L1 004 Reading

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Zadanie 1

Przeczytaj teksty i wybierz prawidłową odpowiedz a), b) lub c).

Tekst 1

The other day I was driving home after visiting my wife's mother. The journey was very long and

my wife and I were very tired.
I stopped at traffic lights and waited for a green light. I looked in my mirror and saw there were no
cars behind me. I thought this was strange, but then saw the bus sign. I was in a special
buses. I knew this was bad, but it was too late to change.

When the lights changed I started driving. After only fifty metres I was stopped by the police. The

policeman asked me if I knew why he stopped me. I, of course, knew and told him it was
a mistake. He asked to see my driving licenc
did not want to see it. The policeman told me I would get points on my license and it would cost me
100zl. I told him that we were not from this city and

The policeman asked where we were going. My wife told him the street and he gave us directions

to it. He then gave me back my documents and told me to always look at road signs. We drove away


At first, the driver did not

road works


red light


road sign


The driver offered …

some of his money


his driving licence


his identification card

Tekst 2

I want to tell you about a live rock concert I went to. I bought tickets to see Radiohead. The

group is my wife's favourite and I wanted to get her something special for our anniversary. As
I was not a regular concert goer I was very excited. I did not kn
go with my wife. Over the next couple of months I listened a lot to their music and discovered
I liked it a bit, well enough to go anyway.

When the big day came, we drove to Poznan where it was and had a great afternoon

Finally we went to the concert. We were both very excited and listened happily to the warm
which was a very good German group. Then Radiohead came on stage. The first two songs were
brilliant. In the middle of the third song, my mobile ph
my brother-in-law. He said my dog had eaten a rubber ball and could not breathe.

We left the concert and drove very quickly to my brother

and took him to a 24-hour veterina
dog was fine. I thought it would be expensive but it was not and I was relieved. On the way home we
listened to radio reports of the concert and people said how great it was. We were glad o
okay, but upset that we missed the concert. We finally got home again at 4 o'clock in the morning.


The writer bought tickets because …

a) he often goes to concerts
b) it was a special occasion
c) he was a fan of the group


The writer left the concert because …


his brother-in-law was ill


his dog had a problem


his boss called him

Przeczytaj teksty i wybierz prawidłową odpowiedz a), b) lub c).

The other day I was driving home after visiting my wife's mother. The journey was very long and

my wife and I were very tired. There were a lot of road works and it was difficult to drive.
I stopped at traffic lights and waited for a green light. I looked in my mirror and saw there were no
cars behind me. I thought this was strange, but then saw the bus sign. I was in a special
buses. I knew this was bad, but it was too late to change.

When the lights changed I started driving. After only fifty metres I was stopped by the police. The

policeman asked me if I knew why he stopped me. I, of course, knew and told him it was
a mistake. He asked to see my driving licence, which I gave to him. I then offered my ID card, but he
did not want to see it. The policeman told me I would get points on my license and it would cost me
100zl. I told him that we were not from this city and we were lost because of the road works.

The policeman asked where we were going. My wife told him the street and he gave us directions

to it. He then gave me back my documents and told me to always look at road signs. We drove away


see the …

I want to tell you about a live rock concert I went to. I bought tickets to see Radiohead. The

group is my wife's favourite and I wanted to get her something special for our anniversary. As
I was not a regular concert goer I was very excited. I did not know the music well
go with my wife. Over the next couple of months I listened a lot to their music and discovered
I liked it a bit, well enough to go anyway.

When the big day came, we drove to Poznan where it was and had a great afternoon

Finally we went to the concert. We were both very excited and listened happily to the warm
which was a very good German group. Then Radiohead came on stage. The first two songs were
brilliant. In the middle of the third song, my mobile phone rang. I thought it was my boss, but it was

law. He said my dog had eaten a rubber ball and could not breathe.

We left the concert and drove very quickly to my brother-in-law’s house where we got our dog

hour veterinary hospital. Luckily the vet was able to take the ball out and the

dog was fine. I thought it would be expensive but it was not and I was relieved. On the way home we
listened to radio reports of the concert and people said how great it was. We were glad o
okay, but upset that we missed the concert. We finally got home again at 4 o'clock in the morning.

The writer bought tickets because …

a) he often goes to concerts
b) it was a special occasion
c) he was a fan of the group

the concert because …

law was ill

his dog had a problem


The other day I was driving home after visiting my wife's mother. The journey was very long and

There were a lot of road works and it was difficult to drive.

I stopped at traffic lights and waited for a green light. I looked in my mirror and saw there were no
cars behind me. I thought this was strange, but then saw the bus sign. I was in a special lane for

When the lights changed I started driving. After only fifty metres I was stopped by the police. The

policeman asked me if I knew why he stopped me. I, of course, knew and told him it was

I then offered my ID card, but he

did not want to see it. The policeman told me I would get points on my license and it would cost me

we were lost because of the road works.

The policeman asked where we were going. My wife told him the street and he gave us directions

to it. He then gave me back my documents and told me to always look at road signs. We drove away

I want to tell you about a live rock concert I went to. I bought tickets to see Radiohead. The

group is my wife's favourite and I wanted to get her something special for our anniversary. As

ow the music well but was happy to

go with my wife. Over the next couple of months I listened a lot to their music and discovered

When the big day came, we drove to Poznan where it was and had a great afternoon together.

Finally we went to the concert. We were both very excited and listened happily to the warm-up band
which was a very good German group. Then Radiohead came on stage. The first two songs were

one rang. I thought it was my boss, but it was

law. He said my dog had eaten a rubber ball and could not breathe.

law’s house where we got our dog

ry hospital. Luckily the vet was able to take the ball out and the

dog was fine. I thought it would be expensive but it was not and I was relieved. On the way home we
listened to radio reports of the concert and people said how great it was. We were glad our dog was
okay, but upset that we missed the concert. We finally got home again at 4 o'clock in the morning.

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On his way home, the man was unhappy about …


his sick dog


the missed concert


the veterinary costs

Tekst 3

Today many people use the internet to keep in contact with their friends and family. I use it to

keep up to date with all my friends around the world. You do not even need to be next to your
computer to let your friends know what you are doing. Many people use their mobile phones to
write emails. It means they can keep in regular contact, which is good. However this is often
complicated as the buttons are very small and usually messages take a lot of time to write. It can also
be strange, as people often send very uninteresting things.

Generally though, the internet is a great way of keeping in touch with friends and family. You

can check for new messages at anytime. Some people switch on their computers first thing in the
morning before work. On the other hand a lot of people keep in touch with others while at work,
between meetings. However, I prefer to have a relaxing and fun end to the day. That is why
I read my messages at home.

6. The writer thinks people write …


too many things


boring things


complicated things

7. The writer checks his messages …


after work


during work


before work

Zadanie 2

Przeczytaj historie na następnej stronie i zdecyduj, które stwierdzenia umieszczone poniżej najlepiej
przedstawiają ich treść. Tylko 5 stwierdzeń jest prawdziwych. Wpisz w pole numer historii od 1. do 5.

The shopkeeper helped the animal.



The client wanted to buy some alcohol.



The man died in a hiking accident.



The driver’s partner helped the dog.



The man serves in the navy.



The dog ran into the shop.



The shop assistant helped find a dangerous man.



There is a problem with one of the workers.



The man died of shock.



The man paid for the operation.



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Story 1

I was on holiday in Atlanta. It was scorching hot.
I was driving when I saw a small black dog on
the side of the road. I thought he'd been hit by
a car and I was right. I decided to help him.
I know injured dogs can be unpredictable, but
I carried him to my car and took him to a
I didn’t know what the dog's name was.
However, the next day the vet called him
‘Blacky’ and said his leg was completely broken.
I couldn’t pay for the operation or face putting
him to sleep; he was so sweet. When I stroked
him he often pushed his head into my hands.
Luckily my girlfriend covered all the co
adopted him. Blacky got the care he needed and
a loving permanent home.

Story 3
A man walked into a shop with a
gun and demanded all of the cash.
After the shopkeeper put the cash in
a bag, the robber saw a bottle of
whisky on the shelf. He told the
shopkeeper to put it in the bag, but
she said, 'You must be over 18 to
buy alcohol’. The robber said that he
was, but the woman refused to
believe him. So the robber took out
his driving licence and gave it to her.
She examined it and saw that the
man was really over 18 and she put
the whisky in the bag. The robber
then ran from the shop. The
shopkeeper immediately notified the
police and gave the name and
address of the man that she had
seen on his licence. Police arrested
the robber 3 hours later.

I was on holiday in Atlanta. It was scorching hot.

black dog on

I thought he'd been hit by

a car and I was right. I decided to help him.
I know injured dogs can be unpredictable, but

im to my car and took him to a vet.

I didn’t know what the dog's name was.

next day the vet called him

‘Blacky’ and said his leg was completely broken.
I couldn’t pay for the operation or face putting
him to sleep; he was so sweet. When I stroked
him he often pushed his head into my hands.

irlfriend covered all the costs and

got the care he needed and

ed all of the cash.

After the shopkeeper put the cash in

shopkeeper to put it in the bag, but
she said, 'You must be over 18 to
buy alcohol’. The robber said that he

believe him. So the robber took out
his driving licence and gave it to her.
She examined it and saw that the
man was really over 18 and she put
the whisky in the bag. The robber

shopkeeper immediately notified the

seen on his licence. Police arrested

Story 2
John visited a historic site in Texas
with his friends. He asked one of
them, Bob, to take his photo while
hiking. As Bob took the photo, he
screamed and fell to the ground.
Then 2 days later Bob died in
hospital. The doctors said he
a heart attack. No one knew why.
The answer came when his family
looked at the photos. In the last
photo there was a woman in a white
dress standing next to John
a ghost! However, John and
friends said there was no one there
when the photo was taken. Only
Bob saw the ghost at the time. He
was so shocked that his heart
stopped beating.

Story 4
Michael Brown was 50 and started a second career.
he couldn't get to work on time. Every day he was 10 or 15
minutes late. He was a diligent worker, so his boss didn’t
know how to deal with this problem.
called Michael into the office for a talk and said: 'Michael,
I have to tell you, you do a top class job, but you're always
coming late and it is quite a worry.' Michael replied: 'Yes,
I know that, sir, and I am working on it'. The boss was happy
to hear that and asked: ‘You’re a team leader. You shouldn’t
come late. I know you worked in the
workers say when you came late there?' 'T
I was their boss," answered Michael.

Story 5
One day my dog Barky and I were walking to the local
shop. Suddenly a big black dog appeared and wanted
to attack Barky. I looked for the owner but there was
no one around. Barky panicked and started running
away towards the busy road and almost got killed. It
happened so quickly that I didn't have time to get
Barky off the road. Fortunately, a butcher came out of
his shop and ran out onto the road. He hit the black
dog so hard it went off into the distance. I thanked the
man for his courage. Barky returned back to normal
after a few weeks. He is alive thanks to that brave


John visited a historic site in Texas
with his friends. He asked one of
them, Bob, to take his photo while
hiking. As Bob took the photo, he
screamed and fell to the ground.

days later Bob died in

hospital. The doctors said he’d had
a heart attack. No one knew why.
The answer came when his family
looked at the photos. In the last
photo there was a woman in a white
dress standing next to John – it was
a ghost! However, John and his
friends said there was no one there
when the photo was taken. Only
Bob saw the ghost at the time. He
was so shocked that his heart

Michael Brown was 50 and started a second career. However,

Every day he was 10 or 15

He was a diligent worker, so his boss didn’t

know how to deal with this problem. Finally, one day he

office for a talk and said: 'Michael,

I have to tell you, you do a top class job, but you're always
coming late and it is quite a worry.' Michael replied: 'Yes,
I know that, sir, and I am working on it'. The boss was happy

‘You’re a team leader. You shouldn’t

know you worked in the navy. What did other

workers say when you came late there?' 'They said nothing as

answered Michael.

One day my dog Barky and I were walking to the local
shop. Suddenly a big black dog appeared and wanted

Barky. I looked for the owner but there was

no one around. Barky panicked and started running
away towards the busy road and almost got killed. It
happened so quickly that I didn't have time to get

butcher came out of

s shop and ran out onto the road. He hit the black

dog so hard it went off into the distance. I thanked the
man for his courage. Barky returned back to normal
after a few weeks. He is alive thanks to that brave

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Zadanie 3

Przeczytaj poniższe teksty i zdecyduj, czy zdania od 1. do 8. są prawdziwe (P) czy fałszywe (F).

Tekst 1

It was a sunny and windy day. “Perfect day for sailing,” Sarah and Mark said. Sailing is their

new hobby. They spend each weekend on the water. This time they invited me to go sailing with them.
I thought: “Why not? The lake looks calm, I’ll sit down and sunbathe for a while.” But I didn’t have
a chance to do so. As soon as I was on the boat, I wasn’t sure the weather was “perfect”. The wind was
very strong. The boat was rocking wildly and I didn’t feel well. I thought it was dangerous and became
very scared. I told my friends to bring me back to the shore. They left me there and continued sailing
without me.

The place was nice and full of people. I didn’t want to go home yet so I spent some time

watching others. I looked with interest at one couple. Everybody had special clothes, but this man and
his girlfriend were wearing jeans and sneakers. They were both a little fat. At first I thought they were
amateurs. But then they went towards a small boat. They started preparing the boat for sailing.
I watched them as they were working for about an hour. They clearly knew what they were doing.
Finally the man put on his life jacket. He started sailing while his girlfriend stayed on the shore.

I already knew that the wind was very strong so I was worried about the man in his small boat.

I could easily see his red sail. All the other sails were white. After no more than 5 minutes on the
water, he came back to the shore. In quarter of an hour, the couple packed their things into small
boxes. Then they put the boxes into the boot of their car and left.

“People are strange,” I thought. “So much work for just five minutes of fun!” But then I saw

a police boat coming towards the shore. Behind it, there was my friends’ boat without its sail. Their
boat had turned over. They lost all their things in the water and were completely wet and very cold.
I felt some respect for the man with the red sail. He knew sailing in bad weather could be really


The writer relaxed and sunbathed on the boat.




The writer changed her opinion about the two sailors.




The couple packed their things in 5 minutes.




The man with the red sail did the right thing.



Tekst 2

In December 2006 the first polar bear was born in Berlin zoo in over 30 years. He was named

Knut and Germany soon fell in love with him. Knut’s mother didn’t want to look after her little son. So
Berlin zookeepers soon became Knut’s “parents”. Knut became famous all over the world. He was
even on the cover of Vanity Fair magazine.

But all good things come to an end. Knut is no longer a sweet little baby. Now he is an ordinary

grown-up polar bear. He’s still beautiful and zoo visitors are crazy about him, but journalists have
found another star. Now Germany has a new mascot, Emmi, a one-week-old rhinoceros in the north-
western town of Münster. The little rhino’s mother, Jade, put her baby into a corner and ignored it.
Zookeepers knew that Jade had already killed two of her babies before. This time she just pushed her
baby aside and gave it no milk. So they took little Emmi away after four minutes.

The zookeepers are going to be very busy looking after the little rhino. The baby already

weighs 58 kilograms and drinks gallons of milk a day. “Emmi is resting under two heating lamps. We
must be with her all the time. One night I sleep with Emmi, another night it’s somebody else’s turn.
Physical contact is important for these animals. They must feel somebody is close to them. Without it,
they fall ill,” says one of the zookeepers.


Knut was the first polar bear born in Berlin zoo.




Knut still has his fans.




Jade tried to kill Emmi.




Someone must be with the rhino at night.




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