79 Arabic Hyaena in Sumerian

Andi Zeneli ©



Sumerian has many treasures. It is a matter of time until we discover them all. One of the most surprising finds is the name of hyena.

Proto-Semitic: *gaʕār-

Meaning: 'hyaena'

Arabic: gaʕār-

Proto-EChadic: *gVr-

Meaning: 'hyaena'

Kwang: gére

kir [HYENA] (20x: ED IIIb, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. kir4 "hyena" Akk. būşu


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kir4 (giri17)


-0 (20x/100%).







(no date)





5 distinct forms attested; click to view forms table.

1. hyena (20x/100%)

LEX/Old Babylonian/Nippur kir4 OB Nippur Ura 3 322. LEX/1st millennium/unknown kiri3-ma ED Animal List B 68.ELA/Ur III/Drehem 4(diš) giri17 kuše-sir2 ku3-sig17 huš-a PDT 1, 361 1. ELA/Ur III/Ur [x] ma-na [har giri17 gu4]UET 3, 0186 2; 5(diš) ma-na har giri17 gu4 ku3-babbar UET 3, 0373 1; mu har giri17 gu4 maš2-da-re-alugal-[x] UET 3, 0380 8; 5(diš) ma-na har giri17 gu4 ku3-babbar UET 3, 0412 2. unknown/ED IIIb/Girsu gag-bika giri17 TIM 09, 094 10'. unknown/Ur III/Umma 2(diš) ma-na [har] giri17 gu4 UTI 3, 2209 1; 2(diš) ma-na hargiri17 gu4 UTI 6, 3680 1; 2(diš) ma-na har ku3 giri17 gu4 UTI 6, 3688 2.

See: kuš kir.

Akk. būşu "hyena".

The name of the hyena is extremely important. Let me tell you why! Hyena is named after the way it walks, her bent knees are the hallmark of the animal. You might be surprised but that is the reason why hyena bears this particular name in Semitic. Let us enter the Sumerian labyrinth because it is worth it.


kir Homophones

kir = HA@g

kir2 = AB2׊A3

kir3 = LAGAB

kir4 = KA

kir5 = IDIM

kir6 = AB2×GAN2@t

kir7 = NIM×GAR+GAN2@t

kir8 = TE.A

kir9 = HA

kir10 = GIR3

kir11 = SAL.GA2×PA

kir12 = U.EN×GAN2@t

kir13 = U.AD

kir14 = KA×KAK

kirx = AB2.ŠA3

kirx = AB2×TAK4


ĝiri [FOOT] (10822x: Lagash II, Ur III) wr. ĝiri3; me-ri; ĝiri16 "via, by means of, under the authority of someone; foot; path" Akk. šēpu


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ĝiri3 (giri3)


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me-ri (ES)


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ĝiri16 (giri16)

Proto-Semitic: *ʔi(n)gi/ur-

Meaning: foot

Modern Arabic: SYR ʔižǝr [Maʕṣarānī-Segal 24], ʔǝǧǝr [Noeldeke ZA 20:414], ʔiǧr [Dozy 1 11]; DAT_ ʔiǧr do. [GD 63] (relationship to *riǧl- is doubted [ibid.])

Geʕez (Ethiopian): ʔǝgr, pl. ʔǝgar (also 'measure') [LGz 11]

Tigre: ʔǝgǝr [LH 386]

Tigrai (Tigriñña): ʔǝgri [Bass 568]

Amharic: ǝgǝr (also 'leg') [K 1325], ARG ingir [LGaf 173] do.

Gafat: ǝgʷrä [ibid. 173]

Harari: igir, ingir [LHar 28]

East Ethiopic: SEL WOL ZWY ǝngǝr (also 'leg') [LGur 26]

Gurage: CHA EZ̆A ENN END GYE MUH MSQ GOG SOD ägǝr do. [ibid.]

Notes: Scarce attestation: only ARB and ETH.

    The comparison with SEM *ragl-/*rigl is unlikely (a compendious bibliography on the subject may be found in [Kaye passim] followed by a discussion with opposite conclusions). Cf. also AFRASIAN cognates below.


Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *(ʔi-n)gur(gur)-

Meaning: knee; foot

Semitic: *ʔi(n)gi/ur- 'foot'

Western Chadic: *n-gar- 'leg'

East Chadic: *(gV)gVr- 'knee'

South Cushitic: *gurungu(n)d- (redupl.) 'knee' SO

Omotic: *gurā-t- 'knee' SO

Notes: Note a stunning (chance?) similarity between S. Cush. and E. Chad. (Sokoro) in: (1) reduplication, (2) inserted -n- (a variant stem *gurungurun- to be reconstructed as common Afras.?), and (3) the enigmatic -d- of the last syllable. / / Cf. [HSED 962]: S. Cush. and Sokoro. / / Cf. Sumerian GÌR /ŋir/ 'leg, foot' [AHw 1214]

Now we can understand that the scribes who invented Sumerian language were of Semitic origin. They spoke fluently several Semitic languages and other Afro Asiatic languages related to mother Semitic family. We now understand that Semitic people came from Asia to Africa and not vice versa. The homeland of the modern man is Asia. The home of the man who invented the written language. The first written language was not only a very advanced script but also a very sophisticated labyrinth. It took mankind 6000 years to understand the true meaning of Sumerian. That speaks loudly of the level of sophistication needed to build such a labyrinth. Ancient people left it to puzzle us, to convince us of their superiority. Sumerian is a test not a mere representation of human speech. It is a test for generations to come, it is a test of their intelligence.


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