BMW diagnostic scanners

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Installation instructions for D-CAN for GT1 and INPA


1. Install diaghead.exe <if your os is xp, you need install .net framework 2.0 software first>

2. Install Vmware-player

3. Copy two subfolders “EDIABAS” and “INPA” in “INPA” parent folder to c:\.

4. Copy “DIS v55.0_english.part02.rar” from “dis55+tis2007.12+dis44(coding+progman)” folder to c:\. And unzip “DIS

v55.0_english.part02.rar” it in C disk by “extract to “DIS v55.0_english.part02”

5. Edit system path, add <c:\ediabas\bin\>

right click “my computer’, select “properties”; you will see “Environment Variable” in system properties window, click it to edit

the user variable[U];

often there should be the “path” at user variable column. If your computer shows the same information as below without the

path in user variable, please add the path matically.


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Steps about how to add the path in user variable:

Please click “Edit” button to add the path:

Name: path

Value: c:\ediabas\bin;

After you input the name and value, click “Yes”, you will finish the user variable modify.

6. Connect device to computer and install ftdi drivers.

7. Install d-can usb device (usb2.0 ftdi driver)

8. Check your com port number <advice you to change the device port to COM2 if it is other port number>


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9. Setup "latensy timer = 1"

10. Set c:\ediabas\hardware\obd\obd.ini port=com2 (your usb-com port number)

11. Run c:\ediabas\hardware\obd\obdsetup.exe

12. Restart windows

13. Change main network adapter ip to,please don’t change vmware network adapter ip

If your computer has no LAN port, please add a virtual network adaptor (advice to add the adaptor instead of the LAN cable, m

ore convenient for usage)

How to add the virtual network adaptor:

Click “start”, then click “setting” to select “control panel”; in the control panel window, please double click “ add hardware”;

a new adding hardware guide window comes out, please click “next” button.;

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it will search the hardware to add, then it will shows you this window: click “Yes, I have connected the hardare”.

Click “Next” button, you will see this window, select the “add new hardware” option, click “Next” button.


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You will see this window, please select “install the h”

Then you will this window, click “Network adaptor”, then click “Next”;


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Please click “ Microsoft”, you will see all types of Network adaptors. Please select “Microsoft Loopback adapter”, Then click “


Click “Next” to finish the virtual network adaptor.

14. Change c:\ediabas\bin\ediabas.ini port= 6801, if needed.



Run c:\inpa\bin\inpa.exe

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GT1: need set local network ip address

Go to network connection window, click the “local network” the Microsoft loopback adapter you just added, not your physical

network adaptor;

Also please don’t change vmware IP addresses.

Right click the “local network” the Microsoft loopback adapter you just added and select “properties” to set the IP address


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At this step, please check the vmware bridge protocol also:

After you click “properties”, you will see this window, please set the IP address as the picture shows.

Click “Yes’ to exit.


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15. After you finish the IP setting, Run c:\ediabas\bin\ifhsrv32.exe

16. Run diaghead.exe

Select diaghead menu <run>

17. Run vwware

Open c:\dis 55 english\dis 55 english.vmdk

<first time run gt1,you need do this >

Click <administration> button (in gt1 software main screen)

Click <connection setup> button

Click <connecting> button

Click <menu>-><end>--<quit> buttion (to back to main screen)

To work correctly with the device, in vmplayer set ethernet1, ethernet2, ethernet3 to "connected", "bridged".


If the Microsoft loopback adapter is not activated after you set the IP, you need re-activate the network adapter or reset pc.

Please don’t change ethernet2, ethernet3 ip address.

You need close your firewall software, if you not close firewall, gt1 will not can connect you d-can interface.

Don't use usb extender cable, directly connect interface to computer.


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