netting 06 05 08


Netting agreement between Golden Delicious Group SA, SWiX Internet - Dienste, Postfach 1519, 8031 Zürich and Sunrise Communications AG, Accounts Payable Departement,Sunrise Tower, Hagenholzstrasse 20/22, 8050 Zürich, Switzerland

(sunrise customer ID: 0545010409, 0267018835)

Invoices from Sunrise Communications AG to Golden Delicious Group AG

Invoice No. Due Date Currency Amount Period

174125393 31.01.2008 CHF 645,60 08-01

177157218 02.03.2008 CHF 645,60 08-02

180132667 31.03.2008 CHF 645,60 Mrz 08

Total Amount
CHF 1 936,80

Invoices from Golden Delicious Group AG to Sunrise Communications AG

Invoice No. Due Date Currency Amount Period

R661.128 20.05.2008 CHF 1 312,83 08-01

R661.128 20.05.2008 CHF 1 130,50 08-02

R661.128 20.05.2008 CHF 1 095,87 Mrz 08

Total Amount
CHF 3 539,20

Net amount to be paid by Sunrise Communications AG

CHF 1 602,40

Bank details

Golden Delicious Group SA, SWiX Internet - Dienste

Acc. Holder 87-531162-4

Postcheck konto:

Signed for and on behalf of Sunrise Communications AG by a duly authorised representative:

Address: Postfach, Hagenholzstrasse 20/22, 8050 Zürich

Name Gianluca De Filippo

Date 6-V-08


Name Stefan Leimgruber



Fax No.: 0041 58 777 59 14

Signed for and on behalf of Golden Delicious Group SA, SWiX Internet-Dienste by a duly authorised representative:


Name: Haldenstrasse 72, 8142 Uitikon

Date Pedram Bürgin


Fax No.:

0041 34 431 39 41


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