The emergency services busuu

Vocabulary and key phrases
lQO[hQ the public safety
gMng zhng n qun Public safety is the prevention and protection
0 of people from danger.
gMng zhng n qun sh ył fng h
quŁ bo rn men yun l wi xin 0
'}%`NN the emergency
jn j sh jiąn The emergency services should only be
ęS g(WwckŃSu'}%`NN"vePMbSN contacted in real emergencies.
zh yu ząi zhn zhŁng f shng jn j
sh jiąn de sh hu ci k%1ł y lin lu jn
j jił yun 0
'}%`|TS the emergency call
jn j hk jiąo The emergency call was made at 10 o'clock.
shąng w 10 din bM d le jn j hk
jiąo 0
ŻOcQY to stay calm
bo ch l%1łng jng You have to remember to stay calm in an
OO(W'}%``Q NŻOcQY0 emergency situation.
j zhł ząi jn j qng kuąng xią yąo bo
ch l%1łng jng 0
NĆ~,TnZi 6qT%NZP }YT
qng zi x t%2łng q%2łng ch rn hu
yn g ąn zhąo w su shuM de zu
ho ma 
NN]~(Wć NąN They are on the way!
t men y j%2łng ząi lł shąng le 
f{ the siren
jng d When you hear the siren, you know that the
S_`O,T0Rf{"veP fQeńbfŹ]~ ambulance is near.
dng n t%2łng dąo jng d de sh hu
shuM mng jił hł ch y j%2łng h%1łn jn
le 0
NEe the accident
sh gł There has been an accident, come quick!
ŃSuąNNEe _
f shng le sh gł kuąi
fĄR the police service
jng wł The police service helps to ensure security.
jng wł xi zhł quŁ bo n qun 0
fXT the police officer
jng yun The police officers arrived on the scene within
fXT(W"NRź"Q0RŹąNs:W0 5 minutes.
jng yun ząi w fn zhMng nŁi dąo d
le xiąn chng 0 - All rights reserved 1/5
the fire service
xio fng They had to call the fire service because of the
hgŃSuąNkp~p @bNNNŁ~m2
SbąN forest fire.
sn ln f shng le hu zi su y t
men g%1łi xio fng d le diąn huą 0
kpffĄb the fire alarm
hu jng jng bąo Always make sure that the batteries are
ĄR_e8^nxń`O"vkpffĄb5u`l g5u working in your fire alarm.
qng wł b sh chng quŁ rŁn n de
hu jng jng bąo diąn ch yu diąn 0
XT the firefighter
xio fng yun Firefighters work in very hazardous conditions.

"vŻsX N]\O0
xio fng du yun ząi fi chng wi
xin de hun jng xią gMng zu 0
S the fire escape
xio fng tMng dąo Fire escapes should be kept clear at all times.
xio fng tMng dąo y%2łng gi ząi rŁn h
sh hu dMu bo ch tMng chąng 0
mpkphV the fire extinguisher
miŁ hu q A fire extinguisher can control small fires.
miŁ hu q k%1ł y kng zh xio fąn wi
hu qng 0
fŹ the fire engine
xio fng ch Fire engines pump water onto a fire to
fŹl4lv0RkpQbmp0 extinguish it.
xio fng ch bŁng shu zh dąo hu
bŁi pk miŁ 0
'}%`;Su gĄR the emergency medical services
jn j y%2ł lio fś wł The emergency medical services provide
'}%`;Su gĄRcOąN;Sb
KNY"v;Suńb medical care out of hospital.
jn j y%2ł lio fś wł t gng le y%2ł yuąn zh%2ł
wąi de y%2ł lio hł l 0
QeńbfŹ the ambulance
jił hł ch Pull over if you see an ambulance coming.
Yśg`O w0RQeńbfŹ_ŹegbfŹ`Tć
rś gu n kąn dąo jił hł ch ki gu
li yąo b ch kąo xiąng lł bin 0
;SĄRNXT the paramedics
y%2ł wł rn yun The paramedics provide pre-hospital medical
MR"v;Suńbt0 care.
y%2ł wł rn yun t gng dąo d y%2ł yuąn
qin de y%2ł lio hł l 0
%`Qe the first aid
j jił You should only administer first aid if you are
Yśg`OSŹ~"^ś[e%`Qe0 trained.
rś gu n shu gu xłn liąn y%2łng gi
sh sh%2ł j jił 0
NXT$OĄN the casualty
rn yun shng wng You should inform the emergency services if
Yśg gNUONXT$OĄN `O"^T~'}%` there are any casualties.
rś gu yu rŁn h rn yun shng
wng n y%2łng gi lin lu jn j jił
yun 0 - All rights reserved 2/5
ó~ASW[O the Red Cross
hóng sh z hu Volunteers work with the Red Cross to protect
_?aNNó~ASW[OT\OegŻOńbNN"v human life and health.
zh yuąn zh%1ł men y hóng sh z hu
h zu li bo hł rn men de shng
mng h jiąn kng 0
the coastguard
hi tn hł wŁi du A coastguard is responsible for various services
ć#ćwm N"vTy gĄR0 at sea.
hi tn hł wŁi du fł z hi shąng de
gŁ zhng fś wł 0
QeuXT the lifeguard
jił shng yun A lifeguard is a person responsible for the
QeuXT/fć#ć8nól[hQ"vN0 safety of swimmers.
jił shng yun sh fł z yóu yng zh%1ł
n qun de rn 0
%`Qe the mountain rescue
shn nąn j jił The climbers called the mountain rescue as one
%`Qe ąV:NNNvQ of them had broken his leg.
dng shn zh%1ł men lin lu le shn
nąn j jił y%2łn wi t men q zhMng y%2ł
rn de tu duąn le 0 - All rights reserved 3/5
XblŻeSb5uŻT~'}%`Qec0 Thomas calls the emergency services.
tuM m s%2ł d diąn huą lin lu jn j jił yun 0
Thomas: This is an emergency. There has been an
XblŻe: ŁŹ/f'}%``Q0ŃSuąNNEe0 accident.
zhŁ sh jn j qng kuąng 0f shng le sh gł 0 Emergency services operat: Ok. Can you tell me what
'}%`QecĄcż~XT: }Y"v0`OżJTɋbŃSuąNĄNHNNEeT kind of accident please?
ho de 0n nng gąo sł w f shng le shn me sh gł Thomas: A car crash. There are 2 casualties. One of
ma  them is stuck inside the car.
XblŻe: fŹxy0 g$N*N$OĄNNXT0vQ-NN*NŹYu(WfŹQ0 Emergency services operat: Ok. So you need an
ch hu 0yu ling gŁ shng wng rn yun 0q zhMng ambulance and the fire services to get the person out
y%2ł gŁ hi liś ząi ch nŁi 0 of the car.
'}%`QecĄcż~XT: }Y"v0`ONąŹQeńbfŹŚTm2
NXTegb Thomas: Yes. How long will it take?
ŁŹ*NNNfŹQQeśQeg0 Emergency services operat: About 10 minutes. You
ho de 0n xk yąo y%2ł liąng jił hł ch h xio fng rn will hear the sirens& ..Stay calm please&
yun li b zhŁ gŁ rn cóng ch nŁi jił chk li 0
XblŻe: /f"v0Ye
sh de 0xk yąo duM chng sh jin 
sh fŁn zhMng zu yu 0n hu t%2łng dąo jng d shng
""qng bo ch l%1łng jng "" - All rights reserved 4/5
Please choose the correct answer
f shng shn me le 
a. ŃSuąNNwćNEe0
f shng le y%2ł q sh gł 0
b. gNn4ląN0
yu rn n shu le 0
c. ŃSuąNkp~p0
f shng le hu zi 0
2. ĄNHN{|W"v'}%`Qec
xk yąo shn me lŁi xng de jn j jił yun 
a. wm\ńbkS
hi ąn hł wŁi du h jił shng yun 0
b. q\
shn nąn j jił 0
c. QeńbfŹŚTm2
jił hł ch h xio fng 0
3. XblŻe`7hMbżwS'}%`QecNXT]~(Wć NąN
tuM m s%2ł z%1łn yąng ci nng zh%2ł dąo jn j jił yun rn yun y j%2łng ząi lł shąng le 
a. NO,T0RkpffĄb0
t hu t%2łng dąo hu jng jng bąo 0
b. NO0RpsT0
t hu wn dąo yn wŁi 0
c. NO,T0Rf{X0
t hu t%2łng dąo jng d shng 0 - All rights reserved 5/5
Answers: 1(a): 2(c): 3(c)


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