Multi word lexical verbs

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Multi-word lexical verbs

Quirk chapter 12

pp. 347-351

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Multi-word lexical verbs

• Many multi-word units function like a

single verb: stay together and have a
single meaning.


put up with – tolerate
find out - discover

• Such combinations typically have

idiomatic meaning: the meaning of
the whole expression cannot be
predicted from the meanings of its

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Multi-word lexical verbs

•Phrasal verbs
•Prepositional verbs


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Phrasal verbs

• Verb + adverbial particle

– Intransitive: verb + particle

get up, break down, take of

– Transitive: verb + particle + object

carry out the plan, make up a story

• Phrasal verbs allow particle movement:

I switched of the light. I switched the light


• When Od is a pronoun, particle movement

is obligatory:

I switched it of. vs. I switched of it. ***

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Prepositional verbs

• Verb + preposition + object

look at sth, wait for sb, talk about sth

• Regular particle movement is not possible:

I looked at the picture

I looked the picture at.


• But you can separate verb and prep.:

– With an adverb: I looked closely at the picture.
– In wh-questions

At what did you look?

– In relative clauses

the picture at which I looked

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Prepositional verbs

• So, two analyses of such verbs are


I / looked / at the picture. S + V + A/Od
I / looked at / the picture. S + V + Od

• However, the second one is preferred as

– Passive is possible

The picture was looked at.

– The prep. can also remain with the verb:

What did you look at?
the picture which I looked at

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Phrasal-prepositional verbs

• Verb + adverbial particle + preposition +

put up with, look forward to, cut down on

• Passive is possible

This cannot be put up with!

• Both particles usually stay after the verb

What do you put up with?
With what do you put up?***
the things which we put up with
the things with which we put up***

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Phrasal-prepositional verbs

• You can insert an adverb between the

two particles, but not between the
particles and the object.

We put up patiently with this.
We put up with patiently this. ***

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Free combinations

• Single-word lexical verbs followed by

– Adv: go back, sit down, rush out
– PP : go to school, stay in bed, run in the race

• Each element has its own meaning
• They answer typical adverbial

I am walking to that place.
Where are you walking?
What are you walking to?***

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Free combinations

– Verb + adverb: go back
– Verb + PP: go to school

Multi-word verbs

– phrasal verbs

•Intransitive: shut up, take of
•Transitive: find out, turn of

– prepositional verbs: look at, deal with
– phrasal prepositional verbs:

put up with, cut down on

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Phrasal-prepositional verb: put up with
 Intransitive phrasal verb + PP

adverbial wake up on the doormat


 Free combination (V + Adv) walk out
 Intransitive phrasal verb: blank out


 Phrasal verb: switch of
 Prepositional verb: look at
 Free combination (verb + PP):

sleep on the sofa

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Free combinations Phrasal -
(intr. phrasal verb
prepositional verb
+ PP adverbial)

wake up on the doormat put up with his jokes

• Wh-question
Where did you wake up?
What did you wake up


• Passive
The doormat cannot be

woken up on. ***

• Wh-question
Where did you put up?


What did you put up


• Passive
His jokes cannot be

put up with.

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He looked up the word.


He looked at the picture.



He looked out of the window.

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Free combinations
Prepositional &

Phrasal Verbs

• Wh-question
Where did he look?
What did he look out

of? **

• Passive
The window was looked

out of. ***

• Wh-question
What did he look up?
What did he look at?
At what did he look?

• Passive
The word was looked up.
The picture was looked


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Prepositional verbs Phrasal

• Particle movement
He looked at the


He looked the picture

at. **

He looked at it.
He looked it at. ***

• Adverb insertion
He looked carefully at

the picture.

• Particle movement
He looked up the word.
He looked the word up.
He looked up it. ***
He looked it up.

• Adverb insertion
He checked carefully up

the word. ***

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Phrasal verb, prepositional

verb or free combination?

work in a bank
work on a problem
work out a solution

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Phrasal verb, prepositional
verb or free combination?

I’m looking for my keys.
She picked up the card.
They paid in cash.
Bill called after midnight.
This book belongs to my brother.
Sam dealt with the problem.
She gave up the plan.

Document Outline


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