Team Up 1 Tests Answer Key

Team Up 1 Tests
Answer Key

Unit 1 Test A


1 Hungarian

2 French

3 Austria

4 The Netherlands

5 Italian


1 Portuguese

2 Spain

3 Greek

4 the UK

5 Germany


1 am

2 are

3 is

4 are

5 is


1 His

2 They're

3 Our

4 Its

5 Your


1 'm

2 is

3 're

4 our

5 Its


1 T

2 T

3 F

4 F

5 T


2 4 [1] 6 3 5











Favourite animal



[Tapescript: track 1]

Boy: Hi, I'm Alfie. I'm ten years old and I'm from London in the United Kingdom. My favourite animals are dogs.

Girl: Hello! My name is Sabina. I live in Greece, but I'm from Germany. I'm eleven. I love cats. They're my favourite animals.


1 name's

2 Hungary

3 eleven

4 animal is

5 actor is


1 Asia

2 Canada

3 Welcome

4 Watch out

5 really


1 I'm

2 bad

3 favourite

4 Really

5 fantastic

Unit 1 Test B


1 Portuguese

2 Spanish

3 The Netherlands

4 Ukraine

5 Germany


1 Hungarian

2 France

3 Austria

4 Dutch

5 Italy


1 is

2 is

3 am

4 are

5 are


1 Our

2 Her

3 Your

4 It's

5 They're


1 'm

2 is

3 are

4 our

5 is


1 F

2 T

3 F

4 F

5 T


5 2 [1] 6 4 3




Favourite Animal









[Tapescript: track 1]

Boy: Hi, I'm Alfie. I'm ten years old and I'm from London in the United Kingdom. My favourite animals are dogs.

Girl: Hello! My name is Sabina. I live in Greece, but I'm from Germany. I'm eleven. I love cats. They're my favourite animals.


1 name's

2 'm ten

3 Brazil

4 actor is

5 animal is


1 Not

2 fine

3 your

4 Really

5 American


1 Asia

2 South America

3 Watch out

4 really

5 Welcome

Unit 1 Test C


1 Spanish

2 Italian

3 Dutch

4 Greek

5 Hungarian


1 a

2 c

3 b

4 c

5 b


1 Her

2 They're

3 Our

4 Its

5 Your


1 T

2 T

3 F

4 F

5 F

Unit 2 Test A


1 a

2 f

3 b

4 c

5 e


1 builder

2 police officer

3 waiter

4 firefighter

5 chef


1 isn't

2 aren't

3 'm not

4 aren't

5 aren't


1 Are they from Japan?

2 Are you in Year 6?

3 Is he noisy?

4 Are you and your friend ten?

5 Is London the capital city of Australia?


1 e

2 c

3 f

4 d

5 a


1 ten

2 is

3 Scottish

4 police officer

5 fast


1 What's your first name?

2 What's your address?

3 How old are you?

4 What's your email address?

5 What's your phone number?


1 a

2 b

3 b

4 a

5 b

[Tapescript: track 2]

Young woman: My name is Natalie Gold. I'm from Canada, but I live in England. I'm a student at a drama school. It's a school for actors and singers. The school is in London. In the evenings, I'm in a small band in a restaurant near Hyde Park. My favourite place in London is Covent Garden. There are lots of theatres and restaurants there.


1 Sylvia isn't twenty, she's twenty-one.

2 She isn't Spanish, she's Scottish.

3 She isn't a music teacher, she's a secretary.

4 He favourite singer isn't Taylor Swift, it's Lady Gaga.

5 Her favourite film isn't Ice Age, it's The Hobbit.


1 f

2 b

3 a

4 c

5 d


1 aren't

2 ugly

3 This

4 When's

5 is

Unit 2 Test B


1 e

2 d

3 a

4 c

5 b


1 chef

2 firefighter

3 police officer

4 builder

5 waiter


1 aren't

2 'm not

3 isn't

4 aren't

5 aren't


1 Is Paris the capital city of Germany?

2 Is she quiet?

3 Are you in Year 5?

4 Are they from Italy?

5 Are you and your friend eleven?


1 a

2 f

3 b

4 d

5 c


1 ten

2 big

3 aren't

4 fast

5 teacher


1 What's your email address?

2 What's your surname?

3 What's your address?

4 What's your phone number?

5 How old are you?


1 b

2 a

3 a

4 b

5 b

[Tapescript: track 2]

Young woman: My name is Natalie Gold. I'm from Canada, but I live in England. I'm a student at a drama school. It's a school for actors and singers. The school is in London. In the evenings, I'm in a small band in a restaurant near Hyde Park. My favourite place in London is Covent Garden. There are lots of theatres and restaurants there.


1 He isn't Japanese, he's Irish.

2 Carl isn't nineteen, he's twenty.

3 He isn't a chef, he's a bus driver.

4 His favourite film isn't Ice Age, it's Gravity.

5 His favourite singer isn't Taylor Swift, it's Bruno Mars.


1 are

2 When's

3 ugly

4 These

5 aren't


1 f

2 b

3 a

4 c

5 d

Unit 2 Test C


1 b

2 a

3 a

4 b

5 a


1 isn't

2 aren't

3 'm not

4 aren't

5 aren't


1 a

2 b

3 a

4 b

5 a


1 a

2 b

3 a

4 b

5 a

Unit 3 Test A


1 grandparents

2 uncle

3 aunt

4 parents

5 cousin


1 b

2 a

3 e

4 f

5 d


1 friends'

2 Jacob's

3 brother's

4 children's

5 parents'


1/2 Mark hasn't got a snake. Mark has got a cat.

3/4/5 Bella hasn't got a horse. Bella hasn't got a hamster. Bella has got a rabbit.


1 Yes, she has.

2 Yes, he has.

3 No, she hasn't.

4 No, he hasn't.

5 No, she hasn't.


1 mum's

2 rabbit

3 Twitch

4 hamster

5 noisy


1 It's quarter to seven.

2 It's ten past nine.

3 It's twenty-five to five.

4 It's quarter past one.

5 It's ten to six.


1 T

2 F

3 T

4 F

5 F

[Tapescript: track 3]

Rosie: Hey Anna! What's that?

Anna: Hi, Rosie. It's a magazine about music. Look! This page is about Taylor Swift.

Rosie: She's got a good voice.

Anna: Yes, she has. My favourite song is Fifteen. What's yours, Rosie?

Rosie: My favourite is Ours.

Anna: The magazine says she's got a pet cat.

Rosie: What's its name?

Anna: Meredith! It's grey and white.

Rosie: Has Taylor got a big family?

Anna: No, she hasn't. She's got one brother.


Accept any grammatically and factually possible sentences based on the family tree. Three must be affirmative sentences and two negative to achieve full marks.


1 duck

2 friendly

3 feathers

4 cage

5 hasn't


1 b

2 c

3 b

4 c

5 a

Unit 3 Test B


1 parents

2 aunt

3 brother

4 grandparents

5 sister


1 b

2 e

3 a

4 c 5 f


1 Peter's

2 parents'

3 sister's

4 friends'

5 children's


1/2 Mark hasn't got a spider. Mark has got a hamster.

3/4/5 Bella hasn't got a rabbit. Bella has got a snake. Bella has got a dog.


1 Yes, she has.

2 Yes, he has.

3 No, she hasn't.

4 No, he hasn't.

5 Yes, she has.


1 grandma's

2 noisy

3 hamster

4 Twitch

5 budgie


1 It's ten past six.

2 It's quarter past nine.

3 It's twenty-five past four.

4 It's ten to two.

5 It's quarter to six.


1 F

2 T

3 F

4 F

5 T

[Tapescript: track 3]

Rosie: Hey Anna! What's that?

Anna: Hi, Rosie. It's a magazine about music. Look! This page is about Taylor Swift.

Rosie: She's got a good voice.

Anna: Yes, she has. My favourite song is Fifteen. What's yours, Rosie?

Rosie: My favourite is Ours.

Anna: The magazine says she's got a pet cat.

Rosie: What's its name?

Anna: Meredith! It's grey and white.

Rosie: Has Taylor got a big family?

Anna: No, she hasn't. She's got one brother.


Accept any grammatically and factually possible sentences based on the family tree. Three must be affirmative sentences and two negative to achieve full marks.


1 c

2 a

3 b

4 c

5 b


1 spider

2 legs

3 clean

4 cage

5 hasn't

Unit 3 Test C


1 grandparents

2 uncle

3 aunt

4 parents

5 sister


1 a

2 a

3 b

4 b

5 a


1 friends'

2 Jacob's

3 brother's

4 children's

5 parents'


1 F

2 F

3 T

4 T

5 F

Unit 4 Test A


1 History

2 Maths

3 P.E.

4 Geography

5 Science


1 torch

2 games console

3 poster

4 bracelet

5 frisbee


1 've got

2 hasn't got

3 haven't got

4 have got

5 've got


1 You haven't got a small family.

2 My teacher has got a watch.

3 I've got a mobile.

4 My friends haven't got bikes.

5 We haven't got a new teacher.


1 Yes, it has.

2 Yes, I have.

3 Yes, they have.

4 No, they haven't.

5 No, she hasn't.


1 T

2 F

3 T

4 T

5 F


6 2 [1] 4 [7] 5 3


1 c

2 a

3 c

4 b

5 c

[Tapescript: track 4]

Girl: Hi, Alex. Look! I've got a new skateboard.

Boy: Hi, Laura. It's great!

Girl: What's that?

Boy: It's a camera.

Girl: It isn't very big. Is it new?

Boy: No, it's old. It's my dad's. But I think it's cool. Have you got a camera, Laura?

Girl: No, I haven't. But I've got a mobile phone with a camera. Look, this is a photo of my dog. Have you got any pets, Alex?

Boy: Yes, I've got a pet snake!

Girl: Really?

Boy: Yes! Its name is Sid! My sister has got a lizard!

Girl: Oh dear! It's six o'clock. I've got Maths and Art homework this evening.

Boy: Are you good at Maths, Laura?

Girl: Yes, I am. Have you got homework this evening?

Boy: Yes, I have. I've got German and I.C.T.

Girl: Bye then.

Boy: Yes, see you later.


Suggested answers. Others may be possible.

1 He's got one brother.

2 He hasn't got a sister.

3 His favourite subject is D.T.

4 His favourite possession is his bike.

5 He has a dog.


1 necklace

2 box

3 Is that true

4 club

5 See you later


1 We haven't got Maths on Monday.

2 Amy's good at Science.

3 My parents have got three children.

4 Have you got a pet?

5 R.E. and P.E. are my favourite subjects.

Unit 4 Test B


1 Geography

2 Science

3 Art

4 I.C.T.

5 D.T.


1 comics

2 watch

3 diary

4 games console

5 torch


1 have got

2 've got

3 haven't got

4 've got

5 hasn't got


1 My friends haven't got mobiles.

2 We haven't got a new teacher.

3 I've got a bike.

4 You haven't got a sister.

5 My grandad has got a frisbee.


1 Yes, they have.

2 Yes, he has.

3 No, they haven't.

4 No, it hasn't.

5 No, I haven't.


1 F

2 T

3 F

4 F

5 T


2 [1] [7] 5 3 6 4


1 a

2 c

3 a

4 c

5 a

[Tapescript: track 4]

Girl: Hi, Alex. Look! I've got a new skateboard.

Boy: Hi, Laura. It's great!

Girl: What's that?

Boy: It's a camera.

Girl: It isn't very big. Is it new?

Boy: No, it's old. It's my dad's. But I think it's cool. Have you got a camera, Laura?

Girl: No, I haven't. But I've got a mobile phone with a camera. Look, this is a photo of my dog. Have you got any pets, Alex?

Boy: Yes, I've got a pet snake!

Girl: Really?

Boy: Yes! Its name is Sid! My sister has got a lizard!

Girl: Oh dear! It's six o'clock. I've got Maths and Art homework this evening.

Boy: Are you good at Maths, Laura?

Girl: Yes, I am. Have you got homework this evening?

Boy: Yes, I have. I've got German and I.C.T.

Girl: Bye then.

Boy: Yes, see you later.


Suggested answers. Others may be possible.

1 She's got one brother.

2 She hasn't got a sister.

3 Her favourite subject is History.

4 Her favourite possession is her MP3 player.

5 She has a cat.


1 I haven't got Geography on Tuesday.

2 History and Maths are his favourite subjects.

3 My parents have got new bikes.

4 Has she got a pet?

5 Ben's good at Science.


1 necklace

2 box

3 Is that true

4 club

5 See you later

Unit 4 Test C


1 R.E.

2 Science

3 History

4 Maths

5 D.T.


1 've got

2 haven't got

3 have got

4 've got

5 hasn't got


1 haven't

2 has

3 Have

4 have

5 hasn't


1 T

2 T

3 F

4 T

5 F

Unit 5 Test A


1 trousers

2 skirt

3 shirt

4 socks

5 jumper


1 curtains

2 lamp

3 wardrobe

4 chest of drawers

5 rug


1 on

2 near

3 opposite

4 between

5 behind


1 some

2 any

3 some

4 a

5 any


1 Is there

2 Are there

3 Is there

4 Are there

5 Is there


1 an old

2 accessories

3 four

4 noisy

5 are lots of


1 Is there a TV in your bedroom?

2 What colour are the walls?

3 What colour is your duvet?

4 Are there any posters on the walls?

5 What's your favourite thing in your bedroom?


1 T

2 T

3 F

4 F

5 F

[Tapescript: track 5]

Girl: Hello, I'm Magda. This is my bedroom.

I've got a big bed. There's a chest of drawers near my bed, and there's a wardrobe opposite the bed. There's a rug between the wardrobe and the bed. It's red.

My bedroom walls are yellow. I haven't got any posters on the walls. There's a desk in my room, but there aren't any bookshelves. There are some books on my desk. My favourite thing is my duvet. It's pink and white. My room is great.


Accept any grammatically and factually possible sentences. Three must be affirmative sentences and two negative to achieve full marks.


1 boots

2 tie

3 hoodie

4 sandals

5 belt


1 fair

2 accessories

3 scarf

4 belts

5 wardrobe

Unit 5 Test B


1 jumper

2 socks

3 skirt

4 trousers

5 shirt


1 wardrobe

2 curtains

3 lamp

4 chest of drawers

5 rug


1 behind

2 between

3 on

4 near

5 opposite


1 a

2 any

3 some

4 some

5 any


1 Is there

2 Is there

3 Are there

4 Are there

5 Is there


1 an old

2 clothes

3 are lots of

4 four

5 noisy


1 What colour is your duvet?

2 What colour are the walls?

3 Are there any posters on the walls?

4 What's your favourite thing in your bedroom?

5 Is there a TV in your bedroom?


1 F

2 F

3 F

4 T

5 T

[Tapescript: track 5]

Girl: Hello, I'm Magda. This is my bedroom.

I've got a big bed. There's a chest of drawers near my bed, and there's a wardrobe opposite the bed. There's a rug between the wardrobe and the bed. It's red.

My bedroom walls are yellow. I haven't got any posters on the walls. There's a desk in my room, but there aren't any bookshelves. There are some books on my desk. My favourite thing is my duvet. It's pink and white. My room is great.


Accept any grammatically and factually possible sentences. Three must be affirmative sentences and two negative to achieve full marks.


1 fair

2 belts

3 wardrobe

4 accessories

5 scarf


1 sandals

2 belt

3 tie

4 boots

5 hoodie

Unit 5 Test C


1 d

2 b

3 a

4 e

5 c


1 a

2 a

3 a

4 b

5 a


1 There's

2 aren't

3 any

4 isn't

5 Is there


1 an old

2 clothes

3 four

4 stalls

5 are lots of

Unit 6 Test A


1 my homework

2 to school/home

3 up

4 a shower

5 home/to school


1 listen

2 get

3 brush

4 get

5 wash


1 get

2 has

3 go

4 watch

5 does


1 in

2 at

3 at

4 at

5 on


1 We are never late for school.

2 He rarely goes to bed at nine o'clock.

3 We always listen to music in the car.

4 Our English lessons are usually in the morning.

5 I often play chess with my dad on Sunday.


1 T

2 T

3 T

4 F

5 F


1 What day

2 It's

3 What channel

4 What time

5 It's on


1 police officer

2 ten

3 morning

4 dinner


[Tapescript: track 6]

Girl: Hello, can I ask you some questions about your daily routine, Nick?

Man: Yes, of course.

Girl: Where are you from?

Man: I'm from Newcastle in the north of England.

Girl: What's your job?

Man: I'm a police officer.

Girl: Can you tell me about your day?

Man: Well, I often work at night. I start work at ten o'clock in the evening and I finish work at eight o'clock in the morning. I work four nights a week.

Girl: What time do you go to bed?

Man: I go to bed at half past eleven in the morning and I wake up at six o'clock in the evening! After I wake up, I have dinner, not breakfast!

Girl: Do you like your job?

Man: Yes, it's a great job!


Accept any grammatically and factually possible sentences. Pupils should have used each verb once only.


1 gets

2 have

3 wash/brush

4 go

5 have


1 I always brush my teeth in the morning.

2 He goes to bed at nine o'clock.

3 I am/I'm never late for school.

4 Paulina always studies at night.

5 My mum rarely goes to the theatre.

Unit 6 Test B


1 to school/home

2 home/to school

3 my homework

4 up

5 a shower


1 brush

2 get

3 listen

4 get

5 wash


1 get

2 has

3 listens

4 finish

5 watches


1 We are rarely late for school.

2 She always goes to bed at nine o'clock.

3 We often listen to music after school.

4 Our Maths lessons are never in the afternoon.

5 I usually play tennis with my dad on Saturday.


1 on

2 At

3 at

4 in

5 at


1 F

2 F

3 F

4 F

5 T


1 What channel

2 What time

3 It's on

4 what day

5 It's


1 police officer

2 evening

3 eight

4 dinner


[Tapescript: track 6]

Girl: Hello, can I ask you some questions about your daily routine, Nick?

Man: Yes, of course.

Girl: Where are you from?

Man: I'm from Newcastle in the north of England.

Girl: What's your job?

Man: I'm a police officer.

Girl: Can you tell me about your day?

Man: Well, I often work at night. I start work at ten o'clock in the evening and I finish work at eight o'clock in the morning. I work four nights a week.

Girl: What time do you go to bed?

Man: I go to bed at half past eleven in the morning and I wake up at six o'clock in the evening! After I wake up, I have dinner, not breakfast!

Girl: Do you like your job?

Man: Yes, it's a great job!


Accept any grammatically and factually possible sentences. Pupils should have used each verb once only.


1 She goes to bed at eight o'clock.

2 I always brush my teeth in the morning.

3 Jan always studies in the morning.

4 We're/We are never late for school.

5 My sister often goes shopping.


1 washes/brushes

2 have

3 has

4 get

5 go

Unit 6 Test C


1 a

2 b

3 a

4 c

5 b


1 brushes

2 get

3 has

4 sometimes listens

5 finish


1 on

2 in

3 At

4 at

5 at


1 T

2 F

3 F

4 F

5 F

Unit 7 Test A


1 ride

2 send

3 surf

4 play

5 go


1 a

2 d

3 f

4 e

5 c


1 Open

2 Don't play

3 Listen

4 Don't send

5 Write


1 a

2 c

3 a

4 b

5 a


1 Can Daniel swim?

2 Can Kevin and Joe dance?

3 Can your grandma play cards?

4 Can you speak German?

5 Can Diana and Mary play basketball?


1 Ella and Freddy

2 Mary

3 Mary and Ella

4 Ella

5 Mary and Freddy


[2] 5 [1] 4 7 6 3


1 a

2 f

3 b

4 c

5 e

[Tapescript: track 7]

Girl: Hi, Lee. What's that?

Boy: It's my guitar. [Sound of guitar playing]

Girl: Wow! You can play really well.

Boy: Thanks. I'm in a band called The Tigers. Can you play the guitar, Sophie?

Girl: No, I can't. I'm not in a band, but I can play the piano and I can sing.

Boy: I like comics about superheroes. What about you, Sophie?

Girl: [doubtfully] Well, I like comics.

Boy: My favourite superhero is Superman. He can fly!

Girl: Sorry, Lee. I don't like Superman. I read The Beano. It's really funny.


Suggested answers. Others may be possible.

1 Jack can play tennis very well.

2 Jack never plays football after school.

3 Jack can't play football.

4 Jack always does his English homework after dinner.

5 Jack can speak English.


1 Hurry up!

2 Can I have a drink, I'm thirsty?

3 Sorry, I'm ten minutes late.

4 She can play computer games very well.

5 Don't talk in class.


1 Sit

2 let's

3 instruments

4 don't talk

5 very well

Unit 7 Test B


1 go

2 play

3 ride

4 send

5 surf


1 d

2 b

3 a

4 c

5 f


1 Write

2 Don't send

3 Don't play

4 Open

5 Listen


1 b

2 c

3 a

4 b

5 a


1 Can your grandma play computer games?

2 Can you speak Spanish?

3 Can Diana and Maria play basketball?

4 Can Liam swim?

5 Can Mark and Joe dance?


1 Alex and Hannah

2 Ben

3 Hannah

4 Alex

5 Alex


3 7 5 [1] 4 6 [2]


1 c

2 b

3 f

4 a

5 d

[Tapescript: track 7]

Girl: Hi, Lee. What's that?

Boy: It's my guitar. [Sound of guitar playing]

Girl: Wow! You can play really well.

Boy: Thanks. I'm in a band called The Tigers. Can you play the guitar, Sophie?

Girl: No, I can't. I'm not in a band, but I can play the piano and I can sing.

Boy: I like comics about superheroes. What about you, Sophie?

Girl: [doubtfully] Well, I like comics.

Boy: My favourite superhero is Superman. He can fly!

Girl: Sorry, Lee. I don't like Superman. I read The Beano. It's really funny.


Suggested answers. Others may be possible.

1 Clare can play football very well.

2 Clare never plays tennis after school.

3 Clare can't play tennis.

4 Clare always does her homework in the evenings.

5 Clare can speak French.


1 Sit

2 let's

3 don't talk

4 piano

5 can


1 He can play the guitar very well.

2 Can I have an apple, I'm hungry?

3 Don't talk in class.

4 Hurry up!

5 Sorry, I'm twenty minutes late.

Unit 7 Test C


1 c

2 f

3 a

4 d

5 b


1 b

2 a

3 a

4 b

5 a


1 Open

2 play

3 Listen

4 send

5 Write


1 Ella

2 Mary

3 Ella and Mary

4 Ella

5 Mary and Freddy

Unit 8 Test A


1 a

2 e

3 f

4 b

5 c


1 racket

2 swimsuit

3 tracksuit

4 bat

5 net


1 My dad doesn't like skateboarding.

2 We don't do athletics on Thursdays.

3 She doesn't do karate twice a week.

4 Eva and David don't play basketball every day.

5 You don't go cycling three times a week.


1 Does she get up at seven o'clock?

2 Where does he have lunch?

3 What do you study on Tuesdays?

4 How often do they go to the cinema?

5 When does your mum start work?


1 I

2 them

3 us

4 it

5 her


1 T

2 T

3 T

4 F

5 T


1 e

2 f

3 c

4 a

5 b


1 Yes, she does.

2 Tuesday

3 three

4 No, she doesn't.

5 Yes, they do.

[Tapescript: track 8]

Girl: Hi, I'm Helen. I'm eleven years old. I'm from Scotland, but I live in England. My favourite school day is Wednesday because I've got Music and I.C.T. I don't like Tuesdays. We've got Geography and I hate it! My favourite sport is athletics. I can run very fast. I run three times a week at a club. I love it, but I don't want to go to the Olympics. That's very difficult. I don't do athletics on Sundays. I meet my friends and we often go to the cinema or watch DVDs.


Accept any grammatically and lexically accurate sentences. Pupils should have used each verb only once.


1 biking

2 like

3 rock

4 play

5 like


1 My friend and I don't like Maths.

2 What time does your brother go to bed?

3 I brush my teeth twice a day.

4 She plays badminton once a week.

5 I need my swimsuit and goggles when I go swimming.

Unit 8 Test B


1 d

2 f

3 a

4 c

5 e


1 net

2 bat

3 swimsuit

4 racket

5 tracksuit


1 Ella and Dan don't play baseball every Sunday.

2 My dad doesn't like skiing.

3 You don't go swimming twice a week.

4 We don't sing in Music on Tuesdays.

5 He doesn't do karate every week.


1 Where does she have dinner?

2 How often do they go to the cinema?

3 When does your dad start work?

4 Does he have breakfast at eight o'clock?

5 What do you study on Wednesdays?


1 him

2 us

3 it

4 I

5 them


1 F

2 F

3 F

4 F

5 T


1 f

2 e

3 a

4 d

5 c


1 Wednesday

2 No, she doesn't.

3 three

4 No, she doesn't.

5 Yes, they do.

[Tapescript: track 8]

Girl: Hi, I'm Helen. I'm eleven years old. I'm from Scotland, but I live in England. My favourite school day is Wednesday because I've got Music and I.C.T. I don't like Tuesdays. We've got Geography and I hate it! My favourite sport is athletics. I can run very fast. I run three times a week at a club. I love it, but I don't want to go to the Olympics. That's very difficult. I don't do athletics on Sundays. I meet my friends and we often go to the cinema or watch DVDs.


Accept any grammatically and lexically accurate sentences. Pupils should have used each verb only once.


1 I brush my teeth twice a day.

2 I need my swimsuit and goggles when I go swimming.

3 My friend and I don't like Science.

4 She does gymnastics once a week.

5 What time does your sister go to bed?


1 climbing

2 don't

3 biking

4 like

5 play

Unit 8 Test C


1 f

2 e

3 a

4 b

5 c


1 b

2 a

3 b

4 b

5 a


1 I

2 them

3 us

4 it

5 them


1 F

2 F

3 T

4 T

5 T

EDITABLE © Oxford University Press Team Up 1 Tests Answer Key 1


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