keep this secret by using solar panel decoys: if the controllers
knew what we were doing here, they would not hesitate to destroy this ecovillage and its people, as
they have inventors using zero-point energy many times before in the past century, starting with
Nicola Tesla. We have also had to create a special electromagnetic barrier around this ecovillage so
they cannot use their relatively advanced sensors to detect our use of this energy.

Your controllers want free zero-point energy to be used only for top-secret weapons to be directed
against anyone who challenges their evil empire that they would now extend to outer space; on
Earth itself, they want to continue using their well-named fossil fuels to maintain the advantage
long afforded by their enormous wealth, and for destabilizing your environment to continue
controlling and drastically lessening your present population. Those remaining they intend to
render dehumanized robots.

Alethea: I can vouch for the truth of much of what you say, Heavensent. This is what I heard from
those who spoke for FIAT at that meeting, but that which you have stated adds — quite literally —
many more dimensions to the story.

HELGA: When will First Contact come?


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HEAVENSENT: When more are at the level of this village in their consciousness, creating the
needed critical mass for acceptance of our presence without fear. This may be sooner than you
think, as a significant threshold was just passed in recent years. Unlike those forces that have long
controlled you, we of the hosts of heaven are not here in these last days of a three-dimensioned
Earth to engineer a planetary holocaust, but rather a planetary pentecost.

HELGA: Why do they call it free zero-point energy?

HEAVENSENT: Because if you use it, you get zero points from your concealed cosmic corporate
controllers, who then seek to destroy you. As profit-oriented as they are, it is the only thing they do
to you for free!

HELGA: As a language translator I wonder, how do you know English far better than most

ALETHEA: That wouldn’t be very hard to do for any alien — terrestrial or extraterrestrial!

HEAVENSENT: We’ve been monitoring your corporate media broadcasts for many years, then
running them through our supercomputers and their instantaneous translation programs! The
hardest part was to tell your corporate media broadcasts from your abundant orbiting space
garbage, but we managed! Your internet is far more informative and literate!

(All laugh.)

SOARING EAGLE: Let’s move the discussion to the dining room; I think we need to chew on this,
as well as on some food!

(All exit stage right.)

Scene 4

An office in the White House. President Sonorio Djembe is talking with Rockshield’s Aide;
Djembe sits downstage stage left at his desk, the Aide to his right, across the desk from him.

DJEMBE: Thank you for coming here today; I know you are risking your life in doing this, just as
you have been consistently in keeping us apprized of FIAT’s plans and liabilities. That video of
their penthouse party may save many lives, including mine, considering what I must do. I would
also like to thank you for alerting us to the danger to myself and to those at the Blue Star

Something that you and I have in common is being misunderstood: of being often forced to stand in
the shadow of evil while acting in the line of higher duty, as we are both now doing.

I would greatly appreciate it if you would deliver this message to our agent assigned to the Blue
Star Ecovillage. He can put the military and police veterans loyal to Soaring Eagle on alert — those
who have taken an oath beyond their military oaths to uphold the constitution — to allow no harm
to the American people by treasonous military or police action.

AIDE: These are my brothers and sisters; I have also taken such an oath.


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DJEMBE: As now have I to myself.

AIDE: I now feel some justified hope, now that we see hundreds of millions of people in the streets
all over the world — and finally all over America — occupying public places and government,
corporate and media centers demanding all current FIAT-controlled officials resign and their entire
heritage as human beings rightfully returned. And to think it all originated through a series of
anonymous text-messages!

DJEMBE (smiling knowingly): At the same time, we need to alert our allies in the Galactic
Federation; the time may be drawing closer for First Contact, to finally bring true freedom to the
earth, beyond what the American vision of freedom was able to inspire in the past, both in our own
people and the people of the world. I hope to see real direct democracy — not its malevolently
manipulated counterfeit — for all of the people of this planet — particularly our children — in my

AIDE: Thank you, Mr. President. I share your vision of freedom for the world, to the point that, as
you have seen, I would gladly give my life for it if necessary. I consider it an honor and a privilege
to do as you have asked. I must say, for quite a while, we could not tell which way you would
choose to go, but are relieved to see that you have chosen to take the higher road. It will be the only
one that does not ultimately end in disaster, as was prophesied long ago.

President Djembe rises and comes from around the desk; the Aide rises with him. Djembe offers
his hand, which the Aide takes warmly.

DJEMBE: My mission in this lifetime is as a turnaround expert; I finally decided to practice my
profession on myself! May the Force be with you!

AIDE: And also with you, let us pray!

The Aide exits, leaving President Djembe alone. He smiles as he retakes his seat at his desk, pulls
out the PDA he has hidden in his desk drawer, and begins texting a message.

Scene 5

The meeting room of the Blue Star Ecovillage by night. Alethea, Helga, Soaring Eagle, and
Heavensent are sitting quietly in prayer downstage facing the audience.

Soaring Eagle (standing with arms upraised and extended, facing the audience): We pray, Great
Spirit, for your guidance and protection as our world goes through its ascension into your light.
May your light, life and love permeate our planet and all life upon it, as well as the universe around
her, causing the darkness so long oppressing us to be displaced where it can harm no more. We
thank you, for we know that this is now being done. Aho and Amen.

Suddenly, the outside door behind them upstage is kicked open by two black-clad assassins in ski
masks who enter brandishing machine guns. Heavensent quickly rises to face them, followed by the
rest. Heavensent extends his large hands toward them. The assailants seem paralyzed, as the area
just outside the door fills with brilliant rays of light from above.

MULTIPLE MALE VOICES: Run for your lives — alien attack!


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Heavensent lowers his hands. The two black-clad assassins inside regain their power of movement
and do as their colleagues outside suggest: run for their lives out the door. Heavensent follows them
slowly out the door. Alethea and Helga look at each other; then, holding hands, also slowly step
outside into the light.

SOARING EAGLE (facing the audience, his upraised arms again extended to the audience): Thank
you, Great Spirit: we who have so long sat in darkness are now arising to see the great light of a
new day on Earth. (Soaring Eagle then lowers his arms, slowly turns and also walks out the door
into the light.)


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No human testing required for the H1N1 vaccine in the UK *
UK Health Minister steps down unexpectedly * Australians to
be given unproven drug after rushed trials * Swede formally
requests Baxter’s licence to be withdrawn * new Polish blog
attracts big interest * Austrian Health Minister admits no
plans to store surplus vaccine, indicating all 16 million Baxter
doses to be used inspite of claims jab voluntary

July 16, 2009 by birdflu666

The new Facebook Advocacy Group for the UK has linked up with their US counterparts, and is
preparing to write to UK Health Minister Ara Darzi about their concerns over the H1N1
Rumor has it that Darzi, who just quit, is privy to the investigations going on with WHO
and H1N1 vaccines.


Darzi announced he was stepping down as it emerged that the first doses of H1N1 swine flu
virus could be given regulatory approval in less than a week by the UK department of health

It has also emerged that Sanofi Aventis in the UK plan to do no testing on the H1N1 vaccine
they intend to distribute,
reinforcing concerns that government health bodies have abandoned
their traditional role of protecting the general public against unsafe and unproven vaccines by
conducting adequate scientific trials, and are instead promoting the interests of the pharmaceutical

Also, the Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis, which was allegedly involved in bird flu drug
trials that resulted in many deaths in Poland in 2008, has said it would begin clinical trials of a
vaccine for swine flu before the end of July.

Check out a new Polish blog following developments:



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The lethal Novartis bird flu drug had “adverse events reaction” listed as the primary outcome
measure on its formal clinical application. Also, it is licenced by the EU. A drug that is
licenced for “adverse events reaction” is a drug licenced to kill.

A citizen in Australia reports that Australia appears to be rushing through trials but still
requires human testing unlike the UK and is also using a local company with a good track
record to make the vaccine.

“I am here in Australia and yesterday I decided to call around a few government offices to
ask about mandatory vaccinations etc. I spoke with a representative from Nicola Roxon’s
office (National Minister for Health and Ageing) and they said that the vaccs would not be
mandatory but could not explain why they had ordered 21 million doses.

I asked why CSL had announced in a media release two weeks ago that it would take six
months to test the vaccine plus get results through the TGA (making it a February vacc
campaign) yet only two days ago Jim Bishop the Chief Medical Officer announced the mass
vaccination program to take place in October, clearly indicating that corners were being cut
in the testing phase.

Yesterday CSL who makes the vaccine called for 400 children to be tested in the coming
weeks. (It seems that Jim Bishop who is the Chief Medical Officer is pushing for the vaccs
campaign but Roxon’s office won’t be pushed).”

In his parliamentary answers of July 10th, Austrian Health Minister Alois Stöger indicated
there were no provisions to store surplus Baxter vaccine material, indicating plans to give all
16 million doses to the population in spite of the injection being allegedly voluntary.

In Sweden, a formal request has been made to the relevant medical regulatory agency for
Baxter’s licence to distribute vaccines in Sweden to be withdrawn pending the outcome of the
criminal investigation in Austria into Baxter’s activities

Peter Duffy in Scotland is also looking into the issue of how to request a vaccine licence to be
withdrawn in the UK and would appreciate any tips (p.duffy93@ntlworld.com).

The letter sent to the authorities in Swedish is:

Till den det berör.

Tidigare i år skickade Baxter Int. ut 72 kg vanligt influensavaccin kontaminerat med H5N1,
också känt som fågelinfluensa, till 16 lab i 4 länder och hade kunnat utlösa en pandemi med
60% dödlighet.

Lyckligtvis upptäcktes detta av labpersonal i Tjeckiska Republiken och det kontaminerade
vaccinet kunde återkallas. Händelsen utreds nu av de 4 länderna och utredningen samordnas
av ECDC.

Baxter Int. befinner sig dessutom under en brottsutredning i Österrike. Ni kan konrollera
detta med “the Sicherheitdirektion” i Wien och se att det stämmer.


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Jag bifogar även den länk där man kan ladda ner dom åtalspunkter Jane Burgermeister har
samlat i detta mål.


Var vänlig notera att bevismaterial tillkommer kontinuerligt.

Med detta brev vill jag göra en formell begäran om att Baxter´s licens att få distribuera
vaccinmaterial i Sverige återkallas så länge dom befinner sig under brottsutredning.

And this is a translation:

“To whom it may concern.

Earlier this year Baxter Int sent out 72 kilos of seasonal influenza vaccine contaminated with
H5N1, commonly known as bird flu and almost triggered a pandemic with a lethal ratio of
60%. Fortunately this was discovered by laboratory staff in the Czech Republic and the
contaminated material could be taken out of circulation. The event is now being investigated
by the 4 countries concerned and the investigation is being coordinated by the ECDC.

Additionally, Baxter Int is currently under criminal investigation in Austria. You can confirm
this with “the Sicherheitdirektion” in Vienna. Attached to this letter are the criminal charges
compiled by Jane Burgermeister. Please be advised more evidence is subsequently emerging
in this case.

With this letter I want to make a formal request that Baxter´s licence to distribute vaccines in
Sweden be withdrawn, as long as they are under criminal investigation”

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WHO moves forward in secrecy to accomplish forced
vaccination and population agenda

July 15, 2009 by birdflu666

WHO has refused to release the Minutes of a key meeting of an advisory vaccine group –
packed with executives from Baxter, Novartis and Sanofi – that recommended compulsory
vaccinations in the USA, Europe and other countries against the artificial H1N1 “swine flu”
virus this autumn.

In an email this morning, a WHO spokesperson claimed there are no Minutes of the meeting
that took place on July 7th in which guidelines on the need for worldwide vaccinations that
WH0 adopted this Monday were formulated and in which Baxter and other pharma
executives participated.

Under the International Health Regulations, WHO guidelines have a binding character on all
of WHO’s 194 signatory countries in the event of a pandemic emergency of the kind


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anticipated this autumn when the second more lethal wave of the H1N1 virus — which is
bioengineered to resemble the Spanish flu virus — emerges.

In short: WHO has the authority to force everyone in those 194 countries to take a vaccine
this fall at gunpoint, impose quarantines and restrict travel.

There is verifiable, clear and unambiguous proof that WHO supplied the live bird flu virus to
Baxter’s subsidiary in Austria, which was used by Baxter to manufacture 72 kilos of vaccine
material in Febuary.

Baxter subsequently sent this material out to 16 labs in four countries under a false label
designating the contaminated product as vaccine material, so nearly triggering a global

Because Baxter must adhere to strict biosafety level 3 regulations when handling a dangerus
virus such as the bird flu virus, the production and distribution of so much pandemic
material cannot have been an accident but must have been done by Baxter with criminal

The Austrian police are now investigating after I filed criminal charges in April.

It is increasingly clear that WHO and Baxter are just elements in a much bigger criminal
organisation that is moving forward in a synchronised and coordinated way to fulfil the
“elite” agenda of global population reduction in the coming months and years while putting
in place a global government of which WHO will be an arm.

WHO, a UN agency, appears to play a key role in coordinating the activities of labs, vaccine
companies and governments to achieve the goal of population reduction and political and
economic take over of North America and Europe:

- First, WHO gives funds, support and cover to labs such as the CDC to bioprospect for
pathogens, bioengineer them to make them more deadly, and also patent them.

- Second, WHO gives those same deadly bioengineered pathogens to companies such as
Baxter in Austria, so that Baxter could use those viruses to deliberately, systematically
contaminate vaccine material. If the contamination of the 72 kilos had not been detection on
time by a lab technician in the Czech Republic, millions of people would have caught the
“bird flu” from the injections.

- Third, in the event of a pandemic, WHO orders a compulsory vaccines for all 194 countries,
following “recommendations” by an advisory vaccine group on which executives of Baxter
also sit.

- Fourth, WHO awards Baxter, Novartis, Sanofi and other companies lucrative contracts to
supply those vaccines.

Furthermore, WHO acquires new global authority on an unseen scale in the event of a


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Under special pandemic plans enacted around the world including the USA, in 2005, national
governments are to be dissolved in the event of a pandemic emergency and replaced by
special crisis committees, which take charge of the health and security infrastructure of a
country, and which are answerable to the WHO and EU in Europe and to the WHO and UN
in North America.

If the Model Emergency Health Powers Act is implemented on the instructions of WHI, it will
be a criminal offence for Americans to refuse the vaccine. Police are allowed to use deadly
force against “criminal” suspects.

Through their control of these special pandemic crisis committees with the power to enact
legislation to be set up most countries, the WHO, UN and EU become the de facto
government of a large part of the world.

Mass murder and death will also bring economic collapse and disruption, starvation and wars
– and these events will lead to a further population reduction.

To sum up: WHO helps create, distribute and then release the deadly pandemic virus, and
this pandemic virus allows WHO to assume control of governments in North America and
Europe and also order forced vaccination on populations by the very same companies that
have distributed and released the deadly viruses in the first place and all under under the
pretext of protecting populations from a pandemic they have created.

The corporate mainstream media owned by the same “elite” group which funds WHO is
systematically concealing from the general public the nature of the real danger of these H1N1
jabs by withholding from them key information concerning the interrelated activities of this
group of organisations for their mutual profit.

As a result, most people still believe that the H1N1 virus is a natural swine flu when even
WHO has officially dropped the term “swine” in tactic acknowledgement of its artificial

Most people still believe the vaccine companies can deliver a cure when the vaccine
companies are preparing a lethal series of shots containg live attenuated virus, toxic metals
and other poisons.

The two-dose H1N1 shots are designed to disable the immune system and then load that
system with a live virus in a process that mirrors the one described in two of WHO’s 1972
memoranda where the technical means for turning vaccines into killers is outlined.

The Strecker Memorandum also reveals that WHO has been actively searching for ways to
weaken the immune system.

The best protection against the H1N1 virus that has now been released and that will
inevtiably become more lethal as it mutates in autumn is colloidal silver and also vitamins to
strengthen the immune system, face masks and other such measures.

However, none of the governments in North America or Europe have stocked up on colloidal
silver or announced sensible health measures to contain the coming lethal wave.


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Instead, there are growing signs, they will use the panic to terrify people into taking the toxic
vaccines which are sure to cause injury or damage because of the presence of heavy metals

This mass vaccination will moreover alllow ever more lethal strains to emerge and also
provide a cover for a release of bird flu virus or other pathogens.

This is why steps need to be taken now to stop the mass vaccinations anticipated in autumn
by taking legal action to block the distribution of vaccines and/or laws allowing govenrments
to force people to take vaccinations.

An investigation into this international corporate crime syndicate has to be conducted in
every country because it has its tentacles in every country, and to try to initiate this in the
USA, I filed charges with the FBI against WHO and the UN among other defendants in June.
I included President Obama among the defendants because I believe the time has come to
identify and isolate the core members of this international corporate criminal group which
has annexed high government office in the USA, and put them in prison once and for all, and
there are reports that Obama has direct financial links with Baxter that need to be
investigated by law enforcement.

There is evidence the Austrian Health Minister and other officials have been helping Baxter
to cover its tracks.

Also, there is clear evidence that elements of the Austrian media are involved in actively
spreading lies and misinformation to lull people into a false sense of security concerning
Baxter’s manufacture and distribution of pandemic material in Austria this February.

Vital is for individuals and local authorities need to take effective measures to protect against
the coming lethal wave of the H1N1 virus to minimise its impact.

To find to out about the charges I have filed so far in German and English in Austria also
with the FBI, please check the wakenews website.


Please contribute to this campagin to stop mass vaccinations and put this international
corporate criminal syndicate in goal by donating to paypal:



WHO email



tojane burgermeister


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dateWed, Jul 15, 2009 at 9:36 AM

subjectRE: media inquiry


hide details 9:36 AM (1 hour ago) Reply

Dear Jane,

I have checked again with the person in charge, who told me that no minutes were taken at
the SAGE meeting.

The full report will made public on 24 July at this address:


Best regards,


Even the so called “normal flu” shots have been shown to put children in hospital let alone
the pandemic flu shots!


Flu Shots put children in the hospital

S. L. Baker


Tue, 14 Jul 2009 05:23 UTC

At the 105th International Conference of the American Thoracic Society recently held in San
Diego, researchers presented a study showing that the flu vaccine – widely touted as a “must
have” for children with chronic illnesses – isn’t effective in preventing influenza-related
hospitalizations in children, especially ones with asthma. But here’s the most damning
evidence that flu shots aren’t the safe, helpful vaccine the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
and other government agencies claim: the researchers also found that children who get the flu
vaccine are more at risk for hospitalization than their peers who do not get the vaccine.

Scientist Avni Joshi, M.D., of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, told the meeting,
“The concerns that vaccination may be associated with asthma exacerbations have been
disproved with multiple studies in the past, but the vaccine’s effectiveness has not been well-
established. This study was aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of the TIV (trivalent
inactivated flu vaccine in children overall, as well as the children with asthma, to prevent
influenza-related hospitalization.”


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Paradoxically, he then presented the results that appeared to show the vaccine did cause
health problems serious enough to result in children being admitted to hospitals for care.

The children were harmed by influenza vaccines

To see if the vaccine actually reduced the number of hospitalizations for all children,
especially those with asthma, over eight consecutive flu seasons, Dr. Joshi and his research
team conducted a cohort study of 263 children. All the youngsters had been evaluated at the
Mayo Clinic in Minnesota between the ages of six months to 18 years and each had had
laboratory-confirmed flu between 1996 to 2006. The scientists documented which of the
children had been vaccinated against the flu, and those that had not received the flu jab. The
kids’ asthma status was also noted along with records of and who did and did not require

Then the investigators checked the records for each child research subject to see who had
been vaccinated before experiencing a flu-related episode that lead to a hospitalization during
that illness. The results showed that youngsters who had received the flu vaccine had three
times the risk of hospitalization, as compared to children who had not received the vaccine.
For kids with asthma, there was even a higher risk of hospitalization in subjects who received
the flu shot. No other measured factors, which included insurance coverage or severity of
asthma, was found to impact the risk of hospitalization.

So does this raise a red flag against vaccinating children, especially those who are asthmatic,
against the flu? Incredibly, despite the findings of his own study, Dr. Joshi refused to find
fault with the flu shot. “While these findings do raise questions about the efficacy of the
vaccine, they do not in fact implicate it as a cause of hospitalizations,” Dr. Joshi said in a
statement to the media. “More studies are needed to assess not only the immunogenicity, but
also the efficacy of different influenza vaccines in asthmatic subjects.”

The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and the American
Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) continue to recommend annual influenza vaccination for all
children aged six months to 18 years. Moreover, the National Asthma Education and
Prevention Program (3rd revision) pushes annual flu vaccination of asthmatic children older
than six months. However, as reported last fall in Natural News there’s little evidence flu
shots work for youngsters. A large study reported in the Cochrane Database of Systematic
Reviews of 260,000 children between 23 month and six discovered that the flu vaccine is no
more effective that a placebo.

Posted in




Germany and Italy order H1N1 “swine flu” vaccines following
WHO’s guidelines on mandatory vaccination

July 15, 2009 by birdflu666

Action to stop the distribution of Baxter vaccines in Germany is gathering pace after the
German government announced an order for 50 million doses of H1N1 “swine flu” shots
following WHO’s “recommendation” to its 194 signatory states to carry out mandatory


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In a pandemic emergency, WHO has the authority to instruct governments to carry out
mandatory vaccinations. Such a global emergency situation is anticpated in autumn when a
second, much more lethal wave of the “swine flu” emerges.

According to MM news, a third of the German population is to be given the H1N1 shot in two
doses with “important people”, including medical personnel, and pregnant women being
among the “priority” group.

However, there is growing criticism of the mass vaccination plan. A formal application has
been made to have Baxter’s licence to distribute vaccines withdrawn given the criminal
investigation in Austria, and criminal charges could be filed as early as next week.

A report by Michael Mross can be found at:


In addition, Italy’s government on Tuesday announced plans to vaccinate about 9 million
people or 15 per cent of the population, including medical personnel, with the H1N1 shot by
the end of this year. Children and young people set to receive the vaccine early in 2010.

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WHO refuses to provide Minutes of key vaccine
group meeting

July 14, 2009 by birdflu666

WHO has refused to provide the Minutes of the July 7th meeting of the WHO vaccine
advisory group, SAGE, that resulted in WHO issuing a universal mandate for H1N1 jabs

Do these Minutes reveal the extent of the influence of the Baxer, Novartis and Sanofi
executives on the decision-making process? What are the financial links, if any, between the
members of SAGE and the vaccine companies that sit as observers on the same panel? Is it
acceptable for WHO, a UN health agency whose constitution obliges it to act in the interest of
the public health, to be so secretative about the way decisions are reached when they affect
people on the entire globe? See WHO email below:


tojane burgermeister

dateTue, Jul 14, 2009 at 2:25 PM

subjectRE: media inquiry



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Dear Jane,

Unfortunately the minutes of the meeting are not available.

The report published on 24 July is a report.

Thank you,


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Swede and German start application to have Baxter’s licence
to distribute vaccines in Sweden and Germany withdrawn

July 14, 2009 by birdflu666

Applications have been made to have Baxter’s license to distribute vaccines in Sweden and
Germany withdrawn given the ongoing criminal investigation into Baxter’s activities in
Austria. The applications cite concerns over Baxter’s contamination and distribution of 72
kilos of vaccine material with live bird flu virus supplied by WHO, which nearly sparked a
global bird flu pandemic in Feburary, according to the Times of India.


A Swede is writing a formal letter to the Medical Products Agency to make an inquiry into
whether Baxter´s license to distribute vaccines in Sweden can be withdrawn given the
company is under criminal investigation. The Medical Products Agency has confirmed it will
register that letter and have their lawyers look at it.

Also, a German has sent a fax to the head of the the country’s medical products institute
requesting the suspension of Baxter’s licence to distribute its H1N1 “swine flu” vaccines for
the duration of the criminal investigation, citing reports in the German media of an imminent
mass vaccination of the population against the H1N1 virus and concerns for safety.

This is the fax in German below.


Per Fax: 0228-99 307-5207

An Seite 1 v 2

Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte

Prof. Dr. med. Johannes Löwer

Kurt-Georg Kiesinger-Allee 3


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53175 Bonn 14.07.2009

H5N1, H1N1 – Viren, Baxter-Skandal, Strafanzeigen, Antrag auf Sistierung von Zulassungen

Sehr geehrter Herr Prof. Löwer

Inzwischen liegen in den deutschen Medien Berichte vor, nachdem auch in Deutschland über
Massenimpfungen gegen die „Schweinegrippe“ entschieden werden soll!


Gemäss mir vorliegenden Unterlagen und Informationen wurden diverse Strafanzeigen gegen
das Unternehmen Baxter in diversen Ländern und über das FBI in den USA gestellt, u. a. von
der investigativen österreichischen Journalistin Jane Bürgermeister. Hier insbesondere
deswegen, weil Baxter aus Österreich heraus tödliche Grippevirenmixturen hergestellt
und/oder vertrieben hat (72 kg) und die WHO über diese Angelegenheit informiert bzw.
möglicherweise involviert war. Bitte lesen Sie hierzu die entsprechenden angegebenen Link-

Hiermit beantrage ich, dass die Zulassungen für entsprechende Präparate von der Fa. Baxter
und deren Partner-/Tochterunternehmen für die Dauer der strafrechtlichen Untersuchungen
in Deutschland sistiert werden.

Da dieser Sachverhalt für uns Bürger mehr als alarmierend und höchst brisant ist, erbitte ich
um Ihre dringende Nachricht bis 17.07.09 per Fax bei mir eintreffend, ob und wie sie in
dieser Angelegenheit verfahren werden.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen


In addition, Annika emailed the European Union’s ECDC inquiring how the Baxter
investigation in Austria is moving ahead. Copy below.



Subject: Baxter Investigation

Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 12:11:48 +0200


As you may know Baxter International sent out 72 kilos of seasonal influenza vaccine,
contaminated with H5N1, earlier this year. It is my understanding that ECDC is responsible
for coordinating the investigation regarding this event. So I would like to know how this
process is moving ahead.

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Are US Air Force cadets being given toxic “swine flu” jabs to
spread the pandemic?

July 14, 2009 by birdflu666

Evidence is emerging that US soldiers are being vaccinated with the bioweaponised H1N1
virus. The number of cadets at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs with H1N1 flu
has gone up to 67 and a total 121 cadets have flu-like symptons, reports the San Francisco



Statistically, the odds of their having caught a natural flu as opposed to vaccine induced flu
are slim. The Spanish flu pandemic started with vaccinations of US soldiers. The first victim
of the “swine flu”pandemic of 1976 was a soldier who died after being given a vaccination.
There is clear proof Baxter in Austria distributed live flu virus in vaccine this February.

Who is the officer in charge of the vaccine programme and medical facilities at the Air Force
Academy in Colorado Springs? Is there a financial or other contractual link between this
officer or Academy and vaccine or biotech companies?

Posted in




WHO poised to take over governments around the globe after
mandating toxic vaccines against H1N1 “swine flu” virus

July 14, 2009 by birdflu666

Yesterday, WHO formally instructed its 194 signatory countries to “vaccinate” their entire
population in response to the H1N1 pandemic.

The transcript of the WHO press briefing can be found here.


WHO issued its instructions on the formal advice of a vaccine expert group called “SAGE”
that is also composed of executives from Baxter, Sanofi, Novartis and other vaccine
manufacturers who have “observer” status.

To clarify: WHO has given lucrative contracts, worth billions in the USA alone, to Baxter,
Novartis, Sanofi among others for the H1N1 vaccination programme mandated by WHO on
the advice of Baxter, Novartis and Sanofi and these same vaccine companies, in what is surely
a clear-cut conflict of interest.

Also, WHO, a UN public health body legally obliged to promote world health, has given these
contracts to vaccine companies such as Baxter in spite of their poor record, and in spite of an
ongoing criminal investigation into Baxter’s contamination of 72 kilos of influenza material
with the live bird flu virus, obtained originally from WHO.


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In addition, there is evidence WHO, the CDC, Baxter and other vaccine companies are also
engaged in actively seeking out pathogens, bioengineering them to make more lethal and
patenting these viruses, and that they developed and released the H1N1 virus.

The “swine flu” is an artificial virus never before seen in pigs or humans as WHO itself
implicitly acknowledged when it switched officially to the term “H1N1″ and dropped the
designation “swine.”

Finally, in the event of a pandemic emergency, WHO obtains sweeping new global powers as
national governments around the world are dissolved and replaced by special “crisis
committees” answerable to WHO and the EU or UN under pandemic plans. In such an
“emergency”, WHO takes over not just the health but also the security and communications
infrastructure of a country.

WHO’s pandemic control room is linked to supercomputers of the UN and their security

The WHO is bankrolled by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Rothschild Group. I rang the

Rothschild Group with an inquiry as to the funding and am waiting for a reply from

0033 1 4... to find out what financial links exist between WHO and the Rothschild

Group and or Foundations if any as alleged.

The transcript of the WHO press briefing indicates the H1N1 jab will be very toxic indeed.

However, liability in case of damage or death has been limited for vaccine companies in
advance by numerous legal provisions.

Tacked on to the homeland security bill (H.R. 5710) are also numerous special-interest
provisionsthat limit the liability of vaccine companies as well.


This bill was passed by President George Bush, whose grandfather Prescott Bush, sat on the
board of the vaccine manufacturer Eli Lilly. Prescott Bush also helped finance Nazi leader’s
Adolf Hitler’s rise to power.


The download site for all legal documents concerning this boterrorism case:


File criminal charges yourself today!

Also, please donate to janeburgermeister@gmx.at pay pal’s account for this fight.

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All countries must give entire population H1N1 jab, orders
WHO * Baxter executives sit on WHO “advisory vaccine
board” * Dr Chan does not appear at press briefing
as expected

July 13, 2009 by birdflu666

Executives from Baxter, Novartis, GSK and Sanofi Pasteur have seats at the advisory group
that today recommended mandatory H1N1 jabs to WHO, according to a WHO document.

Such a recommendation becomes binding on all 194 signatory countries if accepted by WHO
as formally happened today in the event of a pandemic emergency being declared by WHO
under the International Health Regulations act of 2005 and the WHO pandemic plan of April


WHO media spokesperson Alphaluck Bhatiasevi confirmed that Dr Margaret Chan did not
give the press briefing at WHO’s headquarters in Geneva at 4 pm today as anticipated.

At short notice, Dr Marie-Paule Kieny stepped in to announce that “vaccines will be needed
in all countries.”

Toxic vaccines “such as those that are formulated with oil-in-water adjuvants and live
attenuated influenza vaccines [are] important,” says WHO.

Health workers, pregnant women, healthy young adults of 15 to 49 years, healthy children
are target groups, says WHO.

The Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on Immunization, established by the
Director-General of the World Health Organization in 1999 to provide guidance on the work
of the WHO Immunization Department, and pharmaceutical executives, who have the status
of “observers”, recommended to WHO’s Dr Chan the following steps, which have been
accepted by Dr Chan, so acquiríng a binding character for countries, according to a press
statement on WHO’s website.

“All countries should immunize their health-care workers as a first priority to protect the
essential health infrastructure. As vaccines available initially will not be sufficient, a step-wise
approach to vaccinate particular groups may be considered. SAGE suggested the following
groups for consideration, noting that countries need to determine their order of priority
based on country-specific conditions: pregnant women; those aged above 6 months with one
of several chronic medical conditions; healthy young adults of 15 to 49 years of age; healthy
children; healthy adults of 50 to 64 years of age; and healthy adults of 65 years of age and

In view of the anticipated limited vaccine availability at global level and the potential need to
protect against “drifted” strains of virus, SAGE recommended that promoting production


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and use of vaccines such as those that are formulated with oil-in-water adjuvants and live
attenuated influenza vaccines was important.

WHO Director-General Dr Margaret Chan endorsed the above recommendations on 11 July
2009, recognizing that they were well adapted to the current pandemic situation. She also
noted that the recommendations will need to be changed if and when new evidence become

The audio file will soon be posted on the website

http://www.who.int/mediacentre/multimedia/swineflupressbriefings/en/index.html, says Bhatiasevi


I tried to participate in the conference call dialling

41 44... albeit late but did

not succeed in getting through.

It is not clear how many journalists participated.

This is an email notification from WHO which I received from WHO at 4: 02 pm


Media Advisory WHO/30

13 July 2009


Dr Marie-Paule Kieny, Director, Initiative for Vaccine Research, WHO, will provide an
update on pandemic (H1N1) 2009 vaccines at 16hrs Geneva time, Monday 13 July, 2009.

Journalists can listen to the proceedings by dialling one of the numbers given below.

Instructions for dialing in:

Please try to call in 10 minutes before the conference begins in order to be registered
correctly. From the list below, please use the number closest to you.

If you are experiencing any problems accessing a number, please dial the phone number


+41 44 580 46 23

Switzerland :

+41 44 580 46 23

Switzerland: (toll free): 0 800 87 50 01


+32 24 00 68 89


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+55 11 33 51 70 56

China, Hong Kong SAR:

+852 306 898 39

France: +33


Germany: +49



+36 123 553 34

Ireland: +35312460301

India: 0008001006556

Italy: +39



+81 3 44 55 14 44

Malaysia: +60


Mexico: 001



+31 207 947 913

New Zealand:

+64 9308 3094

Federal Republic of Russia:

+7 4957457975

South Africa: 0800998664

Spain: +34


Sweden: +46


UK: +44



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USA: +18663859214


+1 703 621 9130

On connecting, type PIN code: 18850255# on your telephone keypad and then record your
name and media outlet and then press again the # key.

To ask a question during the question and answer session, registered participants should type
01 on your telephone keypad.

Link to the audio file posted shortly after the briefing:


A web site dedicated pandemic (H1N1) 2009 can be found here:


A transcript of this event will be available after the event on our website www.who.int

For further information please contact:

Natalie Boudou-Jacobs, Communiations Officer, WHO Geneva, mobile :

+41... ,


+41 22 791 1036 , email:


Melinda Henry, Communications officer, WHO Geneva, Mobile:

+ 4... ;


+ 41 22 791 2535 ; Email: henrym@who.int

More information can be found on www.who.int

Posted in




Austrian Health Minister refuses to say how much Baxter will
be paid for WHO flu jab

July 13, 2009 by birdflu666

The Austrian Health Minister Alois Stöger has refused to reveal to parliament just how much
Baxter is to be paid for 16 million doses of H1N1 jabs to be administered to the entire
population under the orders of WHO this autumn. In parliamentary answers dated July 10th,
2009, he said the information was “secret.”



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To recap: it was Baxter’s Austrian subsidiary which sent out 72 kilos of contaminated flu
material to 16 labs nearly triggering a pandemic in Austria in February. It was WHO which
supplied the live bird flu virus to Baxter in Austria. The Austrian Health Minister and other
officials are in the spotlight for their role in a cover up of Baxter’s deliberate manufacture
and release of pandemic material.

In spite of the ongoing police investigation of Baxter in Austria, and in spite evidence that the
swine flu is also an artificial virus — implicitly acknowledged by Stöger who says in his
parliamentary answers that the term H1N1 and not “swine flu” is appropriate — Baxter gets
the go ahead to produce 16 million vaccines for the artificial H1N1 jab and gets an
undisclosed sum for this toxic injection full of heavy metals and adjuvants at the very least.
The entire population will be forced to take these Baxter shots by WHO allowed under the
current IHR legal framework to assume authority over the world’s health and security
infrastructure in a pandemic emergency.

Does the Health Minister have financial or personal links to Baxter and WHO or the
bankers? How many other Health Ministers around the world have financial or personal
links to the international corporate crime syndicate that is triggering a pandemic in order to
force mass vaccinations on 194 countries?


Document Outline


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