No Quarter Magazine 10 Web Extra Circle Oroboros Paths of Power

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Earth Paths

These attract those who draw on primal
energy stored within and passing within
the earth. Drawing on the nurturing
strength of plants rooted in the earth,
some masters have learned how to
prompt regeneration and rapid healing,
while others can vanish from one
location only to reappear at another.

What about the

Blackclad Prestige Class?

The Blackclad prestige class remains
a viable option for druids seeking to
master stone and earth and learn to
craft the signature elemental constructs
serving the Circle Orboros. Members
of this prestige class come from a more
extensive and formalized system of
study not directly related to the Paths
of Power listed below.

At 1st and 7th level of the Blackclad
prestige class you gain the Earth Shaper
path. For example, a Circle Druid
chooses to become an Earth Shaper

Path Exclusivity

Joining any path immediately makes certain other paths unavailable as the druid focuses
their natural power in a specific direction. The following chart indicates which paths are
exclusive of one another. Paths on the same row cannot be taken together.

Path Exclusivity Chart

Earth Shaper Path

Storm Shaper Path

Beast Shaper Path


Nature’s Wrath

Bonded Beast



Beast Mind




Initiate at 5th level and an Earth Shaper
Disciple at 10th level before joining the
Blackclad prestige class. He would rise
to Earth Shaper Master on becoming
a 1st level Blackclad. If he reached 7th
level as a Blackclad he would become
an Earth Shaper Prime.

Path of Stone

Druids on the Path of Stone have




manipulate and manifest rocks and
stones, drawing more readily upon
that type of spell energy.

Prerequisites: Earth Shaper Initiate,
Craft (stoneworking) 7 ranks.

Initiation Requirement: 1500 XP; 1
week training with a druid of at least
7th level already on the Path of Stone.

Benefit: In addition to the spells
provided under Spontaneous Casting,
those on the Path of Stone may add the
following specific spells to the list of
those they can spontaneously cast:


he following optional abilities, in
addition to class abilities, allow
qualifying druids to further

specialize their power over nature.
Mastery of these paths derives from
millennia of organized exploitation of
natural power and systematic training
with the Circle Orboros. Most druids
focus on one of these categories.
Each category requires the druid to
have become at least an Initiate of
the appropriate Path of Orboros (see
NQM#10, pg. 70). Certain specialized
paths may require a higher title on the
corresponding Path of Orboros.

To acquire the benefits of a path, the
druid must meet all prerequisites and
undergo any initiation requirements. If a
path requires payment in XP, the druid
can only pay the XP cost if doing so
will not reduce their experience below
the minimum for their current level.
While permanent, these benefits remain
linked to the druid class; any situation
that strips a druid of class abilities also
causes the loss of path abilities. Paths of
power do not cost feat slots to attain.

Circle Orboros

This article contains additional content for the article “The Wilding Way” that premiered in No Quarter Magazine
#10, p. 64. In order to use the Paths of Power described here, you will need the rules from that issue.

Paths of Power

A No Quarter Web Extra By Doug Seacat

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Path of Stone

Spontaneous Casting Spell List




Magic stone


Soften earth and stone


Spike growth


Spike stones


Transmute rock to mud

ransmute mud to rock


Move earth


Flesh to stone, stone to flesh




Imprisonment, freedom

Special: A druid on the Path of Stone
cannot join the Path of Nature’s Wrath
or the Path of the Bonded Beast.

Path of the


One of the rarer and more esoteric
disciplines, those who learn the Path of
the Wayfarer can tap more directly into
the ley lines below the earth and draw
on these energies to move from place to
place. Wayfarers harness some of the
latent energies in stones and trees to
move instantly over great distances.

Prerequisites: Earth Shaper Initiate,




Knowledge (geography) 10 ranks.

Initiation Requirement: 2000 XP; 1
week training with a druid of at least
9th level already on the Path of the

Benefit: In addition to the spells provided
to all druids under Spontaneous Casting,
those on the Path of the Wayfarer may
add the following spells to the list of
those they can spontaneously cast:

Path of the Wayfarer

Spontaneous Casting Spell List






Expeditious Retreat


Meld into stone


Ley Line Step*


Tree stride


Find the path


Greater scrying


Reverse gravity


Walk the Line*

* new spell

Special: A druid on the Path of the
Wayfarer cannot belong to the Path
of Unraveling or the Path of the
Beast Mind.

New Spells

Ley Line Step

Conjuration (Teleportation) [Earth]

Level: Dru 4
(Path of the Wayfarer only)

Components: V

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)

Target: You and touched objects

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw:
None and Will negates (object)

Spell Resistance: No and Yes (object)

You instantly transfer yourself from
your current location to any other
spot within range. You always arrive
at exactly the spot desired by simply
visualizing the area. After using this
spell, you cannot take any other actions
until your next turn. You can bring
along objects as long as their weight
does not exceed your maximum load.

If you would arrive in a place already
occupied by a solid body, the spell fails.

Walk the Line

Conjuration (Teleportation) [Earth]

Level: Dru 9
(Path of the Wayfarer only)

Components: V, S

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Range: Personal and touch

Target: You and touched objects

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw:
None and Will negates (object)

Spell Resistance: No and Yes (object)

This spell instantly transports you safely
to the center of a designated sacred site,
including a ceremonial ring of stones set
in place by druids of the Circle Orboros,
as far away as 100 miles per caster level.
You can bring along objects so long
as their weight does not exceed your
maximum load.

You must have personally visited that
location at some point in the past,
although the location need not remain
identical. You must be within 100
miles of a sacred site including a Circle
Orboros ceremonial stone ring when
casting this spell. The destination must
be connected to the sacred site nearest
you by a chain of similar sites each
within 300 miles of one another. If
this chain is broken at any point, or if
there is no way to arrive safely at the
destination, you will be transported
to the center of the nearest connected
sacred site. If any of these conditions
are not met, the spell fails.

Path of Vitality

Those on the Path of Vitality draw more
directly on the power within the earth
and forests to enhance their own vitality
and enhance their powers to mend
living flesh.

Prerequisites: Earth Shaper Disciple,
Heal 13 ranks.

Initiation Requirement: 2,500 XP;
1 week training with a druid of at
least 12th level already on the Path of

Benefit: A druid initiated to the Path of
Vitality becomes immune to all diseases,
including supernatural and magical
diseases, and gains the ability to heal
at twice the normal rate. Druids on
the Path of Vitality also regenerate lost
limbs at a slow rate, 1d6+1 days for a re-
attached limb, 2d20+30 days to regrow
a limb entirely.

Additionally, such a druid can now
utilize rejuvenation on others but runs
a risk of suffering Pain of Healing. A
druid always runs a 20% risk when
sacrificing a spell to cure another person
that he will need to roll on the Pain of
Healing chart (IKCG, p. 276-279),
regardless of the religion or alignment
of the target. If Pain of Healing occurs,
roll an unmodified 1d6 on each chart
to determine the consequences to the
druid and the subject of healing.

Special: A druid on the Path of Vitality
cannot belong to the Path of the Locus
or the Path of the Shifter.














Paths of Power

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Storm Paths

These are the most offensive and deadly
powers a druid can master, tapping
into the raw power of natural chaos in
its most elemental form. Some masters
of this path learn to call on nature’s
power to unravel the magic of arcanists
or priests.

Path of

Nature’s Wrath

Individuals on the Path of Nature’s
Wrath have focused most directly on
the tremendous destructive energies of
nature and can bring them forth against
enemies even when caught unprepared.

Prerequisites: Storm Shaper Initiate,
Spell Focus (evocation), Survival 8

Initiation Requirement: 2,000 XP; 1
week training with a druid of at least
7th level already on the Path of Nature’s

Benefit: In addition to the spells
provided under Spontaneous Casting,
those on the Path of Nature’s Wrath
may add the following spells to the list
of those they can spontaneously cast:

Path of Nature’s Wrath

Spontaneous Casting Spell List




Produce flame


Fog cloud


Call lightning


Ice storm


Call lightning storm


Cone of cold


Control weather




Storm of Vengeance

Special: A druid on the Path of Nature’s
Wrath cannot join the Path of Stone or
the Path of the Bonded Beast.

Path of Unraveling

An area of particular defensive strength,
the druids of the Path of Unraveling
focus on combating the magic of
outsiders. They are able to wield natural
energy to disrupt those who would try
to bend reality in their presence.

Prerequisites: Storm Shaper Initiate,

Spellcraft 8 ranks.

Initiation Requirement: 1500 XP;
1 week training with a druid of at
least 7th level already on the Path of

Benefit: In addition to the spells
provided under Spontaneous Casting,
those on the Path of Unraveling may
add the following spells to the list of
those they can spontaneously cast:

Path of Unraveling

Spontaneous Casting Spell List




Remove fear


Lesser restoration




Dispel magic




Dispel magic, greater


True seeing—those on this path

ignore the material component

requirement for this spell


Restoration, greater


Antimagic field

Special: A druid on the Path of
Unraveling cannot join the Path of the
Wayfarer or the Path of the Beast Mind.

Path of the Locus

Only those with a deeper understanding
of the fundamental nature of their power
and the energies of nature can master
the Path of the Locus. In doing so they
are able to internalize their magic, no
longer relying as heavily on spells to
manifest natural power.

Prerequisites: Storm Shaper Disciple,
Knowledge (arcana) 13 ranks.

Initiation Requirement: 3,000 XP; 1
week training with a druid of at least 12th
level already on the Path of the Locus.

Benefit: Upon completing this training,
the druid can use one of his divine spell
slots to permanently prepare one of his
divine spells as a spell-like ability that
can be used twice per day. The druid
does not use any components when
casting this spell, although he must still
pay any required XP costs.

The spell normally uses a spell slot
of the spell’s level (or higher, if the
druid chooses to permanently attach a

metamagic feat to the spell chosen). The
druid can use an available higher-level
spell slot to use the spell-like ability
more than twice per day. Allocating a
slot three levels higher allows him to
cast the spell four times per day, and a
slot six levels higher lets him cast it six
times per day.

Each time the druid gains a new
druid spell level they have a one-time
opportunity to change the spell selected
for the Path of the Locus, giving up the
old one to replace it with a new one.

Special: A druid on the Path of the
Locus cannot join the Path of Vitality
or the Path of the Shifter.

Beast Paths

Orboros encompasses the predatory
beasts of the wild as well as storm and
earth. Some druids use their power to
call forth allies from the wilderness,
controlling dangerous animals to fight
in their stead. Others tap into the
essence of predation, casting aside
their humanity to transform their
bodies and truly becoming one with
the mind of beasts.

Path of the

Beast Mind

Those on the Path of the Beast
Mind have focused their power on
understanding and manipulating the
minds of beasts, learning how to both
control and call them when in need.

Prerequisites: Beast Shaper Initiate,
Handle Animal 8 ranks.

Initiation Requirement: 1,250 XP; 1
week training with a druid of at least
7th level already on the Path of the
Beast Mind.

Benefit: In addition to the spells
provided to all druids under
Spontaneous Casting, those on the
Path of the Beast Mind may add the
following spells to the list of those they
can spontaneously cast:














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Path of the

Beast Mind

Spontaneous Casting Spell List




Charm animal


Hold animal


Dominate animal


Summon nature’s ally IV


Baleful polymorph


Summon nature’s ally VI


Summon nature’s ally VII


Animal shapes


Summon nature’s ally IX

Special: A druid on the Path of the
Beast Mind cannot join the Path of the
Wayfarer or the Path of Unraveling.

Path of the

Bonded Beast

Druids on the path of the bonded beast
form a strong connection with a single
animal which serves as both a guardian
and a weapon to aid in their battles.
With this unique bond, the creature
grows in power, drawing on the energies
of Orboros through its master.

Prerequisites: Beast Shaper Initiate,
Handle Animal 8 ranks.

Initiation Requirement: 1,000 XP; 1
week training with a druid of at least 7th
level already on the Path of the Bonded
Beast; 1 additional week spent locating
a suitable animal companion from an
appropriate environment.

Benefit: Those on this path gain the
benefit of an animal companion. The
type of companion must be approved
by the GM, but one from the following
list is suggested, including a level
adjustment which must be applied to
the Druid’s Animal Companion chart
(below) when determining its special
powers. An animal type cannot be
chosen if the indicated adjustment to the
druid’s level would be 0 or lower. For
example, a 6th level druid could choose
an argus as an animal companion, but
not a saqu. A 6th level druid choosing
an argus is considered 1st level on the
animal companion chart for purposes of

bonus HD, natural armor adjustment,
Str/Dex adjustment, bonus tricks, and
special powers.

Argus (level -5), badger, black bear
(level -3), boar (level -3), brown bear
(level -6), burrow-mawg (level -2),
crocodile (level -3), dog, eagle, hawk,
lemax (level -2), owl, raevhan buffalo
(level -9), snake (small or medium
viper), saqu (level -7), screecher (level
-3), skigg (level -2), snake (constrictor
or large viper) (level -3), thornwood
mauler (level -15), wolverine (level -3),
or wolf.

This animal is a loyal companion that
accompanies the druid on his adventures
as appropriate for its kind. Apply the
indicated parenthetical adjustment, if
any, to the druid’s level on the table
below for purposes of determining the
companion’s characteristics and special

The druid’s companion is completely
typical for its kind except as noted
below. As a druid advances in level,
the animal’s power increases as shown
on the table. If a druid releases his
companion from service or if the
animal companion perishes, it cannot
be replaced until 1 season (~3 months)
has passed. At that point the druid may
gain a new companion by spending a
week searching for one and establishing
a bond with it.

Special: A druid on the Path of the
Bonded Beast cannot join the Path of
Nature’s Wrath or the Path of Stone.

The Druid’s Animal Companion

A druid’s animal companion differs from a normal animal of its kind in many ways.
A druid’s animal companion is superior to a normal animal of its kind and has special
powers, described below.

Class Level

Bonus Natural

Str/Dex Bonus Special


Armor Adj.








Link, share spells





























Improved evasion






Animal Companion Basics

Use the base statistics for a creature
of the companion’s kind, but make the
following changes.

Class Level

The druid’s class levels stack with levels
of any other classes that are entitled to
an animal companion for the purpose of
determining the companion’s abilities,
and certain special animals require an
adjustment as listed above.

Bonus Hit Dice

Extra eight-sided (d8) Hit Dice, each
of which gains a Constitution modifier
as normal. Remember that extra Hit
Dice improve the animal companion’s
base attack and base save bonuses.
An animal companion’s base attack
bonus is the same as that of a druid
of a level equal to the animal’s HD.
An animal companion has good
Fortitude and Reflex saves (treat it
as a character whose level equals the
animal’s HD). An animal companion
gains additional skill points and feats
for bonus HD as normal for advancing
a monster’s Hit Dice.

Natural Armor Adjustment

The number noted here is an
improvement to the animal companion’s
existing natural armor bonus.

Str/Dex Adjustment

Add this value to the animal companion’s
Strength and Dexterity scores.














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Bonus Tricks

The value given in this column is the
total number of “bonus” tricks that
the animal knows in addition to any
that the druid might choose to teach it
(see the Handle Animal skill). These
bonus tricks require no training time
or Handle Animal checks, and do not
count against the normal limit of tricks
known by the animal. The druid selects
these bonus tricks. Once selected, these
tricks cannot be changed.

Link (Ex)

A druid can handle his animal
companion as a free action, or push
it as a move action, even if he has no
ranks in the Handle Animal skill. The
druid gains a +4 circumstance bonus
on all wild empathy checks and Handle
Animal checks made regarding an
animal companion.

Share Spells (Ex)

At the druid’s option, he may have any
spell (but not any spell-like ability) he
casts upon himself also affect his animal
companion. The animal companion
must be within 5 feet of him at the time
of casting to receive the benefit. If the
spell or effect has a duration other than
instantaneous, it stops affecting the
animal companion if the companion
moves farther than 5 feet away and will
not affect the animal again, even if it
returns to the druid before the duration

Additionally, the druid may cast a spell
with a target of “You” on his animal
companion (as a touch range spell)
instead of on himself. A druid and his
animal companion can share spells even if
the spells normally do not affect creatures
of the companion’s type (animal).

Evasion (Ex)

If an animal companion is subjected
to an attack that normally allows a
Reflex saving throw for half damage,
it takes no damage if it makes a
successful saving throw.

Devotion (Ex)

An animal companion gains a +4
morale bonus on Will saves against
enchantment spells and effects.


An animal companion gains Multiattack
as a bonus feat if it has three or more
natural attacks and does not already
have that feat. If it does not have the
requisite three or more natural attacks,
the animal companion instead gains a
second attack with its primary natural
weapon, albeit at a -5 penalty.

Improved Evasion (Ex)

When subjected to an attack that
normally allows a Reflex saving throw
for half damage, an animal companion
takes no damage if it makes a successful
saving throw and only half damage if
the saving throw fails.

Path of the


Those on the Path of the Shifter have
so immersed themselves in the minds
of beasts and have such a thorough
understanding of beast physiology that
they have learned to transform into the
predators they admire.

Prerequisites: Beast Shaper Disciple,

Initiation Requirement: 2,000 XP; 1
week training with a druid of at least 12th
level already on the Path of the Shifter.

Benefit: Those on this path gain the Wild
Shape ability. The druid is proficient with
all natural attacks (claw, bite, etc.) of any
form assumed by Wild Shape.

This ability allows the druid to turn into
any medium or large sized predatory
animal and back again. His options for
new forms include all creatures with
an animal type that is carnivorous or
omnivorous. The form chosen must be
that of an animal the druid is familiar
with. This ability functions like the
Alternate Form special ability, except
as noted. The effect lasts for 1 hour per
druid level, or until he changes back.
Changing form (to animal or back)
requires a standard action and does
not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Each time the druid uses wild shape, he
regains lost hit points as if he had rested
for a night. The druid can use this ability
once per day for every five druid levels
(2/day 10th-14th level, 3/day 15-19th,
4/day 20th).

Any gear worn or carried by the druid
melds into the new form and becomes
nonfunctional. When the druid reverts
to his true form, any objects melded
into the new form reappear in the same
location on his body that they previously
occupied and are again functional. Any
new items worn in the assumed form
fall off and land at the druid’s feet.

A druid loses his ability to speak while in
animal form because he is limited to the
sounds that a normal, untrained animal
can make, but he can communicate
normally with other animals of the same
general grouping as his new form.

At 15th level the druid gains the ability
to take the shape of a huge animal. The
new form’s Hit Dice cannot exceed the
character’s druid level.

Special: A druid on the Path of the
Shifter cannot join the Path of Vitality
or the Path of the Locus.














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