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"brimik david" <brimik.david@magnet.at>

Dangerous Minds

Miss Johnson is a teacher at Parkmont Highschool. She teaches at risks of students.
At the first time they don’t take her serious. But she achieves to impress them with karate and
she tells them about the time at the Marines. Raul and Durell try to ape. She tries to level
down on their standard.
She has two rules they have to obey. The first rule is that everybody has to respect yourself
and the others and the second rule is she doesn’t tolerate any slurs, everybody has his equal
dignity. She let them writing an autobiographies and she will not grade them by puntuations
and spelling only by effort. At the first time she gives everybody an “A”, she thinks that
keeping an “A” is much harder than getting an “A”. She tries to convince Durell he can
achieve an “A” in maths. He has to believe on himself. They discuss about free choice and
On another day the have an test an some students are noisy, because they are afraid of, they
want to be at the office, so Miss J interpretates psychologically that behaviour. She promises
them to invite them to a fun park.
When Miss J enters Raul and Emilio are fighting. She threatens them to get expelled. By the
way Raul an Emilio tell her why they have to fight. Emilio comes from a broken family and
they are very poor and he has to be aggressive or he will be beaten up by his neighbourhood.
But he also feels good seaming off, but he doesn’t know why. Raul has to protect his
reputation or you seem to be weak..
they begin to read poems and try to encrypt the message of the poems (Tambourine Man).
Miss J organises a Dylan Dylan contest. They have to find a poem whose content deals with a
poem from Thomas Dylan. The first prize is an evening in a noble restaurant. Raul and Callie
succeed. Callie, however, has to work in a supermarket until the night, so Miss J brings her
the menu. Callie will leave Parkmont Highschool because she became pregnant. She wants to
attend a course is called Clearview. There she would learn how to take care of the baby. So
she has t choose. Parkmont likes to get rid of her because they don’t like to see a pregnant
teenager. She wouldn’t be a good example for the others. Meanwhile, Raul has a big problem.
He must pay back 200$ which he has needed for the jacket or he will be killed. The teacher
offers him the money with one condition he has to pay back the money on the day he will
graduate. She feels responsible for this problem and she knows that Raul is reliable.
She hears form Angela that Emilio will be killed by a person who has been released (out of
jail because of crack abuse),because this person thinks Emilio has snatched Angela. Miss J
offers him his security .So she keeps him off the street.
The next day she hears that Emilio has been killed. The following days Callie isn’t at school.
Miss Johnson contribute to leave. Because she is desperate. One reason is Callie and the other
Emilio. But the teenagers fight for her, they use poems to keep her they call her the light, the
tambourine man. Callie stays. And so she stays, too. She is impressed by their students and so
she sees a ray of hope.









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"brimik david" <brimik.david@magnet.at>

What are the rules?
How she impress them?
How does she make them think about what they´re doing?
How she does interpretate the disturbance at the test?
What´s the unusual assignment?
Why are they violent?
What´s the Dylan Dylan contest?
Why will Callie leave?
Why does lend Raul the money?
Why is she indirectly blamed for this problem?
What does she offer Emilio and why?
Why does Miss J intend to leave and what makes her stay?
Explain the title
In which class do they attend? How we know that?
Who is the most inliterated person and why?
Mention the personal, out of school intervention into teen.?
What´s the personal situation of the main characters?


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