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Sunday Celebration: May 11, 2014

By Dr. Jonathan David



Compiled by David Chan @ 2014


2014 is the year of extraordinary prophetic fulfillment, provision, protection and progress.

Foundation is very essential in our lives. If the foundation is not strong we cannot build high building. That’s why the
foundation for a healthy family is very important. Worldly things don’t mean much anymore when we grow older but
what means more is to be surrounded by family. We want to see a healthy family. But in between if we never
constantly build a good foundation for a healthy family, in the end we will not have what we want.

In all the teachings God gave us, He does not want us to be floating in the air with many extraordinary things and
forgot our family. If our foundation is destroyed, what can we do?

Psa 11:3

If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?

Put the important thing as the important thing. When the whole family is serving God, then we will see the
extraordinary. Set it right with God from the beginning and do it step by step and we will not regret it.

God has given our church the special grace for lives to change. Not just body is healed mind can be renewed,
emotions healed, family restored and character realigned to God’s word.

Eph 3:11

according to the eternal purpose which He purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord;

All things are done through Christ. When God created the world, He spoke the word and Jesus is the Word.
Nothing was created on the earth without Him. Jesus is the only one who taught us Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be

In Ephesians God showed us how all these things happen. The eternal purpose of God was carried out in Christ
Jesus. Through Christ everything that God has planned was executed. Now Jesus is building the church so that we
can become part of that. Through the church everything that Jesus has done and whatever the Father wanted and
everything that is in heaven can come down. Everything that God planned is carried out through Christ.

Our car is a vehicle to bring us from our house to church. The eternal purpose of God was carried out by Jesus.

Eph 1:9

having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in


Eph 1:10

for an administration of the fullness of times, to head up all things in Christ, both the things in Heaven,

and the things on earth,


in Him,

Eph 1:11

in whom also we have been chosen to an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of

Him who works all things according to the counsel of His own will,

All that God has planned to bring heaven and earth as one. Everything that God has in the heavens He wants to
bring it down. He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing. All are up there and how will the blessings come
down? In Christ Jesus. All the blessings cannot be transferred to us except through Christ. God designed us to be
adopted to be sons and daughters but it can’t be done except through Christ.

Eph 1:3



the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who blessed us with every spiritual blessing in

the heavenlies in Christ;

We lack nothing. Every spiritual blessings come to us in Christ Jesus. Even in choosing us He chose us in Him. It is
through Christ we are chosen. The blessings come to us in Christ. We have to become holy and blameless.

Eph 1:5

having predestined us to the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good

pleasure of His will,

Eph 1:7

In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His


When God sent Jesus to the earth, He has planned to make everything for us become a reality. Everything God
has planned comes to us through Christ. God is in the heaven and the blessings are in the heavenly places. God

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Sunday Celebration: May 11, 2014

By Dr. Jonathan David



Compiled by David Chan @ 2014

sent Jesus to the earth so that when we receive Him God’s plan will start operating. To be a Christian is the most
powerful thing and this is the most essential thing we need.

Eph 1:9

having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in


Eph 1:10

for an administration of the fullness of times, to head up all things in Christ, both the things in Heaven,

and the things on earth,


in Him,

God’s desire and kind intention is a mystery and we don’t know. But Jesus makes it known to us when we receive
Him into our lives. Everything God has planned will start in operation. Because of Jesus the eternal purpose and all
that God has planned and provided for will come to us. When God gave us Jesus He gave the best. Everything will
pass through Christ. God will sum up, add and multiply all the things in heaven and bring it down on the earth. Then
all of the earth will look like heaven. Reality and promise will become one. We cannot take anything outside of

There is only one sin the Holy Spirit will convict us. When we do wrong, the Holy Spirit will not convict us because
we should know that it is wrong. It is our job to change if we do wrong. If we sin we confess. The Holy Spirit’s job is
to convict us of unbelief in Christ. If we believe Jesus and other things the Holy Spirit will convict us; in Christ alone,
not Christ and the world and sin and any other understanding of this world, and etc.

Eph 1:13

in whom also you, hearing the Word of Truth, the gospel of our salvation, in whom also believing, you

were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise,

Eph 1:14

who is the earnest of our inheritance, to


redemption of the purchased possession, to


praise of His


When we listen to the message of truth and the message of salvation of our life, it is not just about being saved and
become a Christian. Everything that God has planned and desire when we listen and believe, God will send the
Holy Spirit to seal us and put His mark upon our lives. What Jesus has done, the Holy Spirit will make it into reality.
When we become a Christian, we are cleansed by His blood.

When we receive Christ and we are unstable; come to church, absent from church, immature etc we can never
receive the fullness of Christ. God sent us the Holy Spirit to be changed from the inside and take full possession of
us so that we are in alignment with all that God has planned. When we have a 100% trust in God, we will see the
promise. Don’t rely on our own understanding or people around us. Everything that God has done will come to pass
in Christ; all the great, good and mighty and heavenly. If God has planned RM1000 for us, it will come. We don’t
need to pray for it. Whatever God has sent will arrive. If we shifted house, the postage will not arrive to us because
we are no longer there.

So make sure the Holy Spirit can fully possess us. It is only in Christ all things will become a reality. The Holy Spirit
comes into our life to make sure we are steady and strong and mature so that we are always align in God.

Eph 1:17

that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and

revelation in


knowledge of Him,

Eph 1:18

the eyes of your understanding being enlightened, that you may know what is the hope of His calling,

and what is the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,

Eph 1:19

and what


the surpassing greatness of His power toward us, the ones believing according to the

working of His mighty strength

When we receive Jesus, these things will happen in our lives.

1) Our eyes must be opened that there is a hope in our calling. The hope is in Christ where we can

become holy and blameless and become like Him, adopted as true sons of God. When we become born
again, we can become holy, blameless, adopted by the spirit of adoption and become true sons of God and
become complete in Him. This is the most amazing hope we have and does not disappoint.

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Sunday Celebration: May 11, 2014

By Dr. Jonathan David



Compiled by David Chan @ 2014

2) Inheritance in the saints. As a father we have inheritance and the children partakes the inheritance. God

the Father has an inheritance in us. Let our eyes become to have the spirit of revelation that God has
placed something in us and growing inside of us. One day we will change from as we are to become
mature sons. Something will happen in our lives and we will no longer be natural anymore. Our lives will
change and become better. Everyone who is saved and born again God has placed something inside us.
There is the glory of God there. We are not a Nobody. We are somebody and He is investing in us. He sent
people to guide us to grow what is inside. We are God’s field and He has placed something there. Most of
us never see what is inside but see what is outside. We’ll be surprised what is inside of us. Most people
only see the external and relate to the external. What is inside us and the real life inside us is not natured
we will miss out God’s blessing. God is expecting us to change from the inside. God put His glory in us and
if we die, this body goes to the grave but the glory continues. The kind of body that will continue depends
on the glory we have. Even though Paul was only 5’6” yet what he carried was more than that. When our
eyes are opened to see what is inside, we will not mix ourselves with the world. All of us are laboring for the
external and all our lives are looking at the external. God spent all His time looking at the internal. After we
become saved God put His glory in us and His life in us. When we tap that life we will be able to live that
life. But most of us we don’t tap on it because we have other work. If we can tap what is inside and draw
from heaven we will become an extraordinary person. That’s why the devil doesn’t like us because God
hide things inside us. God’s power up there is hidden inside us but our eyes are not opened and think that
God doesn’t love us. When our eyes are opened and have the knowledge of Him, our lives will become
better or else we will keep saying we cannot and not strong. Why are we looking for things that is not lost?
The hope of the calling is that one day we will become like Jesus.

3) The surpassing greatness of His power that is working within us. Our eyes can see the powers of sin

working and bad people working but our eyes can’t see the power of righteousness because only those
with eyes to see can see. It is God that works within us. We must be confident of God’s work and word
within us. If God is working in us, sin cannot work in us and devil cannot work in us and manipulate us.
God’s surpassing must work within us full time; change our thinking. Allow God to work more and more.

Take the seed and give it a right condition and we will see life. Not every church is right.

Eph 1:20

which He worked


Christ in raising Him from


dead, and He seated


at His right hand in the


Eph 1:21

far above all principality and authority and power and dominion, and every name being named, not only

in this world, but also in the coming age.

Eph 1:22

And He has put all


under His feet and gave Him

to be

Head over all


to the church,

Eph 1:23

which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.

The eternal purpose was accomplished and carried out in Christ. When He died and rose again and sat at the right
hand of God, something began. He will not allow us to go our own way after He saved us. He puts us in a family so
that everything that God is building we are part of it. He put us in His house so that everything that can happen
through Christ can happen. Jesus is the head we are His body. The church is His body. That’s why the church is an
important place to be. If the Head is going to carry out the plan, He has to carry it out by His body. That’s why the
church is a powerful place for our family. If we are not in Him, God cannot carry out His plan.

If Jesus wants to touch Muar, He will look for His body and we must be added to the body. Things cannot happen if
the church is paralyzed. If the Head can think but the Body is paralyzed, nothing will happen.

The most essential for a healthy family is to be added to the church; not just attend church. What God has spoken
to the pastor and to the church must become part of our lives. When sugar is added into the coffee, it melts and
being added to the coffee. If the sugar remains as sugar and coffee is still coffee, it is not added. It’s still a separate

God plans and needed a vehicle to make things happen. That’s why He Jesus was here to be the vehicle. When
Jesus rose up, God needed another vehicle just like Jesus. That’s why God chose us and when we are born again,
we become His Body to continue the work of Christ. If our family is not joined to the family of God we will miss out
the place of power.


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