Mahjongg Japanese (śú–{Śę)


; We start with the menu...

Kyodai.File1.Caption = $B?7$7$$%2!<%`(B
Kyodai.LastPlayedGame1.Caption = $BA02s$N%2!<%`(B
Kyodai.RandomSolitaireGame1.Caption = $B>e3$(B($B%i%s%@%`(B)
Kyodai.NewSpecificGame1.Caption = $B>e3$(B($BHV9f;XDj(B)
Kyodai.MahJonggSolitaire2PlayerSingleComputer1.Caption = $B>e3$(B ($B#2%W%l%$%d!<(B)
Kyodai.NewArcadeMahjonggGame1.Caption = $B;M@n(B($B$+$s$?$s(B)
Kyodai.MahJonggRiversNewGameHard1.Caption = $B;M@n(B ($BFq$7$$(B)
Kyodai.MahJonggMemoryNewGame1.Caption = $B?@7P?jKyodai.MahJonggMemoryNewGameHard1.Caption = $B?@7P?jKyodai.MahJonggClicks1.Caption = $B%?%$%kJx$7(B ($B$+$s$?$s(B)
Kyodai.MahJonggClicksNormal1.Caption = $B%?%$%kJx$7(B ($B$U$D$&(B)
Kyodai.MahJonggClicksHard1.Caption = $B%?%$%kJx$7(B ($BFq$7$$(B)
Kyodai.MahJonggSlider1.Caption = $B%9%i%$%@!<(B ($B$+$s$?$s(B)
Kyodai.MahJonggColumns.Caption = $BCl(B
Kyodai.Exit1.Caption = $B$*$o$j(B
Kyodai.Play1.Caption = $B$O$8$a(B
Kyodai.Undo1.Caption = $B$b$I$k(B
Kyodai.GiveHint.Caption = $B%R%s%H(B
Kyodai.Pause1.Caption = $B$R$H$d$9$_(B
Kyodai.Shuffle1.Caption = $B%?%$%k$r%7%c%C%U%k(B
Kyodai.Stoppe.Caption = $B$d$a!*(B
Kyodai.Restart1.Caption = $B$b$&0lEY(B
Kyodai.Changeplayername.Caption = $B%W%l%$%d!<(B
Kyodai.RandomSeed1.Caption = $BMp?tKyodai.Vertical.Caption = $B?bD>%P%j%(!<%7%g%s(B
Kyodai.Options1.Caption = $BI=<((B
Kyodai.Invert.Caption = $BA*Br%?%$%k$rH?E>(B
Kyodai.CoolMenu1.Caption = $B$b$C$H$h$+%a%K%e!<(B
Kyodai.CoolMouse.Caption = $B$b$C$H$h$+%^%&%9(B
Kyodai.CoolToolbar.Caption = $B$b$C$H$h$+%D!<%k%P!<(B
Kyodai.FlatButtons.Caption = $B$b$C$H$h$+%\%?%s(B
Kyodai.CoolStatus.Caption = $B$b$C$H$h$+>uBVI=<((B
Kyodai.ViewAllLayouts.Caption = $BA4$F$N%l%$%"%&%H$rI=<((B
Kyodai.ShowFave.Caption = $B5$$KF~$C$?%l%$%"%&%H$N$_I=<((B
Kyodai.ShowTime.Caption = $B;D$j;~4VI=<((B
Kyodai.Moves.Caption = $B0\F02DG=?tI=<((B
Kyodai.ShowNext.Caption = $BKyodai.ShowHallFame.Caption = $B%O%$%9%3%"I=<((B
Kyodai.ShowTitle.Caption = $B%9%F!<%?%9%P!Kyodai.ShowGirls.Caption = $B=w$N;R$rI=<((B
Kyodai.Toolbar1.Caption = $B%D!<%k%P!<$rI=<((B
Kyodai.HightlightMode1.Caption = $B6/D4(B
Kyodai.Highlight1.Caption = $B$J$7(B
Kyodai.Highlight2.Caption = $B@V$NOH@~(B
Kyodai.Highlight4.Caption = $BNP$NOH@~(B
Kyodai.Highlight5.Caption = $B@D$NOH@~(B
Kyodai.Highlight3.Caption = $B?'IU$-%?%$%k(B
Kyodai.HighlightSlider.Caption = $B%9%i%$%@!<$N6/D4(B
Kyodai.ShowCurrentTile.Caption = $B8=:_$N%?%$%k(B
Kyodai.OnlyPossibleMoves.Caption = $BF0$+$;$k%?%$%k(B
Kyodai.Config.Caption = $B@_Dj(B
Kyodai.Winnable.Caption = $B2r$,B8:_$9$k$h$&$KG[CV(B
Kyodai.Shuffable.Caption = $B2r$,B8:_$9$k$h$&$K%7%c%C%U%k(B
Kyodai.EnableHall.Caption = $B;~4V$rF@E@$KH?1G$5$;$k(B
Kyodai.Shadows.Caption = $B%?%$%k%;%C%H$K1F$r$D$1$k(B
Kyodai.GoCheckPause.Caption = $B%U%)!<%+%9$,<:$o$l$?$i%]!<%:(B
Kyodai.StartupGame.Caption = $B%9%?!<%H%"%C%W$HF1;~$K%2!<%`3+;O(B
Kyodai.CoolBackground.Caption = $BC1?'GX7J$r%0%i%G!<%7%g%s2=(B
Kyodai.WelcomePause.Caption = $B%]!<%:Cf$K%2!<%`$rI=<((B
Kyodai.ShowRomanized.Caption = $B%?%$%k%;%C%H>e$K?t;z!?J8;z$rI=<((B
Kyodai.StretchBackground.Caption = $BGX7J$r?-=L2DG=$K$9$k(B
Kyodai.StartMusic.Caption = $B%9%?!<%H%"%C%W$HF1;~$K2;3Z3+;O(B
Kyodai.EnableMOD.Caption = MOD$B%W%l%$%d!<$rM-8z$K$9$k(B
Kyodai.PlaySounds.Caption = $B8z2L2;(B
Kyodai.PlayMusic.Caption = BGM
Kyodai.Animations1.Caption = $B%"%K%a!<%7%g%s(B
Kyodai.AnimatePause.Caption = $B%]!<%:!?%9%?!<%H2hLL(B
Kyodai.Animate.Caption = $B%2!<%`9=C[(B
Kyodai.AnimateTiles.Caption = $B>e3$$N%?%$%k(B
Kyodai.AnimateTileRivers.Caption = $B;M@n$N%?%$%k(B
Kyodai.AnimateClicks.Caption = $B%Q%$Jx$7$NMn2<%?%$%k(B
Kyodai.AnimateSlider.Caption = $B%9%i%$%@!<$N%?%$%k(B
Kyodai.AnimateNext.Caption = $B%9%i%$%@!<$N?7%?%$%k(B
Kyodai.AnimateChain.Caption = $B%Q%$$NCl$NO":?H?1~(B
Kyodai.AnimateCursor.Caption = $B%/%j%C%/;~$N%+!<%=%k(B
Kyodai.SlowFall.Caption = $BCl$,IaDL$NB.$5$GMn$A$k(B
Kyodai.NormalFall.Caption = $BCl$,9bB.$GMn$A$k(B
Kyodai.FastFall.Caption = $BCl$,D69bB.$GMn$A$k(B
Kyodai.Background.Caption = $BGX7J(B
Kyodai.LoadBackground.Caption = $B%U%!%$%k$+$iFI$_9~$_(B
Kyodai.None1.Caption = $BC1?'(B
Kyodai.Tileset.Caption = $B%?%$%k$N?'(B
Kyodai.Load1.Caption = $B%U%!%$%k$+$iFI$_9~$_(B
Kyodai.Layout1.Caption = $B%l%$%"%&%H(B
Kyodai.SelectLayout1.Caption = $BA*Br(B
Kyodai.CreateLayout1.Caption = $B%l%$%"%&%H:n@.(B
Kyodai.Editlayout1.Caption = $B%l%$%"%&%HJT=8(B
Kyodai.Music.Caption = $B2;3Z(B
Kyodai.RandomMusic.Caption = $B%i%s%@%`(B
Kyodai.Help1.Caption = $B%X%k%W(B
Kyodai.Contents1.Caption = $BL\Kyodai.WhatsNew1.Caption = $B:G?7(B
Kyodai.ViewTiles1.Caption = $B%?%$%k$rI=<((B
Kyodai.Register1.Caption = $BEPO?(B
Kyodai.Halloffame1.Caption = $B%O%$%9%3%"(B
Kyodai.About1.Caption = Kyodai$B$K$D$$$F(B
Kyodai.SliderHard1.Caption = $B%9%i%$%@!<(B ($BFq$7$$(B)
Kyodai.AnimateBackgroundHashira.Caption = $BCl$NGX7J%"%K%a!<%7%g%s(B
Kyodai.Moveboard2.Caption = $B>e3$$NHW$rF0$+$9(B
Kyodai.BlueBorders.Caption = $B%?%$%k$N@DOH(B
Kyodai.MenuLanguage.Caption = Language

; --------------------------------------------------
; Now we have the rest of the graphical elements....
; --------------------------------------------------

Kyodai.LabelLayout.Caption = $B%l%$%"%&%HL>(B

Kyodai.Label30.Hint = $B%?%$%k$N?t$O(B144$B0J2<$+(B4$B$NG\?t$G$"$kI,MW$,$"$j$^$9!%(B
Kyodai.Label30.Caption = $B%?%$%k?t(B
Kyodai.Label3.Hint = $B%l%$%"%&%H$rJ]B8$9$k$K$O>/$J$/$H$b(B2$B$D$N%?%$%k$,0\F02DG=$G$J$1$l$P$J$j$^$;$s!%(B
Kyodai.Label3.Caption = $B0\F02DG=(B
Kyodai.Label4.Hint = $B%l%$%"%&%H$rJ]B8$9$k$?$a$KDI2C$9$kI,MW$N$"$k%?%$%k$N?t(B
Kyodai.Label4.Caption = $B%?%$%k?t(B

Kyodai.TilesLeftPanel.Caption = $B%?%$%k?t(B
Kyodai.MovesLeftPanel.Caption = $B0\F02DG=(B
Kyodai.TimePanel.Caption = Time
Kyodai.StatusPanel.Caption = Status

Kyodai.ExplorerButton1.Hint = $B?7$7$$%2!<%`(B
Kyodai.ExplorerButton1.Caption = $B%2!<%`99?7(B
Kyodai.ExplorerButton2.Hint = $B0\F0$d$j$J$*$7(B
Kyodai.ExplorerButton2.Caption = Back
Kyodai.SetMusic.Hint = $B2;3Z0l;~Dd;_(B
Kyodai.SetMusic.Caption = Music
Kyodai.ExplorerButton3.Hint = $B0\F0Nc(B
Kyodai.ExplorerButton3.Caption = $B%R%s%H(B
Kyodai.ShuffleButton.Hint = $B%?%$%k$r%7%c%C%U%k(B
Kyodai.ShuffleButton.Caption = $B%7%c%C%U%k(B
Kyodai.PauseButton.Hint = $B%2!<%`0l;~Dd;_(B
Kyodai.PauseButton.Caption = $B0l;~Dd;_(B
Kyodai.HelpButton.Hint = Help :)
Kyodai.HelpButton.Caption = Help
Kyodai.ExitButton.Hint = $B9T$+$J$$$G!A"v(B(;_;)
Kyodai.ExitButton.Caption = Exit
Kyodai.AboutButton.Hint = Naoki Haga :)
Kyodai.AboutButton.Caption = About
Kyodai.HallFameButton.Hint = Best of the best :)
Kyodai.HallFameButton.Caption = $B%O%$%9%3%"(B
Kyodai.LayoutButton.Hint = $B?7$7$$%l%$%"%&%H$rA*Br$7$F2<$5$$(B
Kyodai.LayoutButton.Caption = $B%l%$%"%&%H(B

Kyodai.MainMenu98.Options.Title.Text = $B7;DoKc?}(B

Kyodai.Label1.Caption = $B7;DoKc?}$X(B
Kyodai.Label2.Caption = $B$h$&$3$=!*(B
Kyodai.SpeedButton1.Hint = $B>e3$(B - $B3(JA$,F1$8$G:81&$N$I$A$i$+$,6u$$$F$$$k%Z%"$r>C$9(B
Kyodai.SpeedButton2.Hint = $B;M@n(B - $B3(JA$,F1$8$GJ?LL>e0\F02DG=$J%Z%"$r>C$9(B
Kyodai.SpeedButton3.Hint = $B?@7P?jKyodai.SpeedButton4.Hint = $B%?%$%kJx$7(B - $B0lEY$N%/%j%C%/$G$G$-$k$@$1B?$/$N%?%$%k$r>C$9(B
Kyodai.SpeedButton5.Hint = $B%9%i%$%@!<(B - $B%?%$%k$r%9%i%$%I$5$;$F0lNs$KJB$Y$k(B
Kyodai.SpeedButton6.Hint = $BCl(B - $B$$$A$I$K(B3$BNs0J>e$N%?%$%k$r>C$=$&!*(B
Kyodai.Label7.Caption = $B%2!<%`$N@bL@(B
Kyodai.SameGameButton.Caption = $BF1$8%2!<%`$r$b$&0lEY(B
Kyodai.BitBtn3.Caption = $B;M@n(B ($B$+$s$?$s!'(B84 tiles)
Kyodai.BitBtn4.Caption = $B;M@n(B ($BFq$7$$!'(B144 tiles)
Kyodai.BitBtn5.Caption = $B?@7P?jKyodai.BitBtn6.Caption = $B?@7P?jKyodai.BitBtn1.Caption = $B%/%i%7%C%/(B
Kyodai.BitBtn2.Caption = 2
Kyodai.BitBtn7.Caption = $B$+$s$?$s(B
Kyodai.BitBtn10.Caption = $BFq$7$$(B
Kyodai.BitBtn13.Caption = $B$U$D$&(B
Kyodai.Column.Caption = $BCl(B
Kyodai.Slider.Caption = $B$+$s$?$s(B
Kyodai.StartLevel.Caption = Start Level
Kyodai.SliderHard.Caption = $B$`$:$+$7$$(B
Kyodai.Label22.Caption = Next
Kyodai.Label23.Caption = Score
Kyodai.Label24.Caption = $B%?%$%k$,0\F0$5$l$^$7$?(B
Kyodai.Label25.Caption = Level

Kyodai.Editor1.Caption = Exit
Kyodai.Saveandexit.Caption = Save
Kyodai.Saveasandexit.Caption = Save as...
Kyodai.Cancel1.Caption = Try it
Kyodai.Cancel2.Caption = Exit
Kyodai.MoveBoard1.Caption = Move Board
Kyodai.Movetoleft1.Caption = Move to left <
Kyodai.Movetoright1.Caption = Move to right >
Kyodai.Movetotop1.Caption = Move to top /\
Kyodai.Movetobottom1.Caption = Move to bottom \/

Kyodai.Popup.Options.Title.Text = Kyodai
Kyodai.Redraw1.Caption = $B:FIA2h(B
Kyodai.Back1.Caption = Back
Kyodai.Hint3.Caption = $B%R%s%H(B
Kyodai.Shuffle2.Caption = $B%7%c%C%U%k(B
Kyodai.Pause2.Caption = $B0l;~Dd;_(B
Kyodai.Layout2.Caption = $B%l%$%"%&%H(B
Kyodai.Restart2.Caption = $B:G=i$+$i$d$j$J$*$7(B
Kyodai.Stop1.Caption = Stop

Kyodai.StartLevelMenu.Options.Title.Text = Kyodai
Kyodai.StartatLevel11.Caption = Level 1 $B$+$i3+;O(B
Kyodai.StartatLevel21.Caption = Level 2 $B$+$i3+;O(B
Kyodai.StartatLevel31.Caption = Level 3 $B$+$i3+;O(B
Kyodai.StartatLevel41.Caption = Level 4 $B$+$i3+;O(B
Kyodai.StartatLevel51.Caption = Level 5 $B$+$i3+;O(B
Kyodai.StartatLevel61.Caption = Level 6 $B$+$i3+;O(B
Kyodai.StartatLevel71.Caption = Level 7 $B$+$i3+;O(B
Kyodai.StartatLevel81.Caption = Level 8 $B$+$i3+;O(B
Kyodai.StartatLevel91.Caption = Level 9 $B$+$i3+;O(B
Kyodai.StartatLevel101.Caption = Level 10 $B$+$i3+;O(B

; ------------------------------------------------------
; Now, the text within the other Kyodai windows.........
; ------------------------------------------------------

; Registration Window

RegForm.RegLabel1.Caption = $BEPO?>pJs$rF~NO$7$F!$(BRegister$B%\%?%s$r2!$7$F$/$@$5$$(B
RegForm.RegLabel2.Caption = User Name
RegForm.RegLabel3.Caption = (e.g. Naoki Haga)
RegForm.RegLabel4.Caption = Password
RegForm.RegLabel5.Caption = (e.g. 0123456789)
RegForm.RegButton.Caption = Register
RegForm.Button1.Caption = Cancel
RegForm.Label18.Caption = $BEPO?$9$k$N$rK:$l$J$$$G$M!*(B
RegForm.Label19.Caption = $B$_$s$J$NNO$G(BKYODAI$B$O$b$C$H%0%l!<%I%"%C%W$7$^$9!%(B
RegForm.Label20.Caption = $BEPO?8e$OL5=~%"%C%W%G!<%H2DG=$G$9!%$^$?!$EPO?8e$3$N%a%C%;!<%8$OI=<($5$l$^$;$s!%(B
RegForm.Label1.Caption = $B$3$3$r%/%j%C%/$9$k$H($B$K%"%/%;%9$7$^$9!%$3$N%Z!<%8$GEPO?$G$-$^$9!%(B

; Random Seed Window

RandomWindow.RandomPanel.Caption = $B?7$7$$%2!<%`;XDjCM(B
RandomWindow.RandLabel1.Caption = $B%2!<%`;XDjCM$rA*$s$G2<$5$$(B (from 1 to 999,999,999)
RandomWindow.BitBtn2.Caption = $B?7$7$$Mp?tRandomWindow.BitBtn3.Caption = $BMp?t
; Help Window

HelpForm.Help.Caption = Help
HelpForm.Whatsnew.Caption = What's New
HelpForm.TabSheet3.Caption = What's Old
HelpForm.TabSheet2.Caption = $B%2!<%`$N%k!<%k(B
HelpForm.SeeTiles.Caption = $B%?%$%k%;%C%H$NI=<((B
HelpForm.MenuItems.Caption = Menu Items
HelpForm.TabSheet1.Caption = Troubleshooting FAQ
HelpForm.SpeedButton1.Caption = Return to Kyodai
HelpForm.BitBtn1.Caption = Print

HallWindow.Label45.Caption = $B2<$N%3%s%\%\%C%/%9$+$i%l%$%"%&%H$rA*Br$7$F2<$5$$!%(B1$B$D$N%l%$%"%&%H$K$D$-%Y%9%H%9%3%"$O(B10$B$^$G$G$9!%(B"Reset Sores"$B$r2!$9$H%l%$%"%&%H$N%Y%9%H%9%3%"$r:o=|$G$-$^$9!%%O%$%9%3%"$r=P$7$?;~!$%W%l%$%d!<$NL>A0$rJQ99$G$-$^$9!%(B
HallWindow.BitBtn1.Caption = OK
HallWindow.PlayerPanel.Caption = Player Name
HallWindow.ResetButton.Caption = Reset Scores
HallWindow.Label21.Caption = Rank
HallWindow.Label22.Caption = Player Name
HallWindow.Label23.Caption = Time
HallWindow.Label24.Caption = Malus ; ??? This word does not appear in my dictionary
HallWindow.Label46.Caption = Date
HallWindow.BitBtn2.Caption = $B5/F0(B

GameOverForm.Label1.Caption = $B$*$a$G$H$&!A(B(^o^)/~
GameOverForm.Label2.Caption = $BHW$,40@.$7$^$7$?(B
GameOverForm.EnterFame.Caption = $B%O%$%9%3%"!*(B
GameOverForm.FinalTime.Caption = Your final time is 00:00
GameOverForm.BitBtn1.Caption = (^_^)

ExtendedChoose.BitBtn1.Caption = Cancel
ExtendedChoose.BitBtn2.Caption = << $B$X$i$9(B

ChooseLayout.Label1.Caption = Full Name :
ChooseLayout.Label2.Caption = << $B9%$_$N%l%$%"%&%H(B
ChooseLayout.Label3.Caption = $B%l%$%"%&%H%a%K%e!<$NCf$N%l%$%"%&%H%j%9%H$G$9!%>e$N%j%9%H%\%C%/%9$+$i9%$_$N%l%$%"%&%H$r%I%i%C%0$7!$2<$N%j%9%H%\%C%/%9$K%I%m%C%W$7$F2<$5$$!%:o=|$9$k;~$O$=$N5U$G$9!%(B
ChooseLayout.Label4.Caption = $BAm%?%$%k?t(B :
ChooseLayout.Label5.Caption = $B0\F02DG=%?%$%k(B :
ChooseLayout.BitBtn1.Caption = $B$3$N%l%$%"%&%H$GM7$V(B
ChooseLayout.BitBtn2.Caption = Cancel
ChooseLayout.BitBtn3.Caption = Edit
ChooseLayout.BitBtn4.Caption = $B?7$7$$%l%$%"%&%H(B
ChooseLayout.BitBtn5.Caption = $B$U$d$9(B >>
ChooseLayout.CheckBox1.Caption = $B8=:_$NGX7J$G%W%l%S%e!<(B
ChooseLayout.BitBtn6.Caption = Delete

AboutBox.BitBtn1.Caption = OK
AboutBox.Order.Caption = $B%Q%9%o!<%I$r%2%C%H$9$k(B
AboutBox.BitBtn2.Caption = $BE}7W>pJs(B
AboutBox.Copyright.Caption = $B:nAboutBox.Comments.Caption = $B2;3Z(B
AboutBox.Label3.Caption = Kyodai$B$N:G?7%P!<%8%g%s$H!$F|K\$N%"%K%a$K4X$9$k%&%'%V%Z!<%8$X$N?tI4$b$N%j%s%/$,$"$j$^$9(B:
AboutBox.Label8.Caption = Rene-Gilles Deberdt (Naoki)
AboutBox.Label9.Caption = Tanguy Matioszek (Tamura)
AboutBox.Label11.Caption = Copyright $B%%(B 1997, 1998, 1999. All rights reserved.
AboutBox.Label16.Caption = Helene the Asegard Muse for the moral support, all my beta-testers, the Red Dwarf crew for being so funny... And of course, all of you who purchased or will purchase Kyodai !
AboutBox.Label17.Caption = Thanks to
AboutBox.Label2.Caption = Kyodai Website:
AboutBox.Version.Caption = MahJongg Solitaire Smeg by Naoki Haga
AboutBox.Label4.Caption = Cyber Namida ---
AboutBox.Label6.Caption = Miguel Samiez
AboutBox.Label27.Caption = Naoki :-)
AboutBox.Label7.Caption = LN^[@fUC
AboutBox.Label10.Caption = Zahara Medina

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; Fourth part : New text... Listed (approximately) in addition order....
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------

; addition
Kyodai.StretchTileset.Caption = $B%?%$%k%;%C%H$r?-=L$9$k(B

; modification
Kyodai.Res800.Caption = $B;OF0;~%O%$%+%i!<$K$9$k(B
; ----------------------------------------------------------
; Fifth and last part : the messages inside Kyodai's code...
; ----------------------------------------------------------


External Layout = $B30It%l%$%"%&%H(B
GAME OVER -- Final Score : = GAME OVER -- Final Score :
Game Over ! = Game Over !
New Layout = $B?7$7$$%l%$%"%&%H(B
Level = Level
Score = Score
Time = Time
Malus = Malus

Rivers (Easy) = Rivers (Easy)
Rivers (Hard) = Rivers (Hard)
Memory (Easy) = Memory (Easy)
Memory (Hard) = Memory (Hard)
Clicks (Easy) = Clicks (Easy)
Clicks (Normal) = Clicks (Normal)
Clicks (Hard) = Clicks (Hard)
Slider (Easy) = Slider (Easy)
Slider (Hard) = Slider (Hard)
Hashira = Hashira

Mahjongg Hashira started. = Mahjongg Hashira started.
Mahjongg Memory started. = Mahjongg Memory started.
Mahjongg Clicks started. = Mahjongg Clicks started.
Mahjongg Slider started. = Mahjongg Slider started.
Mahjongg Rivers started. = Mahjongg Rivers started.
Two-Player Solitaire started. = 2$B%W%l%$%d!<>e3$3+;O(B
Game restarted. = $B%2!<%`:F3+;O(B
New game started. = $B?7$7$$%2!<%`3+;O(B

; Captions for the other windows
Choose a new layout... = $B?7$7$$%l%$%"%&%H$rA*Br$7$F2<$5$$(B
Board finished ! = $BHW$,40@.$7$^$7$?!*(B
Kyodai Help = Kyodai Help
Hall of Fame = $B%O%$%9%3%"(B
Please Register ! = $BEPO?$r$*4j$$$7$^$9!*(B
New Specific (Seed) Game = $B?7$7$$?tCM;XDj!J
MOD music enabled. You need to restart before changes are applied. = MOD$B2;8;$KJQ99$5$l$^$7$?!%%j%9%?!<%H8eJQ99$,M-8z$K$J$j$^$9!%(B
Can't find needed external DLL (npmod32.dll). Please install it in your Kyodai directory and retry. You can find it on the Kyodai website at : = $B30It(BDLL(npmod32.dll)$B$,8+$D$+$j$^$;$s!%(BDLL$B$r%$%s%9%H!<%k8e$b$&0lEY%H%i%$$7$F$/$@$5$$!%(BDLL$B$O(BKyodai website$B$+$iF~UNREGISTERED = $BL$EPO?(B
Registration reminder = $BEPO?$N$*4j$$(B
; This is the text in the reminder...
Please, remember to register ! = Please, remember to register !
Only your participation can help me = Only your participation can help me
continue to improve KYODAI for you ! = continue to improve KYODAI for you !
Registration will remove all these = Registration will remove all these
nasty reminders and give you access = nasty reminders and give you access
to perpetual FREE upgrades... Thank you ! = to perpetual FREE upgrades... Thank you !
; = $BEPO?$rK:$l$J$$$G$M!*(B
; = $B$_$s$J$NNO$G(BKYODAI$B$O$b$C$H%0%l!<%I(B
; = $B%"%C%W$7$^$9!%EPO?8e$O$3$N%a%C%;!<(B
; = $B%8$OI=<($5$l$J$$$[$+!$EPO?8e$OL5=~(B
; = $B%"%C%W%G!<%H2DG=$G$9!%(B
; Text under the tiles in the "View Tiles" menu...
Craks (4 times each) = Craks (4 times each) ; ??? This word does not appear in my dictionary
Bamboos (4 times each) = Bamboos (4 times each)
Dots (4 times each) = Dots (4 times each)
Flowers (once each) = Flowers (once each)
Seasons (once each) = Seasons (once each)
Winds (4 times each) = Winds (4 times each)
Dragons (4 times each) = Dragons (4 times each)

And the winner is... PLAYER 1 ! = And the winner is... PLAYER 1 !
And the winner is... PLAYER 2 ! = And the winner is... PLAYER 2 !
Same score for both players ! = Same score for both players !

Your final score is = Your final score is
Your final time is = Your final time is
You reached the top ! Great ! = You reached the top ! Great !

Registered to = $BEPO?(B

Unregistered version - Please Register !!! = $BEPO?$,$^$@$G$9!%$h$m$7$/$*4j$$$7$^$9(B!!!

Please choose a name for your layout file = $B%l%$%"%&%H%U%!%$%k$NL>A0$rA*Br$7$F$/$@$5$$(B
Please choose a Background bitmap file = $BGX7J$N%S%C%H%^%C%W%U%!%$%k$rA*Br$7$F$/$@$5$$(B
Please choose a Tileset bitmap file = $B%?%$%k%;%C%H$N%S%C%H%^%C%W%U%!%$%k$rA*Br$7$F$/$@$5$$!%(B
LAY Layout files = LAY $B%l%$%"%&%H%U%!%$%k(B
Background files = $BGX7J%U%!%$%k(B
Tileset files = $B%?%$%k%;%C%H%U%!%$%k(B
; These ones are followed by a file name and a question mark.
This file already exists. Do you want to erase = $B$3$N%U%!%$%k$O4{$KB8:_$7$^$9!%>e=q$-$7$^$9$+!)(B
Are you sure you want to erase = $BK\Ev$K>e=q$-$7$F$$$$$G$9$+!)(B
Please confirm = $B3NG'$7$F$/$@$5$$(B
Layout saved as "Temporary.lay". Click on "Edit layout" to call the layout editor and save it under a definitive name. = $B%l%$%"%&%H$O(B"Temporary.lay"$B$H$$$&L>A0$GJ]B8$5$l$^$9!%L>A0$rJQ99$7$FJ]B8$9$k$K$O(B"Edit layout"$B$r%/%j%C%/$7$F%l%$%"%&%H%(%G%#%?$r5/F0$7$F$/$@$5$$!%(B
You haven't finished building the layout yet ! The "Tiles left" indicator must be a multiple of 4... = $B%l%$%"%&%H$O$^$@40`z$G$O$"$j$^$;$s!*(B"Tiles left"$B$O(B4$B$NG\?t$G$"$kI,MW$,$"$j$^$9!%(B
This layout is not playable ! Please make more free moves... = $B$3$N%l%$%"%&%H$G$O%W%l%$$9$k$3$H$,$G$-$^$;$s!*0\F02DG=$J%?%$%k$r$b$C$HA}$d$7$F$/$@$5$$!%(B
No more moves. Do you want to give up ? (If you reply Yes and made a good score, you'll enter the hall of fame. If you reply No, the game will go back one move) = $B$3$l0J>e%?%$%k$r0\F0$G$-$^$;$s!%%.%V%"%C%W$7$^$9$+!)%.%V%"%C%W$7$F$b%9%3%"$,NI9%$J$i%O%$%9%3%"$r;D$9$3$H$,$G$-$^$9!%%.%V%"%C%W$7$J$1$l$P(B1$B0\F0J,%P%C%/$G$-$^$9!%(B
If you want to change the game mode, you'll have to restart your game. Do you wish to continue ? = $B%2!<%`%b!<%I$rJQ99$9$k$K$O%2!<%`$r:F3+;O$9$kI,MW$,$"$j$^$9!%7QB3$7$^$9$+!)(B
Vertical Variation = $B?bD>%P%j%(!<%7%g%s(B
Specific Board started. Random Seed # = $BFCDjHW3+;O!%Mp?t; This one is for showing text like "Layout Traditional selected."
Layout = $B%l%$%"%&%H
selected. = selected.

Kyodai - $B%%(B Rene-Gilles Deberdt 1997-1999 = Kyodai - $B%%(B Rene-Gilles Deberdt 1997-1999
Kyodai - $B%%(B Rene-Gilles Deberdt = Kyodai - $B%%(B Rene-Gilles Deberdt

; This one ends with a Kyodai version number ("for use with Kyodai 6.0"...)
You are trying to play a layout intended for use with = $B$3$N%l%$%"%&%H$r;HMQ$G$-$k%P!<%8%g%s$O; This one end with a URL
Please upgrade Kyodai at = $B$3$3$G(BKyodai$B$r%"%C%W%0%l!<%I$7$F$/$@$5$$(B:
Tiles shuffled. = $B%?%$%k$,%7%c%C%U%k$5$l$^$7$?!%(B
; This one starts with a number
new moves found. = $B$N%?%$%k$,?7$?$K0\F02DG=$K$J$j$^$7$?!%(B

Tiles shuffled. 1 new move found. = $B%?%$%k$,%7%c%C%U%k$5$l$^$7$?!%(B1$B$N%?%$%k$,?7$?$K0\F02DG=$K$J$j$^$7$?!%(B
No moves found. Try to press Back a few times. = $B0\F02DG=$J%?%$%k$O$"$j$^$;$s!%(BBack$B$r2?EY$+2!$7$F$_$F$/$@$5$$!%(B
Tiles shuffled. 40 seconds penalty. = $B%?%$%k$,%7%c%C%U%k$5$l$^$7$?!%%Z%J%k%F%#$H$7$F(B40$BIC4VBT$A$G$9!%(B
Please Note ! = $BCm0U!*(B
You are running the game in 256-color mode (or even worse). It is strongly recommended to switch to 16-bit or 24-bit color depth modes. Otherwise, you should should select No Background and a tileset with few colors. Thanks for listening ! = $B%2!<%`$,(B256$B?'%b!<%I(B($B$^$?$O$=$l0J2<(B)$B$G
; This one says "About Kyodai x.x" in the About Box...
About = About

This will launch your Web browser to the Kyodai registration page. Do you want to continue ? = $B%V%i%&%6$r5/F0$7$F(BKyodai$B$NEPO?%Z!<%8$r3+$-$^$9!%7QB3$7$^$9$+!)(B
You launched Kyodai for the first time ! ;-) = $B$O$8$a$F(BKyodai$B$r5/F0$7$^$7$?$M!*!y(B(-_^)
You launched Kyodai twice ! ;-) = 2$BEYL\$K(BKyodai$B$r5/F0$7$^$7$?$M!*!y(B(-_^)

; This one says "You launched Kyodai 3 times"...
You launched Kyodai = $B$"$J$?$,(BKyodai$B$r5/F0$7$?$N$O$3$l$G(B
times ! ;-) = $BEYL\$G$9!y(B(-_^)

PLEASE WAIT -- LOADING LAYOUTS = $B%l%$%"%&%H$r%m!<%ICf$G$9!%$7$P$i$/$*BT$A$/$@$5$$!%(B
SORRY, NO MORE MOVES !! = $B;DG0!*$b$&0\F0$G$-$^$;$s!%(B

Do you really want to remove the Hall of Fame entries for this layout ? = $B$3$N%l%$%"%&%H$N%O%$%9%3%"$rK\Ev$K>C$7$F$$$$$G$9$+!)(B
Thanks again ! You're now registered. = $BEPO?$,40N;$7$^$7$?!%$I$&$b$"$j$,$H$&$4$6$$$^$9!%(B
Sorry, wrong password. Please check out if you entered the user name and password exactly as I gave them to you. = $B%Q%9%o!<%I$,0c$$$^$9!%(Buser name$B$H(Bpassword$B$,H/9T$5$l$?$b$N$H0c$$$,$J$$$+3NG'$7$F$/$@$5$$!%(B

; This is the registration reminder shown when Kyodai is launched...
Welcome to KYODAI MAHJONGG ! = $B7;DoKc?}$X$h$&$3$=!*(B
If you like Mahjongg Solitaire games, I hope = $B$"$J$?$,Kc?}%=%j%F%"$N%U%!%s$J$i!$$3$N%P!<%8%g%s$r5$$K(B
you'll love this version. As a true fan, I worked = $BF~$C$F$/$l$k$G$7$g$&!%;d$O?4Dl$+$i$N%U%!%s$H$7$F!$?t@i(B
for thousands of hours on it, trying to improve it = $B;~4V$b$N;~4V$r$+$1$FF|!92~NI$K$"$?$j$^$7$?!%$b$7$"$J$?(B
every day. If you like Kyodai, please register. = $B$,7;DoKc?}$r5$$KF~$C$F$/$l$?$J$i!$EPO?$r$*4j$$$7$^$9!%(B
First, you will get rid you of this message and = $BEPO?8e!$$3$N%a%C%;!<%8$H!$%2!<%`Cf$K8=$l$k$3$Nall the reminders during the game, and it will = $B%;!<%8$,I=<($5$l$J$/$J$j!$;d$b$5$i$K2~NI$K$O$2$`$3$H$,(B
help me improve it again. And you won't have to = $B$G$-$^$9!%$^$?!$EPO?8e$O!$L5=~$Gpay anymore for the next versions to come ! = $B$-$^$9!%(B
Kyodai is my only income, so I won't be able to = $B7;DoKc?}$O;d$NM#0l$N<}F~8;$J$N$G!$$"$J$?$NEPO?$K$h$k;q(B
work on it forever if you don't pay the registration = $B6b1g=u$,$J$1$l$P7;DoKc?}$N2~NI$rB3$1$k$3$H$,$G$-$^$;$s!%(B
fee. To find out how to register, just go to the Help = $BEPO?$N;EJ}$O%X%k%W%a%K%e!<$r;2>H$7$F!$@bL@$K1h$C$F9T$C(B
menu, click on Contents, then Help, and follow the = $B$F2<$5$$!%$3$3$^$GFI$s$G$$$?$@$$$F$"$j$,$H$&$4$6$$$^$9!%(B
instructions. Thanks again, and enjoy this game ! = $B$I$&$+$3$N%2!<%`$r$*3Z$7$_$/$@$5$$!%(B
If you experience any problems, please read the = $B$b$7IT6q9g$KAx6x$7$?$i!$%a!<%k$rAw$kA0$K%X%k%W$r$h$/$*(B
help file extensively before sending a mail ! = $BFI$_$/$@$5$$!%(B
And remember : Kyodai is 100% customizable ! = $B$=$7$F!$$3$N%2!<%`$O(B100%$B%+%9%?%^%$%:2DG=$G$9!%%X%k%W%U(B
Make sure you read the help files and the menus ! = $B%!%$%k$H%a%K%e!<$r$h$/$*FI$_$/$@$5$$!%(B

; New Text.

This feature is only available on Solitaire, Rivers and Memory. = $B$3$N5!G=$O>e3$!$;M@n!$$*$h$S?@7P?j
LanguageCharset = 128

; The End ! Thank you !


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