Almost everyone likes to get something for noth-
ing. In business, the key is to off er something of
value, with no strings attached, to entice people to make future purchas-
es. Th
e best Internet marketers use this philosophy. Th
ey frequently of-
fer a free book, consulting service, or product. Once people have discov-
ered the value of the product or service, they are more willing to make a
buying decision. Here are a few examples to consider:
Many people off er free seminars or tele-seminars in their area of
expertise. A tele-seminar is a short, forty-fi ve to ninety-minute
training session conducted on the telephone. Financial planners
off er free seminars on estate or tax planning, investment strate-
gies, and more general topics. Th
e free seminars help create leads
and generate business for other services.
A speaker I know conducts a half-day workshop periodically and
invites people on his mailing list to attend at no charge. He con-
verts many of these prospects into new business.
A real estate agent places an ad in the local newspaper and off ers
people tips and strategies that will help them sell their homes. In
“Ensure that the free offer does not
cheapen the product or service.”
Cy Charney, The Instant Sales Pro