5 Electrodiagnostic Evaluations

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Evaluations of
Patients with Lesions

Involving the

Nervous System

Herman F. Flanigin
Anthony M. Murro

Electrical activity of the brain is either spontaneous or
event-related. Spontaneous activity is unrelated to transient

or repetitive events occurring within the body or in the

body's environment. Spontaneous activity includes direct
current (DC) potentials, alternating current (AC) potentials,
nd unit potentials (Fig. 5-1). *

DC potentials are slowly changing shifts in the brain's

electrical baseline. AC potentials are more rapidly changing
potentials, such as rhythmic EEG activity. Unit potentials
are small intracellular or extracellular potentials of brief

duration recorded by microelectrodes from individual neur-
ons. Unit potentials depend on the spatial orientation of the

neurons and their processes. In discharging, they create a
dipole which may be summated by orientation, synchroniza-
tion, and recruitment to reach a level that can be recorded
from the scalp.

Event-related potentials (ERPs) or event-related re-

sponses (ERRs) occur as a result of external or internal
events. The term event-related responses is more descriptive
than evoked responses because the responses occur as a
result of a transient or recurrent event.

Examples of internally generated ERPs are the prefrontal

negative waves recorded while anticipating a movement and
the potentials recorded from the temporal region while solv-

ing a specific problem of choice between two audible tones.

External ERPs occur following stimulation of visual, au-

ditory, and somatosensory systems. These are described as
visual evoked potentials (VEPs), auditory evoked potentials
and somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEPs).


Comprehensive references covering the general topic of
eleclroencephalography may be of assistance in understand-
ing this subject.


Scalp electroencephalography uses cup-shaped disk elec-

trodes. The electrodes are fixed to the scalp with collodion.
An electrolyte gel forms a conductive interface between the

scalp and electrode. The % system


has been adopted by the

American EEG society as a standard system for electrode
placement. The "$" refers to interelectrode distances ex-
pressed as percentages of anterior-posterior, transverse, and
circumferential head measurements (Fig 5-2).

In addition, special electrodes inserted against the inferior

surface of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone beneath the
medial temporal lobe (sphenoidal electrodes) record from
the basilar and medial temporal lobe regions (Fig. 5-3).

The electroencephalograph amplifies minute scalp poten-

tials as low as 2 to 3 microvolts (|xV) and provides a record
of the scalp voltage over time. Differential amplifiers


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Figure 5-1 Spontaneous brain electrical activity (left): DC
current (top), alternating current (middle), unit potentials (bottom).
Event-related responses (right): somatosensory evoked response
recorded over the sensory cortex (top), cognitive related response

showing phase reversal (bottom), recorded from limbic structures.

amplify the difference in potentials between two input leads

but are insensitive to the potentials common to both input
leads (common mode rejection).

The EEG amplifier's bandwidth is usually between 0.5

and 70 hertz (Hz). The low and high filter settings are
adjusted to accentuate low or high EEG frequencies for
interpretation. Notch filters exclude a 60-Hz artifact from
external power sources. Although DC currents occur in the
brain, special DC amplifiers are required to record signals
below 0.5 Hz. At a typical sensitivity of 7 (jiV per milli-

meter, a 50-mV calibration signal produces a 7-mm deflec-

The time constant of the EEG filter is the time for a

sustained calibrated input signal to decay or fall to 37

percent of its initial deflection. This decay of pen deflection
to a sustained voltage input explains why DC voltages
require special recording equipment. Amplifier sensitivity
and paper speed may be adjusted to enhance EEG interpreta-

EEG amplifiers have two inputs, designated as "input 1"

and "input 2." By convention, when the potential of input 1

is more negative than input 2, the EEG produces an upward
pen deflection. Multiple matched calibrated amplifiers,

Figure 5-2 Standard 10-20 international system of electrode
placement. Position and measurements for electrode placement,
viewed from the left side (left). Electrode positions viewed from
the vertex (right).

Figure 5-3 Schematic drawing of introducer placing sphenoidal
electrode on the inferior surface of the greater wing of the sphenoid
bone near the foramen ovale.

called "channels," simultaneously record from sixteen or

more scalp areas. The filter and sensitivity settings are
usually the same for all channels. The recording montage is
the list of recording sites used for inputs 1 and 2 of each ~
channel. A recording is made between an active site and a
single inactive site (referential, or monopolar, montage) or
between successive adjacent recording sites (sequential, or
bipolar, montage).

With a specific localized electrical discharge in the brain,

in a referential montage, the maximum pen deflection occurs
in the channel recording from the most-active scalp site. In a
sequential, or bipolar, montage, a reversal in polarity be-
tween two adjacent channels (phase reversal) determines the
most-active recording site (Fig. 5-4).

EEG interpretation depends on the duration, topography,

and form of EEG waves. Waveforms may be described as
rhythmic, sinusoidal, transient, spike, sharp, sharply con-

toured, truncated, biphasic, polyphasic, spike and wave,

multiple spike and wave, amorphous, or polymorphous.


Normal electrical brain activity depends on the recording

site, the subject's age, and the state of alertness (alert,

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01 -At —————

Figure 5-4 The montage for a referential montage is illustrated

on the left side of the head and a sequential montage on the right

top). Stylized tracings on the left illustrate an assumed spike focus

at the C3 electrode recorded with a referential montage and on the
right an assumed spike focus at F4 recorded with a sequential
montage (bottom).

drowsy, or asleep). In general, however, the activity
recorded in an individual should be fairly symmetrical.

Frequency is designated in cycles per second, or Hertz

Hz), and is divided into four bands. The bands are delta
0.5-4 Hz), theta (4-8 Hz), alpha (8-13 Hz), and beta (13

Hz and above) (Fig. 5-5).

Amplitude varies markedly from one individual to an-

other, from one location to another, and with frequency.


Alpha activity is best seen in the awake, resting subject with

the eyes closed. The amplitude is generally about 20 to 50

M-V and the frequency ranges from 8 to 12 Hz. It is recorded

maximally over the parietal and occipital regions but may

appear to a lesser degree over other areas. Alpha activity
often attenuates or modulates with eye opening or with

mental activities. The amplitude often waxes and wanes over
periods of 1 to 2 s, a phenomenon called "spindling." Alpha
activity is absent during sleep.

Beta activity is usually less than 20 |j,V in amplitude. It is

often maximal over the frontal and central regions. Under
careful observation, it may diminish with voluntary motor
tasks. Some intermingling occurs over other head regions.

Theta activity intermingles with other frequencies. Its

usual location is in the temporal and central regions.


Decreased axial muscle tone, phasic eye movements, irregu-
lar cardiac and respiratory activity, penile erections, vivid
dreaming, EEG sawtooth waves, and EEG low-voltage theta
and delta activity occur during rapid eye movement (REM)


Non-REM sleep is divided into stages I to IV. The occur-

rence of sleep transients (sleep spindles and K complexes)
and the amount of sleep delta determines the non-REM sleep
stage. Sleep delta is less than 2 Hz and greater than 75 p.V.

Stage I sleep contains no sleep transients, and the EEG

consists of low-voltage 2- to 7-Hz activity. Sleep transients
occur during the remaining non-REM sleep stages. Stage II
contains less than 20 percent sleep delta. Stage III
contains 20 to 50 percent sleep delta. Stage IV sleep

contains greater than 50 percent sleep delta.


There are major differences between EEGs recorded from

infants and children of different ages and the adult. In the

premature infant with a conceptual age of less than 30

weeks, a discontinuous EEG pattern of prolonged low-
voltage periods alternating with brief slow-wave bursts
occurs. Continuous EEG patterns develop between 30 and
34 weeks conceptual age. Distinct EEG patterns that distin-
guish sleep from wakefulness develop between 35 and 37
weeks of conceptual age. Fully developed neonatal sleep
patterns of quiet and active sleep occur after 37 weeks of
conceptual age.

During infancy, a posterior rhythmic 3- to 4-Hz activity

occurs by 3 months of age. This background frequency
increases to 5 Hz at 6 months, 6 to 7 Hz at 1 year, 7 to 8 Hz
at 18 months, and 9 to 11 Hz during young adulthood. Theta
and delta activity is commonly seen in the posterior scalp
regions during childhood and young adulthood (posterior
slow waves of youth).

Figure 5-5 Frequency bands top to bottom (left): delta, theta,
alpha, and beta. Typical waveforms top to bottom (right): rhythmic

sinusoidal, rhythmic low-voltage spikes, spike and slow wave,

polyspike and slow wave, and polymorphous waves.

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Spikes are sharply contoured waves, less than 80 ms in

duration. They occur repetitively and have an amplitude
significantly greater than the background. Spikes occur alone
or followed by a slow wave (spike and wave). Multiple
spikes followed by a slow wave (polyspike and wave) are
associated with generalized seizures. Spike and wave dis-
charges can be regular (rhythmic) or irregular.

Sharp waves are similar to spikes but have a duration

between 80 to 200 ms. Spikes and sharp waves are epilepti-
form discharges and are associated with epilepsy.

Persistent polymorphic focal delta activity is associated

with focal structural brain lesions such as stroke, tumor,
abscess, or contusions. The location of this EEG abnormality
corresponds closely to the site of the structural brain lesion.

Intermittent bilateral synchronous rhythmic delta is asso-

ciated with diffuse metabolic, degenerative, or toxic disease.

The location of this EEG abnormality is usually frontal or

occipital and does not correspond to the site of the under-

lying brain abnormality.


Activation procedures have been developed to precipitate

abnormal EEG activity.

Hyperventilation over 3 min reduces arterial CO


, pro-

duces cerebral vasoconstriction, and results in bilateral
rhythmic EEG slowing in normal patients. In patients with
absence seizures, hyperventilation will produce paroxysmal
rhythmic spike and wave discharges.

Photic stimulation often produces rhythmic synchronous

posterior activity in normal patients (photi» driving re-

sponse). In some patients, photic stimulation produces syn-
chronous myoclonic jerks (photomyoclonic response). In pa-
tients with generalized epilepsy, photic stimulation may

produce seizure activity (photoconvulsive response).

Sleep deprivation, on the evening prior to the EEG

recording, increases the diagnostic sensitivity of the EEG for
patients with epilepsy. Epileptiform discharges occur more
frequently during non-REM sleep. In some patients, sleep
deprivation will induce seizures.

Hydration, alcohol, metrazol, amytal, and brevital have all

been used to precipitate epileptiform discharges, but this will

not be discussed further here (Fig. 5-6).

communicate with the patient and record significant behav-

ioral observations for correlation with the EEG.


While imaging studies reveal structural brain abnormalities,
the EEG reveals functional brain abnormalities. The EEG
will reveal abnormalities associated with clinically latent
disease in patients with epilepsy and in metabolic, toxic, and
traumatic disease.

The site of seizure onset (seizure focus) is determined by

the location of epileptiform discharges in the initial stages of
electrographic seizure activity. Focal slow-wave activity

may occur in association with epileptiform discharges at the

same site.

Diffuse polymorphic activity is associated with diffuse

brain disease such as results from inflammatory, toxic, vas-
cular, anoxic, and degenerative disorders.

Diffuse rhythmic 10-Hz sinusoidal activity is seen at

times in coma states (alpha coma). The frontal predomi-
nance, absence of spindles, and lack of modulation distin-
guish this from true alpha as seen in the normal subject.

Acute hemispheric brain lesions and acute exacerbations

of partial seizures are associated with periodic lateralized
epileptiform discharges (PLEDS). Periodic bisynchronous
0.5- to 2-Hz discharges are associated with Jakob-Creutzfeld
(JC) disease. Periodic discharges on a flat background are
associated with anoxic coma and myoclonus. In patients
with subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE), periodic

100- to lOOO-jjiV, 0.5- to 3-s, slow-wave bursts occur with

4- to 15-s interburst intervals.


Cortical mapping includes the recording of spontaneous
electrical activity, stimulation of the cortex for localizing
cortical representation of function, and evoked potential
recording for localization of sensory primary projection cor-
tex. The latter will be described later in this chapter. The use
of mapping techniques is not confined to epilepsy surgery.
The preservation of functional cortex during resection of
intracerebral tumors and vascular malformations is aided by

accurate identification of speech and sensorimotor cortex,
and, at times, of visual cortex.


Prolonged EEG-video monitoring is used to evaluate episod-
ic events such as seizures. Multiple EEG channels are en-
coded (multiplexed) as a single channel that is stored on an
audio channel of a videotape. A video camera simultane-
ously records the patient's behavior onto the same videotape.

Radio or cable telemetry EEG recordings allow the patient
to remain mobile during the recording.


A technologist may


When stimulation mapping is required for identification of
speech and sensorimotor cortex, it is necessary to perform
the studies under local anesthesia, as described in Chap. 22.
Electrocorticography may be indicated for seizure activity
associated with the lesion to be resected. Following acquisi-
tion of spontaneous electrographic activity, stimulation stud-
ies are performed as described in Chap. 22.

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Figure 5-6 Activation by hyperventilation

(A) and photic stimulation (B). (Note photic
stimulation artifact in last channel.)

Cortical threshold for stimulation parameters is deter-

mined by responses in the lower sensorimotor strip, after
which motor and speech areas are identified by stimulation.
A response cannot be considered negative unless the thresh-
old for stimulation parameters has been established by posi-

tive responses reproducible elsewhere in the cortex in the

same patient. Cortical response positions are indicated with
numbered tickets and recorded photographically.



A flash visual evoked response sometimes occurs in the occipi-
tal region during photic stimulation on the routine EEG; how-
ever, low-amplitude electrical response to a stimulus is usually
obscured by ongoing spontaneous electrical brain activity.

The appearance of the event-related response is improved by


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Figure 5-7 Effect of averaging on recorded signals. A. Single
sweep. B. Averaging of 10 sweeps. C. Averaging of 100 sweeps.

D. Averaging of 1000 sweeps.

averaging multiple responses that are time-locked to the stimu-

lus. These responses are summated and averaged so that with a
sufficient number of epochs the background activity is canceled
and the response can be identified (Fig. 5-7).


Stimulating Device The stimulating device must pro-

duce an appropriate stimulus type and signal the onset of the
stimulus to the computer that performs the signal averaging.
Stimulus intensity and frequency are programmable.

Visual stimulation for visual evoked responses (VERs)

includes flash, pattern reversal (PR), and light-emitting
diode (LED) array stimuli. All VERs are performed with
monocular testing. During a pattern reversal VER, the pa-
tient maintains fixation on a screen of alternating bright and
dark squares. Stimulation occurs when the dark squares

become bright and the bright squares simultaneously become


Retrochiasmatic lesions of the visual pathways are evalu-

ated using monocular hemifield stimulation. The pattern

reversal VER is more sensitive than the other VERs for

detecting conduction defects of the visual pathways. The

pattern reversal study, however, requires greater patient co-
operation and concentration, which are not necessary with
flash or LED VERs.

Auditory stimulation is obtained from broad-spectrum

clicks, or single-frequency tone pips. Stimulus intensity is
measured in decibels (dB) above a reference level. The
commonly used reference levels are the normal hearing level
(NHL) and the sensation level (SL). NHL is the average
auditory threshold from a normal population. SL is the
auditory threshold of the subject's ear. Each ear is tested
separately while the opposite ear is masked with white

(broad-spectrum, multifrequency) noise.

Auditory stimuli are also used to obtain the P300 cogni-

tive evoked potentials. For this study the auditory stimulus is
either a low- or high-pitched tone. One of the tones is
presented rarely, and the sequence of rare and frequent tones

is random. The patient is asked to identify and count the

number of rare tones. The average evoked response to rare
tones will contain a positive potential with an average la-
tency of 300 ms (P300).

Audiometry may also be obtained by AEPs using tone

pips. The threshold for hearing successive frequencies is
charted for each ear while the opposite ear is masked. These

studies may be obtained for both air and bone conduction.

Somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEPs) are obtained

from mechanical or electrical stimuli applied to the upper
extremities (median nerve SSEP) or lower extremities (pos-

terior tibial or peroneal nerve SSEP). Stimulus duration,

intensity, and frequency are adjustable.

Recording Instrumentation Each channel amplifies

up to 500,000 times. The low filter settings are typically 1,
5, 10, 25, 50, 100, and 300 H/, and the high filter settings
are 100, 250, 500, 1000, and 3000 Hz, providing for cutoff
of high frequencies. The rate of signal attenuation (rolloff) is
greater for digital than analogue filters. Phase-free digital
filters, unlike analogue filters, do not change evoked poten-

tial peak latencies. A 60-Hz notch filter reduces artifact from
external power sources.

Averaging Equipment Averaging is accomplished by

computer. The analogue-to-digital converter (ADC) trans-
forms the analogue signal to a digital form. An 8-bit ADC
has a resolution of 1/256 of the full ADC voltage range. A

12-bit ADC has a finer resolution of 1/4096 of the full ADC

voltage range. Signals with an amplitude beyond the ADC
voltage range are rejected for averaging (artifact rejection).

The computer averages serial-recorded samples (epochs)

triggered by the stimulator. The evoked response is en-
hanced because it is time-locked to the stimulus; however,

spontaneous activity unrelated to the stimulus is nullified by
averaging. The intersample interval (ISI) is the time between
successive ADC voltage measurements. The reciprocal of

the ISI is the ADC's sampling frequency. The sampling
frequency must exceed twice the fastest frequency compo-
nent of the recorded data (Nyquist frequency). A sampling
frequency below the Nyquist frequency causes an aliasing
(harmonic error). Sweep time is the duration of the entire
recorded epoch. Usually 4 to 8 channels are used to record
progressive transmission of neural activity from multiple

sites of the nervous system.

A record of the average baseline prior to stimulation is

obtained by a triggered average for a fixed period prior to
stimulation. Recorded stimulus artifact is reduced by begin-
ning the triggered averaging a fixed interval after stimula-
tion. Using a cursor, the amplitude and latencies of evoked
responses are measured on a screen. This information is
stored on a computer disk and printed by the computer. The

convention on the direction of pen deflection and signal

polarity varies among manufacturers and laboratories.



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The distance between the active recording electrode and

the neural generator of an evoked potential peak varies. If
this distance is small, the response is termed a near field

potential. If this distance is large, the response is termed a

far field potential. The short latency brainstem auditory

evoked responses (BAERs) are examples of far field poten-
tials. Physiological transmission must be distinguished from

electrical conduction.


The brainstem auditory evoked responses (BAERs) or brain-
stem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs)
are also referred to
as auditory brainstem responses (ABRs). These short latency
responses arise from cranial nerve VIII and the brainstem.

Auditory stimuli are also used to elicit the long latency P300

cognitive evoked response.

Waves I to VIII may be present, but only waves I to V are

of significant clinical value.

The auditory nerve generates waves I and II. The audi-

tory nerve produces a positive wave II recorded from the

vertex. The auditory nerve near the porus acusticus pro-
duces the second negative peak recorded from the earlobe.
The interval between these positive and negative waves
measures the intracranial auditory nerve transmission

time. This travel time is abnormal in neurovascular com-

pression syndromes.


Wave III is generated in the lower pons by the cochlear



Wave IV may receive input from several sources,

including the lateral lemniscus and the superior olivary nu-


This is also the earliest wave that receives contribu-

tions from contralateral structures. Wave V appears To be
derived from the lateral lemniscus and the inferior colliculus.
Waves IV and V tend to fuse on the ipsilateral side and
become more discrete on the contralateral side. Waves VI
and VII may be generated in the inferior colliculus (Fig.



Figure 5-8 A. Schematic for stylized auditory evoked response
and its anatomical generators. (LegattAD, Arezzo JC, Vaughn HG
Jr: The Anatomic and physiologic buses of brain stem auditory
evoked potentials.
Neurol Clin 6:681-704, 1988. Reproduced with

permission.) B. Normal auditory evoked response, showing clearly

defined waves I to IV. Vertex positive is up.

Depth electrode studies suggest that a positive 15.5-ms

wave originates from postsynaptic activity of the nucleus
ventrocaudalis. A much-lower-voltage, positive-negative-

positive triphasic response with peak latencies of positive

13.3 and negative 16.0 ms maximum in the nucleus interme-

dius represents a presynaptic axonal potential generated in
the rostral part of the lemniscal pathway and recorded by

volume conduction (Fig. 5-9).




These responses are most frequently used for study of the

sensory pathways from the median nerve in the upper ex-

tremity or the tibial nerve in the lower extremity. Stimulat-

ing electrodes are placed over the median nerve at the wrist

or over the tibial nerve at the ankle.

Direct somesthetic pathway recordings suggest that the

PI3 cervical cord neurons generate the PI3 wave and that
the rostral brainstem medial lemniscus or ventral posterior
lateral thalamic neurons generate the P14 wave.


Height and age correlate with median nerve peak latencies

but not with median nerve interpeak latencies. Men have
longer N13 and N19 peak latencies than women.



In addition to involvement in trigeminal neuralgia, the tri-
geminal nerve may be compressed by tumors of the skull
base at several sites.

Stimulation is by a Teflon-coated electrode with bared tip

inserted into the infraorbital foramen. The depth of insertion
is critical for latency, and symmetrical placement is neces-
sary. Square-wave stimulation parameters of 0.05 ms dura-
tion, with a frequency of 2 per second and intensity of 3
times the sensory threshold are satisfactory.

Recording electrodes are placed at Cz with reference to

the C7 vertebral spinous process (Cv7).

Bilateral studies provide the opportunity for evaluation of

a control and determination of symmetry.

With negative deflection upward, waves 1, 2, and 3 have

latencies of 0.88, 1.80, and 2.44 ms, respectively. Interwave


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latencies of 1 to 2 and 2 to 3 are 0.90 and 1.55 ms,

respectively. An increase in the latency of wave 1 of more
than 0.32 ms when compared to the normal side is consid-
ered abnormal. Wave 1 originates at the entrance of the
maxillary division into the gasserian ganglion. Wave 2 origi-
nates from the root entry zone into the ports. The origin of
wave 3 is at the presynaptic portion of the trigeminal tract

within the pons.

Delay or absence of wave 2 and/or 3 on the affected side

is seen in tumors of the skull base and in trigeminal neural-
gia. This may be demonstrated even in patients with subclin-
ical involvement of the nerve.

Anteriorly placed lesions along the trigeminal pathways

are characterized by similar delays of waves 2 and 3. Le-
sions of the cerebellopontine angle produce greater changes
in wave 3 than in wave 2. Wave 1 is altered only with
anteriorly placed peripheral lesions. Absence of waves 2 and
3 may be demonstrated in patients successfully treated by
surgery for trigeminal neuralgia.


Evoked responses may also be obtained from stimulation

of the supraorbital nerve. These are harder to obtain be-
cause of the difficulty involved in stabilization of the
stimulating electrode and the need to anesthetize the scalp
around the stimulating electrode to avoid motor responses.
The amplitude of these responses is lower than those ob-
tained by stimulating the maxillary division. While not
identical to the responses from infraorbital stimulation,
there are similarities in waveforms, latencies, and probably

generators (Fig. 5-10).

Figure 5-9 Normal SSERs

obtained by stimulation of median
nerve (A) and posterior tibial nerve
(B). Negative is up.


Electroretinograms (ERGs) are responses in the retinae
evoked by visual stimulation. Waves at less than 50 ms
latency are thought to originate in the eye. Recording from
stimulation of both eyes permits comparison of the re-
sponses, since only slight contralateral response to unilateral
stimulation occurs. Stimulation by pattern reversal is pre-
ferred but flash may be used. The alpha (a) wave appearing
at about 26 ms is mediated by the receptors, and the beta (|3)
wave appearing at about 45 ms is mediated by the ganglion
cells. Rapid stimulation may result in overlapping responses

[fast frequency following (FFF) or steady state]. Retinal

disease may impair this response.


Recording is accomplished, preferably from gold-foil

electrodes inserted beneath the lower lid or from cup elec-
trodes on the lower lid. For ERG recording, the reference

electrode is placed on the ipsilateral temporal region, since
VER contamination is reduced. Simultaneous recording of
the VER using occipital electrodes permits correlation of the


The ERG may persist in the absence of intra-

cranial response in brain death (Fig. 5-11).


For usual clinical study, pattern shift (or reversal) visual
evoked responses
(PSVERs, PRVERs) are used. These have

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Figure 5-10 Stylized and actual
normal trigeminal evoked
responses. Negative is up. (Leandri

M, Parodi Cl, Favale E: Normative

data on scalp responses evoked by

infraorbital nerve stimulation.
Electroencephalogr Clin

Neurophysiol 71:415-421, 1988.

Reproduced with permission.)

less variability than strobe light studies and are more sensitive
to abnormalities. For infants and uncooperative or unconscious

patients, strobe light or LED studies are necessary.

PSVERs are obtained using a video screen placed 1 m

from the patient, who may wear appropriate corrective

lenses. A point of fixation is situated in the center of the

screen. The screen is illuminated in a checkerboard pattern
that alternately reverses the illuminated squares. The size of
the squares and the frequency of reversal are controlled by
computer. Control of half and quarter fields is also program-
mable. Sensitivity to detection of abnormalities is increased
with smaller squares.

Depth electrode studies reveal both flash VERs and

PRVER responses, as recorded from the scalp, and they

appear to be generated entirely in the visual cortical struc-

tures. The initial negativity has a more-superficial generator
than the large positive peak at 80 to 100 ms.


The response

is dipole-oriented to the visual cortex, and placement of the
recording electrode is critical to the response. Of note is the
maximal response in the occipital region on the side of an
absent occipital lobe (Fig. 5-12).


Special techniques have been designed to record evoked
potentials from the olfactory system. Stimulation is deliv-

Figure 5-11 Electroretinograms. Normal eye (N). Abnormal eye

(A) with optic neuritis associated with multiple sclerosis. Negative

is up. (Papakostopoulos D, Fotiou F, Hart JC, Banerji NK. The

electroretinogram in multiple sclerosis and demyelinating optic

neuritis. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 74:1-10, 1989.

Reproduced with permission.)

ered unilaterally to the olfactory mucosa by switching

cleaned filtered air, flowing at 20 ml per second, to similar

air-containing odoriferous substances. The continuous flow
prevents somatosensory response from a puff of air on the
nonolfactory nasal mucosa.

The switching mechanism serves as the sweep trigger

with a sweep time of 2048 ms. Recording is from Cz
referred to Al.'Waves designated as Nl may be obtained at
306 to 484 ms and PI at 349 to 455 ms. Anosmic subjects
are unable to generate evoked responses to vanillin.




The use of intraoperative evoked potential monitoring, par-
ticularly VERs, has been criticized for its inability to predict
the outcome of a surgical procedure.


The expectation that

intraoperative monitoring can predict the outcome of an
operation is doomed to disappointment, although a high
degree of correlation has been reported. Current evaluation
of the use of intraoperative monitoring has been published
by the American Academy of Neurology.


The concept of "false negatives" and "false positives" as

an evaluator of intraoperative monitoring is subordinated by
whether neural damage is reduced by monitoring. The likeli-
hood of prevention of a major neurological deficit by recog-
nition and reversal of lost evoked potentials is so high that a

Figure 5-12 Visual evoked response. Sweep time, 200 ms.
Positive is down.

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controlled study comparing a change with no action taken is

not acceptable.


Intraoperative ERs may inform the surgeon that a particu-

lar maneuver being performed is altering the physiology of
the neural pathways involved and carries the risk of a
permanent deficit, or it may notify the anesthesiologist that
some alteration in function has occurred that may be based
on a change in the general body state. Such information
permits appropriate action to correct the change. Admittedly,
there are situations or stages in an operative procedure where
a particular maneuver such as the control of bleeding must
be completed, regardless of an alerting change. Otherwise, in
most operations, an alteration in technique may be required
while awaiting evoked response recovery. Lacking this op-

tion, the surgeon may elect to pause long enough to allow

recovery of ERs.

The outcome of surgery affecting the central nervous

system (CNS) is the result of the pathological process being

treated as well as the success of the surgeon in correcting its
damage. If irreversible changes have not taken place and

correction occurs, the patient will be improved; if changes
are irreversible, regardless of the skill of the surgeon, a
permanent residual may be expected. If, however, there is
the possibility of improvement or even arrest of a lost
function and a manipulation in the surgical procedure jeop-
ardizes neural pathways, that possibility may be lost. It is to
this factor that the use of intraoperative evoked potential
monitoring is directed, and the earlier the surgeon is alerted

to such a threat, the greater the chance of preservation of

function. It is inevitable, then, that false-positive and false-
negative alerting responses should occur.

For intraoperative EP monitoring the patient must- serve

as his or her own control. The pathological process for
which surgery is performed may have produced alterations
in the evoked responses prior to surgery, in addition to
which the preoperative medications and anesthesia may

produce further changes. Preoperative evoked potential

studies serve as an aid in diagnosis and in planning intrao-

perative recordings, but they arc usually different from the
baseline recording obtained initially in surgery. Intraopera-
tive ERs must be compared to this baseline for determina-
tion of change.




Averaging is done with commercial computers, using

programs written to operate the computer. Continuous ac-

quisition of averages is obtained. These are designed to

sequence plotting so that a continuous record is obtained,
with appropriate notation of time and comments.

Current instrumentation permits digital filtering, time-

variant filtering, stimulus artifact rejection, and other proces-

sing for acquisition of cleaner evoked responses with fewer




The use of these developments permits a more-

rapid recycling time so that the responses recorded may be
reported within 30 to 60 s of the initial sample. This offers

the surgeon an alerting notification approaching real time
during a manipulation so that a corrective action may be


Because of changes, in evoked responses that may occur

with anesthetic agents, especially with bolus delivery during

critical stages of monitoring, it is essential for the surgeon
to have good communication with the anesthesiologist prior
to surgery.




This should include consideration of preop-

erative medications. A steady state of anesthesia using

a minimal level of nitrous oxide and oxygen combined
with titrated fentanyl seems to give satisfactory results.


Administration of up to 0.5% isoflurane seems fairly well
tolerated in most patients, particularly if a steady state is
established. Anesthetic agents have the most marked effect
on long latency responses, while short latency responses
may not be affected.

Positioning and fixation of the head may determine the

success of monitoring. The head resting on a pad produces

movement artifact and allows fluids to collect and produce

shunts between electrodes on the scalp. Therefore, fixation
in head pins seems mandatory. Both recording and referen-
tial electrodes must be protected from movement by the
surgeon or assistants.

Once the patient is draped, the opportunity to replace a

faulty electrode is lost. Reliability is assured by applying
two electrodes in each position, making an alternate elec-
trode available. Electrodes are secured by gauze and collo-
dion and gelled to an impedance of <3000 ohm. The use of
disposable fetal ECG electrodes may offer a satisfactory



Potentials may be recorded intraoperatively from the audi-
tory nerve using fine Teflon-coated multistrand silver wire
electrodes with a small cotton wick attached to the tip.
Recordings are made from the intracranial electrode, the
earlobe, and the vertex contacts, with a noncephalic refer-
ence electrode. These are compound nerve action potentials

(CAPs) and are of short latency.





Intraoperative auditory evoked responses are recorded from

the earlobes or mastoids referred to the vertex. The most
important wave forms are the short latency waves originat-
ing in the brainstem.

Two groups of patients undergoing posterior fossa micro-

vascular decompression before and after instituting intra-
operative monitoring were evaluated for hearing loss. None
of the monitored group suffered profound hearing loss, while
6.6 percent of the nonmonitored group had profound hearing
loss. A latency shift in wave V of 1.0 ms is considered
significant, and the surgical procedure was altered in 43

percent of the cases.


background image



Figure 5-13 lOAERs. A. Normal mtracramal CAP from CM VIII

at different stimulation intensities, recorded near the internal

auditory canal. (Mfiller AR: Evoked Potentials in Intraoperative
Monitoring. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1988. Reproduced

with permission.) B. Extracranial recording during craniotomy for
aneurysm with retraction of cerebellum. Note amplitude and
morphological changes with increased latency of wave V (indicated
by tic marks) and subsequent improvement.


Intraoperative monitoring of SSERs has been in use for the
longest time. Its value, although contested, has received a
number of supporting reports (Fig. 5-13).




Bilateral stimulation of the median nerves at the wrist or

the posterior tibial nerves using needle electrodes has proved
most satisfactory. The stimulating electrodes are placed in or
near the nerves after the patient is anesthetized, with a
minimal interelectrode distance of 3.0 cm and with the
cathode proximal.

Recording electrodes may be applied with collodion prior to

surgery, or coiled fetal scalp monitoring electrodes may be used
and applied after anesthesia. Impedance is below 3000 ohms.
Recording from Erb's point during median nerve stimulation or
from the lumbar spine during lower extremity stimulation, re-
ferred to an indifferent site, verifies neural input. Additional
channels recording from the scalp at the C3' and C4' sites for
upper and Cz' for lower extremity stimulation provides long
latency evoked responses from the primary projection areas of
the cortex. Short latency responses may be obtained by record-

ing from the C2 vertebra or from the exposed spinal cord below
and above the level of surgery.

A two-channel stimulator is used to deliver an isolated

stimulus of 200 ms duration at 4.7 to 7.7 per second, with a
current less than 20 mA. Artifact rejection is used, and
sweep delay may be used to avoid stimulus artifact.
Sweeptime is 50 ms, with 100 to 500 responses being
averaged. Filter settings range from 10 to 30 LFF to 250 to


In monitoring procedures below the cervical region it is

advisable to be prepared to monitor evoked responses from
the median nerve in addition to those from the lower ex-
tremities. In the event of loss of responses from the lower
extremities, loss of the upper extremity responses indicates a
systemic change rather than one resulting from injury to the
spinal cord.

Interpretation during monitoring requires almost constant

observation. Patients serve as their own controls since
preoperative alterations in function are frequently present.
During critical periods in the operation, a decrease in
amplitude of more than 30 percent is considered significant

by some and of more than 50 percent by most others. An


background image







figure 5~14 IORSER during insertion of Harrington rods.

increase in latency is also a potential warning sign, but

the delay in conduction with decrease in body or extrem-
ity temperature must be considered. Frequent dialogue
with the surgeon permits meaningful correlation between
steps in the surgery and the observed* evoked responses
(Fig. 5-14).

Patients operated on in the sitting position may accumu-

late intracranial subdural air. This alters conduction of the
electrical response from the cortex to the conventional
recording electrodes. This may be detected by a decrease in
amplitude without an increase in latency in the response, and
in the absence of alteration in anesthesia or vital signs. It

may be confirmed by preservation of the response using a
different montage recording from T3 to T4, as well as the
bimodal use of concurrent lOAERs.



Several authors have found that intraoperative VERs are







but others have denied their significance.






Of the modes of intraoperative monitoring in use, VERs are

the most susceptible to instability. As noted above, the

waves with longer latencies represent those with a greater

number of synaptic passages and are, therefore, most sus-

ceptible to systemic changes due to anesthesia or alterations

in blood pressure, oxygenation, and electrolytes.

Stimulation may be by LED arrays mounted in goggles,

but more satisfactory are LED arrays mounted in scleral
cups placed beneath the eyelids. A local anesthetic is applied
to the conjunctiva prior to placement. It may be necessary to

use a short-acting mydriatic to produce pupillary dilita-

The stimulation controllers illuminate the arrays in flashes

of 5 ms duration at variable frequencies. Because of the
sweep duration for averaging, a frequency of <5 Hz is
required. With pathological delay of the visual pathway
conduction, a range of 1 to 2 Hz may be desirable. The

flashes may be given to either eye, bilaterally, or to alternate

eyes. The last technique may permit the ongoing averaging
of potentials from each eye separately during a single sweep,
but sweep time must be doubled to prevent superimposition
of responses.

Recording electrodes are Oz electrodes referred to Cz

electrodes, but in some instances 01 and 02 are added.

Low filter settings of 1 to 30 Hz and high filter settings of

100 to 250 Hz have proved satisfactory for intraoperative

VERs. This may vary with individual patients, and it should be
set for the optimal response that is replicable. Amplification
may vary from 10K to 100K, depending on the individual case.
The preoperative baseline may help in the selection of record-
ing parameters. Once an optimal and stable setting is reached

in the initial phases of the operation, it is desirable to retain the

same settings during the critical part of the procedure.

The latency of the PI00 wave in patients with impaired

conduction of the anterior visual pathways is frequently
increased significantly. Selection of an appropriate sweep
time should be increased sufficiently to permit identification
of this wave not only at the beginning of the operation, but

also during periods of monitoring when the latency may be
increased. Sweep times of 300 to 400 ms may therefore be
appropriate. This may require an appropriate adjustment in

the stimulation frequency to avoid superimposition. The
number of sweeps required varies with replicability. Where
reliable responses are obtained, 100 to 200 sweeps will
suffice. The number of required sweeps together with the
stimulation frequency determines the recycling time per
average. During critical times in the procedure the shortest

stable recycling time is desirable.

A decrease in amplitude of 50 percent, an increase in

latency of 5 ms, or a change in morphology are indications
for notifying the surgeon. At that time, information as to the
manipulation being done should be obtained and docu-
mented. It is important to recognize that each patient serves
as his or her own control-, and the thrust of the entire
monitoring procedure is to record deviations from the base-

line responses since they may be affected by the surgical
procedure. The informed surgeon may then alter the manip-

ulations, if possible, and reduce the threat of increased visual
deficit. An improvement in responses with release of visual
pathway compression is gratifying (Fig. 5-15).

background image




The development of somatosensory evoked responses has by

far preceded that of motor evoked responses. The impor-
tance of the motor system in volitional activities has
prompted the development of techniques for clinical assess-

ment of the function of the motor system in the laboratory

and in the operating room.


The history of the observation

that stimulation of the motor cortex resulted in movement is
well-documented and will not be repeated. Assessment of
the function of the motor pathways, however, has required
development of replicable quantitative techniques compara-
ble to those used for sensory studies but equally noninva-
sive. Motor response to electrical stimulation through the
intact scalp has been observed, and techniques have been
developed for stimulation of the motor cortex through the
intact skull. This involves placement of a large electrode
(anode) over the motor strip and another against the palate or
other distant site (cathode).

The impedance to stimulating currents in ohm-cm is

scalp, 300 to 1000; skull, 5000 to 15,000; CSF, 65; gray

matter, 250; and white matter, 750.


The attenuation of the

stimulating current by high tissue resistance requires rela-

tively large voltages—up to 700 V—and currents of up to 1 A.
The resistance and current dispersion results in discomfort or
pain in alert patients.

The development of stimulating electromagnetic coils

provides a more-acceptable method of transcranial cortical

stimulation and is now the preferred method.


Large electri-

cal fields are not created at the surface of the scalp, and little
discomfort is produced. The stimulating coil does not re-

quire contact with the scalp.


Transcranial electrical stimu-

Figure 5-15 IOVER during transsphenoidal removal of pituitary
tumor. Note marked decrease in response during tumor
manipulation with subsequent recovery after surgeon was alerted.


Figure 5-16 Magnetic stimulating coil showing field strength at
0.5, 2, and 3 cm from the center of the figure-8 coil with the center
of the coil oriented longitudinally to the recording probe. The insert
shows the field strength with the coil oriented transverse to the
recording probe. (Maccabee PJ, Eberle L, Amassian VE, et al:
Spatial distribution of the electric field induced in volume by round
and figure '8' magnetic coils: Relevance to activation of sensory
nerve fibers.
Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 76:131-141,
1990. Reproduced with permission.)

lation may still be preferable for intraoperative monitoring

where the patient is anesthetized and paralyzed, since the

equipment is less complicated to organize in the operating
room environment (Fig. 5-16).

Recording may be from surface electrodes over peripheral

muscles as performed with EMG or over nerves as is used
for recording of action potentials. Intraoperative recording is
more reliable from needle electrodes inserted in peripheral
nerves or along the spinal axis. As in SSEPs, the responses
referable to the upper extremities are more easily elicited
than those of the lower extremities.

In electromagnetic stimulation, it is the changing mag-

netic field that produces the stimulation. The field strength is
determined by the number of ampere turns. To achieve a
high rate of change in current, a capacitor is discharged into
the excitation coil. The current induced in tissue is propor-
tional to the rate of change of the magnetic field, which is
proportional to the current in the coil. Living tissue is freely

permeable to magnetic fields without attenuation. Because of

the high current required in the coil, the discharge from the

background image



capacitor from which the current originates is very brief,

while recharging the capacitor requires more time. This
limits the repetition rate of the stimulus. Rates more rapid
than 0.3 per second require a cooling coil for heat dissipa-
tion. A stimulus duration of 100 pis has been found to be


The magnetic field produced is 1 to 2.5 tesla in the center

of the coil. An electrical field is generated at right angles to
the magnetic field, parallel to the plane of the coil, and it is
proportional to the time rate change of the magnetic field.
The direction of current flow determines the orientation of

the field.


Action potentials are produced in excitable cells

lying in the electrical field.

The geometry of the coil determines the 3-dimensional

power of the induced electrical field. Coils formed in a single
loop produce maximal electrical fields near the margin of the

loop decreasing to the center, with reversal of the field outside

the margins of the loop. Smaller coils and more tightly wound
coils produce more focali/ed electrical fields.


Adjacent coils forming a butterfly or figure-8 shape with

current flowing in opposite directions in the two loops
produce electrical fields maximal under the center of the

butterfly, and they are considered best-suited for localized

transcranial cortical stimulation and mapping. The magni-
tude of the electrical field decreases with the square of the

distance from the plane of the coil, so that at 2, 3, and 4 cm

the value is 50 percent, 27 percent, and 16 percent of the

value 1 cm below the plane.


In addition to transcranial stimulation of the brain, elec-

tromagnetic stimulation may also be used on peripheral

nerves for SSEPs and nerve conduction studies. This pro-
duces less discomfort than electrical stimulation. For nerve
conduction studies, the exact position of the stimulation field
may be difficult to define. The butterfly coil^also appears

superior in this application. The orientation of the junction

of the two loops should be parallel to the nerve for maximal


Motor responses following electrical and magnetic stim-

ulation of the cerebral cortex are very similar, although

latencies are about 2 ms shorter with electrical stimulation.

Differences are also observed in response to active contrac-
tion of the stimulated muscle, with only a small decrease in
latency observed with magnetic stimulation, while latencies
with electrical stimulation were decreased 2 to 6 ms.




Although the motor strip is the area of principle interest for

stimulation, the cells of origin of the fibers in the pyramidal
tract are not exclusively located in the precentral gyrus. In the

primate only 31 percent arise in area 4, 20 percent from area 6,
and 40 percent from the parietal lobe.


The direct response

from the Betz cells is, therefore, supplemented by an indirect
delayed response from collateral pathways of other origins. In
general, the direct response pathways are required for fine

motor activity of the distal limbs and digits, and the slower

indirect responses are associated with more proximal structures
involved in posturing and locomotion. An increased intensity
of the stimulus may increase the distribution of pathways in-
volvedi>y including collateral structures.


The safety of transcranial magnetic stimulation remains

unproven, but the maximal charge of 50 |xC per pulse
appears to be acceptable. Thermal effect on the tissues at
maximal stimulus of 3 per second is only 1/300 the limits
suggested by international standards.


A study of 58 epilep-

tic patients on medication who received an average of 25
transcranial magnetic stimuli (TMS) revealed no statistical
change in seizure frequency on follow-up.


Rapid rate TMS (rTMS) is possible with a stimulation coil

which is cooled to prevent overheating. Stimulation rates of
up to 25 Hz in trains of 10 s have permitted identification of
language lateralization in preoperative studies. Stimulation
of both left and right hemispheres induced speech arrest and

counting errors during stimulation on the left, but not on the

right. Subsequent intracarotid amytal studies confirmed

speech lateralization on the left. One of the six patients
studied had an after-discharge following an initial train of
stimuli, as well as a partial motor seizure compatible with

the area stimulated following a second train. This was dif-
ferent from the patient's habitual seizures. EEG monitoring
is indicated for such an application, and an after-discharge

is a contraindication to continuing stimulation at that



Significant increases in motor latencies have been demon-

strated in subjects with multiple sclerosis. This is also seen
in cervical myelopathy, cervical spondylosis, spinal cord
trauma, hemiplegia, and hereditary spastic paraparesis.






On the other hand, motor latencies are reported as normal in
Parkinson's disease, essential tremor, Huntington's disease,
and torsion dystonia.




Intraoperative monitoring using MEPs provides assess-

ment of the potential threat to motor pathways not demon-
strated by SSEPs. Recording is from the peripheral nerves,
using needle electrodes. This avoids displacement and alter-

ation of EMG response by muscle-relaxing agents used

during surgery. To avoid the enhancing effect of muscle
contraction, drip titration rather than bolus administration of
muscle relaxants should be used. A combination of SSEP
and MEP monitoring is desirable since the integrity of both
motor and sensory systems can be assessed. In addition, the
SSEP has an enhancing effect on the MEP. When loss of
MEP does not occur or is transient, no permanent motor
deficit is present, but when a weakened MEP does not

resolve, a resulting permanent or slowly resolving deficit is

observed. An optimal monitoring system should provide
feedback to the surgeon approximately every 30 s for maxi-
mal safety (Fig. 5-17).




Electroencephalography is handicapped by the high imped-

ance of tissues through which a signal from an electrical

generator must pass before being recorded. Tissue imped-

background image



Figure 5-17 Intraoperative monitoring of spinal tumor removal
using MEP. (Jellinek D, Jewkes D, Symon L: Noninvasive

intraoperative monitoring of evoked potentials under propofol

anesthesia: Effects of spinal surgery on the amplitude and latency
of motor evoked potentials.
Neurosurgery 29:551-557, 19^1.

Reproduced with permission.)

ance measures 250 ohm/cm in gray matter, 750 ohm/cm in
white matter, 65 ohm/cm in CSF, 5000 to 15,000 ohm/cm in
skull, and 300 to 1000 ohm/cm in scalp.


Magnetoencephalography is emerging as a method not

only for detection of epileptic foci but also for studying the

physiology, pharmacology, and psychology of the CNS. The

electrical currents created by neuronal activity follow the

right-hand rule of current flow in physics. Thus electrical
currents produced by neurons create electromagnetic fields
of 10


to 10~


tesla (1 femtotesla to 1 picotesla), compared

with ambient magnetic field strengths of 5 x 10



These fields in the brain arc recorded by arrays of detectors

[Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices (SQUIDS)]

placed over the scalp. The superconducting state is achieved
by cooling the device with liquid helium in a dewar flask.
The maneuverability of the system is limited to an angula-
tion of 45° or less to avoid spilling the helium. This requires
that the study be made with the patient in the lateral posi-
tion, and simultaneous recording from both sides cannot be

done with currently available instruments.


The data acquired are digitized and may be displaced in a

manner similar to EEG recordings, or as graphic displays of

the dipole.




Using stereotactic references, magnetic spike

activity may be localized in 3-dimensional stereotactic space
and then onlayed over multiplaner MRI views to display
anatomical location. The potential advantage over EEG is
that the signals are detected directly rather than after volume
conduction, and are not attenuated by bone or altered by

conflicting electrical signals. Therefore MEG may have bet-
ter potential for localizing foci from deep structures. Unfor-
tunately, the strength of the signal diminishes with the
square to cube of the distance,


so that a signal 3 cm deep is

attenuated by 80 percent. Like EEG, MEG detects signals in
relation to the orientation of the recording sites, but mag-
netic dipoles are at right angles to their electrical dipoles.
Also, like EEG, a large number of recording points are
necessary for localization. The signals recorded by EEG are

of voltage differences, whereas MEG records the magnetic

fields produced by current flow. MEG records signals that

are parallel to the plane of the recording device, or the

surface of the scalp. Thus superficial currents tangential to
the surface are recorded, while radial currents are only
detected as distant deep signals when parallel to the


As in the study of EEG activity, attention is directed at

dipole generators. The dipole localization method (DLM)
based on the equivalent current dipole (BCD) has proved

extremely accurate in the localization of high-amplitude and

event-related responses, particularly in superficial locations.
Demonstration of tonotopic auditory responses in the rela-
tively superficial auditory cortex of the first temporal convo-
lution has been correlated with MRI imaging and displayed
with a resolution of less than 1 mm.


An BCD at a deeper

site involves decreased signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and
computation of spatial orientation is required for



With the development of 37-channel MEG and improved

data processing, the capability has been developed to process
acquired information to focus on the activity in a specific

region of the brain. After simultaneous acquisition of data

from the contour-placed detectors, the stored data is com-

puter processed in a manner similar to that used in the
astronomically applied radiotelescope. With this algorithm

of space-filtered imaging (SFI), it is possible to reconstitute
the electrical currents in deep brain structures. Figure 5-18
shows evoked spike activity in a 7 x 7 cm grid reformatted
in a plane 5 cm lateral to the midsagittal plane. Signals
arising in deep brain structures have lower SNRs, and those

of spontaneous normal activity have lower SNRs than path-
ological spikes or evoked responses. In comparative studies
with BCD, in the presence of multiple dipole sources or low
SNR a localization advantage was displayed by SFI.



method appears to enhance the potential for study of slow
wave foci and for the determination of the sites of action of
pharmacological agents used in neurology and psychiatry
(Fig. 5-18).

In clinical applications, SFI has shown neuronal activity

background image


Figure 5-18 MEG study of SERs
showing evoked spike activity in a
7 x 7 cm grid reformatted in a plane
5 cm lateral from the midsagittal

plane. Recording sites are separated

1 cm. Numbers at top represent

distances posterior and anterior to the
preauricular point; numbers at right
represent distance above the basal
plane. (Reproduced courtesy of

Robinson SE.)

at the onset of interictal discharge, with 3-dimensional
spread away from the onset location and resolution of multi-
ple areas of excitation that are separated 1 to 2 cm and have
different time amplitude patterns.


MEG has the capability

of determining latency differences and propagation distances
of spikes consistent with the conduction velocity of cortico-
cortical fibers.


Noninvasive derivation of the cortical sur-

face area of spikes agrees with localization obtained by
electrocorticography over temporal neocortex.

Using replicated preoperative MEG studies with dipole

electrical signals inserted through depth electrodes, spatial

correlation has been found to be within 1 cm. These were
localized within the area subsequently resected. The MEG
localization was also in close agreement with intraoperative
cortical recordings.


At present the role of MEG may be to provide informa-

tion complementary to EEG.


It has added a more realistic

approach to quantification of the interictal spike zone in the
study of epilepsy.


Its potential for both research and clini-

cal application seems to be on the threshold of significant




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background image



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J. "A 25-year-old male, having recently had a series of

generalized seizures beginning in the left arm, is sent for an
EEG. The report indicates alpha activity throughout except
for the right frontal area where there is a focal area of delta

activity with intermittent spikes.

1. What is the size and frequency of the alpha activity?

2. When is it most likely to appear? 3. What is the

implication of delta activity? 4. What is its rate? 5. What is

the interpretation of the spike activity?

D. An 18-year-old girl has an EEG after being kept awake
all night the night before. She falls asleep during the exami-
nation, progressing through the various levels of sleep to
REM sleep.

1. What was the most likely rhythm when the individual

being examined was awake? 2. Describe the expected EEG
recordings during non-REM sleep. 3. What is the appearance

of the EEG during REM sleep? 4. What is the explanation of
this later category? 5. What is the purpose of depriving a
patient of sleep before an EEG?

III. A 36-year-old female is being monitored with auditory
evoked responses while undergoing a surgical procedure in

the posterior fossa.

1. What anesthesia should be used? 2. What are the most

important waves to be observed? 3. What are the sources of
these waves? 4. How are the response waves differentiated

from the routine electrical activity of the brain? 5. Initial

recordings show prolongation between the waves recorded

from the vertex and that recorded from the earlobe. What is
the significance of this increase in conduction time?

IV. Intraoperative evoked responses are being recorded dur-

ing the course of resection of a vascular malformation at the
cervicomedullary junction.

1. Where should the recording electrodes be placed?

2. What are the normally recorded responses? 3. Of what

significance is an increase in the latency of responses?
4. What is the significance of loss of the later responses

during the administration of anesthesia? 5. How should the
head be held during the recordings?

V. A 40-year-old male is undergoing laminectomy for an
extraaxial mass of the mid-cervical area.

1. What form of evoked potentials (sensory or motor)

would be most predictive of future function? 2. Where might

stimulations for each of these forms of monitoring be per-
formed? 3. Where would recording electrodes be placed?

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of magnetic
stimulation as compared to electrical stimulation? 5. What
indications on the recordings would lead one to recommend

an alteration of the conduct of the procedure?


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