Arttu Soininen
Software developer
Terrasolid Ltd
Low points
For finding bad points clearly below the ground
Usually run before ground classification
Simple routine, can find only clearest cases
Not iterative, you should run it at least 2-3 times
Low points – Single points
Classifies a point if all other points Within
search radius are at least More than above
the point
More than
Low points – Groups of points
Physical features may cause multiple points
below the ground at the same location
Groups of points option finds groups of
points which are all lower than any of the
neighbouring points
Low points – Multiple runs
Multiple runs needed for locations with bad
points below the ground at multiple
elevation levels
First run finds only the lowest and regards
everything else as valid points
Below surface
For finding bad points below the ground
Has to be run after ground classification
Can find points a little (15cm) below ground
Below surface
For each point, finds 6-12 closest neighbouring
Fits a plane equation to the neighbouring points
Checks the elevation distance to the plane
Regards point as valid ground point unless it is
at least Tolerance below plane
Below surface
Computes standard deviation of the distances
between the neighbouring points and the fitted
If point being checked is more than Limit *
standard deviation below the plane, it will be
classified as a point below the ground
Laser data is dense but has a level of noise
Produces a rough, noisy looking surface
Smoothing modifies elevations of laser points
if that produces a smooth surface locally
Smoothing keeps the original elevation of a
laser point if the location does not become
This helps to keep breakline changes intact
Iterative process
During each iteration round, a point moves up or
down to match a plane equation fitted to
original laser points
For each point, finds 6-12 closest neighbouring
Fits a plane equation to the neighbouring points
Closest neighbours have bigger weight in fitting
Point gets an elevation correction towards the
plane equation
During one iteration round:
Fits a plane equation to neighbours of every
Computes an elevation correction for every point
Applies the correction but limits the change from
the original elevation to be within maximum
movement setting
As a result of one iteration round:
Points match neighbours a little better
Iteration continues as long as there is movement
As a result of iteration:
Iteration stops when there is no movement
Some points do not match neighbours even
though they have been moved by the maximum
Routine restores the original elevation of those
points and their neighbours
Second iteration:
'Rough' points restored to original elevation stay
Second iteration is performed in order to make
'smooth' points match their 'rough' neighbours