Will those who applauded him so vigorously in his public ap-
pearances and who cheered his motorcades so loudly follow his
Will they examine their own thoughts and acts and root out
the racism that is so offensive to the human spirit?
Will they make the link between abstract principles of justice
and their own actions?
I am hopeful they will, but only time will tell. We shall see
whether the wave of firebombings and cross burnings ends. We
shall see whether irrational racial distinctions disappear. And we
shall see whether the new negativism that is gripping the Ameri-
can spirit fades.
For the pope’s message comes at a time when Americans ap-
pear to have abandoned the quest for social justice and retreated
into an antisocial privatism.
In the s there was a general consensus, shared by whites
and blacks alike, that an activist government should achieve full
employment, reverse the effects of discrimination, and revitalize
the cities. Today that consensus has been shattered. In its place
we see the formation of a new negativism in America that calls
for a weak, passive government; indifference to the plight of the
poor; abandonment of affirmative action; and letting the cities
twist slowly, slowly in the wind.
Make no mistake about it. Race is central to the rising support
of the new negativism. People are not merely saying “no” to high
taxes and inflation, they are saying “no” to inclusion of black and
brown people into the mainstream. And behind that “no” are the
Declaring Our Interdependence
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