Nuelow FAQ

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What does NUELOW stand for?
A1: Nothing. NUELOW is a pun of sorts. It's pronounced "new low" and embodies the originators
vision of where this game fits in the overall world of RPG net.freebies and commercial RPGs. The
NUELOW games don't claim to be anything spectacular or innovative; in fact, it's probably the worst
game ever devised... a new low for the "art" of role-playing. Hence, NUELOW.

Q2: You guys think you're clever, don't you?
A2: No, not really. We just have a lot of time on our hands.

Q3: I've seen Usenet posts referring to a NUELOW mailing list. How do I get on that?
A3: The NUELOW mailing list has gone the way of the dodo; its maintainer, NUELOW originator
Steve Miller, got himself a full-time job at a certain game company that everyone loves to hate, and was
obligated to abandon his

Q4: Where do I send my questions or comments, then?
A4: Questions and comments regarding the NUELOW games can directed to Steve "The One To
Blame" Miller at <

>, and questions specifically relating to the web archive or

HTML versions of the games can be sent to Mark Hughes at <


Q5: Where can I get the NUELOW games?
A5: At Mark 'Kamikaze' Hughes' web archive: <


Q6: Can I contribute to NUELOW?
A6: Yes, as long as you acknowledge Steve Miller's ownership of the NUELOW game somewhere in
your file. See any NUELOW game for the proper way to do that. Contact

Steve Miller

for additional

details, as well as

Mark Hughes

for information on how to submit to this web archive. (Of course, you

need to be aware that being a NUELOW contributor is not only a sign of a total lack of anything that
resembles a life but it might damage your reputation for as long as the Internet exists.)

Q7: Is role-playing an art form?
A7: Not with NUELOW, it ain't.

Q8: Is NUELOW suitable for children?
A8: That depends. The games are certainly no more smutty than prime-time on American broadcast
television. Use that as your guide. At any rate, the game is HIGHLY suitable for those with juvenile
mindsets and who giggle everytime someone says the words "sex" or "breasts".

Q9: You DO think you're clever, don't you.
A9: Do VAMPIRE players wear black?

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