Civil law

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Civil law

Civil law

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act of public authorities (state and self

act of public authorities (state and self

governement authorities) that are

governement authorities) that are



to establish the law, resulting in a binding

to establish the law, resulting in a binding

legal text and introducing the new rule

legal text and introducing the new rule

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Law making in the

Law making in the



Custom law

Custom law

Statutory law

Statutory law

19th century

19th century

Introduction of legal positivism

Introduction of legal positivism

Introduction of constitutions

Introduction of constitutions

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Spreading of statutory

Spreading of statutory





Voluntry reception

Voluntry reception

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Law-making as a process

Law-making as a process

Establishment by a collective body

Establishment by a collective body

(legislative body)

(legislative body)

Revised by some other body

Revised by some other body



Establishment by a single person

Establishment by a single person

Announced to the nationals

Announced to the nationals



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Law-making act as a

Law-making act as a



In the statutory law system, the law making

In the statutory law system, the law making

instrument (the source of law) is a text

instrument (the source of law) is a text

issued by a public authority having a specific

issued by a public authority having a specific

name (eg. Parliament, minister) expressed

name (eg. Parliament, minister) expressed

in the form of appriopriately structured legal

in the form of appriopriately structured legal

regulations – the effect of law-making

regulations – the effect of law-making



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Law is generally and

Law is generally and

abstractively formulated

abstractively formulated

Addressees defined in general

Addressees defined in general

manner (eg. Student, a person, a

manner (eg. Student, a person, a



Obligatory method of conduct are

Obligatory method of conduct are

defined in abstract (general) manner

defined in abstract (general) manner

(eg. Whoever commited a burglary

(eg. Whoever commited a burglary

shall be subject to a penality of

shall be subject to a penality of

imprisonment between one year and

imprisonment between one year and

ten years)

ten years)

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In statutory law the legislator develops

In statutory law the legislator develops

universal (general and abstract)

universal (general and abstract)

regulations, whereas the authorities that

regulations, whereas the authorities that

apply the law or settle disputes in

apply the law or settle disputes in

individual cases.

individual cases.

Based on general norms, after identifying

Based on general norms, after identifying

the actual status of particular case, the

the actual status of particular case, the

authorities make specific and individual

authorities make specific and individual

decisions. They define specific duties of

decisions. They define specific duties of

the individually specified addressee in

the individually specified addressee in

precisely defined circumstances

precisely defined circumstances

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Structure of law-making

Structure of law-making



The constitutions, the laws and

The constitutions, the laws and

ratified international agreements

ratified international agreements

Regulations, orders, decisions are

Regulations, orders, decisions are

defined on the basis of the

defined on the basis of the

abovementioned instruments

abovementioned instruments

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Multitude of entities that

Multitude of entities that

have competence of

have competence of

establishing the law

establishing the law

Central level

Central level

Local level

Local level

Local administrative authority

Local administrative authority

Self governement

Self governement

The structure of law-making depends also

The structure of law-making depends also

on the territoril structure of state

on the territoril structure of state





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A concept of state of law

A concept of state of law

and public authorities

and public authorities

Public authorities (legislative,

Public authorities (legislative,

executive, judicial, and control

executive, judicial, and control

authorities) are organised in

authorities) are organised in

accordance with the law

accordance with the law

Competences of public authorities

Competences of public authorities

are clearly regulated

are clearly regulated

The authorities do not exceed the

The authorities do not exceed the

limits of their ctivities

limits of their ctivities

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A concept of state of law

A concept of state of law

and methods of governance

and methods of governance

Methods of governance are

Methods of governance are

consistent with law

consistent with law

The abuse of authority is illegal and

The abuse of authority is illegal and



Illegal acts are eliminated (citizens

Illegal acts are eliminated (citizens

and their organizatins have

and their organizatins have

measutres allowing for controlling

measutres allowing for controlling

and protecting their interests)

and protecting their interests)

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A concept of state of law –

A concept of state of law –

basic principles

basic principles

Equality before the law

Equality before the law

Equality in the law

Equality in the law

Preservation of basic rights and freedoms

Preservation of basic rights and freedoms

of individuals:

of individuals:

Foundation of social system

Foundation of social system

Freedom of speach

Freedom of speach

Freedom of association

Freedom of association

Foundation of economic system

Foundation of economic system

Freedom of ownership

Freedom of ownership

Law is clear and open

Law is clear and open

Law is announced in appriopriate time

Law is announced in appriopriate time

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State of law and civil

State of law and civil



Civil rights are being protected by the

Civil rights are being protected by the

independent courts

independent courts

Civil rights are being protected by the

Civil rights are being protected by the



Acquired rights are protected

Acquired rights are protected

Everybody can obtain information

Everybody can obtain information

about the state of law and the policy

about the state of law and the policy

and the state of its application from

and the state of its application from

official institutions

official institutions

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State of law and political

State of law and political



The majority of citizens have the

The majority of citizens have the

right to democratically select the

right to democratically select the

type of political system with the

type of political system with the

guaranted rights of existance of

guaranted rights of existance of

legal and organised opposition and

legal and organised opposition and

peacefull replacement of

peacefull replacement of

governmental terms

governmental terms

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State of law, rule of law and

State of law, rule of law and

international agreements

international agreements

International law in the democratic

International law in the democratic

systems based on the rule of law is

systems based on the rule of law is

considered to be an integral part of

considered to be an integral part of

domestic legal orders. Respecting and

domestic legal orders. Respecting and

applying international agreements

applying international agreements

within the state is considered to be

within the state is considered to be

the foundation of maintaining the

the foundation of maintaining the

principles of common security and

principles of common security and

the protection of human rights

the protection of human rights

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The law in non democratic

The law in non democratic



Authoritarian political systems

Authoritarian political systems

Totalitarian political systems

Totalitarian political systems

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Authoritatian systems

Authoritatian systems

optimum reality” flowing from an

optimum reality” flowing from an

authoritarian centre excludes any open

authoritarian centre excludes any open

social opposition

social opposition

There is no equality before and in the law

There is no equality before and in the law

Basic rights and freedoms and human

Basic rights and freedoms and human

dignity are not protected

dignity are not protected

There are no independent courts

There are no independent courts

Citizens do not have a

Citizens do not have a

de facto

de facto

right to

right to

democratically choose the type of

democratically choose the type of

political system

political system

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Political dimension of

Political dimension of

authoritarian states

authoritarian states

The law do not answer to authentic

The law do not answer to authentic

social problems because of the

social problems because of the

blockade on the free articulation of

blockade on the free articulation of



Political system do not reflect the

Political system do not reflect the

societies preferences, but is a result

societies preferences, but is a result

of a the structure of power

of a the structure of power

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A totalitarian political

A totalitarian political



Extreme form of an authoritarian system

Extreme form of an authoritarian system

States machine is subject only to

States machine is subject only to

political control not any form of social or

political control not any form of social or

legal control

legal control

Politics control every aspect of human

Politics control every aspect of human



Nationalised societies are deprived of

Nationalised societies are deprived of

legal subjectivity – they are objects of

legal subjectivity – they are objects of



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Non-democratic political

Non-democratic political

systems and international

systems and international



State borders are closed

State borders are closed

International law is not considered

International law is not considered

as an element of internal law as the

as an element of internal law as the

centres of non-democratic power do

centres of non-democratic power do

not agree on the international

not agree on the international

control over their actions

control over their actions

Domestic law is inconsistent with

Domestic law is inconsistent with

international law

international law

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Hierarchy of legal acts

Hierarchy of legal acts

The higher the position of an authority in the

The higher the position of an authority in the

hierarchy of public authorities, the greater is

hierarchy of public authorities, the greater is

the legal force of the instruments established by

the legal force of the instruments established by

this authority

this authority

The law-making instruments with lesser legal

The law-making instruments with lesser legal

force should not be inconsistent with an

force should not be inconsistent with an

instrument of greater legal force

instrument of greater legal force

The law making instrument of higher legal force

The law making instrument of higher legal force

may repeal an instrument with lesser legal force

may repeal an instrument with lesser legal force

The law making instrument of higher legal force

The law making instrument of higher legal force

prejudices the direction of norms of lower legal

prejudices the direction of norms of lower legal



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Constitution has the highest rnk in

Constitution has the highest rnk in

the hierarchy of law-making

the hierarchy of law-making

instruments in statutory legal systems

instruments in statutory legal systems

Constitution is issued by the

Constitution is issued by the

parliament or specially selected

parliament or specially selected

authority (constituent assembley)

authority (constituent assembley)

Constitution is issued in special

Constitution is issued in special



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Aims of the constitutions

Aims of the constitutions

Regulate grounds for political, social

Regulate grounds for political, social

and economic order in the state

and economic order in the state

It grants power to the public

It grants power to the public

authorities to act and limits their

authorities to act and limits their

acting powers

acting powers

Special authorities are sometimes

Special authorities are sometimes

selected to control the compliance of

selected to control the compliance of

norm-setting with the constitution

norm-setting with the constitution

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Kinds of the

Kinds of the



Rigid Constitutions

Rigid Constitutions

Flexible Constitutions

Flexible Constitutions

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One level lower than the constitution

One level lower than the constitution

Wording of a low must remain within

Wording of a low must remain within

the limits of the constitution

the limits of the constitution

Should be consistent with axiology

Should be consistent with axiology

and principles of the constitution

and principles of the constitution

Laws should comply also with the

Laws should comply also with the

norms of ratified (with approval of

norms of ratified (with approval of

parliament) international agreements.

parliament) international agreements.

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Statutory matters

Statutory matters

There always are some categories of

There always are some categories of

matters that can be governed

matters that can be governed

exclusively by the laws not by the

exclusively by the laws not by the

sub-laws acts

sub-laws acts

Acts imposing duties on individuals

Acts imposing duties on individuals

and communities, limitations of

and communities, limitations of

freedoms and rights of the

freedoms and rights of the

communities and individuals

communities and individuals

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Norm set in sub-laws should be

Norm set in sub-laws should be

consistent with the norms in laws

consistent with the norms in laws

Sub-laws may always be amended by

Sub-laws may always be amended by

the laws

the laws

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Executive acts

Executive acts

Law-making instruments established

Law-making instruments established

by the executive authorities

by the executive authorities

Executive acts are based on explicit

Executive acts are based on explicit

laws authorisation for the purpose of

laws authorisation for the purpose of

implementing the law

implementing the law

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Law that has the objective of

Law that has the objective of

comprehensive, relatively

comprehensive, relatively

exhaustive, interally consistently

exhaustive, interally consistently

regulate an extensive area of social

regulate an extensive area of social



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Delegated legislation

Delegated legislation

Possibility to establish instruments under

Possibility to establish instruments under

different names, having the legal force of

different names, having the legal force of

law (regulations with the force of law)

law (regulations with the force of law)

Can be delegated eg. to the president

Can be delegated eg. to the president

Usually used in special situation (eg.

Usually used in special situation (eg.

martial law)

martial law)

Usually limited by the constitution

Usually limited by the constitution

Sometimes subsequent approval by the

Sometimes subsequent approval by the

parliament is needed

parliament is needed

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Legal provision

Legal provision

Legal provision is a sentence in

Legal provision is a sentence in

gammatical sense which is clearly

gammatical sense which is clearly

highlighted in legal text and usually

highlighted in legal text and usually

marked as an article or paragraph

marked as an article or paragraph

Usually legal norm is formed on the

Usually legal norm is formed on the

basis of several provisions

basis of several provisions

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Legal norm

Legal norm

Statement containing the directive

Statement containing the directive

of public authority ordering its

of public authority ordering its

addresses to behave under specific

addresses to behave under specific

circumstances in a way that is

circumstances in a way that is

specified in it

specified in it







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Legislator establishes the law in a

Legislator establishes the law in a

form of legal provisions. He assumes

form of legal provisions. He assumes

that the legal doctrine and legal

that the legal doctrine and legal

practice will restore the legal norms

practice will restore the legal norms

based on these regulations in

based on these regulations in

accordance with his will.

accordance with his will.

Legal norms will be restored from

Legal norms will be restored from

legal provisions on the basis of

legal provisions on the basis of

interpretation and legal inference

interpretation and legal inference

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Multilingual nature of

Multilingual nature of

international and EU legal

international and EU legal



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Announcing the law

Announcing the law

Authentic texts – law-making

Authentic texts – law-making

instruments officially announced in

instruments officially announced in

the traditional manner (eg. In

the traditional manner (eg. In

respective public journals) are

respective public journals) are

considered authentic texts

considered authentic texts

Authentic text is considered original

Authentic text is considered original

and realiable, final and binding

and realiable, final and binding

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Legal databases

Legal databases

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Derogation means repealing the whole

Derogation means repealing the whole

instrument or individual provision by

instrument or individual provision by

the new law-making instrument

the new law-making instrument

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Amendments derogate some part of

Amendments derogate some part of

the text and puts in this place a new

the text and puts in this place a new

legal rule (rules)

legal rule (rules)

Consolidated tex is a text of a law (or

Consolidated tex is a text of a law (or

other law-making instrument that

other law-making instrument that

has in it’s text all amendments

has in it’s text all amendments



Document Outline


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