Paranoia Red Clearance Reference Sheet

Service Group Skills Character Generation
Red Clearance Ready Reference Sheet
Warning! This document is classified Red Clearance! Summary
Internal Security
Reading of this document by those
Truncheon Unarmed
1. Beg for, borrow, or steal a character
of Infrared Clearance is Treason!
Interrogation Intimidation
sheet from your GM (or make your own).
Laser Weap Security
2. Think of an appropriate name.
Attribute Chart Mutant Power Table
2. Roll once for each attribute.
Attribute Skill Roll Mutant Power 3. Re-roll any two attributes.
Technical Services
Value Base Bonus 1 Adrenaline Control 4. Add up your attributes, and if they
Spurious Logic Autocar Op&M
1-3 0 0 2 Charm donÕt equal or exceed 80, whine to the GM
Transbot Op&M Docbot Op&M
4-6 1 0 3 Deep Probe* until he or she lets you roll again.
Jackobot Op&M Scrubot Op&M
7-10 2 0 4 Electroshock 5. Write down your attributes and figure
Electronic Eng Mechanical Eng
11-13 3 0 5 Empathy* out their various bonuses.
14 3 1 6 Energy Field* 6. Roll for a Service Group.
15-17 4 1 7 Hypersenses 7. Roll for a Mutant Power, and choose if
Bootlicking Con
18 5 1 8 Levitation* you want to register it.
Forgery Oratory
19-20 5 2 9 Machine Empathy1 8. Roll for a Secret Society.
Docbot Op&M Biochem Therapy
10 Matter Eater 9. Choose skills. You have 30 points to
11 Mechanical Intuition spend. No skill can be above 12 unless it is
Carrying Capacity Chart
12 Mental Blast* one of the ones that you receive Òspecial
Armed Forces
Carrying Capacity 13 Polymorphism trainingÓ in from your Service Group.
Grenade Prim Melee Weap
Strength (in kilograms) 14 Precognition* 10. Most Red Clearance Troubleshooters
Unarmed Motivation
1-12 25 15 Pyrokinesis* start with:
Laser Weap Projectile Weap
13 30 16 Regeneration Red Reflec Armor
Demolition Survival
14 35 17 Telekinesis* Laser Pistol
Vulturecraft Op&M
15 40 18 Telepathy* 1 Red Laser Barrel
16 45 19 Teleport* Jumpsuit
17 50 20 X-Ray Vision Utility Belt with Pouches
Bribery Fast Talk
18 55 Comm Unit Type I
Forgery Habitat Eng
19 60 Notebook & Stylus
Secret Society Table
Jackobot Op&M Biosciences
20 65 100 Plasticreds
Roll Secret Society
Power Services
1 Anti-Mutant You can spend your Plasticreds on things
Service Group Table
Spurious Logic Habitat Eng
2 Computer Phreaks listed in the Red Clearance Equipment table,
Jackobot Op&M Chemical Eng
Roll Service Group 3 Communists or keep them for later.
Electronic Eng Mechanical Eng
1-2 Internal Security 4 Corpore Metal
Nuclear Eng
3-4 Technical Services 5-6 Death Leopard
5-8 HPD&MC 7-8 FCCCP
Research & Design
9-11 Armed Forces 9 Frankenstein Destroyers
Jackobot Op&M Biosciences
12-14 PLC 10 Free Enterprise
Data Analysis Data Search
15-16 Power Services 11 Humanists
Electronic Eng Mechanical Eng
17-18 Research & Design 12 Illuminati
19-20 CPU 13 Mystics KEEP YOUR
14 Pro Tech
Fast Talk Intimidation
15 Psion2
Motivation Psychescan
1: This power may not be registered (unless you
like being executed). Security Data Analysis
17 Romantics
2: To be in Psion you must have a psionic
Data Search
18-19 Sierra Club
Mutant Power.
20 ÒOtherÓ
*: Psionic Mutant Power
Alpha Complex Battle Hymn
Red Clearance Ready Reference Sheet Security Clearances
Warning! This document is classified Red Clearance!
(Infrared) Red Orange
Mine eyes have seen the coming of another
Reading of this document by those
Yellow Green Blue
Commie horde,
of Infrared Clearance is Treason!
Indigo Violet Ultraviolet
If I can hold them off alone Hot Fun is my
Red Clearance Equipment Skill Summary
ÒPlease engage the menace, Citizen,Ó I hear
Agility Skills
on my comcord,
Cost Item
Force Sword, Neurowhip, Truncheon, and Unarmed: Melee Combat skills.
When will the Vultures arrive?
1 Bag of Cruncheetym Algae Chips
Grenade: Missile Combat skill.
3 Boot Polish
Primitive Melee Weapon: Things like knives, swords, clubs... (chorus)
2 Bottle of Bouncy Bubble Beverage
Glory, Glory, Hail Computer!
5 Bottle of Super Shine Mouthwash Chutzpah Skills
Glory, Glory, Hail Computer!
(Cleans Teeth to Their Core!) Bootlicking: Ingratiating yourself with your superiors
Glory, Glory, Hail Computer!
10 Bucket Bribery: Trading items for services. Use of this skill is Treasonous.
My clone keeps marching on.
50 Bullhorn Con: Persuading someone to let you do something that they probably shouldnÕt.
2 Cold Fun in a self-sealing puck Fast Talk: Like Con, but quicker. Getting past guards at a checkpoint is Fast Talk. TheyÕre advancing on all sides now and IÕll
25 First Aid Kit Forgery: Faking forms and signatures. Use of this skill is Treasonous. soon be overrun,
10 Flashlight Interrogation: Extracting useful information from Commie scum. I try to open fire but thereÕs a malfunction
50 Gas Mask Intimidation: Getting cooperation from your inferiors. with my gun,
2 Happiness Energy Bar Motivation: Getting a few people thinking your idea is a good idea. So I toss a nuke grenade and then turn tail
100 Hottorch Oratory: Speech-giving. Motivation for large groups. and run,
5 Official Teela-O Picture Mirror Psychescan: Lie detection when you are talking to someone. When will the Vultures arrive?
25 Personal Hygiene Kit Spurious Logic: Con & Fast Talk for use against Bots and computers.
50 Personalized Jumpsuit
Dexterity Skills
12 Pillow
The Commies are all vapor now and for that
Energy, Field, Laser, and Projectile Weapons: Missile Combat skills. Includes repairing them.
1/m Plasticord (1 credit per meter)
IÕm real glad,
Primitive Missile Weapons: Bow and arrows, Bouncy Bubble Beverage containers...
15 Poncho
My geiger-counter indicates I took a
Vehicle Aimed, Field, and Launched Weapons: Vehicle Combat skills.
25 Smoke Alarm
thousand rad,
25 SuperGum
Mechanical Skills I check with The Computer and find out
25 SuperGum Solvent
Habitat Engineering: Knowledge of the air, comm, transport, water, and waste systems. thatÕs not too bad,
25 Thermos
Bot Operation and Maintenance: How to use and repair the various types of bots. When will the docbot arrive?
8 Troubleshooting and You!
Vehicle Operation and Maintenance: How to use and repair various vehicle types.
Pamphlet (chorus)
5/m Velcro Strip (5 creds per meter) Moxie Skills
Biochemical Therapy: Better living through Chemistry.
Biosciences: Making mutant monsters.
Chemical Engineering: Mixing chemicals, often with explosive results.
Data Analysis: Making sense of Computer-printed materials.
Data Search: Finding information using Friend Computer.
Copyright Notice
Demolitions: Blowing big things up without blowing yourself up too.
Electronic Engineering: Making electronic devices from resistors and capacitors.
The information provided in this document
Mechanical Engineering: Rube Goldberg contraptions and such.
comes from the Paranoia 2nd Edition main book
Medical: Healing injured Citizens. KEEP YOUR
and the 2nd Edition Excessory Pack. Paranoia,
Nuclear Engineering: If you want to stop a reactor from melting down, you need this.
the Eye of the Computer, and the Computer
Monitor are trademarks of or copyrighted by West Old Reckoning Cultures: Knowledge of Pre-Oops people and things.
End Games, used without permission.
Security: Disabling locks and alarms.
This document © 1998 Michael Miller. Feel
Stealth: The art of not being seen.
free to distribute it in unchanged form.
Surveillance: Bugging and debugging things.
If you have comments or complaints, send
Survival: How to live Outdoors without generating clone replacements.
email to


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Wielka czerwona jedynka (The Big Red One) cz 2

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