may will going to

1 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

0 I'm sure you will/may pass your exams next week.

1 Stop eating that chocolate! You may/are going to make yourself sick.

2 Josh will/won't definitely want to see your new computer game.

3 They may/won't know it's you with your new haircut!

4 I'm sure he will/is going to call you.

5 He may/will be late. I think there are problems with the trains.

6 Look at the sky. It's going to/will rain.

7 I know Dad may/will pick me up.

8 We're sure we may/will go to the football match.

2. Use the expressions in brackets to write predictions for these situations.

0 Mark has a temperature. (school today / not going to)

He is not going to school today.

1 Katie has had a lot of driving lessons. ( pass driving test /will)

2 John is feeling tired. (go to bed early / may)

3 She has brought a coat. (not feel cold / will)

4 My father has had toothache for a week. (go dentist /going to)

5 June has been studying hard. (pass her exams / going to)

6 The sky is blue. (not rain today / going to)

7 Clarissa is not sitting in the sun. (not get sunburnt / will)

8 They have eaten lunch. (not feel hungry / will)

9 Sam is not working today. (go shopping / may)

3 Complete the sentences. Use will, won't or may.

0 I may become a doctor when I am older. But at the moment, I am not sure.

1 Students who work hard …………….get good grades.

2 My doctor thinks I ……………have a broken arm and is sending me to the hospital for an X-ray.

3 Jake's football coach thinks he is so good he………………become a professional player.

4 I'm sure my sister ………………………..get married next year.

5 The concert……………………… finish early, but I'm not sure.

6 Luke says the interview didn't go well and he……………………. get the job.

4 Complete the dialogues. Use will, won't, may or going to.

1 A: Are you going to Anna's party at the weekend?

B: I don't know. I may go. My parents are ………………..visit friends and they ………… able to pick me up.

A: Don't worry! I'm sure my parents…………….. say you can stay at my house.

2 A: It's very cloudy. Do you think it's ……………..rain?

B: Well, it …………… but I hope it ………………! I'm……………….play football this afternoon.

5 Complete the sentences with the correct words. The first letter of each word has been given.

0 I've been to hospital twice .

1 The doctor says he has to t ……….three pills a day.

2 I always w………. a sun hat when it's hot.

3 My sister is very hot. She has a t ………...

4 I took a p…… for my bad h……… .

5 I always get s……… and diarrhoea when I go somewhere different on holiday.

6 He doesn't want to talk to anybody and feels d ………….

7 She needs to eat more fruit and do e ……………….

8 He went to the dentist because he had t………………….. .

9 Too much sun d…………. your skin.

1 I always u…………. a high factor sun cream.

2 Jo is healthy and has never had a bad i ……………..

3 I've never b………….. an arm or leg, but my brother has.

4 He's eating more h………. food and less j………… food.

5 She got o…………. the flu really quickly.

6 I have a s …………... Perhaps I ate some bad food.

7 Call an ambulance! He's u………….. and isn't moving.

8 He told me to sleep m………… and s …………….smoking.

Will, may, might or won't : Gap-fill exercise

People ……………. develop telepathy in the future(impossible)

The space explorers ……………………… find water on Mars(probable)

Regular trips to space ……………… available in the next century(possible)

One day they……………… find life on other planets(slightly possible)

We ………………….ever know everything(impossible)

It …………………. be sunny tomorrow(probable)

It ………………….. be cloudy in June(possible)

It ……………….rain in May(slightly possible)

I. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences by using appropriate modals.

a) __________ you please tell me the direction to the hotel?

b) You __________ pay in cash. They do not accept credit cards.

c) I __________ come home from the office today.

d) __________ I help you?

e) You __________ clean your room.

f) We ________ keep the lights and fans switched off when they are not in use.

g) We __________ improve the existing education system.

h) __________ you have a wonderful day!

i) I __________ go to see the movie. The reviews are good.

j) I __________ definitely be at the airport to receive you.

k) She __________ take her meals regularly.

l) You __________ reach home before eleven, she said.

m) __________ we go for a walk?

n) The soldiers in the Army __________ wear a uniform.

o) There is one more point I __________ refer to.

p) You have worked hard. You __________ pass.

q) It is very cloudy. It __________ rain.

r) You __________ be properly dressed when you come to office.

s) __________ you like to come to the party tomorrow?

t) People __________ not tell lies.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of will or going to and the verbs in brackets.

1.- When we get home, we ___________ (have) dinner.

2.- I know they ___________ (feel) very happy if they win the match.

3.- They've already decided on their next summer holiday. They ____________ (do) a tour of Norway.

4.- She thinks that the Take That concert __________ (be) really exciting.

5.- “What are your plans for this evening?” I ________ (meet) my friends and then go to a birthday party.

6.- If you revise for the exam , I'm sure you ________ (get) a good result.

7.- The weather forecast is good for the next few days. It _________ (be) very sunny.

8.- I can't come on the march tomorrow. I ___________ (look after) my cousins.

9.- In the future, I think humans ___________ (wipe out) many different species.

10.-He is buying some butter and eggs because he _________ (make) a cake later.

11.- This homework is very easy. I know we __________ (do) it very quickly.

12.- In five years time, I _____________ (be) at university.

13.- She wants to get her mum a birthday present. But she _____________ (not buy) it today.

14.- Their suitcases are packed. They ______________ (go) on holiday.

15.- If we go to Paris, we ____________ (take) lots of pictures.

16.- My brother thinks it ______________ (snow) tomorrow.

17.- It's very late! Hurry up or we ___________ (be) late for work.

18.- Look at that boy at the top of that tree! He ___________ (fall).

19.- When we go home, we ____________ (watch) TV. We don't want to miss our favourite programme.

20.- I'm sure they ___________ (lose) the match.

21.- It's very hot in here. I ___________ (open) the window.

22.- It's a secret! OK I ___________ (not tell) anyone.

23.- My cousin ___________ (work) in the UK for a year.

24.- I ___________ (love) you forever.

25.- I'm thirsty. I ____________ (get) you a glass of water.


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