Vocabulary and key phrases
[[ the universe
y zhu The universe, which is vast, is made up of
[[/fŁ]'Y"v1u~vNĄ"vR`f~b0 millions of stars.
y zhu sh jł dą de yóu bi wąn j
de hng x%2łng z chng 0
Y*Yzz the outer space
wąi tąi kMng Outer space is made up of empty regions of the
Y*Yzz1u[["vzz:SW~b0 universe.
wąi tąi kMng yóu y zhu de kng qk
ył z chng 0
f| the galaxy
x%2łng x There are billions of galaxies, which contain
[[-N gpeASżN*Nf|k*Nf|ż g billions of stars, in the universe.
y zhu zhMng yu shł sh y gŁ x%2łng
x m%1łi gŁ x%2łng x dMu yu shł sh y
de hng x%2łng 0
"łl the Milky Way
yn h Our galaxy, which is called the Milky Way, is
bN"vf|SZP"łlNvQN"vf|łv quite small compared to others.
w men de x%2łng x jiąo zu yn h
y q t de x%2łng x xiąng b fi chng
xio 0
| the solar system
tąi yng x The solar system, which is made up of all the
ŹL"v@b gLf~b planets that orbit our sun also contains many
_NSbąNYvQN"vN0 other things.
tąi yng x yóu rąo tąi yng yłn xng
de su yu hng x%2łng z chng y%1ł
bo ku le x duM q t de dMng x%2ł 0
Lf the planet
xng x%2łng The biggest planet we know of is called TrES-4.
bN@bw"vg'YLfy:NTRES - 4
w men su zh%2ł de zu dą xng x%2łng
bŁi chŁn wi TRES - 4 0
0Wt Earth
d qiś Earth is the only planet known to have life on it.
0Wt/fvMR]w"v/UN gu}T"vLf0
d qiś sh mł qin y zh%2ł de wi y%2ł yu
shng mng de xng x%2łng 0
kpf Mars
hu x%2łng Mars has two moons.
kpf g$NŚkSf0
hu x%2łng yu ling k wŁi x%2łng 0
gt the moon
yuŁ qiś The moon has many holes on it called craters.
N g_YmŁŹNmSZPŻsb_q\0
yuŁ qiś shąng yu h%1łn duM dng
zhŁ xi dng jiąo zu hun xng
shn 0
the sun
tąi yng The sun is 150 million km from the Earth.
tąi yng jł l d qiś 1.5y gMng l yun
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\Lf the asteroid
xio xng x%2łng Asteroids are sometimes called minor planets.
\Lf ge_NSZP\"vLf0
xio xng x%2łng yu sh y%1ł bŁi jiąo zu
xio de xng x%2łng 0
W_f the comet
hu x%2łng The most famous comet, which is Halley's
g g
W_fk76t^Ąc comet, passes close to the Earth every 76
ŃŹ0WtN!k0 years.
zu yu mng de hu x%2łng sh h li hu
x%2łng m%1łi 76 nin ji jn d qiś y%2ł c 0
Amf the meteorite
liś x%2łng A meteorite, which is a mass of stone or metal,
Amf/f'Yęów4YbŃę^\N*Yzz`WeQ0Wt falls to the Earth from space.
liś x%2łng sh dą liąng sh tóu hu j%2łn sh
cóng tąi kMng zhu rł d qiś 0
Ńśm the black hole
hi dng Black holes have an extremely strong
ŃśmQ gN*N^8^:_'Y"v_R:W0 gravitational field.
hi dng nŁi yu y%2ł gŁ fi chng qing
dą de yn l chng 0
e/gŚ the eclipse
r /yuŁ sh Eclipses happen when the moon, the Earth and
b_bNagż~"veP the sun form a line.
dng yuŁ liąng 0d qiś h tąi yng
xng chng y%2ł tio xiąn de sh hu r
/yuŁ sh jił hu f shng 0
kSf the satellite
wŁi x%2łng Thousands of satellites orbit the Earth.
shąng qin k wŁi x%2łng rąo zhe d qiś
zhun 0
ęR the gravity
zhng l Gravity is an invisible force that keeps our feet
ęR/fNyąeb_"vRęObN"vŻO on the ground.
zhng l sh y%2ł zhng wś xng de l
liąng sh w men de jio bo ch ząi
d miąn shąng 0
ęR the zero gravity
lng zhng l Zero gravity, which is when astronauts float
S_[*XT(W*)YŚ:ghTVonm"veP1\ around the space shuttle, happens because
ęRŁŹ/fąV:NNNy0Wt"v_R they are far from the Earth's gravity.
dng y hng yun ząi hng tin fi j%2ł
zhMu wi pio fś de sh hu jił sh lng
zzŁz the space station
zhng l zhŁ sh y%2łn wi t men l d
kMng jin zhąn The international space station is about as long
qiś de yn l tąi yun le 0
zzŁz g$N*Nłćt:WŁHN'Y0 as two football fields.
guó j kMng jin zhąn yu ling gŁ zś
qiś chng ną me dą 0
*)YŚ:g the space shuttle
hng tin fi j%2ł NASA's first space shuttle, which was called
żV[*@\"v*)YŚ:g NNS NegĄl Enterprise, never flew in space.
m%1łi guó y hng jś de hng tin fi j%2ł
sh yŁ hąo cóng li mi yu ząi tąi
kMng fi hng gu 0
*Yzz[ the space expedition
tąi kMng ko ch The space expedition, which took 117 days,
NhTŚN[ landed safely last Tuesday.
ną gŁ tąi kMng ko ch l sh 117tin
ząi shąng zhMu Łr n qun zhuó lł
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{vg the landing on the moon
dng yuŁ The first moon landing, which took place in
!k{vgŃSu(W1969t^ŁŹ/fhQN{| 1969, was an historic moment for mankind.
shu c dng yuŁ f shng ząi
1969nin zhŁ sh qun rn lŁi de y%2ł
gŁ l sh xng sh kŁ 0
[*XT the astronaut
y hng yun The space suits, which astronauts wear, consist
g gmQB\0 of six layers.
y hng yun chun zhuó de y hng
fś yu lił cng 0
)Yef[ the astronomy
tin wn xu Astronomy, which is the scientific study of the
)Yef[/fxvz[["vŃyf[ŁŹ*NN*NN universe, is a fascinating subject.
tin wn xu sh yn jik y zhu de k
xu zhŁ gŁ y%2ł gŁ lng rn x%2łn ch
shn wng de xu k 0
)YeS the observatory
tin wn ti An observatory is equipped with powerful
N*N)YeSMęYąN:_'Y"vęNhV0 instruments.
y%2ł gŁ tin wn ti pŁi bŁi le qing dą
de y q 0
gŹ\ the telescope
wąng yun jng A telescope, which is used to see the stars, is a
gŹ\(uegKmR`fŁŹ/fNŁ^8^:_ very powerful instrument.
wąng yun jng yng li gun cŁ hng
x%2łng zhŁ sh y%2ł bł fi chng qing
dą de y q 0
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[ZŚTŻOWck(WĆQYNżNsQN [[ "vXU\:y0 Anna and Paul are preparing a school project on The
n ną h bo luó zhŁng ząi zhn bŁi y%2ł fŁn gun yś y Universe .
zhu de kŁ tng zhn sh 0
Anna: Did you know that Venus has no moons orbiting
[Z: `OwSŃęfĄl gkSfT it?
n zh%2ł dąo j%2łn x%2łng mi yu wŁi x%2łng ma Paul: No. Really?
NwS0w"vT Anna: Yes but Mars has two moons&
bł zh%2ł dąo 0zhn de ma Paul: Wow. And how many suns?
[Z: /f"vFO/fkpf g$NŚ"" Anna: What do you mean, how many suns? One of
sh de dąn sh hu x%2łng yu ling k "" course.
ŻOW: T0Ł gąQŚ*Y3
Paul: Well, I thought that maybe as it has two moons,
wa 0ną yu j k tąi yng it also might have two suns&
[Z: `OĄNHN gąQŚ*Y3
S_6qęS gN*NąN0 Anna: But in our solar system there is only one sun
n shuM shn me yu j k tąi yng dng rn zh yu and many moons!
y%2ł gŁ le 0 Paul: Oh. Maybe I need to do some more study.
}Y'Tbó`_N[ g$N*NkSf_NSż g$N*N*Y3
ho ba w xing y%1ł x t yu ling gŁ wŁi x%2łng y%1ł k%1ł
nng yu ling gŁ tąi yng ""
[Z: FO/f(WbN*Y3
|ęS gN*N*Y3
dąn sh ząi w men tąi yng x zh yu y%2ł gŁ tąi yng h x
duM de wŁi x%2łng
ŻOW: ćT0_Nb"^YZPNNxvz0
0y%1ł x w y%2łng gi duM zu y%2ł xi yn jik 0
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Please choose the correct answer
1. Ńęf gąQŚkSf
j%2łn x%2łng yu j k wŁi x%2łng
a. $NŚ0
ling k 0
b. NŚ0
y%2ł k 0
c. NŚ_NĄl g0
y%2ł k y%1ł mi yu 0
2. kpf gąQŚkSf
hu x%2łng yu j k wŁi x%2łng
a. NŚ0
sn k 0
b. "NŚ0
w k 0
c. $NŚ0
ling k 0
3. bN*Y3
| gąQ*N*Y3
w men tąi yng x yu j gŁ tąi yng
a. N*N_NĄl g0
y%2ł gŁ y%1ł mi yu 0
b. N*N0
y%2ł gŁ 0
c. $N*N0
ling gŁ 0
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Answers: 1(c): 2(c): 3(b)
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